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rampage Administrator

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Redmond, WA |
0. Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 12:57 pm Post subject: What do people do while playing DDR that really angers you? |
Here's where you can rant about the stupid crap people do while playing DDR at the arcade.
Here's my top 6 list.
1) Playing barefoot. We've covered that in another thread already.
2) Wiping sweaty hands all over the screen while selecting songs. Having to wipe greasy handprints off the machine after someone plays is disgusting.
3) People not cleaning up after themselves. If you want to bring a towel, water bottle, stack of paper towels, windex, drinks, food, whatever, don't leave it around after you're done. Nobody else wants to clean up your sweaty paper towels, partially consumed drinks, or partially eaten food and wrappers. Be considerate for once.
4) People who stand too close while playing. Nothing makes me want to suddenly "swing out my arms wildly to catch my balance," than when somebody stands like 3 inches away from the platform.
5) People who attempt to carry on a conversation with you.. WHILE YOU'RE PLAYING DDR. "Hey, what song is that?!" "Uh.. Matsuri Japan *pant*" "Wow, that looks hard!" "*pant* Yeah, it's difficult." "So, how long have you been playing." "*pant* GO FUCK OFF YOU SCRUB WAIT UNTIL I'M FINISHED"
6) People who like stand two inches from you and hang over your shoulder while you're finishing your game. Like, wait a second for me to get my memory card and take my stuff before hanging over my shoulder getting all huffy because I'm taking too long to get off the stage, you doggy.
That's my list. |
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Ho-Man Contributor

Joined: 04 Mar 2002 Location: Noblesville, IN |
1. Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:12 pm Post subject: |
SMOKING...while playing!
I've been one place where this was permitted. It defies logic that you would want to smoke while exerting yourself physically anyway. But to subject others to it?! |
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Cutriss Staff Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002
2. Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 2:39 pm Post subject: |
Yay! A one-size-fits-all thread that lets me condense all the crap "Hey look at me!" threads down into one place without worrying about people arguing technicalities of differences between threads! _________________
Sentient Mode is capable... |
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gamur316 Basic Member

Joined: 11 Sep 2004 Location: Syracuse, NY |
3. Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 5:28 pm Post subject: |
Holding the bar on Biginner!... Just cuz its there doesnt mean you HAVE to use it! AND, try to look cool (do something with there hands) and fail... (HALARIOUS! though) ... i saw a guy do twighlight zone on standard and fail waving his hands and covering his face ... LMAO, looked like a dumass!!!  |
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DDR Slave Trick Member

Joined: 14 Dec 2004 Location: Winnipeg |
4. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:46 am Post subject: |
I hate it when strangers laugh at noobs. I mean, they've gotta start somewhere, and just because they suck in the beginning doesn't mean you should laugh at 'em.
Also, people near me eating. Don't know why, it just pisses me off if I'm doing a hard song and some fat-boy's cramming a Crispy Crunch down his throat.... probably just me. _________________
The bible is so ambigious. Writers could stick scripture into their horoscopes and readers wouldn't know the difference.
-Fizixman |
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Quad Trick Member

Joined: 10 Dec 2004 Location: Malibu/ Los Angeles |
5. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 1:21 pm Post subject: |
Worst thing is when someone is good and they KNOW they are good and have to rub it in everyone's face. Then when u switch places and they tell you how much you suck and how they AAA'd the song youre playing on on thier first try. |
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lol its evan Trick Member

Joined: 25 Oct 2004 Location: omaha, nebraska |
6. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 3:00 pm Post subject: |
people putting a coin up on the line and going to do something else and forgetting they put it there/just leaving it there. its understandable if youre like 6 games back, but if youre next, and people have to sit around waiting for you so they dont take your turn, thats not cool. |
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10feet Basic Member

Joined: 15 Sep 2004
7. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:11 pm Post subject: |
people who sit in the back where only their friends can see them and dance around like they know wat they r doing
people who sit in ur face and dance around like they kno wat they r doing
people who dont play and tell u to pick a song for them to listen to
people who get in big groups and laugh at u for playin ddr
umm thats it  _________________
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10feet Basic Member

Joined: 15 Sep 2004
8. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:13 pm Post subject: |
people who sit in the back where only their friends can see them and dance around like they know wat they r doing
people who sit in ur face and dance around like they kno wat they r doing
people who dont play and tell u to pick a song for them to listen to
people who get in big groups and laugh at u for playin ddr
umm thats it  _________________
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DDRguyKAOS Trick Member

Joined: 04 Jun 2004 Location: Next up |
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mrspielberg2 Basic Member

Joined: 18 Dec 2004
10. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:14 pm Post subject: i hate this |
i know this guy who will come up and "shadow", dance on the unused pad, and make up freestyle moves like spins to seem better than the person playing but when i went up to the pad on his turn he started shouting "don't shadow me" so i dont look better. and then he plays the same 3 songs each time he plays so he seems really good. its so annoying.  |
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Shenjoku777 Trick Member

Joined: 18 Jun 2004 Location: Santa Ana, CA |
11. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 10:15 pm Post subject: |
Well last time when was playing at the arcade on thursday, a bunch of stupif kids were standing outside the glass window thing while I was doing LoM. I didn't mind it much but I noticed they weremocking me so once I got the freeze I flicked them off XD That's the only thing that's ever really gotten to me. Everything else I just ignore unless it's really severe. _________________
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Dj Sway Trick Member

Joined: 19 Jul 2004 Location: King William, VA |
12. Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 11:46 pm Post subject: |
1. People playing without shoes.
2. People who try to converse with you while your playing.
3. People asking to shadow in the middle of a song.
4. People jumping in and shadowing without asking.
5. Assholes who put in 6 tokens, play a game, fail, then suddenly press the button before you put your tokens in and take your game (I actually had an bumhole do this to me at VCC, you know who you are: F*** YOU) _________________
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Slowpoke Trick Member

Joined: 28 Oct 2003
13. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:57 am Post subject: |
Trying to avoid repeats...
Noobs who stomp on the pad as hard as they can.
People who add to the coin line or swipe their card or load tokens while you're in the middle of a song. |
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Tomo_kun Trick Member

Joined: 26 Oct 2003 Location: SE-WI. |
14. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 12:53 pm Post subject: |
Cutriss wrote: | Yay! A one-size-fits-all thread that lets me condense all the crap "Hey look at me!" threads down into one place without worrying about people arguing technicalities of differences between threads! |
You silly mods!
Anyway, I'd have to say the worst is, when people stomp soo hard that the machine is tipping back and forth. _________________
Cutriss wrote: | FLCL, God of Gods wrote: | Uh... so when do we get the porn forum? | If you can't find porn on the Internet, you're not trying. |
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Reenee Trick Member

Joined: 21 Nov 2003
15. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:18 pm Post subject: |
People who encourage you in the most cheesy-ass way possible. |
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coldplayer09 Trick Member

Joined: 10 Nov 2004 Location: OK |
16. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:15 pm Post subject: annoying ddr |
i think i'd have to agree with rampage...all six of them...but my most is when they stand 3 inches or less away from you WHILE u do the song, and after every song you have to tell them...please get yourself off of the back...oh and another one...where you have to tell them to quit trying to change from light-standard, standard-heavy, etc...its annoying...when they double tap that back arrow...ugh lol...the ppl who have done it to me, do not have feet anymore...i wonder why...............lolol jk  _________________
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ICNH Trick Member

Joined: 06 Sep 2004 Location: Mahwah, NJ |
17. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:40 pm Post subject: |
I hate when people just randomly step on arrows as hard as they can. It doesn't matter if they're actually playing or not, it still destroys the pads. _________________
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Philipio Trick Member

Joined: 23 Dec 2003 Location: Texas |
18. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:33 pm Post subject: |
People that stomp as hard as they can
People that shadow and get me offbeat
People that talk to me when I'm playing
Little kids that step on my arrows and cry when I stomp on their feet
People that get so close that I hit them if I get off balance _________________
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Fate Trick Member

Joined: 23 Oct 2004 Location: Redford, Michigan |
19. Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:35 pm Post subject: |
I hate it when people ask me for money.
I hate it when people try to pick my song for me (literally get up there and try to press the selection button on a song I don't want)
I hate it when people stalk me
I hate it when people don't know what NO means
Okay, so all that was what one person does constantly, but DAMN KID! GIVE ME A BREAK HERE! _________________
I'm Ryu~ =\ |
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