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DrakonIL Trick Member

Joined: 14 Dec 2003
80. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:51 am Post subject: |
mkv_wraithstyle wrote: |
Spectators who get on the pad without asking deserve to be shoved off. Kids who run on the pad deserve to get removed by physical force, no matter how young they are, and their parents deserve a hell of a tongue lashing. People who step on an arrow deserve to have their ankles broken to show them the potential consequences of their actions.
The bottom line goes something like this - I will play what I want, when I want, how I want, and I will react to my performance how I want, within reason; anybody who interferes with my game either owes me a buck or deserves a shove and a good tongue lashing. Why? Because it's MY MONEY. You want to tell me how to play the game? If you pay for my game, I will play all the 3 footers you want, one footed, knee dropping, 3x reverse sudden dark, whatever. If you don't, then don't think you can tell me what I should play. The only thing that I really agree with is the annoying spectator/kid thing - all the rest of it is just stuff that you should either have avoided in the first place, or stuff that you just need to suck up. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's the way it is. |
You, Sir, are a GOD.
The issue here I want to point out is the issue I kept up (Snipped the rest for post-length courtesy). Anyone who gets on the pad deserves no attention. If they get on the pad while you're selecting a song, go ahead and tell them to get off, then go back to selecting your song. If they're not off by the time you have your song picked, push them off. If a kid starts stepping on one of your arrows, or worse, a little kid starts stomping on the left arrow with both feet (Thus placing his or her body directly above it), pay no attention. If the kid gets kicked, it's his or her own damn fault, not yours. The kid should notice the risks of flying feet. If parents get all parent-like about it, tell them they should watch their kids better. If parents threaten to call security, let them - chances are, if the security has seen a SINGLE good player play, he'll know that the players can't exactly focus much on the people around them.
Anyway, back to the main topic, not very many rude or obnoxious people where I play. It's a 'family fun' place, so there's plenty of kids, and this is why your topic struck me well, it happens all the time. But other than kids, I don't have many issues. Every once in a while, I'll get someone who doesn't understand the coin line...But more often, I get a kid who starts, plays, leaves halfway through his first song, then doesn't come back. Whoo, two free songs! 'Course, I wait for the song to finish, go through my head what I'd like to pick, then wait for the timer to run down most of the way, just in case.
I think the last truly rude person was this one very LOUD black girl hop up between the two bars, then shout in her very loud voice
"I wanna play, me next!", with five coins on the machine. I explained the coin line, and she started getting all pissy to me...But then, I could also tell that she was joking around about it, but still. She was very loud, wouldn't stop talking, and wouldn't leave. I actually just popped my coin off the machine and left 'cause of her  _________________
If you ever see a member of the bomb squad run past, screaming, "Oh crap, oh crap, oh CRAP!", it would be in your best interest to follow him. - My LiveJournal. Yes, I've fallen into the pit of LiveJournalness. Pray for my soul. |
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skillz187 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jul 2004 Location: New Rochelle,NY/ Albany, NY |
81. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:20 am Post subject: |
DeathCabForCutie... wrote: | skillz187, that really sucks. i hate when people do stuff like that to me, and i dont like that they do it to you either. it really sucks trying to play at the mall with people always doing stuff like that. |
It probably sucks a hell of alot more at a mall, but it happened to me at an arcade were everyone (employees and people who are usually there) knows me and is cool with me. This bastard who I have never seen before comes up to me and starts running his goddamn mouth. Still, the worst part about the whole thing was that I was held back from doing anything to that piece of crap excuse for a person.
I was there wed. playing and I was trying to do ska a go go again but then this stupid freakin kid gets in my way and starts screaming. I felt like punching him in the face, but then I realized I'm old enough to get arrested for beating him up. _________________
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skillz187 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jul 2004 Location: New Rochelle,NY/ Albany, NY |
82. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:33 am Post subject: |
Sorry for the double post but this needs to be said. Its basically the say all end all of this post. America has a very large population. And of that population, I would say about 85 % of the people lack common decency, manners, have personal problems so they have to take them out on other people (every person in my family except me), or are just plain rude as hell. If you notice, you run into people like this everywhere throughout the day, not just playing DDR. There is almost no way around, so we should all just accept the fact the there are many rude people out there who piss us off until the end of time. _________________
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SO! loves Electroplankton Trick Member

Joined: 22 Dec 2002 Location: mommy told me not to say! |
83. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:11 am Post subject: |
Ugh, there was once these guys at my arcade, about my age(12 or so) I was about to play and they were playing light. Nothing wrong with that. And this guy was "wanna do a team battle with me???" I was like "do you mean versus" And then he said "no, doubles!!!" "Uh... no"
1st stage I did Trip Machine Climax(or survivor can't remembeR) standard, because I'm not that good at arcade heavy. I mean, I can pass SSLM, but I'm not AS good ate th arcade. No real problem here, until I noticed they were sitting RIGHT on the bar on the side, as if to see if I was "good enough" or something. I just ignore them.
So they sit on the other side of the machine the whole game and geniunely piss me off as I select me songs. "BLAH BLAH BLAH PLAY MAXX UNLIMITED!!! PLAY TLOM! PLAY PARANOIA SURVIVOR MAX!!!!" I can't even beat Sakura yet(as I learned 3rd stage) I finally go ahead and pick paranoia heavy to shut them up. Then they pull the same routine for the 3rd song, and I'm like "**** you!" And decide to give Sakura a try, failing 10 seconds from the end. Mainly because they kept murmuring to each other throughout the song. I was so pissed, and you know what they did then? They were like, in a tone that said "YOU SUCK!" They dared to me to play NONSTOP(not oni, just nonstop) I was all "It's going to be like normal play, but whatever" I think I chose love heart, I don't know. Then they left 3rd song, talking so loudly I got thrown off and failed!
So annoying... And everyone always assumes I need to play light because I'm 12! I once put in on standard and this girl was like "shouldn't it be on an easier diffuculty"
I also always play my last song on heavy/challenge and most likely fail. And then these people say "wow that was real good" And while I like that they like me, I always feel bad, because it's like I'm showing off... |
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SEXY BEAST Trick Member

Joined: 30 Apr 2004
84. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:29 am Post subject: |
There are only 2 annoying players in my arcade.
1) A skateboarding poser who looks like Fat Albert. He tries to freestyle with newbie songs like Butterfly and .59 and his only dance moves consists of pelvic thrusts.
2) A nerdy Jewish kid who always asks to play with others so they can keep him alive while he picks songs he doesn't stand a chance in hell of beating.
Both these guys think they're hot $#!+ at DDR when they're not even on my level, and I'm not even good. |
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DeathCabForCutie... Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jul 2004 Location: Somewhere In México. |
85. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:43 am Post subject: |
yeah i agree skillz187...alot of people here are really rude. and my friend diego told me for a fact that if he or any of my other friends who were hispanic went with me and punched these guys that were messing with me, no matter what happened, my friends would be arrested. thats just how it is here. its so stupid that that is how it works here, but it is. my friend julio actually had that happen to him before, he was being taunted and such while playing ddr, the guy pushed him off a few times, so julio just turned around and punched him. the guy went to mall security and julio got arrested for a "Hate Crime" they said. what those guys did to me when i was at the arcade was a hate crime, but i know if i would have done anything id be right in jail. _________________
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skillz187 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jul 2004 Location: New Rochelle,NY/ Albany, NY |
86. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:53 am Post subject: |
DeathCabForCutie... wrote: | the guy pushed him off a few times, so julio just turned around and punched him. the guy went to mall security and julio got arrested for a "Hate Crime" they said.. |
Damn. Makes me sort of happier I didn't knock that guy on his buttocks (though I don't think it would have been a hate crime because he was spanish and so am I). _________________
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DeathCabForCutie... Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jul 2004 Location: Somewhere In México. |
87. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:11 am Post subject: |
guess not. but the guys messing with me are white guys....and here if a hispanic hits a white person, its like a sin or something, even if the white person started it...which IS usually the case with me and my friends. but i dont know i guess im trying not to worry about it because im moving back home next month anyway and i wont have to deal with it anymore _________________
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fourleafedmonkey Basic Member

Joined: 20 May 2003
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SO! loves Electroplankton Trick Member

Joined: 22 Dec 2002 Location: mommy told me not to say! |
89. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:28 am Post subject: |
DeathCabForCutie... wrote: | guess not. but the guys messing with me are white guys....and here if a hispanic hits a white person, its like a sin or something, even if the white person started it...which IS usually the case with me and my friends. but i dont know i guess im trying not to worry about it because im moving back home next month anyway and i wont have to deal with it anymore |
Heh it's backwards for me. It's okay for a black person to call me the c-word, but if I call him the other c-word or the n-word, It's a hate crime. It's so annoying. |
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lxv Trick Member

Joined: 08 Jan 2004
90. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:50 am Post subject: |
DeathCabForCutie... wrote: | i play at the century 3 mall in pittsburgh, and alot of times people ask if they can play against me, and of course i say yes...but a few times ive been playing against some random person and i was winning and they would just push me off the pad so they would be able to win. one of the times that happened they pushed me into a nearby car racing game and my lip got completely cut open from hitting the metal part below the seat. and there have been a few times that i have been playing by myself and people have just pushed me off and played my game the rest of the way out. its really annoying. i mean just because im a girl and im pretty damn short doesn't mean u can just push me off. its really irritating. especially when people come up behind me and say "you suck" and use a few racial slurs such as "spic" and "wetback" ive almost completely given up playing at the mall anymore. |
wow that really sucks. At my arcade it's nothing but hispanic people who play (lots of hot hispanic people ) I've never had anyone actually touch me while I was playing or try anything like that (they're probably scared that they'd be hit with an onslaught of black girl anger and really really doggy things) I guess that's why I'll never really leave california, unless. . . |
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DeathCabForCutie... Trick Member

Joined: 17 Jul 2004 Location: Somewhere In México. |
91. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:36 am Post subject: |
yeah it does suck.....but im moving back home next month so all is well. yay!  _________________
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TEEX Trick Member

Joined: 27 Sep 2003 Location: getting killed by rubber ducks in Silversurfer (NES) |
92. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:15 pm Post subject: |
Super Orange! wrote: | ...I always feel bad, because it's like I'm showing off... |
I have no problem showing off. I enjoy getting a crowds attention by doing one of my stealths (Sakura, Legend of MAX, I believe in Miracles, etc.). On my last stage, I scroll down the songlist to PSMO, but I wanted to take a 20 second rest before hitting the green selection button. This jackas.s didn't even let me rest for 10 secs., he just picks the song without even warning and he's like "no breaks!". As I'm playing, I can see him out of the corner of my eye just staring at me. As I get to the tempo changes, I turn my head give him the evil eye as a warning. Then he says "Oh maah gawd he looked at me!!" I managed to get to the death runs everyone fails on and stopped from being out of breath. Then he's like "YOU FAILED!!" I watched this guy play earlier and he failed Butterfly on Light, yet, I never got loud or made fun so why do I deserve it? Is it because I showed off? I have every right to play what I want and how cuz I payed my dollar like everyone else. I wasn't trying to show off to any particular player there because they are beginners, I just like pleasing a crowd. There were a lot of people that were interested in watching DDR players where I was playing on vacation. _________________
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DarkDraco Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Location: Fort Worth, TX |
93. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:13 pm Post subject: |
Last time I was at the arcade, there was this rather large guy there playing, who had broken the down arrow on the right pad earlier that day. I got up to play against him, and he pulls this crap about how he "can't play on the right pad because he feels guilty about breaking it". So we start playing, and I do fine the first couple songs, then on the last one, the bottom of my tennis shoe got caught in the crack, throwing me off beat, and I fail. The next time I played and he was there, I made him play on the right. -_- I really hope they fix that by next time I go... |
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Camerone Basic Member

Joined: 05 Aug 2004 Location: Wichita, KS |
94. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:32 pm Post subject: rude?obnoxious? |
Whenever Im playing the Trick oni course, I can randomly fail on Ecstasy, but instead of cursing or making a scene, I flail my arms around in a small, conservative radius, and, using my "inside voice", roar like Chewbacca. Also, showing off doesn't always require you to do unique things. Once, I started Cartoon Heroes Speed Mix without a soul watching, but once I finished, about 20 or so people were standing behind me clapping. That type of recognition is very heartwarming, and is one of four reasons I play DDR.  _________________
<WARNING> Feet twitching <WARNING>
AAA is near, have no fear, I am not queer, I dont ear deer. Did I mention AAA was near? I did? Well, in that case, I have some AA's right here until the AAA's arrive  |
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Bubblegum Trick Member

Joined: 12 Jul 2004 Location: Merced,Ca |
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CoasterMaster Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Walnut Creek, CA |
96. Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:54 pm Post subject: |
Oh, I flip off the machine all the time. Doubly so if the pads are not decent quality.
I defiatly agree with mkv_wraithstyle. I love to play World Tour/Pop 8 (depending on the machine). Hey, if there are 5 people waiting, it's gonna be a while before I play again, may as well play whatever I want to play.
Also, I don't think swearing mid-song when breaking your current full combo on Max 300 on the last down arrow (before the freezes) is bad. Not bad at all.
I will also admit I love to sing/screw around/scream out random words in songs (i.e. "SO" in Rhythm & Police). Yes, it's annoying. Howvever, if the person playing asks me to stop, you can bet that I will stop right away. It's all about respect...and having fun. _________________
Ultimately any problem can be solved with the application of a large stone to the correct skull. Problems surface when one cannot find a large stone or the correct skull. The devil lies within the details. |
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outlawwolf Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jun 2004 Location: Through the looking glass |
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skillz187 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jul 2004 Location: New Rochelle,NY/ Albany, NY |
98. Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:24 pm Post subject: |
Now I have more things to worry about than racists comments. I was flat out harrassed by to 12 year old black girls yesterday. They kept asking me for money so they can play, and I obviously said hell no because 1. they were ugly as hell, 2. they're 12, I'm 16 1/2, 3. they were bothering a friend of mine who was playing, and 4. NO! They kept asking me and I kept saying no, so they came back with their brother (who was exactly my size) and he told me to get off the machine. I told him to get the hell out of my face, which he did right away. But then while I was playing LOM on heavy (something I really can't beat), I got to the freeze arrow part and one of them started yelling, and the other got between me and the screen, so I obviously failed. Then they had the nerve to ask me for money again. So I told them if they wanted money so bad they should ask their pimp nicely for some extra cash, called them both stupid b.itches, and left. Its never been my intention to degrade a lady, no matter what their age was, but those to stupid little girls made contemplate hitting a women for the first time in my entire life. _________________
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Bubblegum Trick Member

Joined: 12 Jul 2004 Location: Merced,Ca |
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