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Life and DDR
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0. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:22 pm    Post subject: Life and DDR Reply with quote

Hello, Now before you all think I'm a jerk or something let me just say that Tony or DrAMP can be a lil "Harsh" towards friends that don't play DDR or see it the way he does. If that makes any sense we can move on. I was just wandering...... What is the life of a person that plays DDR. So if you all could follow along with me. Please state your name and Nick name and then jus a summery of what your day or even your week may look like. I jus want to compare this to Tony's life (DrAMP) On a work day he gets up early and puts him slef together and then rides with his g-pa to work in Limon at the McDonalds. he works there part-time and then comes home around the after-noon. Sometimes when he gets home he changes and and takes a shower then goes out with some of the people that post on this site. (All of them post on this site) and then they all go and play video games. *hint* *hint* DDR. Now don't get me wrong DDR is fun. I have played it. I got up to standerd. But after it got a lil old..... and I stoped..... But tony (DrAMP) is still going on with it. and still playin with all of you. but anywayz back to his life. lol. He goes with friends and they all take turns playin at the Tilt or red and jerrys. and then sometimes when he does not go to play DDR hes at home in bed or the computer or in front of the TV. And when hes in bed or what ever. Chris and I (I being Adam) come to see if he would like to hang out and do stuff but no he cant. hes tired. coz he was a moron and stayed up all night. I admit I play video games too. lol. not as much. and I chat from time to time on the computer. I guess what I am getting at is...... Chating, video games, TV, and bed are all great things. but to much is not good............ Anywayz Jus write a lil story about how your life playz out in a day or in a week. and I dont mind if you use peoples names. Bye E1.gif
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1. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OK my name is Andre and nikcname Dre or Burrito (Dont ask). Well i wake up go to the tv for a bit then eat breakfast. Go to the computer and chat. Later i go play DDR till i cant play anymore. Then i eat lunch. They i either go to my freinds house or they comp to me and we hang out doing stuff By now t is night time and i spend the rest of the time wathcing tv chatting play some videogames eating dinner and taking a shower.Then i go to bed where i wacth tv till midnight. They i go to sleep
....... < (My view of life)
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2. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote're mad because he kept playing after you quit? I'm lost. disturb.gif
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3. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Im not mad. and your not following. your to post what u do in a day or week of your life
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4. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ScareCrowOfOz wrote:
your to post what u do in a day or week of your life

Why do you need to know what we do with our lives?
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5. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 4:43 pm    Post subject: this is how it is for me Reply with quote

Hey..for DDR is a major thing..MAJOR..but it doesnt completely roll my what you explained bout that guy i can understand..only hangin out with people that play.(or as you said post on this sight)(if i even spelled sight right) thats not cool at all..theres way more to life than that..Like look at me..3 days a week i have football..i often go to the beach to try and pick up chicks..( but most of the time the only time i pick up chicks is when im playin newly learned routine from one of ddr friends..Healing Vision Angelic Mix.) beach..track..friends..ddr friends and non ddr friends..Girls.there are other sports i play i mean..t.v. computer..bed..ddr..isnt really that healty of a life..BUT..if he chooses to live his life that way..let him..ddr is a fun was like that for a little while also..sooooo..well thats somethin else to compare..cya dude.
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6. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

~Reign~ wrote:
ScareCrowOfOz wrote:
your to post what u do in a day or week of your life

Why do you need to know what we do with our lives?

I hope u and I are not going to have problems. And I am jus wondering how your life goes if you dont want to say it then please dont say anything at all. thnz E1.gif
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Ryyudo -YHB-
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7. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Before I start; what I, myself, and in my most own opinion, am understanding is you don't agree with his lifestyle, so you write your point of view on it? Are you trying to prove something, or is it just saying? With that out of the way...

My current life composes of waking up in the morning, and going out to summer school, because I was lazy and slacked off. Doesn't bother me though that I have to go; just adds a little variety to the day. From then, I come home, go up to my room, close the door, and go on to signing onto AIM and what not, and playing games. This goes on for hours until I get up and eat a little something that will keep me going the rest of the day, night, and parts of the early morning.

Usually at lease once a week (but trying to shoot for more when out of Summer School), I go to the arcades to play DDR. This is usually for hours at a time when I go, and I'll probably end up going 3 times a week once I'm out of Summer School.

To protect going to the arcade to DDR: I love going so much because with the people there, it's something we all share, and like; so it's like we instantly have something in common and we can just all hang out with each-other and talk. It's an overall fun time, and rarely ever isn't, even if it's the most unsocial person, like myself. DDR works like any party or get-together, just being there with friends and having a good time.

But that's pretty much my lifestyle:

Summer School
Certain Days: Arcade-DDR

And I rarely go a day bored.
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8. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow...... ya know...... I'm hurt....... no........ really....... I am........

Well....... I would be...... If your life didn't revolve completely around new movies on DVD and VHS, and Baulder's Gate. It's funny how you talk crap 'bout me behind my back. Anywho, let's cut to the chase.

1.) DDR is NOT my life. For god's sakes, chels is borrowing my system and all my DDR games and pad.

2.) You guys hardly come over when I'm here. There has only been one instance I can remember since your lazy unemployed buttocks got back from Missouri in which I told you guys I couldn't hang out because I was much too tired.

3.) I don't hang out with only people that play. Wtf is up with that? I hang out with damn near whoever, whenever they and I have the time. Unlike some people, I'm quite able to get along with others, and am able to refrain from bein' a senseless, perverted jerk who insults everyone simply so that he can feel that he is the best. Honestly, you have some serious issues you need to resolve.


Mr.FreeStyle.... there are no beaches out here....... and the reservoirs have damn near dried up. Closest thing we have is WaterWorld. Which I happened to go to yesterday. Lotsa fun there. ^^

Also, how in the hell am I harsh to those that don't play DDR? For god's sakes! If you dun like DDR, no big deal, I don't mind in the least. If you're a jerk and constantly bag on me and my friends, calling me gay when we play it, acting as if we're simplistic children in desperate need of chastising for picking up a cute, but bad habit, then yeah, I'm gonna be a little bit upset.

As for you getting up to standard.......... Cutie Chaser and Remember you with a D on both songs hardly count as playing standard.

You also forgot to mention the fact that during my free time I'm trying to improve my drawing techniques and my writing capability, so that I can make something of my life, other than working on AC's for my grandfather till he dies.

Also, how does me staying up late make me a moron? Was I supposed to have my l337 4dv4nc3d 455h0l3 4l3r7 turned on so that I'd know that you were coming over in two hours?

Ya know.... it surprises me how limitless your insepid arrogance is.

Nah..... on second thought, it doesn't........ you are from Byers, afterall.
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9. PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 10:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DrAMP wrote:
Bunch of stuff


Nice to see the other half of the story.
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10. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 3:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

People need to learn how to use their "enter" key. :\
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I can hear you when you whisper,
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11. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DrAMP wrote:
The real story.

PWNED E7.gif .
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12. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:24 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DrAMP wrote:

You also forgot to mention the fact that during my free time I'm trying to improve my drawing techniques and my writing capability, so that I can make something of my life, other than working on AC's for my grandfather till he dies.

Nah..... on second thought, it doesn't........ you are from Byers, afterall.
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13. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DrAMP wrote:

You also forgot to mention the fact that during my free time I'm trying to improve my drawing techniques and my writing capability, so that I can make something of my life, other than working on AC's for my grandfather till he dies.

Nah..... on second thought, it doesn't........ you are from Byers, afterall.

Wow, Nice........ I guess I will start out by saying that sure..... You can draw and such..... I don't think you have anything going with writing....But sure......And as far as a carrer in McDonalds........I don't know where that could be going.....But sure.....and lets not even get started in grades cuz we both failed....And If I do get something with the AC then I will be making money...and you can sale drawings at a fair.... And I was not even attacking you, your the one that has started a "fight" if thats what you want to call it. I simply wanted to see how other people live there lives that play DDR. and as far as living in Byers goes......YOU LIVED HERE LONGER THEN I HAVE.....DUH!!!.....LMAO.... and anywayz......

Chris and I have showed up at your house 3 times since I have been back and you said each time you were toooooooo tired. and other times you were not there. We have called and asked your grandparents to leave a message for you. and you never call back. Heres an Idea.... Now jus follow me... How bout you call Chris and I and not the other way around. How bout you try and hang out with us....huh? Well, I guess we will run by and see if your home.....or asleep.
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14. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ScareCrowOfOz wrote:

Wow, Nice........ I guess I will start out by saying that sure..... You can draw and such..... I don't think you have anything going with writing....But sure......And as far as a carrer in McDonalds........I don't know where that could be going.....But sure.....and lets not even get started in grades cuz we both failed....And If I do get something with the AC then I will be making money...and you can sale drawings at a fair.... And I was not even attacking you, your the one that has started a "fight" if thats what you want to call it. I simply wanted to see how other people live there lives that play DDR. and as far as living in Byers goes......YOU LIVED HERE LONGER THEN I HAVE.....DUH!!!.....LMAO.... and anywayz......

Chris and I have showed up at your house 3 times since I have been back and you said each time you were toooooooo tired. and other times you were not there. We have called and asked your grandparents to leave a message for you. and you never call back. Heres an Idea.... Now jus follow me... How bout you call Chris and I and not the other way around. How bout you try and hang out with us....huh? Well, I guess we will run by and see if your home.....or asleep.

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Trick Member
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15. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your original post was completely out of line. You are in no position to judge someone else's life, but more importantly, you have NO right to put someone else's business up on a public forum without their permission. It's all good and well to want to know how people live their lives, but trying to use it to judge someone else is just pointless. If you have a personal issue to address with Amp (as it appears you do) then address it off the boards via PM, or even better...*gasp* person. As for your last three (3) posts, please use the edit function rather than triple-posting, and learn how the forum works.

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Trick Member
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16. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ScareCrowOfOz wrote:
ScareCrowOfOz wrote:

Wow, Nice........ I guess I will start out by saying that sure..... You can draw and such..... I don't think you have anything going with writing....But sure......And as far as a carrer in McDonalds........I don't know where that could be going.....But sure.....and lets not even get started in grades cuz we both failed....And If I do get something with the AC then I will be making money...and you can sale drawings at a fair.... And I was not even attacking you, your the one that has started a "fight" if thats what you want to call it. I simply wanted to see how other people live there lives that play DDR. and as far as living in Byers goes......YOU LIVED HERE LONGER THEN I HAVE.....DUH!!!.....LMAO.... and anywayz......

Chris and I have showed up at your house 3 times since I have been back and you said each time you were toooooooo tired. and other times you were not there. We have called and asked your grandparents to leave a message for you. and you never call back. Heres an Idea.... Now jus follow me... How bout you call Chris and I and not the other way around. How bout you try and hang out with us....huh? Well, I guess we will run by and see if your home.....or asleep.


um...d00d, like, get a life n00b. Anyways, here is my day:

9:00 : Wake up
9:30 : go downstairs
9:30-10 sit on the couch in a daze
10-11: play ddr on my home pad
11-1: compy,compy,compy
1-3: lunch/ddr
3-5: compy, compy compy
5-6: ddr/watch little sisters
6-6:40- drive to arcade (most of the time)
6:40-10: Arcade, Arcade, Arcade
10-10:40: drive home
10:40-???: compy compy compy
???-9: sleep sleep sleep...

anyways, you simply came on the forum to embarrass this dramp fellow, and it completely blew up in your face. You need to find a hobby, and not get mad when someone else doesn't have time for you, you needy bastard.

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Joined: 24 Jan 2002
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17. PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 11:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR Freak is not your blog. Kthx.
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