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The How-To-Run-Imports Thread - Read the 1st post! (7.10.05)
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1300. PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

vhf34 wrote:
I am having troble figuring out which version of mother-board I have in my PS2, the model number is: SCPH-30001 R, which, from what I have researched has a version 5 or 6 board. This counsil also is missing the extra skrew inside the expansion bay which indicates that it should be a version 1-4(since its missing). I have a huntch that this counsil is a version 4, but the R at the end of the model number doesn't match up with any of the versions 1-4 model numbers that I have seen on the varios PS2 identification sites. So I'm just woundering if someone can varify off the top of their head weather this is a version 4 5 or 6.

dude, how many screws do u have?
if u have 8 screws then u have

Order there... if i were u , get the one that has PushButton. that way u press the fliptop cover and it opens . if u get the one with out the pushbutton feature, then u have to lift the cover up urself rather than let it pop open.

only the solid black one has it. well so does the white and blue one. but they dont work with ur version. mine as well.

i have 5000x so i have either 9 or 10...

since i dont kno which version i have, i ordered the one that says V4-10 solid black.

since u dont kno what version u got,

Order V4-10 or v4-11 solid black.

the v4-10 doesnt come with solid black memory card door and the screw for it. i was told that u can use the old memory card door slot and the screw and put it on the fliptop cover...

v4-11 comes with solid black memory card door and screw.... both order dont come with buttom solid black cover.

they both cost the same.

Hm... it doesnt matter what fliptop u get . depends on how many screws u have...

if u have 8 screws, the n u need fliptop cover with 8 screws.

if u have 10 screws then u need fliptop cover with 10 screws.

since u DID say that u have either V5 or V6, then u cant the fliptop that says: V1-4

Also V5 and V6 have 8 screws just like V4-10

V1-3 has 10 screws so it dont matter what cover u get as long as u dont order the one that has 10 screws. peace...
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1301. PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi folks, I thought i'd share my little story 'bout the slide card.
So I'm dying to play JP import DDR's since Extreme was a terrible letdown to me, {just my opinion- don't call up the posse and start looking for rope and a tree E15.gif } I manage to find the entire DDR JP collection except for Best hits, Extra Mix, and Dancing stage Dreams.
But of course I'll need some sort of mod for my NTSC/UC PS2...
Even though my PS2 is several years old, the thought of opening it up and making a Frankenstation was unappealing, so I opted for the swap magic w/ slide card combo. frown.gif
So I order this along with Breaker Pro(for the PS1 DDR's), and when it gets here I see that the slide card is a little flimsy POS erm.gif . That's when I knew the trouble was about to begin.
After removing the front of the eject tray(something the sites I checked out prior failed to mention), and breaking a plastic tab opposite the side with the screw, I threw the SwapMagic disc in and listened in horror as my little PS2 lens motor grunted and puffed. Once the starry screen came on prompting me to put my game in, I looked at the slide card and thought I would first try the eject button instead.
Guess what?!! It doesn't work that way!! Those crafty devils devil.gif
So I start the process over and try the slide card. After about 20 failed attempts I look at forums all over the net of people with slide card problems, and get a general jist of how it's s'posed to work. I finally get it to come out about 3/4 of an inch, and based on instructions I got from forums, ya just pull the tray out from that point.
I now offer an apology to my PS2. frown.gif
Yes I completely broke the tray off it's hinge or whatever. It was so hard to pull out but that's what I read; that it'd be a little tough but would come out. Once I got it to start coming out it was just like fffftt.
I figure well it's just one of those things, guess I'll put it back in by pushing it with the slide card(like the instructions suggest)
Pshaw, what a joke! Believe it or not the tray wouldn't go back in frust.gif
So now this easy to use method has resulted in me having to take off the cover(what I was trying to avoid from the start) to fix the tray. At least that's easy to do. I am mechanically inclined(believe it or not)and was able to reassemble the tray; it even opens with the blue button, but not like it used to disgust.gif
I've left the screws out and take the top of the CD spinner housing off to go between Swap Magic and game, kinda like a retarded flip top, and will continue to do so until the fliptop I just ordered comes.

The moral of the story: There's a good chance slide card and Swap Magic will not make your PS2 happy.

If anyone's still with me here I do have a question:

Once I get my flip, is there a better disc to use besides swap magic or should I just stick with what I already have?
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1302. PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yup that happened to be not long ago. that metal piece where it spins in the miiddle came off and hit me in the face.

I got my game stuck in there and i couldnt get it out. so i had to break the ps2 to get the game out of it.

Hm... sadly that had happened. why do they sell us stuff that dont even bother to work like they said it would. btw that part bout selling us stuff , i was being sarcastic.

graveyardrave, do u have a harddrive and network adpater on ur ps2?
if u do, get those HDLoader so u can save ur games on there. also if u want to save ur high score, u need memory card.

also i think it lets u play import games once u save the games onto the harddrive. theres another cd that is kinda like HDLOader but i was told that the new one lets u play mostly import games.

And someone around in this thread said that some ddr games dont work with HDLOADER. anyway... im waiting for my fliptop. i will get back to u to see if the Swap disc will work with my ddr max2jpn and ddr extreme.
yes their NOT burn games. well, 5th, party collection and ddr max6th jpn is burn.... hehe...

Ah, Which fliptop did u order? i ordered the fliptop solid black PUSHBUTTON one.

The push button one lets u press the cover and make it stay open/up while swaping ur disc... unlike other fliptop, u have to hold it up...

only black solid one has it.

ok if i dont get my fliptop tomorrow or wednesday like they said, 2-3days shipping, i will get pissed. peace

btw KEEP ON DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok i find the site now...

With HD Advance 2.0 you can now install Hard Drives with 200GB capacity. HD Advance 1.0 only allowed up to 140GB capacity Hard Drives to be used. u can get it cheaper some other site. just search for it.
this one shows u what games does and does not work with it.
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1303. PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok. is bad .

I told them i want my stuff UPS and now i wasted my extra cash just to wait 4days to get the fliptop. I had UPS shipping for 2-3days and now i found out that they shipped my stuff on DHL!!! wth is up with that?

I have to pay just to check the tracking number . when i xed DHL site out so i dont have to pay, i checked my email and then i found out that my account been created.

Ok im mad right now so i cant think straight.

*sigh fliptop better work or there be HELL to pay!


I even told them that i wont even be home on Thursday and I cant pick the item up.
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1304. PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My Breaker and SwapMagic was sent through DHL goog.gif hehehe
Check this out: So it's already a day late. I get home from class and see a funny # on my caller ID, so I call it back. It's DHL- they can't find my house. E19.gif
I'm an ebay freak and I've had stuff sent here through the years from UPS, FedEx, the USPS, even a pool table from some random delivery compant based out of PA; never had a problem. But not DHL.

So I', explaining to somebody how to get here from their location which takes a few minutes when they say " Hey, you should probably tell the driver this!" frust.gif
The driver gets on the phone and after I go through the whole story again, she says " OK, I got it."
BTW I've already received my DDR MAX2 and EX and have practically learned Japanese by reading the box waiting for these swaps to come.
So I sit and wait because they tell me I have to sign for it E19.gif, hours pass by, I call DHL and they say "Oh, did you want us to come back out today?" boom.gif
I ended up going out there to pick it up.
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1305. PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey ZTilt, No I don't have the HD and Net Adaptor. It was never enticing enough for me to get into.
I'm not sure what company makes the Flip that I ordered,(got it through ebay), hopefully it works out well and gets here soon.

I think I jinxed myself. I was just saying in another post that the Swap Magic worked with my DDR Party, after having read that it didn't work for other people; now I can't get it to load up anymore- I just get that d@ng pink border!

But what's worse I ordered the BreakerPro boot disc cause I heard it would work with all PS1 imports and I can't get it to play anything but the 1st DDR. The games load up but after a few moments this black screen with red circle and slash appear. Any advice?
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1306. PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think the red one means the cd is dirty, blue it dont work, and red it boots... theres a site for that someplace.

btw DHL better Ship it even it rains. i read on their site that they dont ship it when it rains. heck they better not send the item to a post office.

last time, they sent it to some 1 hr drive away from the house. when i have a post office which is only 5mins away! i hate them. thats their job to mail it in even when it rains. heck, UPS does it.

Well i blame when i said i wanted UPS. either way, mine is in OH right now.

wait i said it wrong. u still need modchip or fliptop to boot HDLOADER or HD Avance. sorry....


I should start buying import games. i ALL but ddr1st-DDR4th mix. i have copies of 5th mix, party collection and 6th mix. ddr 7th- ddr extreme jpn , both bought which not copied.
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1307. PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK I give...
My 6th mix just came in the mail, while I was playing EX-JP. I turn off the PS2, take out EX, pop in Swap, boot it up, take out Swap, put in 6th and guess what...
That GD pink border frust.gif
That's it. I've already shortened the life of my PS2 with all this screwing around with it; I'm just gonna buy a Japanese PS2 to compliment my American one.

If anyone's interesed(though I doubt you would be) I'm putting the Swap Magic 2.0DVD and CD3.0 and Breaker Pro kit on eBay. I'll start the auction at a penny(that's what I usually do) shipping will probably be about $5 [everything will be in one auction]
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1308. PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

graveyardrave wrote:
OK I give...
My 6th mix just came in the mail, while I was playing EX-JP. I turn off the PS2, take out EX, pop in Swap, boot it up, take out Swap, put in 6th and guess what...
That GD pink border frust.gif
That's it. I've already shortened the life of my PS2 with all this screwing around with it; I'm just gonna buy a Japanese PS2 to compliment my American one.

If anyone's interesed(though I doubt you would be) I'm putting the Swap Magic 2.0DVD and CD3.0 and Breaker Pro kit on eBay. I'll start the auction at a penny(that's what I usually do) shipping will probably be about $5 [everything will be in one auction]

Which swap disc did you use. Remember that the 6th mix needs to use the CD swap not the DVD swap that you used for EX-JP. I would try different stuff before I give up and spend hundreds more dollars.
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1309. PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

graveyardrave wrote:
OK I give...
My 6th mix just came in the mail, while I was playing EX-JP. I turn off the PS2, take out EX, pop in Swap, boot it up, take out Swap, put in 6th and guess what...
That GD pink border frust.gif
That's it. I've already shortened the life of my PS2 with all this screwing around with it; I'm just gonna buy a Japanese PS2 to compliment my American one.

If anyone's interesed(though I doubt you would be) I'm putting the Swap Magic 2.0DVD and CD3.0 and Breaker Pro kit on eBay. I'll start the auction at a penny(that's what I usually do) shipping will probably be about $5 [everything will be in one auction]

Oh Mine works . i dont know what u did wrong.

although mine was a backup so i used swap disc CD and not dvd one.

it should be Red Screen then it works.

Note that sometimes u have to play around when booting up import games.

heck, my ps2 never read the swap disc sometimes. so i had to keep pressing eject. then wait, and put swap disc in.

so far it read all my import games well.

the only problem is 6th mix bc of how i made a bakup , it wouldnt play preview songs or whatever. i got it off some site . i think its from some one editing the game bc the steps not right.
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1310. PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had no idea 6th needed the cd swap. I just assumed that it used DVD swap cause 7th and extreme do. Thanx, I will try that.

But that wasn't the only reason I was looking into an import system.

The breaker pro won't play any of the PS1 DDR's except 1st.(Don't know about 2nd, but it won't play 3rd and up)

I've tried turning anti-mod killer on and off and the ar killer on and off/ switching modes from NTSC to Pal to none- nothing has worked yet. The game loads, gets to the memory card screen, and then blaoww- I'm banned! The games are original not backups and are either excellent or new condition.
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1311. PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 8:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ps2cover is the worst site ever, someone should remove them from the front page. It took me 3 weeks to cancel my order, and they kept lying to me over and over. They will never ship your top. is the way to go, 2 day shipped for an extra 3 bucks. It works perfectly with dvd and cd ddr imports so far.
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1312. PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 12:22 pm    Post subject: Help me, I'm confused. -Running Extreme JP- Reply with quote

Can someone walk me through exactly what I need to do to play my shiny new copy of Extreme JP? I'll try and give you as much information as I can.

*I have a US PS2
*My modchip is a "No Solder" dealie.
*I have a gameshark disk (that I use for booting)

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1313. PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not familiar with gameshark stuff, I used SwapMagic for mine.
You might want to check the first few(maybe 5 or so) pages of this modchip discussion. I read through the entire 66 'bout a week ago. Very informative stuff, though I can't remember much of it now E15.gif
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1314. PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was only able to read though 30, and NOTHING helped. NOTHING. disgust.gif

If you end up joining, put "ThreeLeafIvy" in the referrer box, will ya? E1.gif
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1315. PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 9:23 am    Post subject: You need a fliptop! Reply with quote

40 bucks and you can play any burned or import games, has them and is reliable unlike You wont regret it, I can play 6th mix and extreme JP with no problems at all. Super easy to install
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1316. PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, I'll take your word for that. But which one should I buy?

If you end up joining, put "ThreeLeafIvy" in the referrer box, will ya? E1.gif
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1317. PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

buy the fliptop and the swap magic combo
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1318. PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Top case (8 screw, V4-V10) + SMD

You mean that one? I've got 8 screw covers on the bottom of my PS2, but I'm not sure where to find the SCPH number thing.

If you end up joining, put "ThreeLeafIvy" in the referrer box, will ya? E1.gif
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1319. PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't want to deal with PayPal so I'm not doing FlipTop. I want to buy it from and time is NO issue to me. Is that ALL I need there to play the Japanese version of DDR Extreme?
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