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The Official Pump It Up Thread
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-SuperZero3 Gold-
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800. PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 2:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've heard it's delicious. Think Ignition worthy.

If you're gonna get it, why don't you wait? It'll be out here cheaper in May.
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801. PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

True, but the reasons for not waiting would be that I heard it might get pushed back to June, the kids are impatient, and there's no guarantee that the quality of the pads bundled with the domestic version will be the same (a larger production run might force them to cut corners, who knows?)
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Thomas Hobbes
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802. PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, Andamiro's official pads are a freaking godsend. They're awesome but my pad that came with Prex3 tends to slip around a lot on my room's flooring (carpet).
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803. PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:25 pm    Post subject: Loc'l Reply with quote

so whatever happened to Chuckee's and the whole p.i.u. thing....
i need to play..........................
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804. PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Our new PIU machine is -supposed- to be coming in this weekend. THe joy. <3
I keep trying to make sense of that sentence, but then I feel my brain cells committing suicide.
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805. PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well, I had plenty of free time over spring break, so I decided to try something different (having played arcade DDR numerous times) and played Pump It Up last week.

BTW, I'm a little bit n00bish on the whole PIU thing. I knew the game existed, but I'd never played it until recently. For the record, I played Pump It Up - Perfect Collection DX or something, so my opinions are based on that particular game.

First off: the interface. Probably the most anti-n00b friendly system I've ever seen. My sister and I were trying to play Versus, and we couldn't figure out how to get the machine to put us on different difficulties. If she or I wanted to play in Hard or Normal Mode and the other on a different difficulty, we couldn't do it. We had to both play on the same difficulty, whether it be Normal, Hard, Battle, or Crazy, etc. We eventually figured out that the back two buttons scroll through the songlist, and the front two select the song, left and right side to the songs accordingly, and center picks the song. Problem is, there were no difficulty ratings from what I could see, only the BPM. Do newer mixes have this problem? Anyways, the interface was a MAJOR issue for me. disgust.gif

Secondly: the pad. Definitely took some getting used to, especially the center button, considering I started with DDR. However, once I got a feel for it, it was easier for me to get my bearings, it seemed easier to step diagonals than the standard DDR setup. Only problem I had was corner-to-corner jumps (I have long legs, but felt like I was doing the splits E15.gif ) and corner-to-center jumps (I'm not used to seeing that laugh.gif ). The pads responded well for the most part, except for minor problems (sticking buttons, not to mention no give AT ALL on the buttons). Minor annoyances aside, not too bad a setup.

Thirdly: the songlist. Good music games should have good music, right? Well, it the case of Pump It Up: PC, it's a lot of hit-and-miss, and mostly miss, for me. We played about 10 songs, and most of the music in the game was pretty much K-pop, and most of it was pretty generic for me. Didn't help that I couldn't read Korean. There were a few pretty good ones though. There's a few other genres represented, like techno, disco, and a few others, but overall didn't have the variety that DDR has. There also aren't that many songs in this game, I saw about 30-40. Oh, and getting 2 songs for 75 cents = Not good. disturb.gif

Finally, the steps. I didn't like how some steps for songs were all over the place difficulty-wise, I played a Hard Mode song that could've easily been in Normal Mode, and some of the Normal songs looked like they stepped out of Hard Mode. Not being able to see step difficulties didn't help. Also, some stepcharts don't really match anything in particular at all, and seemed too bland and generic. Almost made me wish for an Edit Mode on this thing. Then again, I didn't try Crazy Mode, so I can't say anything about that difficulty. I also didn't like how the lifebar went down by almost HALF on a miss when it was in the green, and barely moved on a miss in the red (bar difficulty?) and it was a bit hard to see. Scoring was strange too, but I guess I'm used to DDR. E19.gif

Overall, I was disappointed with PIU:PC. The interface pretty much killed it for me. I probably wouldn't play it again unless the newer mixes are considerably better. I understand Mastiff is releasing a home version of this game based on the Exceed engine, but I probably won't get it unless Andamiro or Mastiff make the interface better. At least Mastiff has a pretty good reputation, they did a excellent job localizing La Pucelle. Pump It Up CS is at least in capable hands. We'll see. E7.gif

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806. PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DancingDemonRaver wrote:
For the record, I played Pump It Up - Perfect Collection DX or something, so my opinions are based on that particular game.

Just to let you know...that's ancient. I'm no Pump expert, but something like eight versions have been released since then!

My sister and I were trying to play Versus, and we couldn't figure out how to get the machine to put us on different difficulties.

To my knowledge, that STILL cannot be done, even in the latest versions. I don't know why they chose to leave that out, but for whatever reason, it's not there. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong...

We eventually figured out that the back two buttons scroll through the songlist, and the front two select the song, left and right side to the songs accordingly, and center picks the song. Problem is, there were no difficulty ratings from what I could see, only the BPM. Do newer mixes have this problem?

In newer versions, there is ONE song at the front of the screen, not two, and it's the back buttons to scroll, center to choose. Most versions before Exceed would show "Lv. xx" for each song to indicate what level the song was, but the latest versions, you actually have to pick a song before you can see (and choose between) the difficulty levels. You can "back out" and pick a different song if you don't like the choices, but I still hate not being able to see difficulties while scrolling through the songs.

As for the pad, I don't like that the buttons have no give, but you get used to it. As for the songlist, don't worry about it. The newest versions have almost or over 100 songs and there's plenty of variety. And as for the misrated difficulties... well, they've been a problem, but in the latest versions, many songs have been re-numbered and the new difficulty ratings are much more accurate.

Hope this helps you get an idea of how the series has evolved. If you go to you can see screenshots of the newer games.

Now I have a question: does anybody here know where I can find a FAQ, or at least a songlist with difficulty ratings, for Exceed2? I've figured out that my level is about 6 or 7, so I'd like to play stuff in the 6-8 range, but with the craptacular song select screen, it's a pain to find songs in a certain range. So I'd love to have a list, plan out what I want to play and THEN drop my coins. Does such a list exist?

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807. PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

They have an Exceed2 songlist at and Exceed2 ROCKS! Remix station is so cool.
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808. PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:06 pm    Post subject: P.i.u. Reply with quote

as long as they don't make the song select to much like a game like they did to ddr Extreme on the ps2...that was too much of a change......can you reserve p.i.u. already at a store?
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809. PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:35 pm    Post subject: exceed2 Reply with quote

yes it does rock! i'm no veteran but I think i played exceed at a dave n busters in hawaii, and I play exceed 2 now, and I love it!
I can't do that well but i'm getting better.
6-7 footer. Learning, need friends. And a girl.
3/16/05 I'm getting my very own exceed2!
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Straight Dizzle
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810. PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 3:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hey didn't road fighters appeared in another mix instead of Exceed 2?
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811. PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah it appeared in Perfect Collection.
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812. PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

God, I...uh DISLIKE Pump it Up. I dont see why I dont get it. I can school everyone in DDR yet in pump it up I'm clueless. Argh. I want to learn to do both so when I see one of the pump machines I can do those too. Oh well, back to DDR.
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Baka of the Orochi
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813. PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 8:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


I swear, it amazes me how many idiots think they're actually obligated to post in these PIU and ITG topics just because it exists.
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814. PostPosted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's because they want attention and have no life outside of DDR and the internet. laugh.gif
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815. PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i think PIU is very fun and i'm kinda new to it technically and i can do hard mode and all.i wanna try some crazy's.PIU is way more fun than DDR.better music i think and better step charts.
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816. PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yyr, I believe you can see the difficulty level of whatever the mode you have selected at the top of the screen... on one side is the time and the other the level of the song on your current mode.
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817. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i played pump it up 3 awhile some place in wisconsin. we all thought it was ddr at first but boy were we wrong. i had a lot of fun playing it buti really only liked/played one song. i think it was called mexi mexi. i really like it and by the end of 3 days could almost pass it on that song in any other versions?
[quote:fdc56e267f="SakeLoverReturns"]nah raping the bar isn't cheating. If you ask me it's asking for it. Being there behind you looking all nice and firm. It's just begging to be grabbed onto. lmfao laugh.gif[/quote]
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818. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 7:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as I know, Mexi Mexi is also in Prex3, Exceed, and Exceed2. For the exceeds, you can play it by going to the Pop Channel, and it's like 4 or 5 to the left.

A local arcade just got Exceed 2, but the pads are pretty crappy. Not painfully bad, but still pretty bad. I am EXTREMELY impressed with everything they have on Pump It Up, and I hope it never changes, like it did with DDR.

In my opinion, everything in Pump It Up just feels more natural, and cool. I have Exceed Korean for the PS2, and I was amazed on how it was almost EXACTLY like the arcade, with an exeption of a few old songs that were revived from old mixes. Also, I find the pad layout of Pump to feel far more like dancing, and proves to be way more of a challenge as well.

I am also pleased with all of the steps that were added and rewritten from older mixes, like Run and Love is a Danger Zone (which is FREAKING INSANELY HARD on Crazy now, but it's still so much fun to play it and fail it. tongue.gif ) They also added Nightmare steps to a bunch of them, and they couldn't be better.

Is it just me, or is the intro music on Exceed 2 really awesome? tongue.gif

Anyway, if you haven't played Pump It Up yet, you must try it, I'm sure you will like it; you might find it way more difficult than DDR, but after I "converted" from an experienced DDR player (many Heavy AA's and double scores) to a Pump player, I actually became better at Pump. heh
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[Team Jiketsu] apd
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819. PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zanneth wrote:
Is it just me, or is the intro music on Exceed 2 really awesome? tongue.gif

It is not uncommon for one or two people (okay, usually just me) to throw up the horns at my arcade when the attract mode starts rocking out.
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