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God I Hate...
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40. PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

KyahRyorin wrote:

Actually I have to disagree with this part, but then again Im a sad human being. >>
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41. PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 2:36 pm    Post subject: neat... keep it up... recommendations Reply with quote

lol, well keep trying to beat So Deep.
I am really good at heavy, and if there are some specific songs that have a Oni difficulty to it, I play it. Kinda like A, V, and Colors. those are hella sik songs

By the way, I 'AA'd So Deep on Heavy and reverse. =)
Just to let you know, keep up the good work KyahRyorin!

Here are some songs I recommend for you on Heavy:
Butterfly -
Paranoia - 180( not sure, but the first paranoia made)
Mobo Moga - Orange Lounge
Aoi Shodou(Blue Impulse) - ?
Love^2 Sugar - Dj Taka feat. Noria
Mahou no Tobira - ?
321 Stars - Dj Simon
Dark Hue
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42. PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 5:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

use Stepmania or DDRFreak charts to learn to spin for Mobo Moga at the end E13.gif
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43. PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Now, I understand your feelings; and that you want to make me look like the bad guy... but honestly I have done nothing to instigate the massive flaming i am seeing on this thread. You all seem to think that I hate newbies, that I never was one and I despise them all. On the contrary; I started a program at my local arcade for improving DDR skills. I have nothing against newbies, I just can't stand when they have the nerve to brag over "C's" and "D's" on begginner. Yes I was a newbie, and yes people admired my bravery for being the first in my group of friends to step up and try it, but I never bragged about my pathetic grades. I give kudos to people who try to have a good time and be silly with their dances, even. But when I see another dude up there putting down his other friends for fainling beginner when he got a "C'" it pisses me off!
Now, If all of you would "Keep your smart-buttocks comments to yourselves", we can go on with the rest of our lives.
BTW: to the person who said DDR is a game not a lifestyle... I disagree.
)D(D)R(!)K(I)D( wrote:
Nyanko Pudding wrote:
Well, you could use any noun as a verb; it's not like the grammar police are going to find you and kick your ass.

Someone has obviously never met the grammer police ::points at Nyanko Pudding::
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44. PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Inque wrote:
I noticed that when I was anoob things were "funner", during the whole mid times for some reason DDR became more competitive, whether it was the people or me, Im not sure. But there was always someone bragging thinking they were better then someone else...But anyways, its all fun and games now and determination to get better.

Oh, and I hate people staring at my breast when I play, if I could like...take them off while I played DDR it would be great. I also hate guys thinking they can own me in the game cause Im a girl...or when people have this misconception about when they go up with you its some sort of competition and they get mad when they get like...a B and you get an A or whatever.

Evil Evil People

i would like to play girls more often in versus matches because they seem to be having fun no matter what.i admit that most if not all guys are very competitive and will make excuses(ive done it so yeah.) to why they didnt win. and its a breath of fresh air when you lose to someone and they laugh and say whats the next song?

anyway. yeah ddr is supposed to be fun. the end.
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45. PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

actually... you said it wrong mr_doublea ...
He said "DDR is not the essence of life, its just a game."
Thats true.
But what you just posted, it said that "DDR is a lifestyle, not just a game."
For one, yeah... DDR is a life style and just a game. So errr....

What're you disagreeing to?

laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
Dark Hue
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46. PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I really don't hate it when newbs try to impress thier friends. I mean I guess I can't say much Cause I use to be in the same position. I use to think R&P was so cool on light. Now I'm doing it on heavy... I usually try to encourage those kids to play so they'll get better...
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47. PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Why make fun of them? They want to play, let them play. Encourage the DDR community to grow. Hell, I bugged my mom to play, and even got my grandma to play (however briefly). So what if they're playing easy songs? When my FRIENDS play easy stuff, I don't insult them because that's just mean.

Ever heard or constructive criticism instead of ego-killing? Let the kid have some fun. That's what DDR is all about.
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48. PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, that is what ddr is about, having fun. If you say mean things about someone playing ddr, then that just mean your toooooooo competitive or rude about the game. Enjoy the game, and help those beginners out. laugh.gif And also, just help out those noobs, because its not like u really have anything better to do. I mean, there's no more waiting for a new ddr, Extreme was the last arcade ddr, and that's it, Extreme 2 is only for the console, not for the arcade.(or thats what everyone is saying) and yeah... help out the noobs, unless youre to busy expecting better things

and also... yes, id like to compete more against girls in ddr... and they do have a lot of fun no matter what, thats true
girls are fun to play on ddr for some reason, theyre just better cause of some odd style i guess i can say, but one time this girl looked really nice, so i decided to versus her, and she was so competitive she yelled and cussed a lot cuz i was beating her
i dont like to see people be so competitive
Dark Hue
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49. PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

YoshiFan wrote:
What I can't stand is that they will have a crowd but if any standard or heavy player goes up to play, the crowd dissapears

Is the Heavy player holding on to the bar? Does he display any style or grace, or is he so focused on stamina conservation that he keeps motions to the bare minimum? Would onlookers describe what he's doing as dancing, or some weird fast foot-shuffle thing where he hardly lifts his feet up at all?

Many (but certainly not all) Heavy-mode players are just plain boring to watch. Even if you're extremely interested in DDR, watching someone bar-rape is almost always boring as hell. And if you're just a casual onlooker, you just really don't want to watch that.

Energy + enthusiasm + style + movement + emotion - bar rape = fun to watch, even on Light

Stamina conservation - enthusiasm - style - emotion + bare-minimum movement only + bar rape = no fun to watch, even on Heavy (well, maybe on 11's & up on ITG)

Unfortunately, in many people's evolution from Light to Heavy, they come up with some or all of the following thoughts:

"Hmm, if I only lift my feet up just enough to clear the raised part of the pad, I can get better scores. "
"Hmm, if I lean against this bar behind me, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I get a look of grim determination and concentration on my face instead of smiling during happy songs, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I focus on on expending the least energy possible, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I keep the motion of my body to the absolute minimum possible, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I 'jump' only a tenth of an inch instead of actually jumping, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I don't worry about what non-score-related attributes like grace or elegance, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I stop trying to throw in cool moves & tricks, I can get better scores."
"Hmm, if I internalize my beat-keeping skillz so that I can keep the beat entirely in my mind without having to move my body along with the beat, I can save more stamina and get better scores."

And so if a person is thus tempted into following this route, he'll actually become less and less interesting to watch as he moves on to harder and harder and songs. Many (but certainly not all) heavy-mode players have gone a long way down this path and thus are boring to watch as far as non-DDR people are concerned.

So if DDR people think you have mad skillz but normal people yawn and walk away during your first song (after clapping and cheering for a young enthusiastic Light-mode player who didn't give a damn about conserving stamina and who thinks he'd look very silly leaning against a metal pole), maybe there's a good reason for it.
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50. PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If you wanted us to keep our comments to ourselves then you shouldn't have even posted this in the first place....dumbass.... laugh.gif

Call it DDR! Call it ITG! Either way, it still taste like chicken.
Konami created it (DDR), RoXoR perfected it (ITG), and we should all respect them equally.
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The hunter 666
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51. PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some people say they are the best DDR player ever then when they go and do a easy song like gradution on heavy they die in a few seconds.
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52. PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As for me, I never recalled myself the best. So that's good... besides, the best person out there is a person who can AA or even AAA Paranoia Survivor MAX on Double. lol Never seen that before, I've seen a guy get a B on PSMO using Double, and it was boring. He had no rhythm nor style... and he looked like a mean person, so nobody was interested in him. We just wanted to see what grade he'd get.

I don't really wanna' be the best, but I'd like to be one of those people you'd back away from unless you really wanna get your butt wooped in DDR. I'm getting there... a lot of people try not to challenge me in DDR when they see me AA a song while I was freestyling, like Afronova and Frozen Ray, or Janejana(shuffle). But DDR is hella' fun, not trying to be the best is even funner. Just trying to be recognized by others players in the DDR community is the way for me. I like to help others out in DDR, advance them a bit... and introduce DDR to those who might seem interested but are too shy to try.

Me, well.... these are my accomplishments of AA's: (heavy/oni difficulty)
(by the way, i think all of these were AA'ed only once, lol)
So Deep/reverse
321 Stars
Be Lovin (ever sinced i AA this song, i cant do it at all no more, odd O.o)
Can't Stop Fallin In Love(speed mix)
Exotic Ethnic
Frozen Ray
Janejana/shuffle (i have trouble spinning now)
Mobo Moga
Miracle Moon
I Do I Do I Do
Matsuri Japan
Love^2 Sugar
There You'll Be
V - oni
And some other ones, I can't remember some right now...

But really, it's good to help out noobies instead of just always letting them struggle. If you play heavy, or standard, play some easy ones that will help out those noobies watching you to learn to understand to read the scrolling of the arrows. That's a tip. *wink*
See ya.

Dark Hue
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53. PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:46 pm    Post subject: God i Hate Reply with quote

Look at it this way. Due to their boasting, "God" will consider them selfish thereforre completing a sin and terminally going to "Hell" so let em die E1.gif
Fave Game: DDRMAX2
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xx equestrian
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54. PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:37 pm    Post subject: Re: God I Hate... Reply with quote

mister_doublea wrote:
I hate newbies who try to impress their friends on light and beginner and actually believe their good! I mean, nothing against newbies, we all were one at one point, but damn man; get something better than a "C" on a two-footer before you start bragging.
I got on after him and his friends just stood there in awe.


We all started somewhere. I only do light, and SOME standard, and I still think it's fun to play in an arcade, and have people watch me, and then watch those better than me. I feel I can learn from the people that are better than I. When you get into stuff like, bragging that you're better, and saying that people who are at lower levels shouldn't feel proud of themselves, you need to grow up. It's just a game. There is always going to be someone better than you, and someone worse than you. You accept it, and become friends with both of the "sides", better and worse. No one starts out getting AA's on Heavy, so let the new players have fun and don't ruin it for them. It makes you look like a jerk.

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55. PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry about being off topic here, but my balls itch really bad right now.

That pretty much sums up what I think of this thread.
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xx equestrian
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56. PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bonephone wrote:
Sorry about being off topic here, but my balls itch really bad right now.

That pretty much sums up what I think of this thread.

Thanks for sharing. Couldn't have LIVED without knowing that.

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57. PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

xx equestrian wrote:
Bonephone wrote:
Sorry about being off topic here, but my balls itch really bad right now.

That pretty much sums up what I think of this thread.

Thanks for sharing. Couldn't have LIVED without knowing that.

you're welcome.

Last word.

worship me.
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58. PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well, time for another opinion.
Has anyone else thought that these 'lil guys are the future of DDR? seriously, as we get older, we play DDR less. so if no one new starts playing, konami will eliminate DDR for the people who still play it.

These Kids Are The Future Of DDR. Respect That.
[quote:026028e8a4="-Mantis-"]SO AN ARROW WALKED INTO A BAR!

DOUBLE PUN!!! PWNED!!![/quote]
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xx equestrian
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59. PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

FuturamaFreak2999 wrote:
well, time for another opinion.
Has anyone else thought that these 'lil guys are the future of DDR? seriously, as we get older, we play DDR less. so if no one new starts playing, konami will eliminate DDR for the people who still play it.

These Kids Are The Future Of DDR. Respect That.

Good point.

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