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Disillusioned Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jun 2004 Location: Burning AZ |
20. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:03 am Post subject: |
Hmm, I've heard a lot of the ones already mentioned. Especially the one about techno music. (I'm like, hello. listen to break down!)
"What's the point of this game?"
"Is this really considered 'dancing'?"
"What does BPM stand for?"
And this from those who do know what BPM is.
"Why does the BPM number keep changing?"
I was playing MaxX Unlimited. _________________
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Forgetmyname018 Basic Member

Joined: 26 Sep 2004 Location: Akron, Oh |
21. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 7:07 am Post subject: |
"Does that really make you tierd?"
"How can you stand those techno songs? They all sound the same."
"How come you didn't pass the one max song on standard? I bet I could"
"And my favorite..."Can we buy the disney version?" _________________
Playstation 2- $125 used at gamestop
1 Dance pad- $15 used at record exchange
Another dance pad 3 months later- $20 at Best Buy
KONAMIX- $33.00 ebay
DDR MAX2- $40 best buy
DDR MAX- $25 record exchange
DDR EXTREME- $42.69 best buy
"Dancing" to techno and looking like a fool- Priceless |
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Alapalooza Trick Member

Joined: 19 Jul 2002 Location: Pushing a 2 Player start button... with his head. |
22. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:19 pm Post subject: |
After I'm done a doubles song.
"Wow do you enter tournaments?"
During a "Random Nonestop" set after the second song.
"Have you heard what I was saying?"*
*Als deaf on the left side so if you are on his left he probably didn't hear the question.
Trying to show people how to play/get the game started.
Me: To play a two player game you must push both start buttons, yes the square one in the middle.
Them after hitting one start button twice: It didn't work, how do you get two players.
Them: How do you get so good.
Me: I have one of thes at home...
Them: For the PS?
Me: Yes and I also have one of these... [Points to DDR machine] at home.
Them: Holy crap! how much was it?, where did you get it?, why are you playing here then?... can I play at your house? _________________
The arrow is from City Chase.
Team name is Get the Arrows!
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Zukin-Man Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2002 Location: War Agony |
23. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:55 pm Post subject: |
Slowpoke wrote: | The questions I don't like are the rhetorical ones that come off sounding critical or judgemental. For example:
"How much money have you spent on this game??" |
I just answer with whatever the Great count on my last song was.
"Oh, I've spent about twelve bucks on it."
While I should take this next one as a compliment, I actually find it kind of offensive.
"Wow, why aren't white people as good as you?"
"Can you beat every song in the game?"
I hate this question, because I already know how the rest of the conversation will turn out.
"No, there's only one I can't beat."
"What song is that?"
"Ooh! Play that one next!"
"Ooh. Kiss my ass."  _________________
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Osiris X Trick Member

Joined: 04 May 2004
24. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:19 pm Post subject: |
"Why do you sound like your tap dancing?"
me "Because my feet + plastic= tap dancing sound"
"Why are you holding onto the bar"
Me "Because this song tires me out quickly"
"What is the hardest song you can do?"
me "Cant stop falling in love: speed mix"
"Oh that sounds easy"
ARg, that last part makes me mad. Why dont they play it before they critize it???  |
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Prefect Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jun 2004 Location: Sandwich, MA |
25. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:20 pm Post subject: |
Osiris X wrote: | "Cant stop falling in love: speed mix" |
Ewww.... if someone made fun of me... I'd punch them. I've been trying to pass that song for ages, and if someone steals my glory when I do... [/quote] |
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Ian2K3 Trick Member

Joined: 25 Oct 2003 Location: Berlin MA |
26. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:00 pm Post subject: |
Do you just step on random arrows? my answer  _________________
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-funk- Trick Member

Joined: 17 May 2004
27. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 4:46 pm Post subject: |
Is your mom hot?
"Her back is hairy"
Little kids: "'re good...."
"Whatever" _________________
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Toji Trick Member

Joined: 22 Jan 2004 Location: Western Australia |
28. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:21 pm Post subject: |
"do you take dancing lessons?"
...  _________________
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TriggerZX Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jul 2004
29. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:27 pm Post subject: |
Heres one i hate... "Is the home version of DDR Extreme the same as the Arcade version?" |
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ZealousDemon Trick Member

Joined: 17 Sep 2004 Location: Tulsa, OK |
30. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:47 pm Post subject: |
Osiris X wrote: | "Why are you holding onto the bar"
Me "Because this song tires me out quickly" |
This actually sounds like a legitamate(sp?) question. I doubt that a random passerby could easily figure out that holding onto the bar alters your center of gravity. |
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Onigumo Trick Member

Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: Pennsylvania |
31. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:11 pm Post subject: |
at the arcade around here nobody plays DDR so I can just do a light song and gather lkike 7 people, lots of which end up wanting to try
person : dang, why are you so out of breath?
me : that was Max 300 on standard, hard song
person : yeah yeah, how much is it
me : a dollar, jump up on the second pad
person : okay so when do I know when to step on these arrows here? _________________
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Rychan Contributor

Joined: 01 Jul 2003 Location: Castle Rock, CO |
32. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:13 pm Post subject: |
Aren't you a little old to be playing video games?
Let me introduce you to my friend, yeah his name is Mike, he's in his 30s and he and his WIFE own a DDR Machine as well as quite a few other arcade machines. Thank you. _________________
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Mark of the DMast Trick Member

Joined: 15 Mar 2004 Location: What who put me in this tux |
33. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:00 pm Post subject: |
"If I brought you to a club and played some techno could you do that or are you confined to the pad"
"I guess I could but it would look silly"
"What it if I brought a pad for you to dance on"
"Were you really bad when you first started?" _________________
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XrandomnessX Trick Member

Joined: 13 Jul 2004 Location: castro valley,CVGL |
34. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:06 pm Post subject: |
"do you use your feet to play" believe it or not i have gotten that like 3 times  _________________
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Thomas Hobbes Trick Member

Joined: 20 Aug 2002 Location: San Francisco // NorCal |
35. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:16 pm Post subject: |
I also get this:
Why are you playing the girl game? Are you gay?
God, that pisses me off. DDR is not for girls. =P _________________
"I am about to take my last voyage, a great leap in the dark."
| Pics | Play-Asia | |
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D8TheSkip Trick Member

Joined: 21 Dec 2003 Location: Longmont-Colorado |
36. Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:30 pm Post subject: Oh man... |
Okay at my town hardly anyone ecxept a friend I know (Who's damn good, AAA Max Unlimited) and others who are getting into the game (mostly the home versions...without a pad.) But I end up playing by myself 3/4 of the time.
I play Healing Vision-standard (Wanted to hold some stamina for the next song) and after I was done I started to walk around...
Alright CO people who don't play really are simply dazzled by lights and one of the few black people in Longmont who steps really fast on a game that's somewhat 'dancing' Anyway This couple and their son come up to me.
"Hey! You were the one who was playing that game right?"
"Yeah.. (Who else plays here other than the gothics?)"
"You play really good! Do you take like tapping lessons or any kind of lessons?"
*their little son* "Hey! Can you breakdance!!!?"
" I don't break dance, would like to.. (And how does stepping on little arrows compare to "BREAK DANCING"? I'll stop right there)
Then that same day when I finnaly decide to play Era-Heavy, okay this was my FIRST time playing Era-heavy with my feet. My pad is sucky so I've been playing with my fingers on a Controller. I have memorized the steps...I'm just not that fast enough nor do I have the stamina.
So while I was playing Do It Right-Trick some kids (and I mean 14-16) come up to watch... Not only I'm about to do a hard buttocks song but one of the girls (there was two) decided to stand on the second pad in my perifiral (SP?) vision, it was too late to tell them to get off since the song started... Okay I started out great until I got to the triples at the end.
"Look he's doing bad."
"Yeah must be hard."
"I think I could do that."
F*CK! As if it wasn't hard enough to play without hearing newbs say how bad I was... So I failed the song, it happens but I knew I could get it really soon. But as I'm coming back thinking the girls were somewhat the same level as I am. (I think there was two guys there.) they were playing I Do I Do I Do-Light. I can't stand snotty kids these days.
Oh yeah some other quotes.
"Does your color help you play better?"
"How often do you play?"
"Hey can you save me?" -While this is light on Viva La loca nad they already failed-
"Do you know the songs or the arrows?" I think they meant do I dance to the "Song" and not the "Arrows".
"Do you play rap songs?"
"Is snoopdog on there?" If it was I would see ONE arrow on the screen, after the song. _________________
Man has always looked to the stars and thought the End of the Universe is in space...
I've seen the end of the universe, and it happens to be in Houston, Texas... I know I was shocked too. I was at the end of a street and there I saw a Starbucks...and then I turned around and across from that Starbucks, the exact same street of that StarBucks... there was a Starbucks! And that my the End of the Universe... |
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Osiris X Trick Member

Joined: 04 May 2004
37. Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 4:05 am Post subject: |
Prefect wrote: | Osiris X wrote: | "Cant stop falling in love: speed mix" |
Ewww.... if someone made fun of me... I'd punch them. I've been trying to pass that song for ages, and if someone steals my glory when I do...  | [/quote]
I have standards for myself, i dont stop playing it until i get a A. Right now, ive got a B. |
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MoMoisyummy Trick Member

Joined: 19 Sep 2004 Location: The Mad CIty Baby! ♥ |
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Pantera Trick Member

Joined: 01 Feb 2004 Location: ¯\(º_o)/¯ |
39. Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 9:06 am Post subject: |
I'm pretty patient when people who aren't familiar with DDR come up to me and ask questions about it. Everyone once in a while I'll get a middle aged couple with a kid or two who are at the arcade to let their kid have some fun. If I'm on the machine, the next most entertaining thing they could do is watch their kid haphazardly drive around in some racing game or shoot at some random enemy on another cabinet, so I don't blame them for watching DDR. Hell, before I started playing I would sometimes watch people play just for amusement. Naturally if they're not familiar with it, they're going to ask questions about it.
Fortunately I haven't found any profoundly stupid ones... _________________
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