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DDR Studio showcased for the first time in the US
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Melvis at the Disco!
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0. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:26 pm    Post subject: DDR Studio showcased for the first time in the US Reply with quote

A new form of Dance Dance Revolution was recently pitched for the first time in the United States at the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association's (IHRSA) Expo. Konami Tokyo Sports Life Division, along with Konami Digital Entertainment – America, unveiled this new concept, called DDR Studio. DDR Studio is Konami’s answer to the idea of infusing DDR into a fitness club-type atmosphere. For more details, check out this article.
(Dance Dance Revolution)'s really not attractive, and most people that do it are pudgy, fat men that don't know they're gay yet. - Brad Sherwood

Last edited by Melvis at the Disco! on Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total
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Melvis at the Disco!
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1. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

A new form of Dance Dance Revolution was recently pitched for the first time in the United States at the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association's (IHRSA) Expo. Konami Tokyo Sports Life Division, along with Konami Digital Entertainment – America, unveiled this new concept, called DDR Studio. DDR Studio is Konami’s answer to the idea of infusing DDR into a fitness club-type atmosphere. Aside from the typical arrow stomping that most DDR’ers are accustomed to, DDR Studio incorporates choreographed routines that accompany the songs. These routines range in all sorts of different types of aerobic workouts, from the slow-paced stretching/yoga/tai chi emulations to a more intense workout, as shown by the kickboxing and Kung Fu programs. Up to 8 people can join on the exercising along with the fitness instructors. A complete 5-program session runs approximately 25 minutes.

From an aesthetic standpoint, the visuals of DDR Studio look somewhat similar to any standard DDR Workout Mode, which is very familiar to those who have used it in consumer versions. In the center of the big monitor, where DDR Studio is displayed in front of the players, lies the standard step zone, just like any average DDR. However, flanking both sides of the step zone are 2 columns. On the left side, players 1, 3, 5, and 7 can track how many kCals they have burned. On the right side, players 2, 4, 6, and 8 can track their kCal burning progress.

The gameplay of DDR Studio has some slight differences to its arcade-style counterpart. The whole stepping on time with scrolling arrows is pretty self-explanatory. But as mentioned before, most arrows are stepped to a choreographed routine that is shown by a real instructor. For example, Kakumei uses a boxing program to accompany its music. The users learn to step and jab with proper boxing technique and body position. They also learn how to throw other punches such as hooks and uppercuts. In addition to the arrows, two new symbols are used. The first is a star, which prompts the user to perform a kicking-type motion, as dictated by the routine. So if you’re in a Karate program, it could be a lunge kick; whereas in a Muy Thai program, it would be a prompt for a knee strike. The second symbol is a fist with the letter "L" or "R" superimposed on it. This prompts the user to perform a punch with the left or right hand, as indicated by the appropriate letter.

The hardware of DDR Studio is unique as well. It runs off of a PlayStation 2® and requires a large screen that is big enough for 8 people to see clearly. The instructors use a smaller screen on stage by their feet to keep track of the ongoings and the step pattern. Up to 8 wireless/infrared pads allow up to 8 users to participate in the exercising. What makes these pads unique is that they are made of hard rubber, built to withstand a lot more wear and tear than the average consumer-style DDR controller. The pad's look and feel parallel that of a rubber floormat for a car.

This concept of fusing DDR and aerobics is not completely new to Konami, as evidenced by their 2002 Japanese release of Martial Beat (and its sequel, Martial Beat 2) and Aerobics Revolution in 2003. The American market has yet to see something of this nature localized.

Already seemingly popular in fitness clubs in Japan, DDR Studio is still patent pending in the United States. With the continuing growth of DDR's popularity, DDR Studio may eventually make its way to fitness studios and physical education programs across the US.

EDIT 4.18.05 --
(c/o Sinistar)
One of the DDR4Health regulars (danburi) did a bit of detective work and dug up photos from the IHRSA event and video footage of DDR Studio in action!
(Dance Dance Revolution)'s really not attractive, and most people that do it are pudgy, fat men that don't know they're gay yet. - Brad Sherwood

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2. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Pcitures please?
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3. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We don't fucking care about this, Konami. Where is our new Arcade mix?
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4. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is this what they meant when they said they are starting over? erm.gif

Nah, just kidding... this seems like a good next step for DDR *pun intended*. Not that anything like this should take the place of new arcade and home mixes (and noone said it would be!) but I think it's a fun little spin-off idea. Hell, something like this at my local gym might motivate my fat ass to go out there once in a while and check it out.
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5. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's a good idea, and DDR could use a breath of fresh air. I still would personally like another arcade/home version, however.
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6. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mmm, punching the crap out of people to the tune of Kakumei.

They should sell the mats to consumers, at the very least.
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7. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

anyone feel a parappa song coming along?

KICK!! PUNCH! its all in the mind!
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8. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If this does good in the states, we can probably see a DDR Studio 2rd Mix.
I suck at DDR
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9. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They are trying WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard for it to be a fitness game rather then its 1st use...a fun, family dance/rhythm game. This is actually sorta driving me away to tell the truth.
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10. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What I'm about to say is my opinion and my opinion only. Just wanted to warn you ahead of time.

I think that arobics is a very stupid way to get in shape. I was watching it on In-Demand a few nights ago, and I just couldn't help but laugh at those hapless fools.

Not that stepping on arrows looks any less ridiculous. I'm just blown away at what lengths people will go to to get DDR turned into the next exercise craze. Just plain ridiculous!!!

But if Arobics is your thing then more power to you. It just looks totally silly from my perspective.

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Geneity X
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11. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 3:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's driving me away too. DDR has the potential to be a fitness game but if it's anything near waht Aerobics Revolution was......ew.

I think Konami's attention is going more toward the fitness aspect and not enought tword the aspects that makes the game aesteticlly IIDX RED drool.gif . No but seriously, Konami should make 2 divisions: 1 for what the DDR fans want, and 1 for the fitness aspect. Hell, they could even start releasing 2 differant versions of the game each year...
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12. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eric. wrote:
We don't fucking care about this, Konami. Where is our new Arcade mix?

There's never going to be a new arcade DDR mix, so there's no point in getting agitated over this announcement.
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13. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

eric. wrote:
We don't fucking care about this, Konami. Where is our new Arcade mix?

hey chill out!!!

Konami of America killed it's US arcade department a while back.
Didn't you get the memo???

If you want to complain, complain to Konami of Japan.
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14. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

gs191 wrote:
eric. wrote:
We don't fucking care about this, Konami. Where is our new Arcade mix?

hey chill out!!!

Konami of America killed it's US arcade department a while back.
Didn't you get the memo???

That's not the reason why there won't be any more arcade DDR mixes. Keep in mind that almost every DDR Extreme in the US is bootlegged. It is not a Konami of America-made game.
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15. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:21 pm    Post subject: DDR Club Mix Reply with quote

gene|4 wrote:
It's driving me away too. DDR has the potential to be a fitness game but if it's anything near waht Aerobics Revolution was......ew.

I think Konami's attention is going more toward the fitness aspect and not enought tword the aspects that makes the game aesteticlly IIDX RED drool.gif . No but seriously, Konami should make 2 divisions: 1 for what the DDR fans want, and 1 for the fitness aspect. Hell, they could even start releasing 2 differant versions of the game each year...

ponder.gif That seems to be what they are doing. So go play UM2 on XBL, because that's the version of the game that was made you. You don't have to feel 'driven away' by the presence of a health club mix. Konami is doing this just for the players who want to use DDR for excercise. You shouldn't look at every DDR game as if it was made for you. Konami is now making many variants of DDR for different audiences. We'll probably hear about 'our' next game at E3.

List of Confirmed and Unconfirmed DDR Games:
DDR GameCube - Nintendo said that DDR for the GCN would be at E3.
DDR Extreme 2 - The mission mode reward page says that there will be a next game.
DDR Ultramix 2 - A game for hardcore DDR people. (Well, kinda both.)
DDR Extreme US - A game for casual DDR people. (Well, kinda both.)
DDR Studio - A game that is found mostly in fitness clubs.
(Plus maybe Ultramix 3.)

There will be 5 or 6 new and distinct DDR games in North America in the near future. (Using a sliding window of one year.) You're not supposed to be interested in all 5+ games. Konami expects you to buy/play, at most, one or two. Bitching about DDR Studio is like bitching about the radio stations that you don't listen to.

And this is a fine start towards DDR 2. Konami has already invented a DDR machine that runs off of a PS2 and can support 8 players. Now all they have to do is decide if they want to offer a different version of this game with coin-operated features.
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16. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Extreme "2"? o.O
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17. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thinner Mr. Wendell wrote:
In addition to the arrows, two new symbols are used. The first is a star, which prompts the user to perform a kicking-type motion, as dictated by the routine. So if you’re in a Karate program, it could be a lunge kick; whereas in a Muy Thai program, it would be a prompt for a knee strike. The second symbol is a fist with the letter "L" or "R" superimposed on it. This prompts the user to perform a punch with the left or right hand, as indicated by the appropriate letter.

Imagine how much more excited people would've been over this if they'd named it "DDR Ultimate Fighter" instead laugh.gif
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18. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I personally don't really like this idea, not because I'm dying for a new arcade mix, but because it sort of shoehorns the whole health and fitness thing into DDR, from what I can tell, rather awkwardly. I haven't seen it yet so I'm not forming any real judgments, but to me it feels like they're taking away the reason I think DDR is a good way to get in shape, which is that you're not aware that you're exercising while playing it. You're more likely concentrating on passing a song, getting a better score, etc. rather than exercising. By incorporating a calorie counter, and aerobics, tai chi, and kickboxing, constant reminders of the fact that you are indeed doing exercise, it basically makes it no different from your average and generally boring gym workout. But those are just my initial impressions. Some of it does sound somewhat interesting, but really, I think I'd need to see some kind of video or pictures of this in action and try it out before I can really form an opinion.

On a side note, why does this version get pads that sound so much better than the mostly crappy pads DDR players have to put up with?
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19. PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:09 pm    Post subject: Joke Reply with quote

This is kind of irrelevant now, but two days ago in the "Konami Sponsors NASPE Event & Showcases DDR at AAHPERD" thread I was going to post a made-up press release that actually looks like this one. I wrote it, but then I closed my browser instead of posting it because I though it wasn't as funny after re-reading it. My fake press release went something like:

Joke Press Release wrote:
"<April 19th, 2005> KDEA - KDE announced today that they would begin development on a new DDR spinoff called DDR Club Mix. This is a special version of DDR designed specifically for health clubs and fitness centers who want to feature DDR along with the rest of their facility, but who also don't want to set up a cheap consumer version. DDR Club Mix will feature songs like <list> and will also feature it's own dedicated hardware, which includes metal pads.

Product Manager Jason Enos had this to say about the new product: "We recieved glowing feedback from the instructors at both NASPE and AAHPERD. However, the one nagging complaint that we kept hearing was that nobody wanted to use our cheap, ugly softpads in their routines. A few instructors were also concerned that players would just visit their buissness once, buy their own copy of the home version, and never return."

Look for DDR Fitness Club Mix to hit health clubs near you this fall.

Oh man, if I had posted that two days ago. It would have been hillarious today! That'll teach me not to not say stupid things! Wait a second... laugh.gif
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