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What began your DDR legacy?
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Trick Member
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60. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I always liked the music in DDR and I was looking for some new games to buy for PS2, when I found out DDR MAX was being released, I decided to go get it. It started out as a hobby and has turned into an obsession since. On a sidenote, in Christmas 1999, my cousin showed me the game at his house, but I didn't want to play because I had a sore throat at the time. I regretted not playing then, as I wish I had started out when I was younger( I started playing DDR at 23).
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Trick Member
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61. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shiroiken wrote:
A while back I was watching TV late at night and King of the Hill was playing. I had nothing to do so I decided to watch it and it was the episode where the Hills went to Japan, during the episode I saw what seemed to be a dance machine type game being played and I wondered if something like that really existed. I hopped onto some the irc chan I usually lurk in and asked around to see if anyone knew about it, luckily someone pointed out this site and now I'm here. biggrin.gif

I remember that episode. Bobby kept playing it over and over again with a japanese girl.

As for what started me, in the summer of 2001 my brother started talking all about a game called Dance Dance Revolution they had at his school. I never heard of it so I wanted to play. So he bought DDR USA, and the rest is history. BTW, I still have it (its in my ps2 right now).
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62. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One day at school our teacher orginized a trip down to the bowling alley and when we were there i saw a big machine with arrows so i tried i i was horrible then after school a went to the arcade a played a lot but a bit after i stopped about a month later i went to boomers and saw the machine so a played it i still sucked a month after that a got a home pad so far ive been playing a year and im on heavy doing 7-8 feet but i cant seem to get those 1/16 notes at all E15.gif
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Trick Member
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63. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My cousins and I saw the game in an arcade. We laughed at it, and went to play mini golf. After we finished, no one was around DDR, so I asked my cousin if we should play. He agreed, and we failed Have You Never Been Mellow on Basic. We were hooked ever since!
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Trick Member
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64. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, well, first my brother heard about ddr somewhere, I don't know its just somewhere. So, he downloaded 3 ddr songs,

Do You Remember me
Moonlight Shadow
What a feeling (I doubted that was a ddr song and really doubt if it is, and if it is, doubt if its worthy of being a ddr song)

Anyhow we really liked it, I especially liked it due to liking that kind of music so I said, "Now where to find ddr machines." I smacked my face after 2 seconds after realizing, "At a arcade or a mall." Sooo we went out but, we found none. The arcade was closed. Soooo I kinda got downcast and didn't bother to look at the arcade. On my brothers birthday (16nth) he went out to go see a movie with two friends. I coincidentally went to the same movie with some friends. (Terminator 3). Anyhow I went back home, and my brother, he did not go home. He went across the street to the arcade. My parents got freaked out because no one knew where he was soooo a whole chain of events happened and my brother was found at Taco Bell. Sooo when he got home, actually, no one chewed him out. Everyone was cool about it, He said softly to me, "Your on your way to becoming a ddr knight." (kinda compared ddr to star wars, the force, dancing, Jedi, DDR,) soooo hence I went to the arcade and began the legacy of what is now known as

The Sakura Child

Well I am 14, but they never seen anyone 14 years old beat sakura (was weirded out by that because I know 13 year olds even 10/11 year olds could be sakura and even younger maybe if they tried hard enough, soooo....hence I became famous for beating sakura)
hardest song beaten:
Max.(period) standard or
Paranoia Survivor Heavy
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65. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had been playing Stepmania for... A couple months or so, I guess, when Itzacon rolled around last November. It was a small anime convention at the Hyatt hotel in Dallas. My friends and I were hanging out in the arcade room they had set up, which included two DDR machines -- an Extreme and a MAX2. We decided to play Extreme, and after they got done, I played against this guy that was really, really good. We play on Light, I picked Dynamite Rave (DBS Mix), and I think Drop the Bomb (System SF Mix) (which I now realize is waaay inferior to the original, same with Dynamite Rave). He AA'd the last song, and we ended up playing "Dance Dance Revolution" on extra stage... Reverse, x1.5, all that. I failed miserably, but I still had fun with the songs I played on light. Now I can do 7's and most 8's on Heavy, and I'm about to order a couple BNS-DX pads with my brother, since our Ignition 2.0 broke down a few months ago.
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Trick Member
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66. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My journey started in college, when my friends and I had a long break between classes, so we travelled to the local mall, where stores and food were. While bored, we walked into the arcade to play SoulCaliber II, when the machine, (5th mix) stood majestically in the dark corner. I was reluctant, but one friend stood to take the challenge. After failing the first song on two step basic, failure was thought to follow. But alas he tried again and cleared that one song, and continued without embarassment or fail.

Weeks later, I finally sucked my pride and accepted the challenge of the Dance Machine. The friend selected a three step basic. Fearing I may fail miserably, I still took the challenge seriously and gave it my best shot. Amazingly, I survived, much to my joy.

And that, as they say, is that...
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67. PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 4:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ive got a good story behind mine. I went to vegas for vacation and i found out i was allergic to mold. this may seem irrelevant but whenever i went back to the room I would get hives. So i began to spend all of my free time 2-3 hours a day for a week playing DDR 1stmix DDRMAX2 and Pump it up! perfect. at the new york new york casino arcade. it must be fate.
10=footer's beaten as of 9/25/04
BAG=A (BAG AA with 1.5 speed mod)
Paranoia Survivor=C
Paranoia Survivor MAX=D
The Legend of Max=C
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68. PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 7:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

My story is rather short. I was at the local arcade when i saw the game. My friend Ryan just got into DDR, and he was pretty good at light mode. So when he asked me to play on the 7th mix, I reluctantly gave in and played. Little did I know that I was playing on standard, and it didnt help that the first song was Dead End or something like that. At any rate, I failed miserably, but i was hooked. I bought me some overpriced insert-less red octane pads and Konamix, and then i was off. laugh.gif
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69. PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 8:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the frist time i got into ddr i was walking around a game room and i saw this game and i did not know what it was but i wanted to try it so i played i do i do i do on light and i loved it.
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