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Trouble in Groove-land
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80. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not taking any side here, I'm just asking a question.

What is Konami losing by allowing ITG to exist in the <arcades>? Home version, I understand. But I thought Konami isn't making any more DDRcade versions?

<Pirate Arrgh!> I be claimin' page five!
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81. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ark_keeper wrote:
Konami should just sell the rights to Roxor, since Konami's not using them anymore anyway.
DS Fusion?

Sentient Mode is capable...
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82. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe the Roxor folks are in trouble because of modifying the DDR arcade cabinet... perhaps they wouldn't fret if they developed their own cabinet (such as the ITG2 one).... heh.

However, THIS IS ANGER-INDUCING. disgust.gif If Konami actually destroys ITG (which I hope does not happen), they had better make another arcade mix... otherwise they are just being arrogant. I mean, they haven't released USA arcade mixes in years, so who are they to demand ITG to be removed?

Just a thought; I may be wrong.
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83. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
But unfortunately they just did it without asking and angered Konami.

If they angered Konami then our Japanese Empire would have gone after RoXoR long before this, because i can't imagine they'd be SO ignorant to miss the game for over a year. Sounds to me that someone just wants to see if they can eat someone else's cake.
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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84. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well I'm sure that Konami has had this in plan for a while, it's not like the day after ITG got released they had an army of lawyers and tons of evidence, ready to go to court. They probably wanted to prepare everything before actually taking legal action.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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85. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
Well I'm sure that Konami has had this in plan for a while, it's not like the day after ITG got released they had an army of lawyers and tons of evidence, ready to go to court. They probably wanted to prepare everything before actually taking legal action.

I totally agree, but their timing is oh so curious, with ITG2 coming at the beginning of June (hopefully). We're just all customers in this business anyways, so there isn't much we can do but sit and wait (and fire off emails to RoXoR wishing them luck against the evil empire E10.gif)
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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86. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so konami is just doing this cus of the cabinets, or the actual game itself......
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Edible Bondage Tape
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87. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Caffy: Rebel with a BoXoR wrote:
The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
Well I'm sure that Konami has had this in plan for a while, it's not like the day after ITG got released they had an army of lawyers and tons of evidence, ready to go to court. They probably wanted to prepare everything before actually taking legal action.

I totally agree, but their timing is oh so curious, with ITG2 coming at the beginning of June (hopefully). We're just all customers in this business anyways, so there isn't much we can do but sit and wait (and fire off emails to RoXoR wishing them luck against the evil empire :P)

yes they timed it to do the most damage fomr a buissness stand point thats how all lawsuits are timed
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88. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just because of the cabinet.

And Caffy, Konami is free to sue whenever they want. E1.gif Sure it could've been planned in conjunction with ITG2 coming around the corner, but this could actually HELP Roxor. Think of it this way. This injunction goes through, and Roxor can't sell ITG2 upgrade cabinets. The only way to get ITG2 is to buy a brand new cabinet. Now if I were Roxor, and I knew that selling the game with the cabinet was more profitable, I'd be pretty happy about that. If arcade owners were that hell-bent on getting ITG2, they'd splurge on buying the new cabinet.

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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89. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ill have to do another post to emphisise this point. This is NOT a cease and dissist action, therefore the effect of future development isnt directly affected. If this lawsuit pass, it just means that ITG wont be able to upgrade the exsisting DDR legitimate cabinets (so they wont sell them anymore) or a pay royalties and then be able to upgrade the cabinets (the royalties going towards to inventors pockets, not just konami in general).

Therefore, this will in no way effect the release of any PS2 versions or new ITG cabinets...........well not at the moment, perhaps konami might come up with something else.
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90. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I know, but that sucks for us semi poor early 20 somethings hoping to get a 1k upgrade to our existing boxor, because unless i start working those street corners hardcore, i don't have 10k on me haha.
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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91. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think Konami really cares about North America or DDR Cabinets at all, all they want is to exploit a supposed patent infringment, get the money (which is all they really want) and be out, running like scolded dogs with their tails between their legs IMO. Konami has lost every ounce of respect from me anyways.

Alezay from "THE GRP"
Toady wrote:
That guy on his knees is me, and I'm doing what I do best - worship the rooster.
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92. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Common sense says that Konami is well aware that there are a ton of illegal DDR arcade games in the U.S. - and they haven't taken any drastic measures to stop this. If they profit, they profit....?

Well, now that they seem to have suspended or entierly stopped making DDR arcade mixes (for Japan or the U.S.), Konami only makes themselves look selfish by suing over something that they're not even making money on. ITG is an example of how DDR fans have improved upon DDR's best aspects and added many new challenges, etc. to the game.

Furthermore, Konami doesn't "officially" state that it knows about the large number of illegal DDR arcade games in the U.S.; the press release about the lawsuit on Konami's website makes it seem that the legal U.S. DDR machines (like DDR USA) are responsible for all the hype about DDR. Which we know is not really true at all (at least, not nowadays).

Rather than sue Roxor, Konami should release a new arcade DDR mix for the U.S. Because Konami doesn't recognize Non-U.S. DDR games in U.S. arcades (such as DDRMAX, DDRMAX2, DDR Extreme, etc.), they technically haven't released a new DDR arcade mix in years... way before DDR Extreme was released in Japanese arcades.

This is utterly, for the lack of a better word, stupid, in principle. Konami is just being idle and isn't profiting much, if at all, anymore, from U.S. DDR games, so why should they be so stubborn to get Roxor out of the scene? Most typical dancing game players associate the genre of music dancing simulation games with DDR anyway. Putting Roxor out of business would only anger the fans. Such a move could be considered Konami shooting themselves in the foot as well.

I hope the whole thing is canceled. ITG for PS2 is coming out soon, and ITG2 is also coming out soon; the horizon is (was) bright. Let it remain bright. E1.gif
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93. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, they don't care about North America so much that the console versions of DDR are some of the hottest sellers for them. sarc.gif

[quote:ed1f6848c5=\\\"jaeness\\\"]get your change from obama, he apparently has tons of it.[/quote]
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94. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:26 pm    Post subject: Re: Patent Reply with quote

Catastrophe wrote:
Normally when you own something you can do whatever you want with it. Furthmore, arcade machines are converted all the time. However, dedicated arcade machines that are covered by patents are a special case. And RoXoR's BoXoR can only go into a DDR machine. You can't even put it into a PIU machine, a Technomotion machine, or any generic cabinet. And that's why Konami cares. This is unlike fighting game cabinets where the cabinet is not specific to the game. And it is unfair competition to hijack your competitors products.

I don't understand this. A lot of things are protected by patents, yet we modify them all the time. Take cars for instance. People modify their cars which have tons of patents in them. Why is it ok to replace a sound system or even an engine in a car, but not the software in an arcade cabinet?

I can't think of other things w/ patents that we modify, but I know there are a lot out there.
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95. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sherl0k Shuffle wrote:
Yeah, they don't care about North America so much that the console versions of DDR are some of the hottest sellers for them. sarc.gif

Where else did we have to turn? There was no ITG, and DDR home versions were all we had besides more of the same at the arcade...Proof they don't care about North America.....I'm sorry I have to say this...

DDR Extreme for PS2 JP = Every song on the arcade Extreme mix

DDR Extreme for PS2 US = UTTER AND COMPLETE MEH with around 14 songs worth playing and LoM of all things as the "hardest song" for the game. That's bullshit.

Alezay from "THE GRP"
Toady wrote:
That guy on his knees is me, and I'm doing what I do best - worship the rooster.
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Edible Bondage Tape
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96. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

orb wrote:

Well, now that they seem to have suspended or entierly stopped making DDR arcade mixes (for Japan or the U.S.), Konami only makes themselves look selfish by suing over something that they're not even making money on. ITG is an example of how DDR fans have improved upon DDR's best aspects and added many new challenges, etc. to the game.

no one complains when nintendo sues people for downloading NES roms or when they sue companines making fami clones why whine when konami sues a company infringin on THIER patent

DDR Extreme for PS2 JP = Every song on the arcade Extreme mix

uhh 100 != 250
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97. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I do not think anyone should jump to conclusions until more details of this injuction are released. We do not know what specifically Konami is suing about at this moment.

Based on what I see and know, the best possible outcome out of this is Roxor settles out of court (which they will have to do to avoid lengthy and costly legal battles against konami's million dollar lawyers) and that they come out with a settlement that Roxor continues to make arcade games under the DDR umbrella and both companies work together. The home version market cannot survive without the arcade, I know this firsthand. So Konami needs to protect what they have in this country regardless of how it got here. Having Roxor do all the work for them to keep the arcades coming, and helping them in the process, I see as the best that can come out of this for all parties.

Last edited by sfetaz on Wed May 11, 2005 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total
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98. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

EnglishBastardizingTerror wrote:
no one complains when nintendo sues people for downloading NES roms or when they sue companines making fami clones why whine when konami sues a company infringin on THIER patent

When has this happend? E19.gif

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99. PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I imagine if Konami does try to delay ITG for the PS2, this would greatly upset RedOctane, since they are publishing the game. And since RO is the number one DDR pad seller, that could spell even more trouble for Konami....
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