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Senoskay Basic Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
20. Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 2:44 pm Post subject: |
okay, after combining these previous posts, I have my diet plan.
-Eat light breakfast, light lunch, and medium dinner.
-Play DDR 1-2 hours a day.
-Dont eat too much carbs or saturated fat.
-With the DDR, Do about......50-100 situps. Due to my height (4'11"), my parents are afraid im going to get jumped so I cant jog.
-Drink plenty of water and juice. No junk food. (These temptations are very hard and I will die without them. So I'll just eat 1 slice of pizza and some fruit)
-EXCERCISE IN THE MORNING. Well, this was my idea because when you play DDR in the morning (without eating anything), it will aim mainly towards the fat since you didnt digest any carbs. _________________
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da_poofacekilla Trick Member

Joined: 14 May 2004 Location: H-Town Georgia (near da ATL) |
21. Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:05 pm Post subject: |
i have been playing since christmas of '03 & have lost about
20- 25 pounds but i didnt play a lot for a while, but now i am |
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Senoskay Basic Member

Joined: 02 Mar 2004
22. Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 5:31 am Post subject: |
I want the best of my work out so I just want to make sure if the notes above are good. _________________
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discobiscuits Trick Member

Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Location: phoenix |
23. Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:32 pm Post subject: |
im 14 years old and about 200 pounds (5'7 1/2) It says in this little doctor study thing that im about 38 pounds overweight the average weight. But in the real deal, i hate the way i look. I have this huge buttocks stomach im trying to get out, and some decent lookin' man boobs . Anyway, since i am moving this summer to phoenix az, im looking to try and lose weight for the summer, since i'll be living in a rental home 20 minutes away from the school i will attend. Anyway, if this helps the topic maker- this is how i'll lose it.
Breakfast- 2 cups of cereal. (That's 2 servings usually) Cereal has most of the nutrients you need for life, + the milk = Calcium. Every weekend, i'll have orange juice with it.
Lunch- (insert your favorite meat here) sandwich. Mine is turkey, and that'll have lettuce, tomato, bread, and turkey (i dont like mayonaise) and will have a side of a veggie and fruit (banana is a fav of mine, and carrots also.)
Dinner- Basically, try to have a carb friendly meal. Since you had a sandwich for lunch (or what i had for lunch), you might wanna just have some meat, and veggies.
Things to remember-
Try to lay off the fried stuff- I myself have a thing for Wendy's pwnage Spicey Chickens. Now whenever my sister goes there to eat, I'll get what she eats (One of the salads they have) which aren't bad at all, and come with a kickass ranch dressing that doesnt have any fat, and very low carbs.
Drink water, water is your friend. Without water, every person in the world would die. If you have soda urges, try to cut them off. I once drank like 4 mountain dews in one day (which isn't as much as some of the friends i have), but if you look at the label, they have nearly 50 carbs and 50 sugars. Very bad for your body's look. I'd say when your ddring to help lose the weight, try to drink maybe 1 small gulp of water between songs. That way it could go down your body while your selecting songs and mods, etc.
Have fun, remember your playing a game, not exercising. I remember when i would just play like 6 hours straight just cuz of how much i enjoyed the game. But now that i consider it exercise, i tended to lay off it due to me being so damn lazy (gamer).
If you have any questions that you ask yourself, and wanna ask me, too to get my opinion/answer on them, just feel free to PM me.
-discobiscuits |
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CelestialMortal Trick Member

Joined: 22 Aug 2003 Location: *tap tap* look behind you |
24. Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 2:21 pm Post subject: |
Senoskay wrote: | okay, after combining these previous posts, I have my diet plan.
-Eat light breakfast, light lunch, and medium dinner.
-Play DDR 1-2 hours a day.
-Dont eat too much carbs or saturated fat.
-With the DDR, Do about......50-100 situps. Due to my height (4'11"), my parents are afraid im going to get jumped so I cant jog.
-Drink plenty of water and juice. No junk food. (These temptations are very hard and I will die without them. So I'll just eat 1 slice of pizza and some fruit)
-EXCERCISE IN THE MORNING. Well, this was my idea because when you play DDR in the morning (without eating anything), it will aim mainly towards the fat since you didnt digest any carbs. |
You should also eat something between lunch and dinner. We never said anything to starve yourself if thats not enough for you. You should eat so that your not hungry anymore, If you eat a small snack between lunch and dinner, you won't get the urge as much to get some junk food. Its a shame that you can't go jogging. nice schedule by the way
Remember I'm rooting you on dude
Places you shouldn't go: 1)roads, cars are made of dense material which will hurt when colliding with people
2) concrete, will put stress on the knees,
3) track, very boring to run on,
Places where you should go: 1) parks, have nice scenery and have hills that will help with endurance
2) beach (possily), also helps with endurance
I hope this info helps
CM _________________
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. |
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xphoguytonyx Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Location: Haltom City, TX |
25. Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 10:32 pm Post subject: |
DDR Fr33styler wrote: | ddr alot!!!! also try not to eat alot of foods high in carbs or sat fat becuase those are the hardest things to burn off when you are exercising, sugar goes first so try to also steer away from that becuase it will just give youa big high then a real big low after its all burnt, which will result in you not burning anything off, jog also, do crunches, sit ups, push ups, and pull ups. Have fun |
YUp.... people said its bad for me bc all i eat is 3 % of fat and the rest .... then i had to go to the doctor and they said my blood preasure is below 60.
if u want to see my pix, click my signuare.... _________________
Site coming sooN....
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~~~Tony~~~ |
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orangina Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jun 2004
26. Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:32 am Post subject: |
Its real simple to lose weight if you do 3 things.
Eat real food
Eat small portions
Dont snack
Thats what the French do..Do a search on frenchdiet and you will see tons of folks (like me) losing weight eating cheese, chocolate etc.
The key is REAL food (not processed) also small portions and not eating all the time. Theres a book out on it too called The Fat Fallacy
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xphoguytonyx Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Location: Haltom City, TX |
27. Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:07 am Post subject: |
orangina wrote: | Its real simple to lose weight if you do 3 things.
Eat real food
Eat small portions
Dont snack
Thats what the French do..Do a search on frenchdiet and you will see tons of folks (like me) losing weight eating cheese, chocolate etc.
The key is REAL food (not processed) also small portions and not eating all the time. Theres a book out on it too called The Fat Fallacy
LOL.. the problem is i wont eat any thing now... well only once and a while. sometimes i play ddr all day and dont have time to sleep. _________________
Site coming sooN....
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~~~Tony~~~ |
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BlueScreenJunky Trick Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2003 Location: France |
28. Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:39 pm Post subject: |
Yeah, basically what you need to do is eat less, and quit soda and snacks. DDR can help you lose weight but you won't lose that much just by playing.
About DDR, you should play at least one hour at a time (2 or 3 hours during the week end would be good), because if you only play 30 minutes you will barely have time to warm up, and you'll end up using errr "sugar" (probably not the right English word but you get the idea) in your blood, instead of burning fat.
Also you shouldn't play DDR to exercise, or I'm afraid you'll eventually get bored. Just play to have fun and get better ^^ |
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xphoguytonyx Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Location: Haltom City, TX |
29. Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:46 pm Post subject: |
my friends think im crazy. playing ddr for 12mins then eat less then play again then later shower then sleep then do it all over again. check out my signaure... _________________
Site coming sooN....
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~~~Tony~~~ |
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mastergd Trick Member

Joined: 11 Dec 2003 Location: Elwell, MI (center of the state) |
30. Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 5:01 pm Post subject: |
anyway to play ddr regularly and stay helathy but gain weight? bc im skinny and only weigh 135 lbs, i would like to get to 150 but ddr would help me loose weight. so wouldent i need mouscle mass? o im 16 btw if that matters. _________________
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darkhour Trick Member

Joined: 13 Nov 2002
31. Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:35 pm Post subject: |
I actually gained weight after I started playing DDR. Dunno how that worked.
I'm actually bored to death with my home versions and only play to muscle up and stay in shape. I much prefer the atmosphere of the arcade instead.
It all depends on your body chemistry in the end. I advice to see whats best for you, you're the only one that can do that. |
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xphoguytonyx Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Location: Haltom City, TX |
32. Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 10:02 pm Post subject: |
today i loss 13 lbs.... hm.... so now im like what 215.... omg i need to stop lossing weight, i look like im 16. people tells me that... _________________
Site coming sooN....
Dont come to my site if u going to spam...
~~~Tony~~~ |
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Metal 01 Basic Member

Joined: 07 Jun 2004
33. Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:21 am Post subject: |
you lost 13 pounds in one day... Umm... I'm not calling you a liar*cough, cough* but I don't think you could lose 13 pounds in one day alone. Maybe you found out you lost more weight but all the weight didnt come off in that one day. _________________
yay a bunny |
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discobiscuits Trick Member

Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Location: phoenix |
34. Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:35 pm Post subject: |
yeah... bs plus if you did lose that, you'd more than likely gain 14.5 pounds right back the next day.
Anyway to the real point of my post-
You dont need to do situps... just cuz ddr moves ur legs, doesnt mean it will just lose weight in your legs. It all balances out across the body and it ends up cutting weight across the body. Sit ups do help get you a 6 pack though. |
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orangina Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jun 2004
35. Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:30 pm Post subject: |
DDR is aerobic so you should burn calories doing it. Take a look at runners. That is aerobic. They run the fat right off of their bodies. Runners are lean.
Of course you want to do aerobic activity for a healthy heart no matter what you weigh BUT if you want to gain weight you want to build muscle by lifting heavy weights slowly and eating more.
If you gained weight doing DDR than you were most likely eating more as doing DDR would not make you gain weight. |
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Romulus141 Trick Member

Joined: 10 May 2003 Location: Oxford, PA |
36. Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:33 pm Post subject: |
It can be harder for some people to loose weight via DDR than others. I haven't lost a pound due to DDR, and I've been playing for well over a year and a half. When I was still learning the game I was playing 3-4 times a week for 2-3 hours at a time, and that did virtually nothing for my weight and didn't help my stamina all that much. If I didn't play DDR for a week or two (which is what happened for a while this past September), my stamina went down the crapper.
My advice is to do some real exercise. Situps, pushups, running (or biking, or stairmaster, whatever), 4-5 times a week. I think you may be old enough to do some weights, so I'd see if your parents would look into getting you a gym membership (at a YMCA or something). If you just want to loose weight, don't use heavy settings on the weight machines, and do at least 30 minutes of moderate to heavy cardio in addition to the weights.
I'll say this much. Although I haven't been able to keep going (because the plan was originally for myself and my friend to go together, and now he has all these work shifts in the evening that conflict, and I personally am bored to tears by going to the gym alone), I did work out at the YMCA pretty hard for 2 and a half weeks (lifting weights every other day, and doing cardio almost everyday for about 30 minutes), and I noticed a greater improvement in my stamina and looks than my whole year and a half of playing DDR.
Though, if you just wanna use DDR, you're gonna have to play 4-5 hours a day, nearly everyday, and that could get real old real fast. Although you're at the age where you can get away with dedicating 5 hours to a video game (I sure as hell can't do that anymore), so it could work. _________________
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CelestialMortal Trick Member

Joined: 22 Aug 2003 Location: *tap tap* look behind you |
37. Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:41 pm Post subject: |
Kareyu wrote: | I actually gained weight after I started playing DDR. Dunno how that worked. |
The thing is muscle weighs more then fat. If your gaining weight then it means that your buring up fat to make more muscles. Hope that clears things up.
CM _________________
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. |
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orangina Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jun 2004
38. Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:17 am Post subject: |
A pound is a pound is a pound. Saying muscle weighs more than fat really means muscle is denser and takes up less space. If you note you are gaining weight playing DDR ..since its a cardiovascular activity..its unlikely you are gaining a lot of muscle from it - more likely you are eating more and gaining weight from that.
Many runners are very lean but lack muscle because they have run it all off! They cant do weight bearing activity very easily.
If you want to gain muscle you will want to do weight bearing activities, slowly with heavy weights as another poster said. If you want to lose you will want to do plain aerobics or use light weights and do more repetitions.
Its hard for some people to lose weight by exercising only because you have to do soooo much to lose. For example to burn 4 cookies around 200 calories you would have to dance aerobically for around 30 minutes (the amount you burn will vary according to the individual this is approximate) You would have to walk for almost an hour or run for 15 minutes.
I work for a weight loss site so if you need some help let me know. |
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orangina Trick Member

Joined: 25 Jun 2004
39. Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 9:19 am Post subject: |
I should add that the type of exercise you do should also be influenced by your body shape (in my opinion). You will want to do different types of exercises depending on if you are top heavy, bottom heavy, ruler shaped etc. |
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