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People that throw you off while playing ddr
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40. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was playing at best buy and my mom and dad like it when I play so they pushed every body out of line so I can play and the people are always claping because I am so good
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41. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is no FORK! wrote:
Usagi. wrote:
<playing LoM>
*kid sticks a foot on an arrow*
"Don't do that"
*kid does it again*
"Fuck off."
*kid does it again*
*kid doesn't do it again*

You're my hero.

Well said... You're my Hero too! E1.gif

As for my stories...

Once a kid put a hot wheels car on the down arrow... I happened to see it before the song started so I grabbed it and threw it. Kinda made me happy the kid never found it again!

Another time when I am finished with my stages I go off the machine to get more tokens from the side of the machine you know... and this kid who is like 6 years old but at the same time about 300 lbs hops and and starts trying to make fun of me. I walked away so he was by himself and when he was he realized half the arcade was staring at him and since I had walked away it looked like a retarded person had just hoped up there and started dancing... he quickly left with a red face!

Another time I was up there and there were these 2 girls there. Everytime I finished my final stage I asked them if they wanted to play... they just stood there and I kept asking again till my head blew off yelling at them asking if they were going to play or not. After that they left so I assumed they wernt going to play (after asking like 10 times with no response) then they come back and see me putting in my coins and are like "what is he doing?" acting like it was their turn. Technically it was, but thats not what they said when I asked them. Needless to say I used the motto "If you want to play you'll be up here" and got all stages again before letting them play.

Another time I was playing at the mall and it happened to be extra crowded that day so I had to wait nearly 30 minutes for my turn. I walk up to the machine and the kid I planned on playing with said he wanted to play by himself. I think "no big deal... when he is done playing doubles it will then be my turn" then this jerk picks single player. That sorta gets me mad but then I think "hey, this kid might want to play some hard songs... might be a good show" needless to say... wasting my turn to watch a kid play butterfly 4 times on light mode wasnt very exciting. disgust.gif
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42. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

cartoon-hero wrote:
One thing I learned to do at a tournament to throw your opponent off is attach 7234654 glowsticks to your pants so as you play they will swing around and hit your opponent. This happened to me, kind of annoying.

i get 2 glow sticks for a dollar......thats 1 for .50 cents.....thats 3834366.62 dollars including sales rather just buy a few of my own DDR machines for that
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43. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 11:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Our game is in the middle of a kid arcade, so we have to deal with the little kid thing too... Some of the better known people are allowed behind the counter, which isn't cool. They take the rubber balls(hi-bounce things), and throw them at you in the middle of songs. Sometimes, the kids will run up when your playing, and jump around between your legs, and of course, their parents don't say anything...

The plus side is, it's only a couple of the guy's that throw the balls, and they only come once or twice a week, and rarely do it. And the kids leave after 6ish, so we have from 6-9 to be kid-free.
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44. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i get 2 glow sticks for a dollar......thats 1 for .50 cents.....thats 3834366.62 dollars including sales rather just buy a few of my own DDR machines for that

Or you could just steal the glowsticks, ya know just shove em all in your pockets and walk out.
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45. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote could steal'em from the person who did it to you!
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46. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't really care if a person asks questions or gives me compliments. It helps me. =)

I just hate the jerks who go up and "mock" you while playing. It makes make to the point of crying, plus, it makes me angry and lose my concentration.
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47. PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ah yes, people can be really stupid. this one's just funny: i was w/ my boyfriend in the arcade and some of his classmates found him there and some where watching me play some ddr. one of his classmates decided to mess up my game by jumping on the pad right next to me and mock me so i just told him to cut the crap. he gets off and then on the 4th *yes in the place they give you 4 songs E10.gif* song, he jumps in again and really messes me up by jumping in again. so in the end, i asked him just how good is he and then he said he'd kill me in the game. i told him that i challenge him and i pick the songs and pay for his game. why i pick the songs? he said he'd kill me in my own game right? so i play tempo changers and end it w/ bag on standard and then he said that it was just a practice game....bull, so we played again and then i kicked the crap out of him in it so he left me alone but when he walked by me, he muttered 'goddamn showoff.' i just smiled and waved at him. *evil smirk* devil.gif nono.gif E4.gif
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48. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

To the last post: Beautiful story. I could cry.

The the original topic: Sometimes my mom or brother will ask me a question or something like that. I'll try and respond or get caught up in the song and totally ignore them. Either way, if people get irritated with you paying more attention to the game than them, that's just silly.

As for me. I play on the DDR Machine whenver I go to this nearby theatre that has one, I enjoy myself, even though I seem to suck a bit! There's a worker there that usually plays when he can (for that past two times I've been there, has been right after me.) He usually sticks his coin on the machine. Fine by me. But out of the corner of my eye I can see his impatient looks and shifting! It's so minute yet so irritating! He's a very talented player, save some occasional bar hugging. He just bugs me a bit when he seems un-impressed by my Standard-ness. I'm probably...paranoid. Good luck with your situation, though.
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49. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:05 pm    Post subject: Ya Reply with quote

There is this guy that always kicks me when i play!
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50. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BandoMan wrote:
To the last post: Beautiful story. I could cry.

The the original topic: Sometimes my mom or brother will ask me a question or something like that. I'll try and respond or get caught up in the song and totally ignore them. Either way, if people get irritated with you paying more attention to the game than them, that's just silly.

As for me. I play on the DDR Machine whenver I go to this nearby theatre that has one, I enjoy myself, even though I seem to suck a bit! There's a worker there that usually plays when he can (for that past two times I've been there, has been right after me.) He usually sticks his coin on the machine. Fine by me. But out of the corner of my eye I can see his impatient looks and shifting! It's so minute yet so irritating! He's a very talented player, save some occasional bar hugging. He just bugs me a bit when he seems un-impressed by my Standard-ness. I'm probably...paranoid. Good luck with your situation, though.

I know why he seems this way. If he does work there, he probably wants you to hurry up so he can play before someone asks him a question or somthing like that....
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51. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kids COmming Up While I'm Playing In The Middle Of The Pad Asking For Tokens.

So I Eat Them.
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52. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Shadow is about it... except for when its my little cousin (he's only 10 and hes doing all the standard songs the exact same way i step them. so proud E13.gif ) but then when i do my heavy songs nobody can really shadow me happy.gif
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53. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i dont get thrown off easily. the only times anyone stepped on the pad while i was playing were when i played light mode. now, people just keep their distance. and when someone starts talking, i don't lose focus, i just keep playing. the only thing that reeeeeeally pisses me off is when some guy starts stomping on the other pad disgust.gif, then i get thrown off. luckily, that doesn't happen that much, because i usually do verses.
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54. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hahahaha, this was funny, at oue bowling alley, the pad moves kinda easy on the floor.......

this kid comes up and starts screwing sround on the pad next to me, kind of looking like dave chappelle, but thats besides the point.....i finish my song, barely, because he threw me off, but he was still on the pad, so i turn around grab the bar and as hard as i can i slide the pad like 2 feet and the kid falls off, i was laughing so bad, but i dont think he was happy, he never did that again all night!!
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55. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I never understood the anti shadowing thing. E19.gif I mean, when you're playing versus, there's a person there, and it doesn't mess you up...why would a person there mess you up when you're playing alone? If the person asked if they could shadow, and is shadowing you legitimately and keeping their limbs to themselves...then why does it matter? It's a good way to get better without having to spend a fortune.

Today in the arcade, there was this guy who would announce "Stage one!", and stuff. T'was most annoying. I asked him to stop. He did for a while, then continued. So I turned around and told him to stop. He did for a while, then continued. So I told him to stop or I'd get the arcade manager. He shut up after that. laugh.gif
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56. PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

frust.gif a couple weeks ago when i was out of town i went to this arcade ok i was playing ddr and there were like five people that came to the machine to watch, two girls E4.gif , some kid and his parents. ok so the girls requested i played candy (lyrical) so i did it and the next song the kid desides he can dance to so he gets on the other pad and starts dancing (hes like 5) well i was about to rip the kids head off he kept steping on the right arrow and well after the song i was all telling the parents to get the kid off the pad before something bad happens E13.gif well they got the kid off and on the final stage i was doing Paranoia well the girls left blink.gif but anyways i was about half way into the song and the kid gets back on the pad well i was pissed so i waited for the kid to put his foot on one of the arrows well he did and i crushed his foot and his parents were all mad and like you should be more careful but i didnt care it felt good E4.gif
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57. PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When I was choosing my song back in New York (I was up there to visit a friend), I was carefully choosing a song (5th mix, I believe); some black kid comes up and hits the, "SELECT" button while I'm on heavy mode on a freaking tough song. Needless to say, I was about to beat this little doggy up. :|
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58. PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kuriin wrote:
When I was choosing my song back in New York (I was up there to visit a friend), I was carefully choosing a song (5th mix, I believe); some black kid comes up and hits the, "SELECT" button while I'm on heavy mode on a freaking tough song. Needless to say, I was about to beat this little doggy up. :|

Why Did The Fact That Hes Black Change The Situation?
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59. PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It seems that black people have more of a tendency of disrespecting teh mad didder skillz. I was up there, playing my game, I pick Paranoia Rebirth as last song. Usually, I can do that, but I was kinda tired, so I failed near the end of the song. The kid (who is black) laughs and says, "Haha, you failed". Now at this time I was a bit pissed from his little sisters jumping all over the pad... frust.gif

"You think this game is easy?"
"Well then, I'll pay for your game, you come up here and beat me, you can have all my tokens"
"No man, I'm not gonna get up there and look like a frick fool."
"Then I suggest you shut up"
"I'll say what I want"

yeah, he shut up anyways though. laugh.gif
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