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DigitalMocking Basic Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004
20. Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:28 am Post subject: |
I've had 2 of these pads for about 10 days now, and they've gotten heavy play by everyone in the house, we're anywhere from complete beginner (my wife), intermediate(me) and my daughter and her boyfriend, who are both up to 8 - 9 footers.
The pads were shipped pretty poorly, I didn't think there was enough padding/styrofoam, and the boxes arrived pretty abused by FedEx. However, the pads are rock solid and both worked perfectly out of the box.
It takes a little getting used to going from a softmod pad (plywood, vinyl covering) because the buttons take a some actual pressure to get to register.
You can't comfortably play without shoes on however, the area between the pads tends to pinch the feet when playing. With thick socks I was ok, but even that was getting annoying.
Overall, the pads are great. I paid 380 for the pair shipped to my house, and I'm very happy with them. |
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josheee Trick Member

Joined: 22 Oct 2004
21. Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:10 am Post subject: |
Where did you order them?
What console/game do you use them on?
Just curious. |
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Scotty Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004
22. Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:18 pm Post subject: |
And is it safe to wear shoes on them?
Thanks. |
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Cutriss Staff Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002
23. Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:10 pm Post subject: |
Scotty wrote: | And is it safe to wear shoes on them?
Thanks. | Since they're clones of the RO metal pad, and you can wear shoes on that pad, the answer is yes. _________________
Sentient Mode is capable... |
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Scotty Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004
24. Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:02 pm Post subject: |
DigitalMocking wrote: | I've had 2 of these pads for about 10 days now, and they've gotten heavy play by everyone in the house, we're anywhere from complete beginner (my wife), intermediate(me) and my daughter and her boyfriend, who are both up to 8 - 9 footers.
The pads were shipped pretty poorly, I didn't think there was enough padding/styrofoam, and the boxes arrived pretty abused by FedEx. However, the pads are rock solid and both worked perfectly out of the box.
It takes a little getting used to going from a softmod pad (plywood, vinyl covering) because the buttons take a some actual pressure to get to register.
You can't comfortably play without shoes on however, the area between the pads tends to pinch the feet when playing. With thick socks I was ok, but even that was getting annoying.
Overall, the pads are great. I paid 380 for the pair shipped to my house, and I'm very happy with them. |
Heh sorry, I have 2 more questions!
1. Did you get the 8 arrow model or 6 arrow?
(Correspoding to question 1.) 2. Does the lower left diagonal function as triangle and lower right diagonal function as square? Thanks. |
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DigitalMocking Basic Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004
25. Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:25 pm Post subject: |
Scotty wrote: | DigitalMocking wrote: | I've had 2 of these pads for about 10 days now, and they've gotten heavy play by everyone in the house, we're anywhere from complete beginner (my wife), intermediate(me) and my daughter and her boyfriend, who are both up to 8 - 9 footers.
The pads were shipped pretty poorly, I didn't think there was enough padding/styrofoam, and the boxes arrived pretty abused by FedEx. However, the pads are rock solid and both worked perfectly out of the box.
It takes a little getting used to going from a softmod pad (plywood, vinyl covering) because the buttons take a some actual pressure to get to register.
You can't comfortably play without shoes on however, the area between the pads tends to pinch the feet when playing. With thick socks I was ok, but even that was getting annoying.
Overall, the pads are great. I paid 380 for the pair shipped to my house, and I'm very happy with them. |
Heh sorry, I have 2 more questions!
1. Did you get the 8 arrow model or 6 arrow?
(Correspoding to question 1.) 2. Does the lower left diagonal function as triangle and lower right diagonal function as square? Thanks. |
I've got the 8 arrow model, I don't know how the lower left works, I haven't attached it to my PS2.
I play it on my XBOX.
You have to use shoes, its not comfortable to play in socks. |
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Scotty Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2004
26. Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:11 pm Post subject: |
I got one, and it works great!
The first one I got had it's right arrow stuck out of the box, but luckily my dad was going to edmonton to look into getting a new quad, and got it replaced.
It' very shiny and durable, although it does look a little rough and scratched.
I went from a low A on Kick the Can, to an AA with 11 greats on my second try at it; I also SDG'D Only You (From an A), And got 21 greats on 321 Stars (Also from a low A).
It's a bit creaky, but that will go away after some time.
Overall (for now), I am very satisfied with the pad, and am glad I got it. It's a great pad and a very good cost and I would recommend it to anyone.
Did I mention it connect to PSX, PS2, Xbox and PC? (Not positive about PC, but it's main adapter looks like it can) Yeah it just rocks.  |
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mrjuggles Trick Member

Joined: 17 Nov 2004 Location: I come from Canada eh? |
27. Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:17 pm Post subject: |
I ordered their 6 arrow, version 3.1 pad off ebay.
It's just like this one, except 3" thick and with a bar. So far I'm very pleased with it. The left arrow stopped working the first day I had it, but a little solder fixed that. Haven't had any problems since, and I've had the pad over 6 months.
The bar isn't anywhere near as sturdy as the arcade, but I have used it on LoM several times. The arrows are also very solid, and pretty much shatter proof. |
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v4 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Feb 2005
28. Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:09 am Post subject: |
does anybody have a long term experience of at least 6 months with the 1 inch thick metal pad from alberta? (the one from game enhancer) and if so how is the reliability of the 1 inch thick metal pad since i am considering getting one. |
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Kue Basic Member

Joined: 31 Oct 2004
29. Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:49 am Post subject: I am considering buying this pad. |
HI everyone! I NEED a metal pad, these soft pads just aren't cutting it anymore. Anyway, I have narrowed it down to the RED octane, the Cobalt flux, or this one (8 arrow version). It is gonna break me to get the CF pad, but if this one or the red octane are gonna break within a week, or even a few months, I'd rather just get the CF and live off of ramen noodles for the next 2 years. :-) SO from your experience, what do you think I should get? |
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v4 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Feb 2005
30. Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:26 am Post subject: |
yeah so i bought this one same as the 8 arrow one except with 6 arrows. I like it. Does not feel like the arcade not at all but neither does the cobalt flux. Sensitivity is ok i don't think as good as a cobalt flux from what i heard. The wiring of the pad and the original soldering was pretty poor. The down arrow wasn't even soldered on originally just taped while the other arrows were soldered on. I had to resolder an arrow after about 2 weeks. I have now had it for a total of about 3-4 weeks approximately. It still works and the arrows aren't acrylic plastic so they last longer and plus it is much cheaper than a cobalt flux. I got mine from gameenhancer. I will add to my review of this product later giving a more long term report. But for now its pretty good. I play 9 footers and this pad is good but it does move around during some of the 9 footers but not to the extent where it is unplayable. I kinda miss the bar at the back though but in general much better than those pads with foam inserts i had that didn't work after 4 hours each. Well since this is cheaper i would say go for this over the flux unless u play 10 footers and want to spend money on the most sensitive pad. Also i think the flux and this 8 arrow pad for sure is smaller than the arcade. |
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Kue Basic Member

Joined: 31 Oct 2004
31. Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:11 pm Post subject: thx for your reply. |
Thx so much for helping me out with your opinion. I think I am gonna end up going with the Game enhancer. We are talking a $150 dollar price difference, and if its reliable then I might as well get it. I think no matter which pad I get I am gonna end up modding the switches. I built my own pad a while back and my switch design is hands down the most sensitive and most arcade like (at least from what I have read). Lamentably, what I used for the x, o, and triangle sucked, and its just to much hastle to rebuild, hence my current position. ANyway, I am off on a tangent now, so thamx again! :-) |
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ZeroGT86 Trick Member

Joined: 26 Mar 2002
32. Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:30 am Post subject: |
are these pads for sale anywhere in the US? |
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v4 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Feb 2005
33. Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 12:19 pm Post subject: |
my 6 arrow pad after 3 months of use is officially useless. Up arrow does not work. I don't think it is the control box since the rest of the arrows work though. I think its a wiring problem and now i have to take my pad apart (hopefully not). Since the connections between the pad and the nonworking arrow are properly soldered . Now i have to take it apart and find out what the problem is . I think it is the cheap wiring. Now its sadly back to the arcade spending more money. Will update if i can fix it. Any advice on what might be the problem? The arrow does not light up and there is no response |
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Murfle Basic Member

Joined: 17 Aug 2005
34. Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:26 pm Post subject: |
Apparently there was a new version released in May of this 8 arrow pad... V3.6 they claim... I'm thinking of ordering a pair. Any other opinions of this pad out there? |
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v4 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Feb 2005
35. Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:12 am Post subject: |
my pads up arrow is still not working i checked conductivity between the pad the arrow also the conductivity of the sensor and there seems to be no broken wires but the up arrwo is still dead. Plus my control box has gone crazy. Keeps on scrolling up with no button presses. I guess i need a new pad or does anybody at least know how to fix an arrow. No response but the lights on it do work since when u press a nearby arrow the lights on it do light up. The continuity seems fine according to the tester (which works btw) but just no response from the arrow at all. any advice? except get a new pad |
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Brendino Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2005
36. Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:09 am Post subject: |
I was looking into this pad and is it any good?
If it's good what should I buy 6 or 8 arrow pad?
I want a cheap metal pad that works  _________________
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v4 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Feb 2005
37. Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:38 pm Post subject: |
i don't know what the use of an 8 arrow pad is if it had 9 u could use it for pump. But this pad in my opinion as i stated b4 is not for a dedicated ddr player. When i used it it was mostly for 9 footers on ddr.
The construction of the pad is built so it is not easy to open up to fix anything since all bolted from the inside making it smooth and the outside while the flux actually has screws on the outside. The wiring is pretty cheaply done since the wiring is very thin and messy. Resoldering arrows is pretty much necessary since they aren't all soldered well.
The arrows are better than the tx 1000 though since they are polycarbonate. when it worked it worked fine but just save up and get yourself a flux. Unless u want to risk getting an expensive paper weight and it only has a 1 month warranty maximum 2 if you pay extra. |
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v4 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Feb 2005
38. Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:41 am Post subject: |
bumping this thread and double posting i know (not the best idea)
I got this 6-arrow pad back up it needed a new c-box and some good old soldering. Its sensitivity is not half bad.
I now use this for doubles with my flux and also once in a while for 2 player mode.
The flux is much better than this (more sensitive and slightly more responsive and better quality) but it still works pretty decently (its possible to do 10 footers on it (passed stuff like max 300 on it) for rly tough 11's or 12's probably passable on it but it would be pretty tough i'd imagine. |
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Minger Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jul 2004
39. Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 6:56 pm Post subject: |
Am I the only one that thinks its funny that that looks exactly like my TX-1000 (minutes the other 2 buttons) and the same control box, cept mine is grey? |
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