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DDR 2nd Mix FAQ errors
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Trick Member
Trick Member

Joined: 11 Aug 2002
Location: Michigan
0. PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 1:33 pm    Post subject: DDR 2nd Mix FAQ errors Reply with quote

i played on a 2nd mix just the other day, and there are a few errors that i would like to report for both the songlist and FAQ for 2nd mix.

difficulty selection - the intructions for the difficulty selection are incorrect for how a person chooses maniac. there is a seperate foot code that must be put in after selecting the another difficulty, in order to reach maniac. this is the code:

left.gif left.gif left.gif right.gif right.gif right.gif left.gif right.gif

so, in order for a player to choose maniac difficulty from the default basic difficulty, there must first press down twice to choose another, and then enter the foot code that i described above. pressing down twice again from the another difficulty will never get you maniac, trust me, i tried several times. i think it should also be mentioned that once you pick your difficulty at the difficulty selection screen, there is no way to change it throughout your game. all of your songs will either be on basic, another, or maniac.

the differences between easy, normal, and hard mode - i am not completely sure of the differences between these modes, but i do know that each mode will produce different song lists available for selection. i am not sure exactly what songs are available in what modes, but i saw a definite difference between them. some songs are only available in certain modes.

the songlist - i only had the chance to play a few games since i was in a rush that day, but i plan on going back soon and learning more about the song list for 2nd mix. the only song i can think of right now that is not mentioned in the song list is Strictly Business. it is missing from the songlist for 2nd mix. it is indeed on there. that is the only song i can think of right now that i remember not being on the current ddrfreak songlist.

also, i remember Kung Fu Fighting on maniac being listed as a 4 footer. here on ddrfreak, it is listed as a 5 footer. i am not sure if it was changed in other versions it was on, but i know for a fact it is a 4 footer on 2nd mix.

Passed 10 footers
bag(1.5x or 2x cant remember)
sakura(shouldnt be a 10 foot song)
max 300(just got it tonight E4.gif )
paranoia survivor(...nothing to put lol)
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Joined: 17 Jan 2002
Location: Denver
1. PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you sure it wasn't 3rd mix?

That code you mentioned was used in 3rd mix to get to Maniac. I don't remember ever having to do that for a 2nd mix machine.
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Trick Member
Trick Member

Joined: 11 Aug 2002
Location: Michigan
2. PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i am absolutely positive it is 2nd mix. i just played it yesterday, and plan on going back more next week. ill take pictures of it if necessary, but i didnt think it would be. i know for a fact it is 2nd mix because ive also played 3rd mix before.

the difference between the 2nd mix code and the 3rd mix code is that the 3rd mix code is put in by the yellow selection buttons on the machine. the 2nd mix code is a FOOT code, and must be put in with the arrows on the pad.

its the same code, but put in differently.

Passed 10 footers
bag(1.5x or 2x cant remember)
sakura(shouldnt be a 10 foot song)
max 300(just got it tonight E4.gif )
paranoia survivor(...nothing to put lol)
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