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ndnddrgirl Trick Member

Joined: 28 Dec 2004
120. Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 11:37 am Post subject: |
i guess i think you alll are what make me upset. when it comes to DDR or any walk of life show some respect. elitist or whatever. You guys are just reinforcing the idea of discrimintion. It's discrimination against noobs, bar users, and everything else that you all have described.
It's people like you who make DDR look bad.
The next time you play DDR at an aracade and you think one of those "what do people do that make you mad while playing DDR" ideas then you should just go home.
It's disgusting. |
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Captain Saboten Trick Member

Joined: 09 Feb 2002 Location: Bakersfield, California |
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
122. Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 1:33 pm Post subject: |
ndnddrgirl wrote: | i guess i think you alll are what make me upset. when it comes to DDR or any walk of life show some respect. elitist or whatever. You guys are just reinforcing the idea of discrimintion. It's discrimination against noobs, bar users, and everything else that you all have described.
It's people like you who make DDR look bad.
The next time you play DDR at an aracade and you think one of those "what do people do that make you mad while playing DDR" ideas then you should just go home.
It's disgusting. |
In some aspects, you have a good point, but you shouldn't be so harsh. Many DDR players take the game very seriously, and being constricted in ways such as an inability to play due to a newbie playing "terribly" or being bothered while playing on a machine and trying to achieve new scores or playing in competitions can be downright frustrating to them. Imagine driving down a road while small children constantly bother you from the backseat or while people just run blindly across the road without any consideration. That's how many elitists feel. Is it an attitude you need to agree with? Of course not. As a whole, elitists are not complete jerks. They won't force you to follow their ideals. But it is an attitude that should be understood and, in a way, respected. I myself am not an elitest, as I don't take the game to seriously at all anymore. But I've got friends and fellow players who do, and even though I may not agree with some of the ways they work when it comes to the game, I respect their wishes and attitudes. You should do the same. |
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Slowpoke Trick Member

Joined: 28 Oct 2003
123. Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 6:25 pm Post subject: |
Alex Kalda-Rabi-en-Rose wrote: | Many DDR players take the game very seriously, and being constricted in ways such as an inability to play due to a newbie playing "terribly" |
I still don't get this... if there are 3 quarters ahead of you in the coin line, why does the skill level of the quarters' owners matter? You're going to be 4th up regardless of whether the people in front of you are playing PSMO or Butterfly Light. I hope this isn't an argument that some people aren't worthy of playing. |
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
124. Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 10:16 pm Post subject: |
I don't get it either. I'm not really bothered by anyone who plays. I'm just saying that seems to be a constant complaint amongst DDR elitests. |
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Andy_P Trick Member

Joined: 23 Jan 2005 Location: San jose,Ca |
125. Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:02 pm Post subject: |
Some people at arcades don't want to play with me because I'm 10 years old. Even though they end up playing with me and I beat them on heavy. I'm still upset they think about my age first. _________________
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ddr_gurl_melanie Trick Member

Joined: 21 Jan 2005 Location: Florida |
126. Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:10 pm Post subject: |
Bar raping!! And, at some Florida arcades, some kids will put a quarter on the machine, saying that once their 3 songs are done, they still have one more turn (another 3 songs) to go! This backs up lines and its not fair because it takes place of other peoples turns and they really never get a chance to play! I hate it, because it was my turn once to play, and this boy put a quarter down and he said "Its my turn still!". I got soo mad! _________________
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mtwieg Trick Member

Joined: 06 Sep 2004 Location: Ù
٠اÙÙØ§Ø¶Ø Ø§ÙÙ Ùا اعب اÙجÙÙÙ |
127. Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:09 pm Post subject: |
ddr_gurl_melanie wrote: | Bar raping!! And, at some Florida arcades, some kids will put a quarter on the machine, saying that once their 3 songs are done, they still have one more turn (another 3 songs) to go! This backs up lines and its not fair because it takes place of other peoples turns and they really never get a chance to play! I hate it, because it was my turn once to play, and this boy put a quarter down and he said "Its my turn still!". I got soo mad! |
If verbal reasoning fails, proceed as follows:
1. push them off the pad.
2. take their credit
3. give them a refund (throw a quarter at their face)
4. Stare them down, but say nothing. |
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
128. Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:12 pm Post subject: |
OMG! I hate it when people use the bar! I mean, that is so stupid, and they're not impressing anyone! I mean, hello! Just because they put a bar on the machine doesn't mean you should use it. And speed mods! UGH! If you use a freakin' option in the game like speed mods, then you shouldn't be playing DDR. No matter how good you are, if you use speed mods, your achievements do not count and you should not consider yourself a legitamite DDR player. Geez! Play the game like it was meant to be played! |
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lilspideyIV Trick Member

Joined: 23 Sep 2004 Location: home:cedar rapids IA college:kansas city art institue |
129. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:17 am Post subject: |
i use the bar sometimes, i dont ever rape the bar....mostly because it is an inanimate object but whatever floats your boat. i say dont play ddr for others play it for yourself, if using the bar makes YOU feel better than do it. who cares if some person yells 'bar raper' it just means that they are jelous that they cant be as good as you are when you use the bar just kidding.
what reeeeeealy bothers me are the flat footed x2 solo people. i dont care if you frick get mad at me! i have respect for the people who just play x2 for fun and can play normal speed. i have no respect for everyone who cant play on normal speed and then comes up to me saying how they are better than me....T_T hello......we are not on an equal playing field....but i guess its my fault that i am not doing as good as you are when you cheat. oh, and about flat footing....that defeats the entire purpose of DANCING! well...for the most part everyone that i have seen play flat footed have only moved their legs and have a sort of hunched over style and look reeeealy stupid. OF COURSE YOU ARE GETTING A BETTER PA ATTACK! YOU ARE frick CLOSER TO THE PAD YOU IDIOT! when i was first starting out on ddr we used to call that shuffeling ...but aparently the name changes from cheating to style when you sucessfully use it in the arcade. bottom line...if i can AAA songs on normal speed on my toes and you cant? then dont frick say poopy! i dont care if you THINK you are better than someone, it doesnt matter.
the only time i will excuse flat footing is if you actually have a dissability that prevents you from playing on your toes...such as a foot problem.
if i offended anyone by this post .....then grow up this is the real world. _________________
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
130. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:39 am Post subject: |
lilspideyIV wrote: | i use the bar sometimes, i dont ever rape the bar....mostly because it is an inanimate object but whatever floats your boat. i say dont play ddr for others play it for yourself, if using the bar makes YOU feel better than do it. who cares if some person yells 'bar raper' it just means that they are jelous that they cant be as good as you are when you use the bar just kidding.
what reeeeeealy bothers me are the flat footed x2 solo people. i dont care if you frick get mad at me! i have respect for the people who just play x2 for fun and can play normal speed. i have no respect for everyone who cant play on normal speed and then comes up to me saying how they are better than me....T_T hello......we are not on an equal playing field....but i guess its my fault that i am not doing as good as you are when you cheat. oh, and about flat footing....that defeats the entire purpose of DANCING! well...for the most part everyone that i have seen play flat footed have only moved their legs and have a sort of hunched over style and look reeeealy stupid. OF COURSE YOU ARE GETTING A BETTER PA ATTACK! YOU ARE frick CLOSER TO THE PAD YOU IDIOT! when i was first starting out on ddr we used to call that shuffeling ...but aparently the name changes from cheating to style when you sucessfully use it in the arcade. bottom line...if i can AAA songs on normal speed on my toes and you cant? then dont frick say poopy! i dont care if you THINK you are better than someone, it doesnt matter.
the only time i will excuse flat footing is if you actually have a dissability that prevents you from playing on your toes...such as a foot problem.
if i offended anyone by this post .....then grow up this is the real world. |
I'm not really offended, per se. I'm kinda shocked. To begin, in all reality, what's wrong with being a flat-footed 2x Solo player? Speed mods are a game option, so using them is not cheating. What basis do I have for that? Well, is using speed mods in Beatmania IIDX cheating? I mean, it is an option in the game that is greatly encouraged within the IIDX community. Go tell people that you're going to try to get good at IIDX by only playing 1x/Normal Speed. Listen to the reactions. So why should speed mods in another Bemani game like DDR be so big of a deal? In addition, I noticed that you have a Pop'n Navy image in your signature. Do you not use speed mods in Pop'n Music? Next, there is the solo mod. Truthfully, I do not understand why this is looked down upon so much. So it turns the arrows into a solid color. Let's say you grew into the DDR gaming world by playing Solo Mode in Konamix or playing on Solo 2000/Solo Bass Mix. All of a sudden, is it wrong to use such a mod? I personally came into DDR through Konamix's 6-panel Solo mode, so I grew quite used to it and was not a fan of either Vivid or Flat. Finally, flat-footers... You are aware that DDR is a rhythm game, not a "dancing" game, right? Sure, you can dance on a DDR machine, but when trying to PA a song, is that really what you want to try to accomplish? Looking good? That's what free-styling is for. Even though the game is called Dance Dance Revolution, you are stepping on arrows to a beat. If you call this dancing, I'm sorry.
Also, if you really want to get technical in how the game should be played:
- No speed mods, only Flat, all the time.
- To play Paranoia Survivor Max, you must AA Paranoia Evolution and Rebirth as your first two songs in a 3-song play. In a 4-song play, you must AA Evolution, then Rebirth, then KCET. In a 5-song play, you must AA Evolution, Rebirth, KCET, and then MAX.
MAX 300 Heavy has to be played on 1.5x Reverse.
Candy (Star) Heavy has to be played on 1.5x Reverse. If you get a Good or below, you must step off the pad and fail.
Maxx Unlimited Heavy has to be played on 1.5x Reverse Dark.
Kakumei Oni has to be played on 3x Reverse Dark. If you get a Good or below, you must step off the pad and fail.
The Legend of Max has to be played on 1.5x Reverse.
Dance Dance Revolution Oni has to be played on 3x Reverse. If you get a Good or below, you must step off the pad and fail. |
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lilspideyIV Trick Member

Joined: 23 Sep 2004 Location: home:cedar rapids IA college:kansas city art institue |
131. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:55 am Post subject: |
speed mods in IIDX and pop'n? .....thats 9 and 7 buttons compared to 4 bud.
ok so mods are in the game to be played right? so its not cheating right? so if i put psmo on little and AAA it i can say that its official right? yeah......thats what i thought. i can get a A on bag on 1x......but when i play it on 1.5 or even x2 i can nearly AAA it........does that tell you anything? i have the utmost respect for people who can do bolth no matter what. i just hate the people who come up to you saying ' dude i jsut AAA frekin a bunzh a songzz !!' and then i say to them ....oh reeeealy? well can you do it agian only on 1x? and then they fail two seconds into the you see why i am mad?
and for those exceptions......yeah those could be how the game is played..if you want to be an bumhole about it.
btw last time i looked on the back of my ddr box it said DANCE SIMULATION not saying that you are just saying that i am working harder for my AAA and when someone comes up to me saying that they AAA something.....i generally say 'well so could i if i played like you' i also usually ask/challenge flat footers and x2 solo players to play with my style and my mods...then they ask me to play with theirs....and i do better, im playing this game to have fun and i dont need some stupid buttocks jerk saying that i suck bc im playing my own way wich i find to be harder than theirs.
and about the solo players who 'grew up on it'.....when is the last time i saw a young person who 'grew up' on solo 2000?.....-_- answer me that.
i also dont appreciate solo because it messes me up from time to time. _________________
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
132. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:04 am Post subject: |
lilspideyIV wrote: | speed mods in IIDX and pop'n? .....thats 9 and 7 buttons compared to 4 bud.
ok so mods are in the game to be played right? so its not cheating right? so if i put psmo on little and AAA it i can say that its official right? yeah......thats what i thought. i can get a A on bag on 1x......but when i play it on 1.5 or even x2 i can nearly AAA it........does that tell you anything? i have the utmost respect for people who can do bolth no matter what. i just hate the people who come up to you saying ' dude i jsut AAA frekin a bunzh a songzz !!' and then i say to them ....oh reeeealy? well can you do it agian only on 1x? and then they fail two seconds into the you see why i am mad?
and for those exceptions......yeah those could be how the game is played..if you want to be an bumhole about it.
btw last time i looked on the back of my ddr box it said DANCE SIMULATION not saying that you are just saying that i am working harder for my AAA and when someone comes up to me saying that they AAA something.....i generally say 'well so could i if i played like you' i also usually ask/challenge flat footers and x2 solo players to play with my style and my mods...then they ask me to play with theirs....and i do better, im playing this game to have fun and i dont need some stupid buttocks jerk saying that i suck bc im playing my own way wich i find to be harder than theirs.
and about the solo players who 'grew up on it'.....when is the last time i saw a young person who 'grew up' on solo 2000?.....-_- answer me that.
i also dont appreciate solo because it messes me up from time to time. |
Go play PSMO on Little and hit everything. Watch what happens. |
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lilspideyIV Trick Member

Joined: 23 Sep 2004 Location: home:cedar rapids IA college:kansas city art institue |
133. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:07 am Post subject: |
i know what happens im just giving an example. i hope you also know that you can turn off freeze arrows.  _________________
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
134. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:10 am Post subject: |
lilspideyIV wrote: | i know what happens im just giving an example. i hope you also know that you can turn off freeze arrows.  |
And in doing so, you once again don't get the dance points that will award you with a AAA. (6th Mix = exception) |
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ohohoh the later nights Trick Member

Joined: 17 Apr 2003
135. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:10 am Post subject: |
I can AAA End of the Century (Heavy) on 3x flat. Try it on 1x and try it my way and see how you do. Which was easier?
Now, I play with really high speed mods, but I don't suck at 1x. Yes, harder stuff I tend to do poorly on given 1x, but those are songs I suck at regardless (L'amour et la liberte, for example).
Just because something is slow doesn't make it harder. I have AAA'ed Only You (Maniac) in the arcade, which implies that it was on 1x, and it was.
I would also like to point out that just because DDR has less buttons to hit than IIDX or Pop'n Music doesn't justify speed mods in one but not the other.
If I played normal play for IIDX 7keys but used hi speeds for 14 keys and told people that it was not okay for them to use speed mods because "It's only 7 keys as compared to 14", would that be a fair argument? I do not feel so. |
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lilspideyIV Trick Member

Joined: 23 Sep 2004 Location: home:cedar rapids IA college:kansas city art institue |
136. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:31 am Post subject: |
notice how i said that i have the 'utmost respect' for people like you....who are decent.
btw i can play flat and x3.
and L'amour et la liberte is a bad example for AAA ness...its right up there with tears and memories for AAA difficulty...well atleast for me.
ok i will sum it up simply. when someone who I think isnt working as hard as ME and then they say 'you suck flat is better im better you suck' i hate it....and the only people who have done that to me are the flat footed x2.
ill end it like this....if it helps you out then that is perfectly alright....but if you think that just because you can get a AAA on a song while doing it on the above subject and i can only get a AA, and then you go cocking about saying that im wrong with my playing? that is wrong. im sincearly sorry to the people who have given the good flat footed x2 solo players a bad name. im shure that in the future my ideas about them will change, for now i will stand by my decision.
pop'n music has more buttons yes....but it also has different notes than ddr. sometimes the notes are so close togeather you cant tell if it is a jump or a hit hit....the difficulty for pop'n is extreemly larger than ddr and i dont think that it is a very good argument seeing as though popkuns are very small and ddr arrows are substantially bigger.
but this isnt the place to discuss pop'n and IIDX i dont think....  _________________
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
137. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:48 am Post subject: |
lilspideyIV wrote: | ok i will sum it up simply. when someone who I think isnt working as hard as ME and then they say 'you suck flat is better im better you suck' i hate it....and the only people who have done that to me are the flat footed x2.
ill end it like this....if it helps you out then that is perfectly alright....but if you think that just because you can get a AAA on a song while doing it on the above subject and i can only get a AA, and then you go cocking about saying that im wrong with my playing? that is wrong. im sincearly sorry to the people who have given the good flat footed x2 solo players a bad name. im shure that in the future my ideas about them will change, for now i will stand by my decision. |
Well, when it comes to any sort of elitism, if the player is a jerk about it, then what you say is understandable. |
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ohohoh the later nights Trick Member

Joined: 17 Apr 2003
138. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:10 am Post subject: |
lilspideyIV wrote: |
ok i will sum it up simply. when someone who I think isnt working as hard as ME and then they say 'you suck flat is better im better you suck' i hate it....and the only people who have done that to me are the flat footed x2.
ill end it like this....if it helps you out then that is perfectly alright....but if you think that just because you can get a AAA on a song while doing it on the above subject and i can only get a AA, and then you go cocking about saying that im wrong with my playing? that is wrong. im sincearly sorry to the people who have given the good flat footed x2 solo players a bad name. im shure that in the future my ideas about them will change, for now i will stand by my decision.
I still don't feel they're working any less hard than you are, they are just working at it differently.
However, you're right, people have no need to be rude about it. There's a difference between being competitive and being a jerk. However, that should have nothing to do with what mods you use. If a person is going to be a jerk about the game they'll do it no matter how they play it. This really isn't about speed mods so much as people just being bullies about a video game. |
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AK (Vanilla x Mint Mix) Trick Member

Joined: 08 Aug 2004 Location: Looking up catgirls and such... >.> |
139. Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 2:12 am Post subject: |
Boss Ruzy wrote: | However, you're right, people have no need to be rude about it. There's a difference between being competitive and being a jerk. However, that should have nothing to do with what mods you use. If a person is going to be a jerk about the game they'll do it no matter how they play it. This really isn't about speed mods so much as people just being bullies about a video game. |
Amen, Brother Ruzy. Amen. |
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