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Freestyling Tips
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980. PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been playing DDR for about 9 months now, but only recently got into fsing. Problem is I have no clue what I'm supposed to do with my arms during the song...I watched some videos but I really don't know how to do any of that. Not too skilled at real dancing but I'm working on it. Anyone have any suggestions?
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981. PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

. Depends on your style and what you choose. Check out the videos

Kevin Kim Style/Tequila style/kaiborg style:Very impressive style based on sharp arm movements. will usually top tournaments
Move your arm every second. Arm movement>movement

DJ8-ball/Bruce Leroy/Common Syle: Moderate arm movement. Moves come in and add enterainment. You should move arms commonly maybe once every 10 seconds (pointing at audience,etc) everyones style Arm Movement=Movement

A-team/obsesedBoAFreak/Hypnotikz: Your arms move frequently to cope with your hip hop moves you string together.Hypnotikz he's kinda slower style. very tiring Arm Movement=Movement

Adult B/Clark Kent style: If you're lazy and don't want to move your arms make up for it with the lower body. Your lower body must be VERY good Arm Movement<Movement
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982. PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kaiborg style...hehehe

uhm, anything i do on the pads is usually directly taking from a funk style or an illusion style of dance.

arm work consists of Filmore, Waving, Richmond, Locking (the oh so little that i know), Scarecrow, Puppet, or Poppin'.

to make that easier to understand: funky angles. complete sharpness using speed and muscle control (stopping on a dime, or hitting), or controlled looseness to make an illusion (ie scarecrow or puppet styles, you may associate waving with looseness, but its not).

best advice anyone's ever given ME in regards to the same question: keep it fawnky.

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983. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ha ha thanks alot! Now I have an almost halfway decent freestyle routine...I'll keep working on it. And one more question: Am I going to be penalized for not dancing like a girl (ie not feeling myself up on the dancepad)? Cause that's pretty much all I've seen from female fs'ers
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984. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 6:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh you're a girl? hahaha, thats awesome.

You don't have to feel up on yourself. I would get kind of annoyed at it honestly. Its not ddr lapdance, its ddr freestyle.

I think..I'm gonna make a dynamite rave routine to end all dynamite rave routines...that or I'll revive them all together. I relooked at the steps, and find a lot of easy breakin combos can be done in thsoe steps. Not talking knee drops either. Crap, I just need somebody to record.

Another note, I was at gameworks today, and found another freestyler. A local, not a tourist. Thats dope, too bad i had to go. disturb.gif
(i live in guam btw)

How do you guys feel about missing arrows to do bigger moves. I'm guilty of this. But how do you guys feel. Have you done it?
Rock that Arrow Beyatch.

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985. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joose wrote:
How do you guys feel about missing arrows to do bigger moves. I'm guilty of this. But how do you guys feel. Have you done it?

i havent done it (on purpose) yet, but i wouldnt feel guilty.

i think there comes a point where when you do it enough, its no longer a ddr freestyle--that point is when you fail the song because of it.
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Captain Canada
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986. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For me personally, it's hard to skip arrows. Like...I PA sometimes, so watching a few just float past the top doesn't feel natural. One FSer told me that a D is the grade he aims for, though, and I can see that...allows for creativity while still holding the person to some structure. Much better than making a "no arrow" edit anyhow.

And yeah, even though Nobody Jen has skill, it's not like every girl has to dance like her (I seriously think her crotch-on-fire move was what got her 2nd at CVGL =p). Go for a style of your own, like Joose said. I mean, still take advantage of the fact that you're a girl and can pull off certain stuff that a guy couldn't get away with, but don't go overboard.
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987. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CaptainCanada wrote:
One FSer told me that a D is the grade he aims for...

thats my motto for life E1.gif

"Remember kids, 'D' is for Diploma." -Mr. Marino, my high school psych teacher
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Vivid Member
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988. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah you don't have to dance like a girl if your a girl E10.gif see some of vhg's fs videos and you'll see biggrin.gif
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989. PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes please end the Dynamite Raves. New banner turpnoi?
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990. PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

of course, much love for Ayumi biggrin.gif, actually i believe either Reign or I will end all the Dynamite Rave routines except Lynn Longboys DR routine. Reign will be making an edit and i will either FS to light or heavy little E10.gif i'm almost done with mine and i will exhibition it in HIV E7.gif
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991. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, can you post it when you get it? What are thinking of doing? I'm was thinking of just blowing all that other trick stuff out the window with some compeletly new tricks.
Rock that Arrow Beyatch.

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992. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


My friend's girlfriend and I have been trying to develop a Kakumei freestyling routine for an upcoming fs tourney...
We've been practicing forever...the whole routine is based around--ballroom dancing. We use 'doubles' so it's easy for both of us to move around the pads, but we still look incredibly stupid doing the gallops together...

...any suggestions here?
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993. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Put it on little.
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994. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i just started playing DDR and i really like to free style! i breakdance so it sorta comes brand new so i dont really know some of the moves or what ever??? E19.gif erm.gif
yo im new too DDR and if you could help me out it would be much aprechated
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Vivid Member
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995. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

miniman52 wrote:
i just started playing DDR and i really like to free style! i breakdance so it sorta comes brand new so i dont really know some of the moves or what ever??? E19.gif erm.gif

please read the previous pages first then post even though most of the people don't E10.gif

Joose - i'm thinking of a Kevin Kim style of FSing and maybe some more i dunno i can't really talk about it you just gotta see it E10.gif. Rip offs are fun. biggrin.gif
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996. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey guys, I've been reading the stuff on FS'ing lately (including Captain Canada's two recent threads), and I got some quick questions about it.
First off,
1)Did you FS'ers start off PA'ing? I'm going to assume most did, so that will lead into:
2) When did you start FS'ing, PA skill wise? After you could do heavy songs? As soon as you felt like it? Because right now I'm still doing 4-5 footers on standard, but I know I want to FS eventually. How long should I wait?
3) Up here in good old Oshawa, Ontario, I've never seen anyone attempt any FS'ing, meaning when I start, I'm going to have no one to get advice from. Did you guys teach yourselves? Or did you learn by watching? Or did someone actually teach you?
4) When you guys do FS, what difficulty are you playing on?
5) My main question... when I do decide to start FS'ing, how do I start? Should I start with certain moves or on certain songs?

Thanks to anyone who responds. I was watching a bunch of the videos in Captain Canada's Top 50, and... wow. Amazing, amazing stuff... I love Kevin Kim's Dam Darriam... when I an do that... fear me.
(btw, I am sorry if some of these questions have been asked... don't hate me, but 50 pages is a little much to read through. Please don't hurt me)
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Trick Member
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997. PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i know next to nothing about freestyling but i'll try to answer as much as i can.


some only play for freestyle. obviously a strong perfect attacker may be a poor freestyler and it works the other way too.


pretty much whenever you feel like it. don't wait.


well, in that case you'll impress the people in oshawa then. you have videos so you're well ahead of the game already.


difficulty = your choice. whatever you feel brings out the essence of the song the most.

all notes hit = incorrect assumption. nobody really cares that much about simultaneous freestyling and perfect attacking. some will actually miss things on purpose to make their routine look better. the general standard is that you do not fail your song since that shows you really don't care about the song itself.


definitely certain moves because those will be transferrable to any song. if you really want to loosen up, play some doubles and ITG. doubles requires lots of improvising if you don't play it as much and it has lots of interesting techniques. ITG has loads of hands and mines, nuff said.

remember that you want to make the song pop and show it's unique flavour. you'll find the best freestyle performances have some original content is not found in other normal freestyles. that said, all spinning and handplants = lame excuse for freestyle.

i think that about does it.
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Captain Canada
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998. PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1)Did you FS'ers start off PA'ing?

Mos def. Although it's been said that you can teach a routine to anyone on the street, you gotta have the fundamentals of PA to be a good freestyler, ability to hit the panels without too much effort, sightread, see stuff coming up ahead of time, etc. Flatfooted play helps in freestyle - gives the upper body more to do. I still PA just so that I don't get winded doing other stuff.

2) When did you start FS'ing, PA skill wise? After you could do heavy songs? As soon as you felt like it? Because right now I'm still doing 4-5 footers on standard, but I know I want to FS eventually. How long should I wait?

Man, tough question. I think this varies for everyone. I know freestylers who never got up to 9 feet, and I know of PAers who freestyle on the side (Nado, Bradical). It's all about how comfortable you feel with arrows, the feel of the pad, and your ability to be on beat. If you can check out the screen, turn around, bust out a move, and still be able to hit those oncoming arrows, you're ready to freestyle. Confidence is what it's all about.

My suggestion is to get up to about 7 feet, and start out freestyling 3-4 footers. Stuff with semi-consistent arrow patterns that will help you develop sliding/footwork techniques. (see #5)

3) Up here in good old Oshawa, Ontario, I've never seen anyone attempt any FS'ing, meaning when I start, I'm going to have no one to get advice from. Did you guys teach yourselves? Or did you learn by watching? Or did someone actually teach you?

I learned by watching a hell of a lot of videos, really. Footwork/improv videos are great to start on (Lil B, Clark Kent, etc...they're on the DDRFreak videos page), since you learn more general technique than "oh that was a move in a routine" (which leads to biting). I read some of those articles on FS, too...check out Miss Toy's post at the very start of this thread, or some of the DDRfreak articles if they're still there, or search for Dinkot's freestyle article on Google. I was never really taught because nobody else around me danced. All of what I know is basically observed or self-taught.

4) When you guys do FS, what difficulty are you playing on?

Though I respect guys who can make 8th notes look good (and while I like to heavy improv a little every now and then), I almost always like my songs to have all whole notes, or a lot of space. So yeah, to answer that, I do Light/Heavy Little/Beginner, depending on how much energy I have. =p

5) My main question... when I do decide to start FS'ing, how do I start? Should I start with certain moves or on certain songs?

I'd go so far as to say that footwork's the foundation of freestyle - before you begin to make the game interesting, you have to be able to balance that with innovative ways to hit the arrows (the game's all ABOUT the feet, after all). It's good to practice shimmies, outside stepping, double foot stomps, forward slides, backward slides, etc (the didderfreak articles define some of these)...once you learn this stuff, you can then use 'em on any song, really.

I've always thought that the evolution of a FSer went from like a) learning footwork to b) learning armwork to c) coordinating the rest of the body to d) becoming interested in actual off-the-pad dance.

my progression went something like:

4 months (feet)
7 months (arms, or something :| )
year and a half? (body)

It's different for everyone, but the thing that holds true is that things become second nature, movement becomes more coordinated, the feet become less of a focus, etc. Hahah, I was soo uncoordinated when I started out...god damn. >(

That's the gist of it. Nobody can really "teach" you moves, it's just trial and error in a mirror + observation.
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Tsinay Butterfly
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999. PostPosted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 2:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ryudori wrote:
Ha ha thanks alot! Now I have an almost halfway decent freestyle routine...I'll keep working on it. And one more question: Am I going to be penalized for not dancing like a girl (ie not feeling myself up on the dancepad)? Cause that's pretty much all I've seen from female fs'ers

I don't think so. I'm a girl FS'er ... and I have been influenced by mainly male dancers (since when I started, majority of the FS'ers were male ... and I think to this day they still are). I really don't dance like a girl ... I just dance to ... dance. E4.gif But keep it up ... we are a rare breed indeed. ::nods head::

Tenshanhan wrote:
1)Did you FS'ers start off PA'ing? I'm going to assume most did, so that will lead into:

When I started, it was just "passing songs" ... no PA or whatever. From there, I developed a sort of admiration for freestyling ... thanks to vids from DDR Freak, BemaniX, and of course random Korean places (aka. DDRStreet haha).

Tenshanhan wrote:
2) When did you start FS'ing, PA skill wise? After you could do heavy songs? As soon as you felt like it? Because right now I'm still doing 4-5 footers on standard, but I know I want to FS eventually. How long should I wait?

I began FS'ing about a good 4-5 months into playing DDR in general. At that time, I was still at the barely standard/trick level ... but I had seen the recent tournament freestyle videos that had been posted, and I became intrigued. As for how long you should wait ... it's up to you. It's an individual thing ... if you feel like you want to freestyle, then go for it.

Tenshanhan wrote:
3) Up here in good old Oshawa, Ontario, I've never seen anyone attempt any FS'ing, meaning when I start, I'm going to have no one to get advice from. Did you guys teach yourselves? Or did you learn by watching? Or did someone actually teach you?

I had or have a little of all three of those. I'd try little things at first to see if they looked cool. Then when I was introduced to the "DDR community," I'd get videos of other freestylers that would then inspire me to find my own style. Not only them, but I'd look at just dancing in general ... music videos with a choreographed routine, and I'd try to mimic them, but still keep my own style.

Tenshanhan wrote:
4) When you guys do FS, what difficulty are you playing on?

I usually FS on light/basic. When I first started, I'd try easier standard/trick songs ... but I usually stick to light/basic. One time I did a heavy/maniac little ... but I personally didn't like how the pattern was for me. It's all a personal preference I guess hehe.

Tenshanhan wrote:
5) My main question... when I do decide to start FS'ing, how do I start? Should I start with certain moves or on certain songs?

I think it should start with songs. If you find songs that you enjoy dancing to, then you should FS to those songs. However if you only know one style of dancing, then I guess you'd focus on songs that would be able to compliment that style. Again, personal preference comes into play hehe.

Hope that's helpful in some way hee hee. L8z! E13.gif

~ Tsinay Butterfly flash.gif
Playing DDR since July 28, 2000! E4.gif
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