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Lobster Jesus Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2004 Location: No thanks |
0. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 6:23 am Post subject: Euphoria: Overated or Underated? |
What do you think? Me, I personally think it's underated. It's definantly harder than Pandemonium Expert (which is a 13), yet it's only given a 12. _________________
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diddrstrait Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
1. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:30 am Post subject: Re: Euphoria: Overated or Underated? |
Milk Chan wrote: | It's definantly harder than Pandemonium Expert (which is a 13), yet it's only given a 12. |
I think you'll find many people will completely disagree with you on that. myself included.
I passed euphoria my very first try with 79%. I played it about 4 more times and my score got better every time until I hit the mid-80s, and I just didn't want to play it anymore. I passed the song looooong before I passed Tell.
Now we get to Pandemonium. That took me three tries to pass (I passed it before it was unlocked). My first pass was 72.82%. I still fail the song all the time, and I absolutely hate playing it (save for the awesome middle run) because it's just so difficult.
Pandemonium requires an insane amount of stamina, and I've seen a player get over 85% on it and literally collapse with exhaustion after he was done. Euphoria just has 32nd notes that really don't require a lot of energy to do. I know many people who have passed this with over 80% on their first try, and one of the better players swears it's stupid easy and that Hardcore of the North is much harder. Hell, you can combo just about all of the 32nd/64th notes by just vibrating your knees on the pads and not really lifting your feet. |
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Lobster Jesus Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2004 Location: No thanks |
2. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:41 am Post subject: |
Actually, I think Hardcore of the North is easier. Euphoria, I sometimes can't even pass it on Keyboard (and I am a pretty good SM player). The 32nds near the middle-ish part of the song always screw me up. I honestly don't think Pandemonium is all that hard (it seems about as hard as PSMO IMO).the only really hard part is the beginning and avoiding the mines. Other than that, it's just pretty much 8th note streams. _________________
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ChessWhiz Trick Member

Joined: 04 Jun 2005 Location: Corvallis, OR |
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diddrstrait Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
4. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:20 am Post subject: |
Milk Chan wrote: | Actually, I think Hardcore of the North is easier. Euphoria, I sometimes can't even pass it on Keyboard (and I am a pretty good SM player). The 32nds near the middle-ish part of the song always screw me up. I honestly don't think Pandemonium is all that hard (it seems about as hard as PSMO IMO).the only really hard part is the beginning and avoiding the mines. Other than that, it's just pretty much 8th note streams. |
It isn't just 8th note streams though, it's 8th note streams ending in jumps. the song is 40bpm faster than PSMO and has about 300 more steps. Yeah, it's very easy on keyboard, but play it on a machine and you'll realize just how absolutely sick the song is compared to everything else in the game. |
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Lobster Jesus Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2004 Location: No thanks |
5. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:38 am Post subject: |
I have played Pandemonium on Keyboard and on foot. Honestly, I can't pass it on foot, nor can i pass Euphoria, but I can get alot farther in Pandemonium than in Euphoria.
And i think you were mislead. I was talking about Euphoria on Keyboard, not Pandemonium. _________________
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NekoSempai~ Trick Member

Joined: 30 Nov 2002 Location: Augusta, GA |
6. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:59 am Post subject: |
Pandemonium > Hardcore o the North > Euphoria
Basically that's how i see it. Euphoria really isn't that difficult until the very end, and even then it isn't exactly a stamina or leg killer. Hardcore of the North hits me pretty hard in the stamina department for some reason, and Pandemonium is just....Pandemonium.
Pande is just a brutal song involving alot of painsaking patterns and no real break whatsoever. I'm actually amazed someone would consider Euphoria harder than it, though that view would likely be changed if the person actually played through both songs.
...oh...and Pandemonium >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PSM Oni.
That's not even close. _________________
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-SuperZero3 Gold- Trick Member

Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Location: Chattanooga, Tn |
7. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:34 am Post subject: |
I had to give up on Euphoria in the slow section because I almost barfed. If I had any kind of stamina at all, I could pass it. Pandemonium isn't even close for me.
I think it teeters so close to that line between 12/13, but I just don't know If it crosses it. I'll have to play Summer and Vertex^2 to figure out which side it should really be on. _________________
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Kyrandian Trick Member

Joined: 24 Mar 2002 Location: Portland, OR |
8. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:04 am Post subject: |
thepinkdoomofmonkeys wrote: | I think it teeters so close to that line between 12/13, but I just don't know If it crosses it. I'll have to play Summer and Vertex^2 to figure out which side it should really be on. | I've played Summer and Bloodrush, and based on the way they're rated, I'd say Euphoria is a 12 for sure. Bloodrush is harder than Euphoria by quite a bit, and is actually a stamina challenge. It's also has a lot of crossovers, something none of the other 12s/13s that I've seen have much of (! has some, but they don't make it difficult). I can't decide whether I find Summer or Pandemonium harder. Pandemonium takes much more stamina, but Summers runs come at such a speed (a speed that I underestimated before playing it on a machine) that you really have to push yourself. I'll probably pass Summer first, but it feels so much more intense than Pandemonium to me. Both Summer and Pandemonium are in a different league than Euphoria, and even Bloodrush. |
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Joined: 18 Jul 2002 Location: Mountain View/Sunnyvale CA |
9. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:33 pm Post subject: |
According to the people at ASI..VerTex^2 makes Pandy and Summer look easy  _________________
theficionado wrote: | Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you. |
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T-Bone.. Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004 Location: i love itg |
10. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:29 pm Post subject: |
euphoria easier to pass then pandy, but it is harder to FA. look at the scores, i think liek the highest is liek a 92, and on pandy 2 people have gotten high 94's. but then again, tyler has gotten 95  |
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Soda Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2005
11. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:46 pm Post subject: |
Euphoria is easier on pad than on keyboard, assuming you're a good enough player to pass it on both pad and keyboard. The only hard parts are the triplet jumps after the slowdown and the step jump things. The 32nds can be easily done by, as another poster said, just vibrating the knees really fast. If you think Pandy is about as hard as PSMO, build some sort of machine that counts how many times you step. Now just try and stomp your feet 900 times in under 2 minutes. Now realize that actually playing the song is much harder than that. |
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Davo-1 Basic Member

Joined: 22 May 2005 Location: Tampa, FL |
12. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:39 pm Post subject: |
todays scores--euphoria - 72%
--delirium - 72%
--tell - 78%
(yesterday) --hardcore - 66%
today --Pandemonium - 3%
basically, the highest i've got on pandemonium was a 33%. Euphoria i find easy as heck i think it is the easiest 12 by far |
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-SuperZero3 Gold- Trick Member

Joined: 26 Aug 2004 Location: Chattanooga, Tn |
13. Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:58 pm Post subject: |
Maybe for your skills, but Euphoria IS NOT the easiest twelve.
Probably Vertex is the easiest, if it wasn't so offbeat... _________________
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hyperkurai Basic Member

Joined: 09 Jun 2005
14. Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:50 am Post subject: |
I am not going to say euphoria is easy, because it is not for most people. As 12 steps go, i think it is one of the easier 12`s.
Hardcore of the North>Tell>Delirium>Euphoria
(I am better with faster songs, i play euphoria on x2.5)
I have more trouble with infection (expert) than with euphoria and that is only an 11. ^.^;;
I think euphoria is overdone when people say it is the hardest 12.....its not! |
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Yasser Trick Member

Joined: 17 Sep 2003 Location: St. Louis |
15. Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:11 am Post subject: |
yeah its really not. Euphoria is definitely easier than Hardcore, which requires a LOT of stamina. All that 32nd note garbage can be dealt with as long as you keep your feet low and tap real fast. Really if you dick around you could easily pass with a 65 percent. If you dick around with Hardcore you get a 60 and if you dick around with Pandemonium you fail. _________________
Go see Pulp Fiction. Now. |
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xxxplizit Eta Vivid Member

Joined: 12 Feb 2002 Location: In bed impregnating. |
16. Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:16 am Post subject: |
Ummm, Pandemonium is MUCH harder than PSM Oni, unless you are really unconfortable with quick crossovers. While PSM Oni has rapid crossovers, its speed isn't anywhere near Pandemonium's fast speed...or a near 300 step count difference. IMO, I think PSM Oni = The Beginning Expert in terms of difficulty sicne they both use rapid crossovers.
Thing about Euphoria is that it's a b!tch to get a high % due to those 32nd notes. It's kinda debatable whether or not it should be a 13. It could be harder than Pandemonium if you can't really move your feet that fast. _________________
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*witty name* Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jul 2002 Location: Joliet, IL |
17. Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:56 pm Post subject: |
i think people are missing the main point here, and that is the core reason why Euphoria is meant to be difficult. not speed, not stream, but DIFFICULTY TO READ.
bag...tough to read for some. the steps are pretty simple (to pass), but when you cram it down so hard that you can barely distinguish the arrows, it gets tough.
same thing with euphoria/hotn. theyre hard on 1x, but once you apply speed mods theyre no longer 12's because in essence you've just made the arrows easier to read.
now lets not get on a "mods vs. no mods" discussion here, but i think we can all agree that euphoria on 1.5x is easier to read to on 1x, and easier to read on 2x than 1x, etc.
so, with that said, its all on how you choose to play the game. if you have difficulty reading arrows, but have a lot of stamina, pandemonium will be easier because its not tough to read, its difficulty lies in stream and chaos where as euphoria's difficulty is based on cluster-fuck amounts of arrows on a single screen-shot at a time. _________________
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Lobster Jesus Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2004 Location: No thanks |
18. Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:55 pm Post subject: |
kaib0rg wrote: | i think people are missing the main point here, and that is the core reason why Euphoria is meant to be difficult. not speed, not stream, but DIFFICULTY TO READ.
bag...tough to read for some. the steps are pretty simple (to pass), but when you cram it down so hard that you can barely distinguish the arrows, it gets tough.
same thing with euphoria/hotn. theyre hard on 1x, but once you apply speed mods theyre no longer 12's because in essence you've just made the arrows easier to read.
now lets not get on a "mods vs. no mods" discussion here, but i think we can all agree that euphoria on 1.5x is easier to read to on 1x, and easier to read on 2x than 1x, etc.
so, with that said, its all on how you choose to play the game. if you have difficulty reading arrows, but have a lot of stamina, pandemonium will be easier because its not tough to read, its difficulty lies in stream and chaos where as euphoria's difficulty is based on cluster-fuck amounts of arrows on a single screen-shot at a time. |
Euphoria is still difficult for me even with C450 on. Hotn isn't that difficult to read with 1x on. _________________
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Rancidfish Trick Member

Joined: 29 Jun 2002 Location: Santa Rosa, CA/Santa Cruz, CA |
19. Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 4:03 pm Post subject: |
VerTex was my first twelve. I passed it on my first try, 1x hallway.
Euphoria was my second twelve. I passed it on my third try, 1.5x hallway.
Tell was my third twelve. I passed it on my first try, but I held off trying it until I had gotten much better at VerTex and Euphoria.
Seriously, I can pass VerTex, Euphoria and Tell. Hardcore of the North, I can almost pass on no jumps/no holds/no mines, because otherwise the beginning of the song kills me. Delirium is way out of my league... and Pandemonium is way out of my league's league. I mean, I'm not talking major league vs minor league here, I'm talking major league baseball vs. playing kickball in elementary school during recess. I'll try that song next time I'm playing, and I promise I'll get less than 10%.
Euphoria isn't underrated. Pandemonium really is that hard. _________________
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