I need some information if ANYONE knows how i can go about doing this or if ANYONE will know what i'm talking about.
I want to make a stepmania machine without the use of a cabinet public play. now i want people to be able to play the game but only for the 3 song limit. how am i able to make the game stay on the screen but when the 3 songs are finished it makes you log into the game via password or whatever. i need to have the password log on a network so i can run "key code cards" in the cafe. like using random passwords that only i can give out you know?
if stepmania has this feature in their program or if i can use another program with a feature like this, please let me know how.
thank you 
"It's only after disaster can we be resurrected. It's only after you have lost everything that you are free to do anything." -Tyler Durden