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RedOctane's Guitar Hero unveiled
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0. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:21 am    Post subject: RedOctane's Guitar Hero unveiled Reply with quote

Spotted over at GAF, RedOctane has announced its second forthcoming published game, a new game from Harmonix, the people behind Konami's Karaoke Revolution series. The new game is called Guitar Hero, and is slated for release in Fall 2005. Will it be anything like Guitar Freaks? Will it use the guitar controller? Who knows! We *do* know, at this point, however, that some of the featured licenses in the game include Jimi Hendrix and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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1. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, Harmonix always makes music games that are interactive, so I'd expect Guitar Hero to be like Guitar Freaks, or at least I hope so. E10.gif
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2. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 12:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

peepsluvr wrote:
Well, Harmonix always makes music games that are interactive, so I'd expect Guitar Hero to be like Guitar Freaks, or at least I hope so. E10.gif
That whooshing sound you just heard was the point, whizzing over your heard.

Pac Man is interactive, but that doesn't mean that it is also like Guitar Freaks.

My point was that we don't know if Guitar Hero has an indentical or similar gameplay mechanic to Guitar Freaks. For example, a strum lever with three hold buttons to simulate frets for making chords. For all you know, this game could just be 5-button Pop'n with a guitar-shaped controller.

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Michael Scofield.Stg
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3. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

First thing I thought of is The simpsons.

Homer wanted a jacket that said Guitar Hero.
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midnightclub x
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4. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Even though i've never played Guitar Freaks, this might be cool for guitar players like my sister.
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5. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cutriss wrote:
peepsluvr wrote:
Well, Harmonix always makes music games that are interactive, so I'd expect Guitar Hero to be like Guitar Freaks, or at least I hope so. E10.gif
That whooshing sound you just heard was the point, whizzing over your heard.

Pac Man is interactive, but that doesn't mean that it is also like Guitar Freaks.

My point was that we don't know if Guitar Hero has an indentical or similar gameplay mechanic to Guitar Freaks. For example, a strum lever with three hold buttons to simulate frets for making chords. For all you know, this game could just be 5-button Pop'n with a guitar-shaped controller.

And my point was that it would be a musical game with interaction with a special peripheral (even though Frequency used just a dualshock, it was still a different way to experience a game). Hopefully it won't be like Gitaroo-Man, but like Guitar Freaks.
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6. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

and just WHAT is wrong with Gitaroo Man...?!?! HM?!

laugh.gif Seriously though, Gitaroo Man was the first game I thought of when I read that. And I was like "OMFG, A sequel?!" and then I read it wasn't Koei, but Harmonix + RO.
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7. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 2:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If nothing else, it sounds like there will be some good music on the game...
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8. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The site was taken down.

Wow. Ouch.
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9. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

what about guitar freaks? thats enough for me.
hang'n high with 8 points!
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10. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe RO will just start publishing Bemani clone games for NA?
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cj iwakura
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11. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 8:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As long as we finally get to see more Harmonix Funky Beats productions get the spotlight, I'm there.
Good to see Karaoke Revolution and Sony's little projects aren't totally occupying their time.. I'd still rather see the next incarnation of Frequency/Amplitude, though.
This should be interesting, still..
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12. PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 10:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The sites mentioned in the article almost don't seem to exist and there is no contest info on the contest site.....
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13. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Phylos wrote:
The sites mentioned in the article almost don't seem to exist and there is no contest info on the contest site.....

'Cause this is an E3 spoiler. Wasn't supposed to be revealed yet.
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14. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 12:27 am    Post subject: Guitar Hero Reply with quote

Phylos wrote:
The sites mentioned in the article almost don't seem to exist and there is no contest info on the contest site.....

It works for me, but maybe I just have it cached from my visit earlier today:

Whoa! seems to be different now. Well, I remember what the contest rules used to be (paraphrased):

Former Contest Rules
1) Studio quality recordings only, on a compact disc
2) Submission due by July 1st
3) Winner must be available for interviews/live performances/whatever
4) You get no cash, only fame
5) Only one submission per band - please pick your best song
6) These rules subject to change without notice (apparently, this includes cancelling the entire contest by removing the webpage)
7) Your compact disc will not be returned (obviously)

Submission Requirements
1) First, record your song normally and exactly how it should sound. This recording should include any effects or whatever. Use a high quality lossless format and so on like rule number 1 above.
2) Since your submission should be recorded in a studio, you must also include a version of your song with each of the guitar tracks mixed out. (Or whatever. They started using some very musician-ish terminology that just went right over my head.)
3) If your song requires some kind of processing to make the guitars do something with the non-guitar parts of your song (or with other guitars), and this processing is minor, "we can handle that".
4) If your song has effects applied to it that don't involve altering the guitar sounds, then just put all that stuff directly into the guitar-less background track.
5) Since this is a guitar game, you must also provide the mixed out guitar tracks too of course. (I think they intend for bands to record themselves in a studio and then to provide the raw or at least seperated recordings from the guitar instruments.)
6) The contents of the disc you send us will go directly into the game if you win. Nothing else is required from you.

I'm missing a few but those were all the important ones. I wish I knew what the precise submission guidelines were, but if you're a musician I'm sure you know what I mean. You know, with the processing and the effects. E15.gif laugh.gif Well, I guess the contest is closed anyway. So it doesn't matter. But maybe someone here is hoping to enter if they reopen it?
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15. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 1:27 am    Post subject: E3 Reply with quote

[HENTAI] Reenee wrote:
Phylos wrote:
The sites mentioned in the article almost don't seem to exist and there is no contest info on the contest site.....

'Cause this is an E3 spoiler. Wasn't supposed to be revealed yet.

Which reminds me - I didn't see either of these two leaks (counting the two DDR games as one leak) on any other Bemani website. You know what might be a good a idea? If DDRFreak admins just nuked the leak-revealing posts instead of turning them into headlines. In both cases, the leaks that were linked to in ddrfreak's headlines were removed. Hence, the leak was stopped. DDRfreak is the only major Bemani fansite that created a record of the leaks. I realize that the leaks were still leaked, but that doesn't mean that everybody knows. Much much less people would know about these games now if DDRFreak had just waited a week to headline them. (Bemanistyle didn't make a headline.)

Now, when people visit RO's booth at E3 they're going to see Guitar Hero, or at least an announcement of it. But it's not going to have the OMG-surprise value anymore. I'm sure RO wanted to announce ITG and surprise people with Guitar Hero. And since they're not likely to have more than two games this kind of rains on their E3.

So if there are any more leaks before E3, let's try not pulling a GamePro here. If a leak becomes extremely common knowledge, then headline it. But before then I think a few people can contain themselves, even if they're not obligated to.
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16. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 8:29 am    Post subject: Re: E3 Reply with quote

Catastrophe wrote:
Which reminds me - I didn't see either of these two leaks (counting the two DDR games as one leak) on any other Bemani website. You know what might be a good a idea? If DDRFreak admins just nuked the leak-revealing posts instead of turning them into headlines. In both cases, the leaks that were linked to in ddrfreak's headlines were removed. Hence, the leak was stopped. DDRfreak is the only major Bemani fansite that created a record of the leaks. I realize that the leaks were still leaked, but that doesn't mean that everybody knows. Much much less people would know about these games now if DDRFreak had just waited a week to headline them. (Bemanistyle didn't make a headline.)
GAF has it now, so us deleting it would be pointless.
Catastrophe wrote:
Now, when people visit RO's booth at E3 they're going to see Guitar Hero, or at least an announcement of it. But it's not going to have the OMG-surprise value anymore. I'm sure RO wanted to announce ITG and surprise people with Guitar Hero. And since they're not likely to have more than two games this kind of rains on their E3.
Their problem, not ours.

If they wanted to test the webpage, they could have viewed it internally. If they wanted to test the server, they could have just thrown up a <HTML>MYMYBOX SUCKS</HTML> page and they'd be done. But no, they had to go and be silly and tell the world before they really wanted to. Their fault, not ours.

It's kinda like something that happened to me when I was a lot younger and dumber. I wrote a love letter to a girl I had a crush on, and then packed a locket in the envelope and gave it to my dad to bring to the post office, but I didn't put a return address on it. He saw this when he got there, put it in another envelope, this time with a return address, and then mailed it. Oooooops. But not his fault. Mine. I was the one that screwed up. As the saying goes, "When you want something done right, do it yourself."
Catastrophe wrote:
So if there are any more leaks before E3, let's try not pulling a GamePro here. If a leak becomes extremely common knowledge, then headline it. But before then I think a few people can contain themselves, even if they're not obligated to.
Here's where I disagree the most.

We're journalists. We have a duty to report things to the public as we learn about them. We serve the public, and to a much lesser extent, the companies themselves. The only time I've gone to Konami for permission to do something, I went around and around with them for two months without ever getting an answer, and in the end, someone else beat me to the story because they didn't give a damn about checking with Konami first (this is the Take It To The Mornin' Light SP4 thing, BTW). And nothing really came of it.

Let's say we hadn't reported the leak, and decided to sit on it. And then BemaniStyle *did* report on it. What do we do then? Not report it? Then everyone knows anyway, and they're all up in arms because "DDR Freak doesn't care and won't report stuff unless it has to do with ITG." We do report it, and then we're just copying BMS. We're not at their mercy (businesses or other Bemani sites), so we shouldn't do things just because others are too.

No, I found out about something, and so it was my duty to report that it happened. If Konami wanted to make a big splash with things, then they should have picked better media outlets to announce things (LIKE MAYBE US, FOR EXAMPLE). Besides, it's not like all of their cats are out of their respective bags. They still have surprises left.

Incidentally, GamePro didn't nuke the articles at the same time. The Extreme 2 article went down first, and the UM3 article took about 12 hours longer. So it wasn't a question of them trying to fix the mistake. If it was brought to their attention that they had spoiled some or all of Konami's E3 content, they should have double-checked everything else. There may well have been other pages out there that nobody tried to look for, and there may still be pages there.

As for Guitar Hero, I picked that up from GAF, so they were the original reporters. We can cover our ears and hum the 1812 Overture all we want, but they're not taking that article down. Even if we hadn't headlined it, someone in this very forum was talking about it, so you would have known anyway.

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17. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[HENTAI] Reenee wrote:
Phylos wrote:
The sites mentioned in the article almost don't seem to exist and there is no contest info on the contest site.....

'Cause this is an E3 spoiler. Wasn't supposed to be revealed yet.

Honestly, I've know a miniscule amount about the game for about half a week now....

Catastrophe wrote:
It works for me, but maybe I just have it cached from my visit earlier today:

When I checked both sites, now it's just the URL in white text on a solid black background... I wonder if someone at RO knows about the leak already?
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18. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:02 am    Post subject: Re: E3 Reply with quote

Yeah, I know. The anti-spoiler arguments are coming from me. riiight.gif What is the world coming to?

Cutriss wrote:
Let's say we hadn't reported the leak, and decided to sit on it. And then BemaniStyle *did* report on it. What do we do then? Not report it? Then everyone knows anyway, and they're all up in arms because "DDR Freak doesn't care and won't report stuff unless it has to do with ITG." We do report it, and then we're just copying BMS. We're not at their mercy (businesses or other Bemani sites), so we shouldn't do things just because others are too.

True, if someone else does report it, then you should report it. It doesn't make sense to pretend that you didn't hear a leak. So, because GAF didn't take down their article, Guitar Hero is cool. But BMS still hasn't made a headline out of it. In fact, their current headline still says that RO has another secret rhythm game that isn't ITG. That's what got me thinking about this. I know the information is out there for anyone to find, but it's the difference between 10, 100, and ten thousand people knowing. (And maybe like the SP4 thing, it doesn't matter.)

Cutriss wrote:
If Konami wanted to make a big splash with things, then they should have picked better media outlets to announce things (LIKE MAYBE US, FOR EXAMPLE). Besides, it's not like all of their cats are out of their respective bags. They still have surprises left.
E4.gif Yay! More games! But would you spoil those too? So are you saving something for E3 and not making another headline out of it?
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19. PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey - I'm not referring to anything specifically. I'm just saying that I doubt that:

A: GamePro put *all* of Konami's E3 announcements up (I couldn't find a page for DDR with Mario)

B: Konami put all their eggs in one basket (GamePro probably doesn't know everything)

Just thinking outside the box is all.

And if I had stuff to report, I'd report it. But I don't, so I can't.

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