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My home built metal DDR pad (Part IV)
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2680. PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes, a paperclip should work for testing. It sounds like the controller is dead in some way shape or form if the buttons didn't work (start and select).
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2681. PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i have a gamestop controll and it has a led on it, when i plug it in the led comes on, if yours doesnt the pad is prob shot.
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2682. PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 10:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, that's what I've decided. Tomorrow I'm going to get a controller and a soldering iron with some resin core solder. That should fix it right up. If it works, I'll have lots of pictures of my pad.
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2683. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mukan wrote:
Yeah, that's what I've decided. Tomorrow I'm going to get a controller and a soldering iron with some resin core solder. That should fix it right up. If it works, I'll have lots of pictures of my pad.

You don't have to have a working pad to post pics of it E13.gif I'm curious about what kind of design you made.
- RipTide
riptide (at) digitaltorque (dot) com

My pad design:
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2684. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

does anyone know where i can buy something like this? i tried my local hardware stores, but to no avail E2.gif its a socket to accept a pipe end, it should have screws in the side to secure it.

thanks! E1.gif
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2685. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Curious... what for?

[edit] Quick question, anyone know if RadioShack or somewhere similar sells just basic buttons that I can wire 'start' and 'select' to that can be stepped on? I've made my pad for 4 arrows, but would like to wire start and select to it somewhere, so I thought I could just use a red button and a black button in the upper right corner that the player can just stamp when the song is selected. Can someone tell me if this is plausible?
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2686. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ulala321 wrote:
Curious... what for?

[edit] Quick question, anyone know if RadioShack or somewhere similar sells just basic buttons that I can wire 'start' and 'select' to that can be stepped on? I've made my pad for 4 arrows, but would like to wire start and select to it somewhere, so I thought I could just use a red button and a black button in the upper right corner that the player can just stamp when the song is selected. Can someone tell me if this is plausible?

See riptide's instructions on adding buttons to your pad. It's exactly as you described.
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2687. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cartoonhero_604 wrote:

does anyone know where i can buy something like this? i tried my local hardware stores, but to no avail E2.gif its a socket to accept a pipe end, it should have screws in the side to secure it.

thanks! E1.gif

ooh, looks like the ground connection of a support... is this for the trick bar?
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2688. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 4:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ulala321 wrote:
Curious... what for?

[edit] Quick question, anyone know if RadioShack or somewhere similar sells just basic buttons that I can wire 'start' and 'select' to that can be stepped on? I've made my pad for 4 arrows, but would like to wire start and select to it somewhere, so I thought I could just use a red button and a black button in the upper right corner that the player can just stamp when the song is selected. Can someone tell me if this is plausible?

At the RadioShack by my dad's house, they have a set of 2 buttons, one red, one black. I was going to use these for my start select button, but I had gotten 2 red ones earlier at Fry's Electronics for like a dollar cheaper.

As for my pad: I'll get pics tonight, after I get ahold of the camera and can change the batteries in it, which is mostly why I didn't post them before. I'll get it fixed up and hopefully working tonight too.

Edit: Tonight I didn't get much done, but I'll finish it up tomorrow.. Hopefully.

Last edited by Mukan on Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total
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2689. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:08 pm    Post subject: cobalt flux clone... Reply with quote

hello...i'm almost done with my modified riptide pad...and i wanted to try something for my 2nd one...

i've seen a few pics of the inside of a cobalt flux pad...i found it kind of fishy that they cost 300 bucks for the materials used...

so i want to try and clone the cobalt flux pad... nerd.gif

can you guys post every pic you know of that shows the innards of a cobalt flux? i'm really thinking that i can make one for under 100 bucks... laugh.gif

i might even post some plans...

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2690. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR_Jas wrote:
ooh, looks like the ground connection of a support... is this for the trick bar?

on the nose. it'll look shabby for my first pad, out on top of everything else so neat and shiny, but im hoping it'll hold me up. I'll have a schematic in a few minutes.

Last edited by ch on Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total
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2691. PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the bar will be a little wider than one panel, so i estimate 1.5' wide, and it comes halfway up my body, so about 3' tall. That makes a 7.5', 1.5" diameter bar.

the wonders of ms paint!

I can probably get it bent by one of my auto body expert friends (if i can find one), or cut 90 degree wedges out of the corners that need to be bent, bend them, and weld the edges togerther. which would also require shop class assistance, but i dont have a shop class. or even a shop. any thoughts?
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2692. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:12 am    Post subject: reply333 Reply with quote


ive tryed to build ddrhomepad's pad , i just changed few things, like railz of pine instead of fiberboard. i also made it more thin. and i didint screw up trou the vertical holes of the braces. i took the arrow desin of riptide, and instead of lucite i used thin chipboard, i glued the arrows on the chipboard and put some transparant anti-sliding over to protect it, and a lil boarder of to make it safe... ill send pics as soon as possible (should be tonite biggrin.gif)
Afronova primeval megamix is my first AA heavy and first Heavy perfect

- I think iam not a pro yet.. but iam only a 3months player biggrin.gif
- i build up my own metal pad. i got got inspired by and his friend riptide(for the arrows design)
I also have a Ignition Mat
iam playin on computer... with stepmania
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2693. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:14 am    Post subject: Buttons, buttons, who's got the buttons? Reply with quote

_ter wrote:

See riptide's instructions on adding buttons to your pad. It's exactly as you described.

Please forgive me if it's staring me in the face, but where are these instructions? I looked for them in Riptide's posts to this thread, but can't seem to find them. I'm kinda curious about them since it looks like I'll have to eventually do this (since every single non-dancepad PSX controller has died a horrible death upon being connected to my pad.) I figure it's either this, add some sort of electrical ground (which I don't really know how to do either), or add a diode to the PSX controller (when I don't know where it needs to go.)

Can anyone help me with any of these methods? Thanks!

Ach. I wonder why these electrics are giving me so much trouble. Is playing on carpet really that bad for a pad? Can PSX controller ports stop responding after a while?
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2694. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:56 am    Post subject: Re: Buttons, buttons, who's got the buttons? Reply with quote

Heffenfeffer wrote:
_ter wrote:

See riptide's instructions on adding buttons to your pad. It's exactly as you described.

Please forgive me if it's staring me in the face, but where are these instructions? I looked for them in Riptide's posts to this thread, but can't seem to find them. I'm kinda curious about them since it looks like I'll have to eventually do this (since every single non-dancepad PSX controller has died a horrible death upon being connected to my pad.) I figure it's either this, add some sort of electrical ground (which I don't really know how to do either), or add a diode to the PSX controller (when I don't know where it needs to go.)

Can anyone help me with any of these methods? Thanks!

Ach. I wonder why these electrics are giving me so much trouble. Is playing on carpet really that bad for a pad? Can PSX controller ports stop responding after a while?

the instructions are in the pictures on his site. u hafta click on the pictures and a little text box of instructions will appear right above the enlarged picture.

i'm pretty sure the carpet has nothing to do with the burn out u'r getting on ur control board. it's probably something like u'r getting too much static electricity build up into the control board and frying it. i'm not to clear on the ground idea either but if you follow riptide's arrow internal design it should get ride of any static build up u would recieve.

oh and can anyone on this forum with photoshop or some other picture editing program edit riptide's arrow picture so that the white border is on the edge of the arrow picture instead of staying close to the chinese character? i basically just want a design exactly like the one on riptide's pad. he couldn't upload the exact design onto his site cuz he made it at his business where it was in a format that couldn't be viewed or sumthin.
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2695. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:09 am    Post subject: Re: Buttons, buttons, who's got the buttons? Reply with quote

Heffenfeffer wrote:
_ter wrote:

See riptide's instructions on adding buttons to your pad. It's exactly as you described.

Please forgive me if it's staring me in the face, but where are these instructions? I looked for them in Riptide's posts to this thread, but can't seem to find them. I'm kinda curious about them since it looks like I'll have to eventually do this (since every single non-dancepad PSX controller has died a horrible death upon being connected to my pad.) I figure it's either this, add some sort of electrical ground (which I don't really know how to do either), or add a diode to the PSX controller (when I don't know where it needs to go.)

Can anyone help me with any of these methods? Thanks!

Ach. I wonder why these electrics are giving me so much trouble. Is playing on carpet really that bad for a pad? Can PSX controller ports stop responding after a while?

It's also in Riptide's video, chapter 5.
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2696. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool, thanks. E1.gif
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2697. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:07 pm    Post subject: Hey RipTide Reply with quote

I got a question RipTide... i used ur arrow graphic for my pad... and now i want to build a second metal pad but with 6pannels instead. Can you or with ddrhomepad try to make a 6pannel pad instruction?
Afronova primeval megamix is my first AA heavy and first Heavy perfect

- I think iam not a pro yet.. but iam only a 3months player biggrin.gif
- i build up my own metal pad. i got got inspired by and his friend riptide(for the arrows design)
I also have a Ignition Mat
iam playin on computer... with stepmania
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2698. PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:04 pm    Post subject: Riptide - works wonders on stains! Reply with quote

Thanks underscore-ter and HitokiriX, I'll take a look at the videos once they finish downloading on my craptacular 28.8 connection.
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2699. PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:43 am    Post subject: 11 button pad Reply with quote

Greetings all.

I've decided to have a go at building a homepad. What I wanted to do, however, was to build a pad that would allow both DDR (dance?) and Pump it up play. So, I've attempted to design an 11 button pad. That is, 4 direction buttons, 4 diagonal buttons, a PUI centre button, and start and back buttons (this is for StepMania on the Xbox). Before I go further, I thought I'd seek out guidance.

1. Should I really be attempting something like this as a first project? E1.gif

2. With 11 buttons, I will need 12 wires. That rules out using CAT 5 cable only. Any suggestions on how I could implement that?

3. This may be answered in the videos (that I'm still downloading) or somewhere in the 100+ pages of this topic; what stops the buttons from sliding around in the pad? I mean there has to be enough leeway for the buttons to depress, but would that allow the buttons to move around?

4. Given that in the dance mode you might spend a lot of time on the centre button (for selecting songs, getting your footing, etc), is it likely to wear the button/supports out?

I'm considering ditching the start and back buttons and put them in a separate breakout box (terter box etc.). That would reduce the number wires needed to the pad, but its still more than CAT 5 cable.

Pictures of a rough design are attached. They're just screenshots of the design within the CAD program I was using.

Any ideas, questions, suggestions, constructive criticism, comments welcome.

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