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Bubblegum Trick Member

Joined: 12 Jul 2004 Location: Merced,Ca |
0. Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:11 pm Post subject: Obnoxious and rude DDR players |
Obnoxious and rude DDR players! Post your stories. Are they giving DDR a bad wrap? Are you one of those rude players and are just misunderstood? _________________
I am broke cause of anime and ddr tokens.... |
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Synpax Trick Member

Joined: 04 Jul 2004
1. Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:07 pm Post subject: |
Cursing is bad. Especially out loud in an arcade.
And not even knee-jerk cursing ($$#@@$ I stubbed my toe!) but regular conversational cursing (I can't #$#$ play DDR in these boots!) _________________
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J.R. Trick Member

Joined: 05 Aug 2003 Location: Staten Island,NY and Sarasota,FL |
2. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:02 am Post subject: |
I curse alot or give the screen the finger when I get a great that I shouldn't have got.I try not to curse when little kids are around.But I'm not a rude player at all I'm pretty friendly.  _________________
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TheEnemy287 Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jun 2004 Location: Smyrna, DE |
3. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 7:42 am Post subject: |
Me personally, I don't see as rude. I don't curse often, and when I do, it's not loud, only under my breath. I don't mind playing any songs, so if they pick a song, it's always fine by me. I don't not allow people to play with me because I want to play by myself...
I know for a fact though, two players down here, when playing always have to have first and third songs, and usually, won't agree to play most of the songs you try to pick unless it suits them. _________________
Arrows are like crack for your feet.
*scratch* I need it... |
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ddr654 Trick Member

Joined: 12 Jul 2004 Location: New Britain |
4. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:42 am Post subject: |
i don't have a problem, i usually curse in my head when i screw up on a good combo. I'm usually have a poker face or a cheesy grin on when i play. Actions speak louder than words... _________________
-Keep on dreaming of this toy, you can use my little boy
-Take me anyways you please boy you're making me scream
-See us making love all through the night
-where you can find pleasure, search the world for treasure
-all the hoochie mamas throw your hands up!!
-DDR654 |
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Bubblegum Trick Member

Joined: 12 Jul 2004 Location: Merced,Ca |
5. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 9:00 am Post subject: |
At my arcade these boys always cuss about nothing, make fun of themselves and whoever is playing! They need to have manners. Small cussing and flipping the machine off is o.k but if you say, F*** man go F****ing faster B****, you slow a** turtle. It's rude and disturbing.( Just my opinion.) _________________
I am broke cause of anime and ddr tokens.... |
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ddr://sk8er Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: Michigan |
6. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 9:12 am Post subject: |
Yeah, I got REALLY mad the last weekend when I went to the malls arcade to play DDR and their was one kid playing about 14 I think and he kept trying to do Look to the sky on that one remix on extreme on heavy. And he just couldn't do it, and when he was about to fail, he would hit the screen really hard! And the surprising thing is he could do legend of max on heavy getting a B! And a few times after he was done I would walk up even when I was in the token line and id put my credits in and he'd be like, Im playing by myself! So Id be like Fine! And when I was almost done playing, he'd put his credits so he'd get the next game!!!!!! So I just left after like 4 games. HE was probably the most Rude player Ive ever went with! |
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chibidjinn Trick Member

Joined: 11 Nov 2003 Location: Central Oregon |
7. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 9:28 am Post subject: |
While I was at a arcade in my area...
I am playing a few songs on standard, and while playing, this girl comes over to the right side of the pad.
She begins boasting out, "That is SO easy to do! Look, I can do that!" and starts shadowing me. I found it annoying, and just plain rude.
She had two tall guys with her, so I have no idea how well she played, I just left to go rest. |
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Anthony5555 Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2004 Location: At the nearest arcade playing DDR |
8. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 3:12 pm Post subject: |
Once I was waiting in a line and this little girl about 5 or 6 was playing on beginner and was getting a lot of boos and misses and there were these guys making fun of her and saying she sucked when she was only 5 or 6. |
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Captain Canada Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: yes |
9. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 8:19 pm Post subject: |
Anthony5555 wrote: | Once I was waiting in a line and this little girl about 5 or 6 was playing on beginner and was getting a lot of boos and misses and there were these guys making fun of her and saying she sucked when she was only 5 or 6. |
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_the_legend_of_bag_ Trick Member

Joined: 08 Jul 2004
10. Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2004 9:04 pm Post subject: |
I've been lucky so far. The only rudeness I've dealt with is some old guy who had no knowledge of a coin line, or that spectators are WATCHING, not in line for the game. _________________
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Naroznick Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2004
11. Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 12:35 am Post subject: |
Dont Mean To Stereotype Because To My Knowledge, Its Only In Medicine Hat. All The Skateboarders That I See Around Here Cause The Most Problems. THere Been Times Where Some Girl Thats Trying TO Show Of To Her Skater Friends Will Jump Onto The Pads When Im Doing A Double Or Me And A Friend Are Playing Or Cut In Line Because They Have To go, Even If They Have Been Playing For 4 Rounds Straight Without Letting Anyone Else Play.
Im A Good Guy To Play Against. The Most I Say Is "Damnit!" Wether I Screw Up A Combo or Completly Misstep At The Beginning Of A long Stream And Cant Get Back In Step... Or If im Playing Against Someone And They Pick A Song I Hate I Might Jokingly Call Them A Bastard And Suck It Up With A Few Laughes. Whoopty Doo. So The Songs Not My Style. Practice Is Practice. |
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tempest6 Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jan 2002 Location: Glendale, CA, USA |
12. Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 2:14 pm Post subject: Rude DDR players?... |
Hey Chibidjinn!
So which arcade are you talking about that has those rude DDR players? Is it in Corona, Norco or Riverside? Please reply, over! Thanks!
tempest6 |
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TEEX Trick Member

Joined: 27 Sep 2003 Location: getting killed by rubber ducks in Silversurfer (NES) |
13. Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:25 pm Post subject: |
I've flipped off the machine QUITE a few times if I was trying to AAA something and I get a great right on the first step. A lot of times the pad can get busted from people who think that stomping is the way to go. The point is, I can't stand people who constantly blame the pad for their mistakes even when it's working 100%. I know when a pad is working and when it isn't. One guy can consistantly get a AA on MAX 300 heavy, but the one time he gets a few misses: STOMP STOMP STOMP. It's so loud I start to flinch. Now it'll be another 3 weeks until the machine is fixed.
There's this kid that often comes to my local arcade to play DDR, he's 12-13, half my size, and one of the most annoying people I ever met. He can behave himself and be really friendly if he wants, but when he starts with you, it won't take long til you wanna beat him up. He'll start with the "your mama" jokes, racial slurs, and say stuff like "I AAAed your mama, B.ITCH!". He does this whenever he sees me. He'll even start making fun of the workers at my arcade but he never gets kicked out. He gets away with SO much.
I really don't have problems with the people at my arcade. The only problem is that it's an arcade where the little kiddies have their birthday parties and summer camp programs consisting of 3 busloads of children.
A lot of times it can get crowded and there are these stupid parents that leave their toddlers unsupervised. Sometimes I get surrounded by 3-4-year olds when I'm in the middle of the song. I would think that even a child would have SOME common sense: "If I jump onto a pad currently being used, I'm gonna get kicked in the head." Unfortunately, that's NOT the case. It's ESPECIALLY frustrating if you fail the last song of an Oni course because of them.
*sigh* I hate people...  _________________
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Ryu_Hirakashi Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2002 Location: Middle River, MD |
14. Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:53 pm Post subject: |
I can be quite the rude person as well. Especially if I'm trying to AAA a song. I have no problems cursing the machine out or flicking it off from time to time. People just don't understand how frustrating it is to AAA songs. IMHO much harder then simply AA'ing it.
In my local arcade I have to be that way or people will think they can walk all over me. I'm not going to have that. Not even from the hecklers.
As someone said earlier.....I hate people!!!
Hirakashi Ryu _________________
Quote: | For a beginner, if learning how to play pop'n music is like a parent holding his / her child's hand while crossing a busty street, then learning to play IIDX is like being kicked out of a moving car in the middle of nowhere and having to scrape enough money for a taxi cab ride home. |
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outlawwolf Trick Member

Joined: 26 Jun 2004 Location: Through the looking glass |
15. Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 5:29 pm Post subject: |
Flipping off the machine seems kinda insane to me. When it comes to cursing, I usually only say damn when when I screw up a combo or if I'm going for an A. The only real cursing I do is at home when I fail songs I can usually do at the arcade. _________________
We are nothing like god. Not only are our powers limited, but were sometimes driven to become the devil himself.
Nicholas D.Wolfwood
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StompToYoBeat Trick Member

Joined: 07 Jan 2003 Location: Cumberland, VA |
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~Reign~ Trick Member

Joined: 16 May 2002 Location: Berkeley, CA |
17. Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 6:00 pm Post subject: |
Yea stupid little kids make me sick, but what's worse is the punk ass parents, that let their kids do whatever. Man, this one time I was playing double, and I was on the left side for like a second, and this random ass little kid comes running on the other side causing me to fall over him, hurt my ankle, and of course, I failed the song. The kid's mom starts yelling at me telling me "didn't you see my son there!?" I replied "Look bitch, you should have been watching him instead of letting him run all over the place. He damn near broke my ankle!" And just like any parent, they have to defend their children. So she says he's just a kid, how can he do that, and all that jazz. Now I'm getting upset. She said "He was on the side that wasn't being used, and you ran him over. You couldn't have been using both sides. You can only use one side." Obviously, she was ignorant to the game, so as calmly as I could I tried to explain to her about the "double" mode. And since she was stubborn AND ignorant to the game, she didn't believe it, called mall security, told her story, security came up to me asking for my side, told them my side, they believed me since I had the sore ankle to prove it, told her to leave, then she called the police! It was a very interesting day... _________________
My ultimate goal is to put hands on people...
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LAN040 Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jul 2004 Location: Under the carpet |
18. Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 8:03 am Post subject: |
There are TONS of annoying teenagers (to me, they're teenagers, 'cause i'm 12) who always come in with stupid goth clothes and spwral out all of there crap all over the machine. And everybody cuts me by, when I'm not looking, slip they're quarter in front of mine. I hate playing DDR at the mall, everyone's so retarded cause they think someone like me will just fail the first song, well, at least i'm on HEAVY and not trying to act cool on LIGHT.
Oh ya, I'm not the kid who the other guy was talking about. I live in Puyallup Washington and play at South Hill Mall. IF ANYONE FROM THE MALL WHO PLAYS DDR IS READING THIS, YOU MIGHT KNOW ME AS THE LITTLE KID WHO GOT AN EXTRA STAGE AND PASSED R3 (why does everyone love that song?) ON HEAVY X3 A. |
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[DMB]dman.exe Trick Member

Joined: 28 Mar 2003
19. Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:11 am Post subject: |
Bubblegum wrote: | At my arcade these boys always cuss about nothing, make fun of themselves and whoever is playing! They need to have manners. Small cussing and flipping the machine off is o.k but if you say, F*** man go F****ing faster B****, you slow a** turtle. It's rude and disturbing.( Just my opinion.) |
Do you f****** go to f****** Roseville the f*** Golfland? Those b****** sound like this there. ¬_¬ _________________
hi |
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