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1560. PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll share my story of trying to fix my Ignition pad...

After I replaced the foam for the first time, it began to wear down and break for the second time. So I bought thicker craft foam. My friend and I went to town replacing all of the little foam pieces and cutting out the holes (boring!) and duct taping the thing down like crazy. We turned it on and...

The up arrow was sticking, and the down arrow was completely unresponsive. I'll save you the hassle of the whole story of us trying to fix it, but nothing worked since the circuit leading from the down arrow to the control box was ripped. So my friend got the idea to replace the whole insde of the pad.

She went to the mall and bought one of those $20 BeatPads. We opened up the pad, took out the innards of both pads, and put the BeatPad sensors in the RedOctane pad. And best of all, it worked.

So with the "new" pad, I'm thiiiiis close to AA'ing HVAM heavy. Odd, mostly because the first song I played with the RO pad (almost a year ago) was HVAM light, and nearly AA'ed that.

Just thought I'd share my story with you people.
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1561. PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok i'm fairly new to the ddr thing. I've known about it forever but didn't start really playing until about a month ago when i bought i playstation excusivly for playing ddr. So i bought a ebay deal with ddrmax and 2 of the regular old soft cheap pads. Well they worked really well for like a week and then started having little problems. They've annoyed me to my wits end so i've got to buy something much better.

My budgets right around 100-130 bucks with shipping so i've been looking at stuff like this

Is this a decent pad for the money? And will the arrows stay put and work for me nicely? Keep in mind i'm no expert, i'm just getting into 7 footers but trying to improve everyday. I also want to make some mods to the pads but don't tihnk the plywood idea will work for me as i live in a dorm room and space is really a premium.

If there's a better pad out there for the money i'd be glad to hear about it but i think $110 with shipping is pretty good. But you're the experts so i'll listen to you.
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1562. PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've been wondering for a while if anyone has tried the plywood/vinyl runner mod with a "pelican wireless night moves " pad. I was thinking about doing it sometime soon, as I have the materials, but the pad is rather thick, and I was thinking the vinyl from the mod might press down the buttons and such. Also, has anyone else used the pelican wireless pad before? Is it a good pad, or will it crap out on me in only a few months like a crappy pad? thanks.
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1563. PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

weatherdog wrote:
Ok i'm fairly new to the ddr thing. I've known about it forever but didn't start really playing until about a month ago when i bought i playstation excusivly for playing ddr. So i bought a ebay deal with ddrmax and 2 of the regular old soft cheap pads. Well they worked really well for like a week and then started having little problems. They've annoyed me to my wits end so i've got to buy something much better.

My budgets right around 100-130 bucks with shipping so i've been looking at stuff like this

Is this a decent pad for the money? And will the arrows stay put and work for me nicely? Keep in mind i'm no expert, i'm just getting into 7 footers but trying to improve everyday. I also want to make some mods to the pads but don't tihnk the plywood idea will work for me as i live in a dorm room and space is really a premium.

If there's a better pad out there for the money i'd be glad to hear about it but i think $110 with shipping is pretty good. But you're the experts so i'll listen to you.

Actually the pads cost $50... I don't have any info of how good those pads are but it does have the hard foam. Let me suggest to you the BNS DX pad. It's a little cheaper and it has a longer warranty(30 days rather than 15) than the ones at keepgaming. These pads have held up pretty well compared to other pads. The only mod I suggest you do is duct tape the inner white layer to prevent tears.

special_ned wrote:

I've been wondering for a while if anyone has tried the plywood/vinyl runner mod with a "pelican wireless night moves " pad. I was thinking about doing it sometime soon, as I have the materials, but the pad is rather thick, and I was thinking the vinyl from the mod might press down the buttons and such. Also, has anyone else used the pelican wireless pad before? Is it a good pad, or will it crap out on me in only a few months like a crappy pad? thanks.

I think it'll work and I highly suggest that you do the mod. Cheap soft pads die very quickly if you don't do such a mod plus the wireless isn't that great I heard. The wireless pad does no better than a crappy pad.
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1564. PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 2:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have had my BNS Deluxe pad for 2 weeks and just recently it feels like the raised part inside the pad is moving. Now instead of being on the left and right arrows, it is raising the middle. Is there any way I can go about fixing it? Or is my pad screwed? I just got it 2 weeks ago... could I send it back for another?
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1565. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Optical wrote:
I have had my BNS Deluxe pad for 2 weeks and just recently it feels like the raised part inside the pad is moving. Now instead of being on the left and right arrows, it is raising the middle. Is there any way I can go about fixing it? Or is my pad screwed? I just got it 2 weeks ago... could I send it back for another?

I just posted this same exact thing a week ago, you have 2 options...
1. you can submit an rma form to bns and have them ship you a new pad (you automatically have a 30 day warrentee when you order from them)(i'll give you the link)
2. you can try to open it up and fix it your self

It took me a few days of emails back and forth but they eventually let me keep my broken pads, and i got the new pads about 3 or 4 days after they said they shipped them. I plan to try to fix the broken ones some day by cutting them open and taping down the arrow inserts.
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1566. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:49 pm    Post subject: Redoctane Ignition Pad Reply with quote

Redoctane Ignition Pad
Can anyone tell me whats the size of it when it's folded?
it's really importent...
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1567. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:20 pm    Post subject: Re: Redoctane Ignition Pad Reply with quote

dangen wrote:
Redoctane Ignition Pad
Can anyone tell me whats the size of it when it's folded?
it's really importent...

if you fold it the way it came it's about a square foot (about the size of one arrow) and probably about 6 inches thick...and then the inserts all stack up on top of each other outside of the pad, though I don't have a measurement for that.
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1568. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


Anoter question E10.gif how is the XGameGear V3/V2 Pad?
really good as the redoctane?

E19.gif E19.gif E19.gif
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1569. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm thinking about getting an Ignition 2.0 from RedOctane, but am wondering how it is going to feel (I've never seen one in person). Are my feet going to sink down to the floor while I'm stepping on an arrow, creating an uneven stage? And if it will, has that ever been a problem for anyone?
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1570. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

plasmaball3000 wrote:
I'm thinking about getting an Ignition 2.0 from RedOctane, but am wondering how it is going to feel (I've never seen one in person). Are my feet going to sink down to the floor while I'm stepping on an arrow, creating an uneven stage? And if it will, has that ever been a problem for anyone?

The foam in the pads are very dense, you won't feel the floor and the stage will be pretty even until you beat the foam down. but I really don't recommend the pad. I bought mine at a Gamestop on June 16th (this year). Well, I was only on beginner when I started and I moved my way up to light and standard so it's not like I killed it...I'm not a stomper and I'm not over 200 yet either. It's August 10th and my pad already sticks like crap. And to back up how crappy it is, I've been on vacation for 27 days since the day I bought it! So doing the math, I got my pad 54 days ago and I've actually been home to dance on my pad for 27 days. Now I dance alot alot alot almost every day, but I don't dance every day so let's take off saaay 7 days. This means I've danced on my pad for a total of 20 days and it sucks. I have to return to the middle frequently or else the left and right arrows will stick therefore screwing up any combo I wish to get.

Mmm I'm done. E15.gif
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1571. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

plasmaball3000 wrote:
I'm thinking about getting an Ignition 2.0 from RedOctane, but am wondering how it is going to feel (I've never seen one in person). Are my feet going to sink down to the floor while I'm stepping on an arrow, creating an uneven stage? And if it will, has that ever been a problem for anyone?

Don't waste your $100 on these pads. Check out the BNS DX pad. They go for $50 and are just as good as RO. It also has hard foam, so you won't sink into the pad. For more information about Ignition pads, check out this guide.
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DJ Tenku
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1572. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, I JUST got my BNS DX Pad....and I'm just wondering, how do you disable the two spaces on the bottom? I mean, I'm kinda having a hard time with it...and the Select and Start seem to be the reset buttons...

Do I have to go to the gameplay menu or what? E19.gif
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1573. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Anyone know anything about the Ignition 4.0 pads?
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1574. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shinten wrote:
Ok, I JUST got my BNS DX Pad....and I'm just wondering, how do you disable the two spaces on the bottom? I mean, I'm kinda having a hard time with it...and the Select and Start seem to be the reset buttons...

Do I have to go to the gameplay menu or what? E19.gif

Go to controler settings>dance play settings> and turn controller one and controller two too off.
9 footers at home
So Deep...D
My summer love...B
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9 footers at arcade
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My summer love...B
So Deep... Not yet... >.<
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1575. PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does any one know the best way to get to the foam inserts on the bns pads? would it be better to cut through the bottom layer and try going through all the circuts or better to cut through the top layer?
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1576. PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Im modding my second pad and i want to know if this will work. It's basically one of those $20 beat pads but im thinkin of puttin pieces of cardboard between the arrow and plastic so i can feel em. opinions? (its the plywoood/carpet runner mod.
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1577. PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mr_Blasty wrote:
Im modding my second pad and i want to know if this will work. It's basically one of those $20 beat pads but im thinkin of puttin pieces of cardboard between the arrow and plastic so i can feel em. opinions? (its the plywoood/carpet runner mod.

Put more than one piece cause I could barely feel it when I modded a set of pads. Just make sure your steps are responsive before you finish up your mod. If they are too soft/thick, it may cause your steps to stick because the material sinks and doesn't recover fast enough. I had to scrap the layer of styrofoam when modding because of that problem.
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1578. PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i tried it on my already modded pad and could feel it is thick corrugated stuff not the thin pressed stuff its made from 1cut up used ps2 box (2 arrows). and 2 mad katz BeatPad boxes (1 arrow apiece). Its not like cereal boxes or anything
10=footer's beaten as of 9/25/04
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DJ Tenku
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1579. PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OOOK, Second question:

Is it a good idea to wear shoes on the BNS pad? Because I normally wear socks and I busted my buttocks on Do It Right Electro Mix... my socks have no grip whatsoever... anyway, I have 2 pairs of Adias and a pair of Converse... just wear flat (no ridges) shoes?
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