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Trouble in Groove-land
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100. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

myuglybunny wrote:
EnglishBastardizingTerror wrote:
no one complains when nintendo sues people for downloading NES roms or when they sue companines making fami clones why whine when konami sues a company infringin on THIER patent

When has this happend? E19.gif

hi i work for an emu site and i've both seen and heard this happen

Shalashaska wrote:
I imagine if Konami does try to delay ITG for the PS2, this would greatly upset RedOctane, since they are publishing the game. And since RO is the number one DDR pad seller, that could spell even more trouble for Konami....

And once again, this has NOTHING to do with the console release.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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Arch0wl IV
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101. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
If arcade owners were that hell-bent on getting ITG2, they'd splurge on buying the new cabinet.

Except very few arcade owners are actually "hell bent on getting ITG2" and most just think "oh this is the hot new dance game everyone wants let's go for it" because an upgrade kit is a lot more convincing than a cabinet.

no one complains when nintendo sues people for downloading NES roms or when they sue companines making fami clones why whine when konami sues a company infringin on THIER patent

Yeah, you compared illegally redistributing something that would normally cost money for free (isn't there some major music company that took some huge actions on that? sarc.gif), to replacing software in a cabinet. Nice.
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102. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes because by your logic nobody would've bought DDR in the first place because it comes in a brand new cabinet instead of being able to just replace a marquee and the internals.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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103. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I, on April 8th wrote:

How is ItG v1 Legal?

I ask because basically: ItG goes inside a DDR Jemma Cabinet which seems to be made by Konami. Konami, last time I checked, did not Open-Source the cabinet design. That, and ItG Freak seems to have this "Legality: Do not bother us with questions about legality" attitude (and their faq isn't up yet).

Did Roxor get an OK/license from Konami to design against the Jemma design and put it in old cabinets? Or is Roxor just trying to exploit some sort of strange "well, these aren't made for use outside japan anyways..." illegal machine immigration loophole (so what happens if you put it on a DDR US machine?)

I can understand the idea for yet another dancey game being OK, but they are cannibalizing the machine from a prior game, I guess it'd be OK if they paid Konami to do it, but I haven't seen anything saying as such.

Rampant Speculation

I think that Roxor was just going ahead and seeing if the concept would take off, now that they know there is a market for arcade mixes that aren't > 2 years old, they are gonna up production. But lookee, they are now actually having another company build new cabinets for ItG ver2... Then, if Konami does up and sue, the ~100 machines that were cannibalized will just instantly become unsupported after the cease and desist order is filed against Roxor.

The other thing is: Konami could just be biding their time and waiting to eat Roxor after they get established... or sue them if they become more of a threat.

Now,after posting this in the ITG forum, I had to suffer a lot of ItG fanboys regurgitating the "Legality: Do not bother us with questions about legality" line that had been fed to them.

Now excuse me while I do my little "I was right" dance:
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.

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104. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, unless I'm wrong, the majority of us aren't lawyers and don't know what legal grounds RoXoR has, so we're not going to say anything.
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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Juli no Fooly
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105. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Arch0wl IV wrote:
The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
If arcade owners were that hell-bent on getting ITG2, they'd splurge on buying the new cabinet.

Except very few arcade owners are actually "hell bent on getting ITG2" and most just think "oh this is the hot new dance game everyone wants let's go for it" because an upgrade kit is a lot more convincing than a cabinet.



As for my opinion, this is a huge "I told you so" on my part. I think the first time I saw an ITG I wondered when this would happen. I mean, they put another game in an arcade cabinent specially made for another game. One that already had patent disputes. And it's not just a poopy upgrade kit (like megamix) for the same hardware. I dunno, I don't think people should be doggy so much.

EDIT: Psyton pretty much covers my feelings on this.

Last edited by Juli no Fooly on Wed May 11, 2005 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total
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106. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

psyton has sucecssfully OWNED this thread.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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107. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How come so many people are calling Konami evil? There just a company and Roxor violated their patent. Dont get me wrong I love In the Groove and DDR. But just because Konami doesnt make anymore arcade mixes doesnt mean they should give up their patent or not protect it. I know its been forever since they made a new arcade mix for DDR, but the havent said its over and done with yet.

Besides Konami makes IIDX and Pop'n, how can that be evil? biggrin.gif
Somehow I live in Japan?
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Edible Bondage Tape
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108. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Arch0wl IV wrote:

Yeah, you compared illegally redistributing something that would normally cost money for free (isn't there some major music company that took some huge actions on that? :sarc:), to replacing software in a cabinet. Nice.

yes ive compaired something that isnt maid any more (NES games and NES systems) to something that isnt maid any more (DDR)

and please you said you were leaving hte internet why havnt you maid good yet
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109. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My first response was "GGAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................."

This is good, good news. And then again, this is bad, bad news. Only because, no matter what, DDR is seemingly more important that ITG. DDR has better steps according to most people, and more sensible ones at that. DDR makes solid oni courses and reasonable gameplay. If Roxor sued Konami, it wouldnt be nearly as big of a deal. (Not that theyd have any reason to, but just for logical symmetry of an argument...)

While ITG produces some form of stability that the American dancing game community yearns for, it isnt DDR. By Konami placing a law suit on ITG, it shows that Konami is at least paying attention to America's arcade dancing games and maybe it truly sees the success of ITG and actually do something about it.

Dont get me wrong. I dont oversee what ITG has done for the American dancing game community. Although i generally dont care for ITG, when it first came out i was excited and over thrilled that there were people that loved dancing simulation games so much, they took the next step and made a new one for us. I mean im quite sure that if it were possible enough, the makers of ITG would make a new mix of DDR all together themselves so we'd all be happy. I think they did a great job at making a dancing game for us close enough to DDR without getting sued, or at least we all thought so for some time. I definately credit ITG makers for this, and if a lawyer can pull up some figures and stats, maybe they can somehow incorporate how poor a job Konami has done in paying attention to the profits and economics involved in the American arcade dancing game scenario. I myself wouldnt know how to legally argue that out in court, but im sure theres gotta be an argument in that.

In laymen terms, Roxor can turn around and say "this is what you get for ignoring us." (Making ITG) Lets not forget ITG was made by DDR players. On the other hand, Konami can turn around and say "this is what you get for copying off of our product." (The law suit.) I feel that both companies have a right to their side of the story. Konami is protecting their creation, and Roxor is not only pleasing all of us, but at the same time exercising capitalism. There are millions of DDR players in America and it seems that a small group from Washington took the initiative to make another dancing game when one was needed badly AND make money off of it. I guess the whole star wars scroll thing just didnt pull off the whole "this game is legally different" argument. I personally never saw how that couldve been argued in court. At least with PIU there were 5 arrows. ::SHRUGS::

With the whole arcade cabinet thing, i have no idea. I dont see how Roxor can argue that one out because they made ITG without any cabinet whatsoever so what are they going to tell the court? "We made software and we were planning on making cabinets a year or so later so everyone that purchased ITG from us just had to wait..."? No, its pretty obvious they made ITG for DDR arcade cabinets and thats going to be a hard blow on Roxor. I dont know the legalities involved in that but anyone with a brain could guess that that was a risk from the beginning. Im actually surprised it took Konami this long to do something about it. Maybe it was the fact that ITG is coming out for PS 2 soon or somthing.

I personally side with both of them. In the end, i want Konami to win but only if it means that they start paying attention to; making new mixes. (And REAL new mixes, not these G2 Sakura Maximizer ten footers and insulting songlists that are dumb easy...but one step at a time...) Otherwise, if thats something they dont see themselves doing, then to hell with them because even though i dont prefer ITG, its better than having no mixes at all. It sparked a flame in the DDR community, but overall like i always say...theres no dancing game like DDR. It would be nice for Konami to take over ITG and make new DDR mixes. I dont see why they wouldnt. If ITG wasnt such a success then i doubt they would go out of their way to make a lawsuit out of it in the first place. Furthermore, if Konami was making new mixes, i doubt that ITG wouldve been made at all. When i was debating with Foyboy when ITG first came out for beta testing, this is the impression i got from him; that a good portion of the reason that ITG was made was because DDR wasnt making anymore mixes. Sure it was profitable and innovative and fun, but he basically stated that ITG was picking up where DDR left off, hence doing us a big favor.

I wish both the companies the best. Id rather this thing conclude with a new DDR mix than Roxor continuing ITG. Hell, id rather both companies continue to make their product, but due to this, that obviously will be very hard to do.

-Ant / Sketch

PS- Has Konami ever thought about that petition? They did it with IIDX with 7th style, and now theyre up to 9th. Maybe if they asked for a petition, it would prove to them that enough people want to see more production from the company.
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110. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Take a street fighter 2 cabinet.
2. Put a mortal kombat board inside.
3. Re-postition block
4. Watch capcom file a lawsuit against midway for copyright infringments pertaining to cabinet manufacture.
5. Watch capcom lose.
6. Uhhh... bye.
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111. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Roxor isn't the one telling people to replace ddr with in the is a conscious decision by an arcade owner to do that...
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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112. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

MiniMoose wrote:
How come so many people are calling Konami evil? There just a company and Roxor violated their patent. Dont get me wrong I love In the Groove and DDR. But just because Konami doesnt make anymore arcade mixes doesnt mean they should give up their patent or not protect it. I know its been forever since they made a new arcade mix for DDR, but the havent said its over and done with yet.

Besides Konami makes IIDX and Pop'n, how can that be evil? biggrin.gif

* Konami ended its US arcade division a long time ago
* Except for the sucktastic US mixes, all other DDR machines in operation are ILLEGAL. Meaning that if 'enforcing the law' was the end-all of what DDR arcade machines should be ran, then you're local arcade would be running DDR USA instead of Extreme. Leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, no?
* In general, Konamis DDR support has gone to heck and back. Maybe its because they're secretly working on DDR IIDX, but without an American arcade division, that wouldn't be legal in the US either.

A word of caution to DDR fanantics whom are quick to point the finger - Your game isn't exactly legal, either.
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Juli no Fooly
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113. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Resident_Badass wrote:
1. Take a street fighter 2 cabinet.
2. Put a mortal kombat board inside.
3. Re-postition block
4. Watch capcom file a lawsuit against midway for copyright infringments pertaining to cabinet manufacture.
5. Watch capcom lose.
6. Uhhh... bye.

Capcom does not own the actual design for button and joystick fighting games cabinent, and if they do, that would have been taken care of a long time ago. A CRAPLOAD of games use the button and joystick style of cabinet. It's only logical that whoever owns the patent on that design already has they're legal poopy worked out through royalties or whatever. Maybe if someone took a Tekken 5 machine and did that that'd be a better arguement, because that's much more unique. But unlike the tons of fightign games, there's only 3 or 4 dancing games, and Konami has the monopoly, having already cut andamiro down to size once. This isnt' a very good comparison at ALL.
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114. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shalashaska wrote:
I imagine if Konami does try to delay ITG for the PS2, this would greatly upset RedOctane, since they are publishing the game. And since RO is the number one DDR pad seller, that could spell even more trouble for Konami....

I don't think Konami really cares about RedOctane.

#1) Konami makes their own (crappy) pads and bundles them in stores. RedOctane pads are not a threat to the Konami pads because they are more expensive, but it's not like the removal of the RedOctane pads would decrease sales of DDR, since brand new users would buy the Konami pads and the expert dancers have their own pads already...

#2) The best pads, currently, are made by Cobalt Flux... so those who wanted something better than the Konami pads would just have to go straight to the CF, instead of the ignition 2.0.

Konami can live without RedOctane....

RedOctane is trying... through ITG... to live without Konami...
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115. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh Snap!

wow, I knew this was going to come eventually, lets just see what happens
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116. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Caffy: Rebel with a BoXoR wrote:
Roxor isn't the one telling people to replace ddr with in the is a conscious decision by an arcade owner to do that...

It is impossible to put a BoXoR into a PIU or Technomotion cabinet. It's not compatible. Not only by the arrows, but the the mechanical workings on the cabinet.

So yes, they are telling managers to replace it.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]

Last edited by sherl0k on Wed May 11, 2005 4:56 pm, edited 1 time in total
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Arch0wl IV
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117. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
Yes because by your logic nobody would've bought DDR in the first place because it comes in a brand new cabinet instead of being able to just replace a marquee and the internals.

No, I'm saying an extremely large amount of arcades already have DDR, and don't have the reasoning/money/space to buy a new cabinet, or else I wouldn't have mentioned an upgrade kit in the first place.
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118. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will testify after having played on the Afterburner pad that it is more arcade authentic and overall a better pad then the CF..and i've played on both of them. RoXoR is still getting on its feet so i don't see what kind of money Konami is hoping to get out of this :/
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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119. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 4:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Arch0wl IV wrote:
The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
Yes because by your logic nobody would've bought DDR in the first place because it comes in a brand new cabinet instead of being able to just replace a marquee and the internals.

No, I'm saying an extremely large amount of arcades already have DDR, and don't have the reasoning/money/space to buy a new cabinet, or else I wouldn't have mentioned an upgrade kit in the first place.

So they sell their current cabinet and buy a new one. What's the difference?

I'm almost sure that DDR machines are in high demand because in arcades across the US, they're the ones making the most money. You can count in Tekken 5 and Initial D, but in the long run DDR has been proven time and time again to be a HUGE money maker.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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