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Trouble in Groove-land
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640. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as the home version goes, I remember RoXor saying last week that they were going to have an announcement this week with the release date. I would imagine that it might get post-poned, but does anyone remember what day they said they were going to come and make an announcement?
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641. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 5:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alpha (IIDX Style) wrote:
ITG sucks my left nut wrote:
well your opinion doesnt count, and thats not my opinion, its a fact
Sock puppet account?
It's gone now, so don't worry about it.

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642. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 6:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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J. S. Mill
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643. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

No delays that anyone knows of on ITG2 Arcade, at least everyone I know who has ordered it hasn't received notice of one.
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644. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

SPF5.Kiba wrote:
No delays that anyone knows of on ITG2 Arcade, at least everyone I know who has ordered it hasn't received notice of one.

I'm sure me and almost everyone else will just be glad when RedOctane or RoXor comes out and speaks ... then the speculation can end.
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Edible Bondage Tape
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645. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cryptic wrote:
If it hadn't then you never would have seen Tengen NES games, Accolade Genesis game, cheat devices, etc.

then why did the courts rule in nintendos favor with the tengen case (infact nintendo sued everyone of the companies making non licend games (tengen camarica ectectect besides colordreas/wisdom tree and won ever last one of the suits)

sega never sued accolade
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646. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EnglishBastardizingTerror wrote:
sega never sued accolade
Sega Enterprises Ltd. v. Accolade Inc.

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Funkstar Polaris
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647. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Timeline of Video Games (1989 section) wrote:

Significant Software:
Tengen releases an unlicensed version of the Tetris video game

Nintendo of America, Inc. v. Tengen
Nintendo sues Tengen over the Tetris video game copyrights. Tengen loses and recalls all its Tetris games.

Nintendo of America, Inc. v. Tengen
Nintendo sues Tengen over production of unlicensed Nintendo games. Nintendo loses.

Nintendo v. Camerica Ltd.
Nintendo sues Camerica over patent violations of the Game Genie for the NES console. Camerica wins the suit.

Tengen lost the suit alleging misuse of the Tetris copyright, not the one for producing unlicensed games.
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648. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hahaha Tengen... I still have my RBI Baseball and Alien Syndrome carts laying around somewhere.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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Edible Bondage Tape
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649. PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2005 9:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
Hahaha Tengen... I still have my RBI Baseball and Alien Syndrome carts laying around somewhere.

me too (infact im currently attempting to build a complete set of tengen games i even have one game tahts complete besides box and a color dreams game taht IS complete)

at any rate im a big enough girl to admit when im wrong and i was wrong about the nintendo lawsuits
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650. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:58 am    Post subject: Hardware vs. Software Reply with quote

If I'm not mistaken In the suit itself Konami is mostly alleging misuse of brand not game thieving. ITG uses the hardware and arcade owners don't slap on all the stickers. So I think ITG will win out here, especially since ITG runs on the BOXOR. It's a modded cabinet and doesn't present any software infringements, Patents on the cabinet itself are possibly contentious, however it will only be in issue if Konami has a DDR arcade upgrade in the works, which they should have to prove in court. So my prediction, ITG is allowed to continue. Konami is giving up all hope of ever releasing an arcade DDR in the future.
Yeah, but you know what? This one, this one right here. This was my dream, my wish. And it didn't come true. So I'm taking it back. I'm taking them all back. - Mouth

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Wolfman Jake
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651. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:10 am    Post subject: Re: Hardware vs. Software Reply with quote

sandm000 wrote:
If I'm not mistaken In the suit itself Konami is mostly alleging misuse of brand not game thieving. ITG uses the hardware and arcade owners don't slap on all the stickers. So I think ITG will win out here, especially since ITG runs on the BOXOR. It's a modded cabinet and doesn't present any software infringements, Patents on the cabinet itself are possibly contentious, however it will only be in issue if Konami has a DDR arcade upgrade in the works, which they should have to prove in court.

Please take a little time and rethink that all through again. I'm pretty sure you took a wrong turn at that "Konami owes us new content or else it's all right to trample on their rights and steal their patented technology for profit" fork in the road. A patent doesn't run out the moment YOU get bored with a product. Honestly, do I have to start passing out lemons here?
Wolfman Jake
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J. S. Mill
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652. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 6:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


Seriously how are those guys doing, I kind of lost contact with that project. Maybe I'll go out to New Hampshire this summer and see what they are up to.
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Anthony of TGA
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653. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:36 am    Post subject: Re: Hardware vs. Software Reply with quote

sandm000 wrote:
If I'm not mistaken In the suit itself Konami is mostly alleging misuse of brand not game thieving. ITG uses the hardware and arcade owners don't slap on all the stickers. So I think ITG will win out here, especially since ITG runs on the BOXOR. It's a modded cabinet and doesn't present any software infringements, Patents on the cabinet itself are possibly contentious, however it will only be in issue if Konami has a DDR arcade upgrade in the works, which they should have to prove in court. So my prediction, ITG is allowed to continue. Konami is giving up all hope of ever releasing an arcade DDR in the future.

What?!?!? Thats all I have to say. "Since ITG runs on b0x0r" What does that have to do with anything. It is a HARDWARE violation. They are using konami's mchine, which bares the resembelance to ddr because it IS a ddr cab. Just because r0x0r is using a b0x0r does magically make the machine their property.

And why does it matter if Konami is gonna release a new game? Do you think the judge is gonna say "Well you guys haven't made a new game recently, so I don't see why I should bother considering the fact you legally own a pattent to this game. I mean, come on Konami, why should the laws apply to you? I'm sick of Butterfly."

I just ask that you please think before you speak, just think a little, try not to hurt yourself though.
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654. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 8:29 am    Post subject: Re: Hardware vs. Software Reply with quote

tpmwr wrote:
sandm000 wrote:
If I'm not mistaken In the suit itself Konami is mostly alleging misuse of brand not game thieving. ITG uses the hardware and arcade owners don't slap on all the stickers. So I think ITG will win out here, especially since ITG runs on the BOXOR. It's a modded cabinet and doesn't present any software infringements, Patents on the cabinet itself are possibly contentious, however it will only be in issue if Konami has a DDR arcade upgrade in the works, which they should have to prove in court. So my prediction, ITG is allowed to continue. Konami is giving up all hope of ever releasing an arcade DDR in the future.

What?!?!? Thats all I have to say. "Since ITG runs on b0x0r" What does that have to do with anything. It is a HARDWARE violation. They are using konami's mchine, which bares the resembelance to ddr because it IS a ddr cab. Just because r0x0r is using a b0x0r does magically make the machine their property.

And why does it matter if Konami is gonna release a new game? Do you think the judge is gonna say "Well you guys haven't made a new game recently, so I don't see why I should bother considering the fact you legally own a pattent to this game. I mean, come on Konami, why should the laws apply to you? I'm sick of Butterfly."

I just ask that you please think before you speak, just think a little, try not to hurt yourself though.

Yah, and just because you put your little 'insult' to me in your signature, I have to do this:

I'll give you all the nickles for your little gun, only because when you get it you'll screw up and shoot yourself in the face for being book smart but street dumb.
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Anthony of TGA
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655. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:16 am    Post subject: Re: Hardware vs. Software Reply with quote

iamstorm wrote:
Yah, and just because you put your little 'insult' to me in your signature, I have to do this:

I'll give you all the nickles for your little gun, only because when you get it you'll screw up and shoot yourself in the face for being book smart but street dumb.

Thats real cute, why don't you come down this way and say that :-)

I got book smarts, and I got a good left hook.
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656. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Re: tpmwr, iamstorm

--- DRAMA! ---
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657. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some corrections.

Nintendo definitely WON against Tengen in the unliscensed game suit.

Here's the story.

At first they were liscensed. Then they got sick of paying royalties to Nintendo, so they went and STOLE the info on the 10NES chip, and made their own replacement using that info. The courts ruled CORRECTLY that Tengen just copied their chip, and they had to pull all their stuff with their "Rabbit" chip. This was indeed seperate from the tetris suit.

Sega did in fact sue Accolade over them tripping th e Trademark Security System. i don't remeber exactly how that one turned out, except that reverse engineering was ruled legal.

However all of that is off topic. As I've explained above Konami is right, roxor fucked up, and they are getting nailed on it. End of story. They will probably settle, the home game will still show up, ITG2 will be in ITG2 cabinets, everyone can go home happy.
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658. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:25 am    Post subject: Re: Hardware vs. Software Reply with quote

tpmwr wrote:
iamstorm wrote:
Yah, and just because you put your little 'insult' to me in your signature, I have to do this:

I'll give you all the nickles for your little gun, only because when you get it you'll screw up and shoot yourself in the face for being book smart but street dumb.

Thats real cute, why don't you come down this way and say that :-)

I got book smarts, and I got a good left hook.

Cuz if I did that I wouldn't be one of those cool internet people that sit and talk smack but wussy out when they see them in person :-P But yah we can stop now before we get yelled at for ruining this thread lol
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659. PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2005 10:44 am    Post subject: Re: Lawsuit Reply with quote

Catastrophe wrote:
However, RoXoR has now modified enough DDR cabinets that they are starting to make an impact. This is why Konami choose now to sue - RoXoR is now large enough to be a reasonable target for a suit. Nobody should be angry. Konami isn't suing ITG so that they can continue to monopolize the dance game market. Konami has that monopoly in the bank, anyway. Konami is suing ITG because their patent on the DDR machine is very important to them and they need to protect it.

You douche. Monopolies are not legal in the first place! To hell with konami if they want to be selfish bastards. You said it yourself, they didn't take action until RoXoR started to make an impact. That proves that Konami isn't doing this because of the love of their patents and copyrights. If they loved and cherished them, they would have taken action at the first sight of the misuse of their copyrights! They only act because of money. Obviously, a copyright has to do with money (in that you protect an asset to ensure nobody profits from your idea), but you can see my point. I am a very avid DDR player, I play all the time, have a great pad at home, go to the arcades, what not... but this is just bullshit.

Konami should leave roxor be. With ITG, maybe konami will feel some heat and will have good reason to try a lot harder than giving us half-assed sloppy-second US releases.
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