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What are some DDR stereotypes that piss you off?
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140. PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I play in chunky boots...
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141. PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

that we memorize fast songs. i've lost count of how many times someone has asked the exact same question "Do you like, memorize the song?" and yeah. it's the exact same quote from at least 30 people
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142. PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

one that gets on my last nerve is when if you play and your black, latino, whatever...people call you crazy n stuff. like one day i was playing sexy planet (oni version) and a group of black people came by and watched me play they looked at me like i was a fuggin nerd after i finished and said i was an "oreo" (black dude who "acts" white) people take this into a racial thing from azns to white people and its really stupid.
is it me or does Quasar sound....sad?
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143. PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[sync] wrote:
one that gets on my last nerve is when if you play and your black, latino, whatever...people call you crazy n stuff. like one day i was playing sexy planet (oni version) and a group of black people came by and watched me play they looked at me like i was a fuggin nerd after i finished and said i was an "oreo" (black dude who "acts" white) people take this into a racial thing from azns to white people and its really stupid.

Considering that I'm black, I've never recieved that from any of those ghetto bastards that come in the arcade that I play at. If someone calls me that I swear I'll punch their teeth in. devil.gif

But then again I might take that as a compliment, because I'd never want to act "black" anyway. E4.gif

at any rate I'd like to be considered oreo cookie with a yellow filling!!! I think that suits me better. E1.gif

Another stereotype that really pisses me off is the one about only teens playing DDR. I am absolutely not a teen. I'm in my mid-20's for crying out loud. disgust.gif

Hirakashi Ryu
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144. PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I cant say that ive really noticed the whole asian thing but i was in one particualar arcade in london, england and there was this small asian girl on the dance machine and she was AMAZIN!!! she must have only been about 7!! how the hell does she do it????? erm.gif erm.gif erm.gif
i have noticed that there r more blokes on machines rather than girls but girls r just as able!! lets jus hope that us girls show off their talent soon huh!! E7.gif E7.gif E7.gif
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145. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[sync] wrote:
one that gets on my last nerve is when if you play and your black, latino, whatever...people call you crazy n stuff. like one day i was playing sexy planet (oni version) and a group of black people came by and watched me play they looked at me like i was a fuggin nerd after i finished and said i was an "oreo" (black dude who "acts" white) people take this into a racial thing from azns to white people and its really stupid.

hmm I'm black and I've never really heard this before. (Maybe it's because I'm a girl, I don't know) hmm I do get white guys who are usually older telling me that I need to get a life because I'm too good at the game (I guess they assume I don't do anything else, oh well)
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146. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ryu_Hirakashi wrote:

Considering that I'm black, I've never recieved that from any of those

Another stereotype that really pisses me off is the one about only teens playing DDR. I am absolutely not a teen. I'm in my mid-20's for crying out loud. disgust.gif

Hirakashi Ryu

For once I agree with you.

I hate the only teens play stereotype too. I'm only 10 (almost 11) for crying out loud.

I also hate the anyone under 15 can't do Heavy mode and suck at DDR. I can pass DXY with a B and CSFILSM with an A on Heavy kthx. The people who mainly support the stereotype are people who try to act cool on light.


That's it...... for now. disgust.gif
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147. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cowman715 wrote:
shiawase ii wrote:
I agree with the above-mentioned stereotypes. Especially the asian ones. Being Filipino myself, I get irritated that people immediately think I'm only good at DDR just because I'm asian. It's happened to me quite often at my University. I'll be playing in the lobby, and someone will say, you're only good because you're asian.

Another stereotype that irritates me is that "I'm a girl, so I can't do too well." Everytime I try introducing a girl to the game they'll write it off as being too hard because they are female. Come on, no one is good the first time.

And of course, I laugh everytime someone says DDR teaches how to dance. It teaches 4-directional coordination, but not dancing.

Even though I'm not Asian some people at my arcade (not going to mention names disgust.gif ) are stupid... If for example I play a 10 they go

"Oh no he's going into Asian mode"....

Fucking idiots...

Alot of asians are good at DDR. That's just a truth. It was big in Japan first, so you see alot of asians playing it. It shouldn't make you mad.
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148. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sirkingofold wrote:
Alot of asians are good at DDR. That's just a truth. It was big in Japan first, so you see alot of asians playing it. It shouldn't make you mad.

How ironic that you're stereotyping in a thread devoted to venting about stereotypes.
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149. PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:35 pm    Post subject: Stereotypes Reply with quote

I dont' tolerate stereotypes at school, so why should I do so in the arcade? Although I have yet to be called a degrading name such as DDR + Guy = gay, if anyone did something of that nature, I would, in my infinite wisdom E4.gif , return with such a retort as to force them to leave the arcade in tears.
<WARNING> Feet twitching <WARNING>

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150. PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slowpoke wrote:
sirkingofold wrote:
Alot of asians are good at DDR. That's just a truth. It was big in Japan first, so you see alot of asians playing it. It shouldn't make you mad.

How ironic that you're stereotyping in a thread devoted to venting about stereotypes.

I didn't say all Asians are good. I just said alot of them are. It's just the truth. Steryotyping is asumeing something that isn't true. YOU SEE ALOT OF ASIANS PLAYING DDR!!! You don't have to get mad becuase of it.
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151. PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

wow since im a newbie to DDR and i have only played it once in an arcade last wed these sterotypes are pretty amazing except fot the asian thing cuz my friends give me that all the time lol (but i dont really mind its all fun and games). But im asian and im not that good at the game, and that DDR+Guy=Gay is just plain baka right there disgust.gif
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152. PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sirkingofold wrote:
Slowpoke wrote:
sirkingofold wrote:
Alot of asians are good at DDR. That's just a truth. It was big in Japan first, so you see alot of asians playing it. It shouldn't make you mad.

How ironic that you're stereotyping in a thread devoted to venting about stereotypes.

I didn't say all Asians are good. I just said alot of them are. It's just the truth. Steryotyping is asumeing something that isn't true. YOU SEE ALOT OF ASIANS PLAYING DDR!!! You don't have to get mad becuase of it.

laugh.gif Nice little series there. Besides, who says we're getting mad about it? He was just pointing out the irony. Also, I don't see a lot of asians playing DDR. I've seen about 11 total. Out of the masses of asians in the world, that doesn't seem like much. E4.gif
<WARNING> Feet twitching <WARNING>

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153. PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sirkingofold wrote:
I didn't say all Asians are good. I just said alot of them are. It's just the truth. Steryotyping is asumeing something that isn't true. YOU SEE ALOT OF ASIANS PLAYING DDR!!! You don't have to get mad becuase of it.

1- I'm not mad... just amused, because:
2- You ARE assuming something that's not true
3- And no, I DON'T see a lot of asians playing DDR. In fact, at the places I normally play at, I can only think of three, and oddly enough, they're among the few players there who aren't even better than I am.
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154. PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

sirkingofold wrote:
Slowpoke wrote:
sirkingofold wrote:
Alot of asians are good at DDR. That's just a truth. It was big in Japan first, so you see alot of asians playing it. It shouldn't make you mad.

How ironic that you're stereotyping in a thread devoted to venting about stereotypes.

I didn't say all Asians are good. I just said alot of them are. It's just the truth. Steryotyping is asumeing something that isn't true. YOU SEE ALOT OF ASIANS PLAYING DDR!!! You don't have to get mad becuase of it.

That's kind of funny. I've only seen a few asians play. only one of them was actually good at it and could hold up their combo past 100.
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