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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1540. Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 3:46 pm Post subject: |
pink dream wrote: | hey i just got a RO ignition pad 2.0 a/b 2 months ago and now sometimes when i play a song it will give random boos or almosts ( a/b 2 boos or almosts per song) everything seemd to be in good shape but if i hold the top sheet of the pad ( where all the circuits are) up to the light there is something in the middle near the top arrow. its kinda hard and makes kind of a bowl shape so it makes it uneven in the middle. can u tell me what may be wrong and how to fix it and also what the foam or w/e it might be in the middle and if it might affetc my pad? thnks |
ThunderDragon978 wrote: | Hey ppl, i just got my bns xtreme pads, this'll be the 4th day ive had em, ive lined the white plastic layer on the inside of the pad with duct tape, and taped them down to chair mats. How ever, the foam under the "raised" buttons has moved a bit (mostly on the right and left arrows (on both pads)). I play 6-8 foot songs, and the movment that has already occured has not affected my playing ability. any one out there got information on how to stop the inside foam from moving or how to get it back in place?*i have tried rubbing it back into place but that dosnt work well* all comments are appreciated. thanx.
P.S. i would also like to know if any one can tell me the life expectancy of these pads, 3 months?, 2 weeks?, 4 hours? lol |
This Ignition FAQ guide may prove helpful for both of you in addressing your pad problems.
pinkdream - to fix the bowl shape arrow temporarily, sit something on top of it, like a book or something heavy, to flatten the raised arrow insert. I don't think that is the cause to random boos. You may have to open your pad to address the problem. Refer to sticky buttons/compressed soft foam section in the guide.
thunderdragon - refer to the drifiting arrows section in the guide. You're going to have to open your pads to get the insert and secure them in the proper spot with some type of adhesive. Ignition pads usually last for 6months with moderate use.
The guide has a link that will show you how to open your pads properly. Be careful because you can potential render your pad useless. |
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Stadsport Trick Member

Joined: 18 Jul 2004 Location: Tucson, AZ |
1541. Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 5:56 pm Post subject: |
I finished repairing/modding my pad today.
I got some headliner (I think it was about .5" thick). For a hole-punch, I took a pipe about the right size and grinded down the sides. Then put the mat on some wood and hit it with a hammer where I wanted the hole. Worked really well.
The base of the pad is about a square yard of particle board. The bottom layer of the pad is held on with some super-strong outdoor carpet tape. The next layer, the lower sensers, are mostly just set in place but have some double-sided tape in the areas where none of the wires are. If one of those wires were to break, that button would be dead. ;/ The foam, which actually came out very well, is on the next layer with staples going through the same spots the lower sensors were taped down, and around the side. The upper-sensor layers are duct-taped around the sides, and the very top layer (with the arrows you step on and all) is stapled around the edges.
I originally had vinyl stapled around the edges, over the pad. I'm sure it might work with a newer, more sensitive pad, but on this is just made it harder. Doing Sandstorm on Standard it hardly read ANY of my steps, let alone those correct. This is trying with and without shoes.
So it works fine now. I took my other pad, which is still somewhat decent, and simply attached it to another piece of particle board.
Although, buying new pads would have been cheaper. ;/
Just an FYI. |
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ddrwannabbe123 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Apr 2004
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Disillusioned Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jun 2004 Location: Burning AZ |
1543. Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 1:23 pm Post subject: |
Hey, I've got a question, but I only want an answer from someone who really knows what they're doing.
My friend has 2 red octane ignition pads. Well, we were having some difficulties yesterday. We unzipped it and took out the foam stuff and noticed that the material under the censors was ripped a little bit. He put some duct tape over it and it seemed to work. But we're not sure if that was the problem. See, I was playing and I saw the down arrow go but I didn't even touch it, and it constantly made me miss several steps. And it even happed with the left arrow and the right arrow, but the up arrow was fine. Can anyone explain? _________________
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Stadsport Trick Member

Joined: 18 Jul 2004 Location: Tucson, AZ |
1544. Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:46 pm Post subject: |
The best explanation I can gather from your post is that the foam between the two sensors has broken down. Basically, there's little stopping the two sensors in your pads from touching together. Atleast, that's what happened to mine. And it was repaired by following |
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magenter Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jul 2004 Location: Pamerton, PA |
1545. Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:29 pm Post subject: |
i have a problem with my soft mats
i have the soft mats that you see basicly everywhere, especially on ebay. theyre pretty cheap. but anywho, theyre my brother's and he was using them for about a year, now i have them and have been treating them great. i was playing today, and the mat just stopped working. i cant get any response from it now what-so-ever. is it dead for good? i feel really bad since it's not mine.
anyone know what i can do to fix it? or should i just buy a new one? |
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Misirlou Basic Member

Joined: 28 Jun 2004
1546. Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:04 am Post subject: |
So, I emailed BNS about the drifting arrow inserts. They sent me a replacement pad (everything but the foam insert) for free, without even wanting the old one back. I thought that was really pretty cool.
Since the shiny new pad is up and running now, my friend and decided to try to fix the old one.
I noticed the DDRpad fix site didn't have anything about the arrow inserts problem, so I thought I'd post about what we did.
We cut through the top layer (top, from the inside--the white layer) on three sides, and folded it away. We then decided to cut through the remaining layers in the middle, rather than around the edges, as this would lead to less overall structural weakening of the pad. This was vital, as we were really worried about degrading the durability of the separating foam by cutting it and taping it back together. So we carefully protected all the electrical traces with duct tape, to prevent accidentally tearing through them, and cut a slit through all the remaining layers.
We had just enough room to reach one arm through the hole and tinker with the arrow inserts. This was a pain, but it was worth the minimal amount of cutting required. The glue that was supposed to hold them in place was another serious annoyance, when trying to move them back into place.
Eventually, we worked all four pads back into place and taped them there, and then copiously taped over all the holes we'd made. I seems to work fine now. All we have to do is buy a piece of foam to fashion another insert, and we'll have two working pads!
So, for those of you who have arrow drifting problems, there's still hope, as long as don't mind performing serious surgery on your pad. Unfortunately, I can't think of any mod that would prevent this from happening in the first place. They need to use something better than glue to hold them in place. |
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Misirlou Basic Member

Joined: 28 Jun 2004
1547. Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:08 am Post subject: |
On a related note, I now have a brand new BNS DX pad. What can I do to increase its durability?
I've heard that reinforcing the bottom white layer with duct tape is a good idea; I'll plan to do that. Anything other simple mods for this pad that will help it last?
Also, am I correct is assuming that playing in socks will be better for it than playing in bare feet?
Anything else to know about caring for a pad? |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1548. Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:40 am Post subject: |
Misirlou wrote: | On a related note, I now have a brand new BNS DX pad. What can I do to increase its durability?
I've heard that reinforcing the bottom white layer with duct tape is a good idea; I'll plan to do that. Anything other simple mods for this pad that will help it last?
Also, am I correct is assuming that playing in socks will be better for it than playing in bare feet?
Anything else to know about caring for a pad? |
You could do the plywood mod and place plastic on top of it to protect the top surface. But you should be fine with those mods. Some care tips are on ignition faq.
You can slide with socks while feet give you more grip. Whichever you prefer. I play with socks on my DX. If you had an RO/levelsix and socks, you'd be slipping and sliding all over the place on very difficult songs. |
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ThunderDragon978 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2004 Location: Miami Fl |
1549. Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:48 am Post subject: |
ddrwannabbe123 wrote: | In case anyone is deciding on which soft pad to get i have had a BNS Dx Extreme for almost 3 months and i have played a lot on it. I have played mostly on heavy and some standard. Anyways, i opened up my pad(unzipped it) and checked to see if there was any rips in the lining since i have heard that it happens and you have to tape it. I am proud to say there is no rips and i couldn't be happpier with my pad and BNS.
enjoy |
Have you modded ur pad in any way such as putting it on chair mats?or ply wood? and have u had a problem with drifting arrow inserts? _________________
9 footers at home
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My summer love...B
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Sammy.BOY Basic Member

Joined: 29 Jul 2004
1550. Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:09 am Post subject: Bns Dx |
I just ordered to BNS DX pads, and they're on the way. Here's the thing: I'm wondering if there is anything necessary for me to do to prolong the life of the pads. I play on moderately thick carpet and will probably be on tile when my pool house is finished, is there anything i need to do in these conditions? |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1551. Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:34 am Post subject: |
ThunderDragon978 wrote: |
Have you modded ur pad in any way such as putting it on chair mats?or ply wood? and have u had a problem with drifting arrow inserts? |
Sammy.BOY wrote: | I just ordered to BNS DX pads, and they're on the way. Here's the thing: I'm wondering if there is anything necessary for me to do to prolong the life of the pads. I play on moderately thick carpet and will probably be on tile when my pool house is finished, is there anything i need to do in these conditions? |
Refer to this Ignition FAQ mod guide.
If you notice that your pad moves too much, then mount it to something heavier like a chairmat or plywood.
The most effective modding would be reinforcing the inside white layer with duct tape because that will be tearing after a while. The guide says to tape the circuit layer but that requires cutting into your pad. I've opened up an old defect NX pad and circuit layer had little damage while the foam on the other hand was a disaster.
I had my DX pad(unmodded) for more than 6months and none of the arrows drifted. Though I didn't do any mods, I did use a lot of duct tape for the internal tearing. But any ignition pad, including DX, can have drifiting arrows if the insert wasn't secured onto the surface properly. I do not know of a way to prevent this unless I was on the assembly line making the pad:erm: |
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GdUp4liff Trick Member

Joined: 13 Jun 2004 Location: eht |
1552. Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 12:51 pm Post subject: |
the soft home padz are not good at all. i have 1 and if u get to used to playin at home on the soft pad it will mess up ur arcade style. cuz in the arcade ur sneekz will grip the metel and at home ull get to used to slidin. and also the soft padz r easy to break. _________________
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liddoxtc Trick Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2003 Location: San Francisco, California |
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ImperialG Basic Member

Joined: 01 Aug 2004
1554. Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:56 am Post subject: |
hi everyone, this is my first post. I recently bought ddrmax2 and 2 dance pads online. Both of my pads worked fine. However, after using one of the pads for a little while, it got stuck on either x or o. now it auto selects because the buttun in stuck. Now is there an easy way to maybe wiggle the button so it does not stick? Or should i just send it back? |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1555. Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:53 am Post subject: |
ImperialG wrote: | hi everyone, this is my first post. I recently bought ddrmax2 and 2 dance pads online. Both of my pads worked fine. However, after using one of the pads for a little while, it got stuck on either x or o. now it auto selects because the buttun in stuck. Now is there an easy way to maybe wiggle the button so it does not stick? Or should i just send it back? |
Probably have to open the pads up to fix it, which isn't an easy task. I'd return it/get a replacement. That's unusual that x/o are messed up before the actual arrow buttons. |
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ThunderDragon978 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2004 Location: Miami Fl |
1556. Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:48 pm Post subject: BNS DX xtreme pads |
Hey, i have another question, its still about the drifting arrow inserts.
Well, now both of my pads have had the drifting arrow problem. i play with my dx pads on pretty deep carpeting, i weigh 155, and i was wondering if any body thinks that weighing this much and playing on deep carpeting may cause the pads to make sort of a U shape while u stand on top of them, causing the inserts to move to the center.
This still should not happen, ive moded the pads by taping them to chair mats to reduce w/e curvage or slipage there might be.... aght, this is annoying the hell out of me
I dont know if its a maufacturing problem becuase what are the chances of getting 2 defective pads when so many ppl say that they work good?
BNS is still sending me 2 new outer pads, but for all this trouble i might as well buy the cobalt flux pads _________________
9 footers at home
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My summer love...B
Burning heat...D
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Daedalus01 Basic Member

Joined: 18 Jul 2004
1557. Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 5:07 pm Post subject: |
I just received my BNS DX yesterday, and I'm already having a problem with it. It seems that the start button is sticking (if I turn on the PS2 without going anywhere near the mat, it'll go to the music selection screen and keep trying to change the song order) but the control box doesn't light up. It does, however, light up when I actually step on the start button. This also seems to stop the start button from being held down in the game. Is this a crossed wire or something? Is it possible to fix? |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1558. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:54 am Post subject: |
ThunderDragon978 wrote: | Hey, i have another question, its still about the drifting arrow inserts.
Well, now both of my pads have had the drifting arrow problem. i play with my dx pads on pretty deep carpeting, i weigh 155, and i was wondering if any body thinks that weighing this much and playing on deep carpeting may cause the pads to make sort of a U shape while u stand on top of them, causing the inserts to move to the center.
This still should not happen, ive moded the pads by taping them to chair mats to reduce w/e curvage or slipage there might be.... aght, this is annoying the hell out of me
I dont know if its a maufacturing problem becuase what are the chances of getting 2 defective pads when so many ppl say that they work good?
BNS is still sending me 2 new outer pads, but for all this trouble i might as well buy the cobalt flux pads |
Weight may cause the U shape, but I think the insufficient use of an adhesive is more to blame for drifting arrows. I've had my BNS pad(no mods) for 6+ months and none of the arrows drifted, so I think its just a manufacturing defect.
Do you get to keep the defective outer pads? If so, I'd open them up and try to fix it.
Daedalus01 wrote: | I just received my BNS DX yesterday, and I'm already having a problem with it. It seems that the start button is sticking (if I turn on the PS2 without going anywhere near the mat, it'll go to the music selection screen and keep trying to change the song order) but the control box doesn't light up. It does, however, light up when I actually step on the start button. This also seems to stop the start button from being held down in the game. Is this a crossed wire or something? Is it possible to fix? |
It seems like some wires are being crossed or tripped. There is a fix where you have to cut open your pad. It's not easy and may kill your pad if your not careful. I'd call BNS about it and have them send up a replacement outer pad. |
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ThunderDragon978 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2004 Location: Miami Fl |
1559. Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:40 pm Post subject: |
vsamaco wrote: | Do you get to keep the defective outer pads? If so, I'd open them up and try to fix it. |
No, these are the first 2 that ive ordered from BNS, i just found it odd that they both defected so quickly. and after i spent so long trying to line the inside with duct tape and then to have the mess up any way was annoying. I plan on buying new pad covers from red octane, and getting pieces of ply wood from a local home depot or somthing to stick under the pads _________________
9 footers at home
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My summer love...B
Burning heat...D
Lom (std)...B
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