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Neemo Trick Member

Joined: 25 Dec 2003 Location: Houston |
0. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:39 pm Post subject: DDR Vocabulary Update |
It has come to my attention that people all over the world have created their own personal vocabulary of Dance Dance Revolution. For example, some choose to call extremely close double steps (like those found in Electro Tuned) "jackhammer steps" or "quick double." Though no one can completely create a concrrete vocabulary it is my intention to attempt such a feat.
to the Dance Dance Revolution Vocabulary Update.
To contribute, you must understand one certain thing. The vocabulary already created by DDR freak [found here=] is unchangeable. Therefore, please do not create new terms for words already in the dictionary.
With that understood, heres how it's going to work.
-A person may state a word and follow it with a definition in this format...
WORD: Definition
The reason for this format is so it will be easier for me to organize all the suggested words.
-If you like a definition but would like to use a different word, enter your different term in this format:
Word Change: Enter your suggested word here
-Once an adequate amount of words are suggested, I will then arrange them in a dictionary format. It is still under dabate if i will create a vote or some system to announce which terms will rise and which will fall. It is being debated because i am not sure i have such a dedication.
I thank you all in advance for your obedience in following the format stated. And because suggestions are always necessary, i urge any comment that isn't a contribution to the vocabulary to be highlighted completely in bold.
UPDATE: The word must be in English. I guess you could use words such as "Sakura," "Mahora" or any other short foreign word but please, no sentences like "Taiko No Tatsujin" or something that will be hard to memorise. _________________
Last edited by Neemo on Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:30 pm, edited 3 times in total |
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Lenoh Trick Member

Joined: 09 Feb 2002 Location: Modesto, CA (AKA the middle of nowhere) |
1. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:19 pm Post subject: |
Taiko No Tatsujin for your feet: A nickname for Sakura.
*plays Taiko No Tatsujin* *plays Sakura Heavy* Yup, they sound about the same. _________________
Signature deleted until I can get a better one.
The old one sucked anyway. |
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G-type Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2004 Location: Heber City, Utah. |
2. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:35 pm Post subject: |
Leg Burner: A song that is almost completely composed of 1/4 steps or 1/8 steps, making your legs constantly move quickly for a long time.
It looks really cool and these kind of songs are some of my favorite to play because it gives me a good feeling to be able to move that fast, and it's a super good croud drawer. _________________
You have successfully shut down the internet. |
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Ryu_Hirakashi Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Middle River, MD |
3. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:47 pm Post subject: |
Gallop: A pair of notes that that fall on the eighth and sixteenth of a given beat in any measure. (i.e..rhythum and police)
Note String: A string of notes that fall on the fourth and eighth of a beat in any given measure. (Can't stop falling in love: speed mix)
I hope this is what you wanted!!
Have a nice day!!
Hirakashi Ryu _________________
Quote: | For a beginner, if learning how to play pop'n music is like a parent holding his / her child's hand while crossing a busty street, then learning to play IIDX is like being kicked out of a moving car in the middle of nowhere and having to scrape enough money for a taxi cab ride home. |
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dj Kyouki Trick Member

Joined: 08 Dec 2002 Location: Osaka, Japan |
4. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:09 pm Post subject: |
Power 9: any of the 9 foot songs that are hard for the average player to score on, but you are able to do extremely well in comparison. (leading cyber, gradiusic cyber, cartoon heroes, burning heat, so deep, etc.) _________________
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SPF5.Lev Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jul 2004
5. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:44 pm Post subject: |
SDG: "Single Digit Greats." A score of less than 10 greats on a song.
DDP: "Doubt Digit Perfects." A score of less than 100 perfects on an oni course.
While most people know these they are not in the ddrfreak dictionary (which is sad because sometimes people ask "what is an sdg?" and people respond "OMG GO READ THE FAQ AND DICTIONARY YOU NOOB!!!"). |
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xBlah Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: Fridley, MN |
6. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:57 pm Post subject: |
For your example (the quick steps in Electro Tuned), the best description I've heard is a double tap. _________________
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ddr_hero Trick Member

Joined: 24 Apr 2004 Location: local rhythm police station |
7. Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:59 pm Post subject: |
before i get started, there is a set of jackhammer steps outside of electrotuned, it's on the x-box songpack and it's called get it all, by brass tricks. their even faster than electro tuned.
i think jackhammer steps used as a past tense verb should be called jack-hammering.
DDRTIST (Dee Dee Artist)- one who plays ddr.
SHARKING-(shar-king)- when a veteran ddrtisi lies about his/her level of skill to a new player, then proceeds to pick an extremely hard song.
ROTOR HOP(ro-tor op)- a freestyle moove in which one hops on one leg and spins in a complete revolution, while lifting his/her leg over the bar. best seen on orion.78 heavy.
DUSTER(dust-er)-one who plays with dried mud/sand on their shoes.
N00B FLOOD(newb-flood)- a large gathering of inexperienced players or patrons who keep to them selves.
NOOB ATACK(newb-at-ack)- a large gathering of inexperinced of players or patrons who bother the ddrtists.
more later! that's all for now! |
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DJX Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jun 2003 Location: CA |
8. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 6:28 am Post subject: |
Jump-step: An eighth note pattern where a jump is followed immediately by a single step.
Waka Laka
Step-jump: An eighth note pattern where a single step is followed immediately by a jump.
End of the Century
Pie: A 10-foot song.
Max 300
Jackhammer: An eighth note pattern consisting of three or more of the same arrow consecutively.
Can't Stop Falling in Love: Speed Mix
Machine Gun Steps: A sixteenth note pattern (or extremely fast eighth note pattern) alternating between two arrows for five or more steps.
V (oni), Max 300
Pancake Bunny: The universal response to board stupidity, NOT to be confused with board ignorance (no need to post the picture, since that's a warning).
No example at this time
0-Pattern, 8-Pattern, X-Pattern: Various basic doubles patterns. The foundations of most doubles songs.
See "Doubles for Dummies" thread in DDR Gameplay for more info
Double-step: Using the same foot to hit two consecutive eighth (or faster) notes on different arrows.
Healing Vision: Angelic Mix
Crossover: Turning your body to hit all of the arrows in a pattern to avoid double-stepping, even if it means turning away from the screen. Generally, hitting the right arrow with your left foot, and vice versa.
Exotic Ethnic _________________
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clubbinguy Trick Member

Joined: 19 Jan 2003 Location: USA |
9. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 6:57 am Post subject: |
I dont think 32nd note double-taps occur enough in DDR to bother with an official term. If anything, 8th note double-taps DO happen enough to deserve this term (I Was the One, Do you remember Me, etc)
Likewise making up a term for only one song (Sakura) is kind of silly.
I like Jackhammers for repeating, single-arrow streams (CSFILSM)
And still no one has named the basic pattern of: LUDR, or RUDL. I call them Cascades due the step-shaped patterns they make on screen.
I also think Shuffles works better for 2-arrow alternating 8th/16th steps, instead of Machine Gun Steps.. that's just too many syllables, and is too hard to say out loud to someone without sounding like a tard.
Step-Jump - I couldn't agree more with this one. |
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xBlah Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: Fridley, MN |
10. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:06 am Post subject: |
DJX wrote: |
Jackhammer: An eighth note pattern consisting of three or more of the same arrow consecutively.
Can't Stop Falling in Love: Speed Mix |
Double Tap
DJX wrote: | Machine Gun Steps: A sixteenth note pattern (or extremely fast eighth note pattern) alternating between two arrows for five or more steps.
V (oni), Max 300 |
A drill _________________
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Slowpoke Trick Member

Joined: 28 Oct 2003
11. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:32 am Post subject: |
Anchor foot: The foot that stays on the same arrow during a crossover stream
Reverse Crossover or Back Crossover or Crossunder: A crossover in which your anchor foot is on the up arrow
Skips: Consecutive pairs of notes in which the pair is separated by a 16th beat, and the 1st step in a pair is not the same arrow as the last step in the pair that preceded it. Different from gallops, in which the 1st step IS on the same arrow as the last step of the preceding pair.
Examples can be found in songs like Kakumei, Freedom, Trance de Janeiro |
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Flameboat Trick Member

Joined: 02 Jul 2003 Location: Maybe we should kiss again to teach them a lesson |
12. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:07 am Post subject: |
Selection Whore: One who walks up to you during song selection and goes, "Oh dude this song's really cool seriously dude do this song it's awesome cuz it has (spins, good for freestyling, etc.)" and go on to pick the song for you before you can even comprehend what they've just told you. _________________
"its never a mistake with flamebait" |
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Hwoarang137 Trick Member

Joined: 19 Aug 2003 Location: Escondido, CA |
13. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:25 am Post subject: |
Hm... I was thinking of doing something like this... but since you beat me to it, I'll just help out.
Anchor Foot A few people I know also refer to them as a Footlock
X-Crossover: A crossover that alternates sides of the pad and forces you to turn your body to face the side of the pad (the 'X' axis )
Afronova (Heavy)
Partial Spin: A step that spins your body enough to turn you 180 degrees, but then turns you back the other way.
Brilliant 2U (Orchestra-Groove) (Oni)
Air Dash: A series of fast jumps in a row
Drop Out (Heavy)
Visual PA: Judging the timing of your steps by watching the arrows reach the top of the screen instead of listening to the beat of a song. Effective for off-sync songs or adjusting from home version to arcade and vice versa.
Run: A long, connected string of steps that keep the dancer moving.
Just about every Heavy/Oni song known to man
Death Run: How'd you guys forget this one? An extremely fast series of 8th notes on a particularly fast song
Paranoia Survivor Max (Oni)
Ultra-Stomp: When the dancer hops up and tilts in midair before a series of two steps and a break, winding up for a small hop-step and a big stomp. Nothing more than overstated (And completely unnecessary)gallops.
Gamelan de Couple (Heavy)
Crossover Spins: A single crossover that repeats itself in a run and forces the player to spin. (i.e L D R L D R)
Can't think of an exact song, but it's out there
Springboard: A newbie who jumps on every single beat, regardless if it's actually a jump or they're even actually supposed to be stepping.
Hater: A person who constantly slams a DDR player while they're dancing.
Hater Wannabe: A hater who slips on the machine and plays when nobody's looking.
Hater Kamikazi: A hater that goes up against a veteran DDR player to prove that anybody can do it, then gets crushed when they are forced to do PSMO. ^^
Hater Eyeballs: A hater that just stops what they're doing and stares in disgust at the dancers before leaving.
Fake Geniuses: A person who has played maybe once or twice at the arcade or has owned a home version for a little while and thinks they know everything about DDR.
Backwards Compatibility: The false belief the DDR can actually make you dance better.
Backwards Practicioners: People that can dance and assume that they can play DDR for that reason.
Shadowing: When a person gets on the other pad and dances with you, even though that side isn't playing.
Leadfoot: A dancer that nearly crushes the pad with every step.
If I can think of any more, I'll post them ASAP _________________
Ah, Hwoarang... the delinquent-redheaded-AWOL-white Korean who likes to wear motorcycle goggles on his forehead.
Gotta love him. |
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xequar Contributor

Joined: 13 Jan 2003 Location: The Great Lake State!! |
14. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:28 am Post subject: |
Diagonal: The pattern. Referred to as a cascade earlier, and looks like a diagonal line of arrows on the screen
Backwards diagonal: The pattern. It is also a diagonal, but it's the opposite (or backward) from the diagonal.
Corner jump: Any jump that is not a simple or . Don't ask how I came up with this, because I don't know.
Boom Boom steps: Standard 1/4 beat steps that alternate repeatedly, as I first saw them in Boom Boom Dollar Basic (and there's a long sting of those in that song at the boom boom boom boom part)
If I come up with more, I'll post them, because I know there's more, but I can't remember them now... _________________
Well, the final total was 207, 342. The fuel pump went out, and since it would cost too much to fix, I donated the Buick to charity.
Fare thee well, Riviera, and God speed. |
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Slowpoke Trick Member

Joined: 28 Oct 2003
15. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:36 am Post subject: |
March: another name for the "Boom Boom" steps mentioned above
Bursts: Sequences of 16th notes, that don't alternate between the same two arrows
Examples can be found in Conga Feeling and Long Train Running |
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DietMrPibb Basic Member

Joined: 28 Aug 2002 Location: Cleveland Oh |
16. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 10:50 am Post subject: |
ASSCLOWN People who think DDR is more important than life. ie. Most of you people. _________________
Thats right. I'm smarter than you. |
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P-Chan Staff Member

Joined: 11 Mar 2002 Location: Chihuahua,Chih. México |
17. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:33 pm Post subject: |
DietMrPibb wrote: | ASSCLOWN People who think DDR is more important than life. ie. Most of you people. |
we have a definition for that one already... is called flamebait
warned accordingly _________________
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Creamy Goodness Trick Member

Joined: 23 May 2003 Location: Syracuse, NY |
18. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 1:56 pm Post subject: |
Practicer - Someone who is good at some hard songs and plays them a lot, yet if they try another song that is even remotely difficult, they can't do it.
I see a lot of that... I know someone who can AA So Deep and Dance Dance Revolution Oni, but he can barely manage a B on Sync Heavy! _________________
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Ryu_Hirakashi Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Middle River, MD |
19. Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 2:19 pm Post subject: |
I'm sorry, but jackhammer steps sounds too dumb. That's why I came up with the eighth note string. This is isn't tap dancing people. I listed my terms as musical terms.
Hirakashi Ryu _________________
Quote: | For a beginner, if learning how to play pop'n music is like a parent holding his / her child's hand while crossing a busty street, then learning to play IIDX is like being kicked out of a moving car in the middle of nowhere and having to scrape enough money for a taxi cab ride home. |
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