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blue-kun Administrator

Joined: 23 Jan 2002
40. Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 9:05 pm Post subject: |
P__K wrote: | Why does everyone have to think that "OH its 10k commontion!" You guys need to shut up about it already, I really dought that anyone at Andamiro would even know about some silly web comic thats not even finished yet. |
Are we accusing Andamiro for taking the idea or something? No? Exactly. We're merely pointing out the similarity between those two. Why would you take any offense off of that?
Oh, and before anyone accuses me for being anti-PIU or anti-Andamiro or anything... Check who posted this headline in the first place, and also check of which nationality I am... That's right. blue-kun's a first-generation immigrant from Korea.
Sheesh, the entire PIU-versus-DDR drama's so played out it's not even funny here on DDR Freak. No need to get all defensive about PIU, ya know?
Eugene _________________
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djmon Vivid Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Tokyo, Japan(i wish) at 559 area |
41. Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:57 pm Post subject: |
man PIU world tourney that is some great stuff Eugene would probably win that with hands in his pocket  _________________
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xxxplizit Eta Vivid Member

Joined: 12 Feb 2002 Location: In bed impregnating. |
42. Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:06 am Post subject: |
trupnoi wrote: | YOU ALL GOT ARROWED BY BLUE
man PIU world tourney that is some great stuff Eugene would probably win that with hands in his pocket  |
Yeah, he kicked my @$$ badly on nightmare. LOL. He'll probably get top 39 for PA. Go BLUE!  _________________
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Zanneth Trick Member

Joined: 02 Jun 2004 Location: Tucson, Arizona |
43. Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:23 pm Post subject: |
According to an interview of the BanYa leader conducted by some of the people at, the KOREAN GOVERNMENT is paying for everything!
I'd like to see the American government pay for a video game tournament. heh |
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cj iwakura Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2004 Location: coral springs, fl. |
44. Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:43 pm Post subject: |
It's not just the no-bar thing. The official Andamiro tournament that was held in Argentina a few months back was even stricter.
(And that was where the source for bar being allowed on NM came from: ( )
All the qualifying songs for Crazy and Nightmare were L14/L18+.
For example, X-Treme was an option for NM, as it's L19, but the CZ was not one of the choices, since it's only a 13(not what they call it, but that's what it is in terms of difficulty.
I don't know if the World Tournament's going to be going by the same standards that the Argentina one had, but if so, a rough idea of what to expect:
Canon D, Vook, Dignity, I'll Give You All My Love, Pump Me Amadeus, Love is a Danger Zone(new steps), Final Audition Episode 1, Blazing, Final Audition, Winter, Hi-Bi, Run!(new steps), Slam, Bee, What Do You Really Want?, Solitary 2
Canon D, X-Treme, Dignity, I'll Give You All My Love, Pump Me Amadeus, Love is a Danger Zone, Final Audition Episode 1, Blazing, Final Audition 2, Winter, Hi-Bi, Beethoven Virus, Slam, Beat of the War, Solitary 2
Again, I'm hoping the World Tournament won't be using this template as well, but I have a feeling that will likely be the case.
I imagine it won't be for the US Nationals that precede the World Tournament, as there aren't nearly as many talented steppers here as there are in Mexico and Korea.
It's worth noting that while Mexico is allowed to have 20 qualifiers attend the World Festival, USA will only get 2.
By the way, for those of you who are interested, the date for the USA qualifications is tentatively planned for sometime in the summer, likely July. The location's TBA, but I hear South Carolina's among the primary candidates. Again, it might not be as strict as the World Tournament, but Andamiro will be sponsoring it, so be forewarned that it may have to be by their rules. _________________
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babyvoxlover Trick Member

Joined: 18 Feb 2003 Location: Brighton |
45. Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2005 6:12 pm Post subject: |
Just thought, if theres no bar, there will be no BONG THOMASES lol
What is PIU freestyle without a BT thrown in for good measure =P _________________
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001 MadStepz Trick Member

Joined: 06 Aug 2002 Location: West Oakland Cali |
46. Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:29 pm Post subject: |
south carolina??  |
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djmon Vivid Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Tokyo, Japan(i wish) at 559 area |
47. Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:40 am Post subject: |
Cali i think got more PIU than any other state here in the US... well i hope they have it here in Cali  _________________
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cj iwakura Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2004 Location: coral springs, fl. |
48. Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:48 pm Post subject: |
New York is also under consideration for the nationals, mostly for the high-profile factor it'll allow us.
Also, for any of you in the Texas or MidWest area, there's going to be a fairly large gathering going down at the end of May, on the weekend of the 28th. A lot of supporters and primary Pumpers from around the southeast are planning on attending, and there's plans for a tournament too, so it's definetly a good opportunity to get some competition practice if you'll be around for it.
It's supposedly going down in the Dallas area.
Info on the Dallas Tournament is now up at, and the details are quoted as follows:
-First Official Tournament in the U.S.A.!
part of
Saturday May 28, 2005
Dave and Busters (Stemmons)
10727 Composite Dr
Dallas, TX 75220
Time: Sign-up begins 12:00 noon
Andamiro, Mastiff, Dave and Busters,
> Tournament Style: Double Elimination
> Division: Crazy, Freestyle, Hard
> Players can only enter 2 divisions if it is the combination of either Crazy or Hard with Freestyle. Players cannot enter both Hard and Crazy divisions.
> In Crazy division, players can only choose the following songs:
.Bee .Dignity .I Will Give You All My Love .Slam .Extreme .Canon D
.Love is a Danger Zone .Winter .Blazing
.Pump Me Amadeus .Bethoven Virus .Hi Bi
.Final Audition .Final Audition Ep.1 .Solitary 2
(This list will be adjusted soon to include approx. 10 more songs)
> Entry Fee: $10
> Best of 3 songs wins. Song 3 will be random. In Hard division, song 3 will be level 6 and above.
> Holding bar is allowed
> The score given by game will determine winner
> Free Style division judged by:
Creativity â 30%
Grade â 10%
Performance â 30%
Skill â 15%
Dance 15%
Crazy 1. $500 & PIU Merch.
2. $200 & PIU Merch.
3. PIU Merch.
Freestyle 1. $200 & PIU Merch.
2. PIU Merch
Hard 1. $100
2. PIU Merch.
3. PIU Merch.
Bill Swartz, Head Woof of Mastiff
> In abiding by Dave & Busters rules, players under 21 years of age may need assistance to enter the building. Please do not be alarmed by this.
> Yahpp MAY elect new supporters during his visit here.
I won't get to go sadly, but a lot of people will. Definetly worth checking out if you're down for some competition. _________________
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Arturo Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2004 Location: Dallas, TX |
49. Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 10:36 am Post subject: |
As far as the no-bar rule at the World Fest in Korea, Yahpp himself told me that they've relented on it in part, and WILL allow bar use on Nightmare only (and, of course, on Freestyle, as well). Guess they've forgotten to update their site on that point. (Note: For anyone that doesn't know, Yahpp (leader of BanYa) is in charge of worldwide tournaments and promotion of Pump, in addition to his music responsibilities).
And the U.S. Nationals are expected to follow the World Fest rules.
The first officially-sanctioned Pump tournament in the U.S., here in Dallas (which cj posted about above), will allow bar usage on any mode. We've just had two special guests confirmed for the tourney:
1) Bill Swartz, Prez of Mastiff Games, which is soon releasing the eagerly-awaited U.S. home version of Pump! We hope to have some beta versions there to play.
2) Yahpp! (minus the band, lol). He will be heading the judging panel for Freestyle Mode.
Note -- I should also introduce myself, since most here (besides cj) prob don't know me. I'm Arturo, from Dallas, and a fellow Supporter.
Hope some of you can make it to the Dallas gathering! We've got pumpers from all over coming.....Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, Montana, North and South Carolina, Virginia, maybe Kansas and some others. There will be some great players to watch, even if you don't want to compete! _________________
Dallas, TX |
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BruceLeroy Trick Member

Joined: 22 May 2002 Location: San Jose |
50. Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 8:57 am Post subject: |
Hey everybody!
Does anyone know anything about WHEN or WHERE the next official american tournament for PIU world fest will take place? Or at least a place where information is in proper english and regularly updated? i am located in california, but i would pack up and go just about anywhere in the country for a chance to perform in Korea.
The freestyle community in the USA should be on fire right now - i mean, this thing is HUGE!! However, the lack of media presence for this event is rather frustrating. i didn't even hear about the Dallas event until the thursday before. Also, the official site doesn't seem to get updated often when concerning the USA.
Man, i just want a chance to dance.
--Bruce _________________
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Cutriss Staff Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002
51. Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:36 am Post subject: |
As mentioned in the other thread, whenever we get word of the next PIU qualifier, we'll post it on the front page. _________________
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Arturo Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2004 Location: Dallas, TX |
52. Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:20 am Post subject: |
The next installment in the Pump Championship Series 2005, leading up to the U.S. Nationals, was just confirmed last night. Will be in New Orleans, Louisiana (actually a suburb), on Saturday, July 30th:
As posted elsewhere, by Smidget:
Game Klub
3030 N. Arnoult Road
Metairie, LA 70002
(just outside of New Orleans)
This was finally set in stone a couple nights ago and I was hoping to get it up on piugame at the same time but it I haven't talked to macnom/yahpp about it yet so I guess they'll be a little suprised.
The rules will be about the same as last time with a lil twist in the crazy division and with it being single elimination this time. I'll tell you about the "twist" as soon as we figure out all the details of it which should be within the next couple of days.
Prizes will of course be Pump merchandise along with money that for now is TBA.
I know both the last event and this one have been somewhat short notice but next year will be different. The schedule for the PIU Championship Series 2006 is already being planned.
Also, keep September in mind. We are looking at this to be the month for the Nationals in Charlotte, N.C.
As soon as I talk to macnom it will be up on piugame.
Thanks go out to Tounge for helping to set this up.
Additional post soon afterward:
Also, the twist in the crazy division will be this:
After talking to Tounge last night we had decided to make it âbarâ up until the semi-finals. The semi-finals and finals would be âno barâ. The reason for this is because this is how the rest of the world plays and we need to start to follow suit. Well, after thinking about it for a little while, I donât want to do it for this event (Sorry Tounge). I do not think people have been practicing âno barâ up until now and I do not want to deter any one from entering.
The National Festival (*TENTAVILEY* scheduled for September 24) will be run with âbarâ up until the semi-finals. The semi-finals and finals will be âno barâ. This is because the winners go to Korea to represent the U.S. in a âno barâ World competition. So start practicing!! Also, next years Championship Series will be run the same way. The idea is to slowly, and I do mean slowly, work out the bar altogether. This may be over a d period of one year, a couple years, or some other time period. Itâs just a matter of changing it according to where Pump is at that time, which is why I donât want to change it for New Orleans. Pump isnât at the right place yet.
So the rules for New Orleans will be the same as the Dallas event.
Not to go off topic, but I would love to have a PIU Character cosplay contest at the National Festival. I mentioned this once before and didnât get a lot response. This will be easier as the Pump community grows over the next few years but for right now, I need to see what you thoughts are. No sense in giving out a spiffy prize for a 3 person contest, ya know?
Wow, so this ended up being a lot longer than I had planned but there ya go. I hope this answers a lot of questions, probably raised a few too, haha.
Hopefully Iâll get this posted on soon but Mr. Korean dooder (macnom) hasnât been online the past couple of nights.
Cash prizes will be announced soon.
Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up until the official posting soon at _________________
Dallas, TX |
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Cutriss Staff Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002
53. Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 6:50 pm Post subject: |
Wow. Guess I'll have to keep my eyes on the website and headline it once it goes live.
I knew there were more Pumpers in NO than DDR players (I will shortly be moving to Baton Rouge, and I'm in Biloxi now), but the tournament being here is surprising to me. _________________
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Ranger X Basic Member

Joined: 15 Mar 2005 Location: W.Va. |
54. Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:28 am Post subject: |
This makes me wish we had a up to date machine.... along with being better at it... maybe by next year I can give this a though. _________________
I am the last and only line of Defence |
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redviper Trick Member

Joined: 22 Jan 2003 Location: Spartanburg, SC |
55. Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:41 pm Post subject: |
Hey art, you do know that would be completely unfair to have bar useage up untill the semi finals. You must have no bar the entire tourney because that could get somebody eliminated that is better without the bar.
For example Flow can kick some butt with the bar and that one time at the texas tourney he beat daniel. However daniel can beat flow anyday at no bar, so really you need to think the rules over again. You guys need to stop changing the rules and leave it like it was supposed to be. I know that alot of people will raise hell about this, because it seems like smiget and or you are changing the rules without asking all the other players. _________________
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Arturo Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jan 2004 Location: Dallas, TX |
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