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You are obsessed with DDR when you...
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0. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 8:28 am    Post subject: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

You are obsessed with DDR when you...

1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.
3. All you ever dream about is DDR.
4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.
5. When your local DDR machine malfunctions and you yell at the manager.
6. You are asked to dance and start looking for a machine.
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.
10. You download songs from DDR, and go to the step charts for the steps, then begin moving your feet around with those steps to the music.

If you can come up with any more, feel free to post them.
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1. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 9:24 am    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.
3. All you ever dream about is DDR.
4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.
5. When your local DDR machine malfunctions and you yell at the manager.
6. You are asked to dance and start looking for a machine.
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.
10. You download songs from DDR, and go to the step charts for the steps, then begin moving your feet around with those steps to the music.

If you can come up with any more, feel free to post them.

that what i do
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2. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 9:37 am    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.
5. When your local DDR machine malfunctions and you yell at the manager.
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.

No, those are called being a Smacktard.....if you yelled at the manager of an arcade because the machine malfunctioned, you'd get thrown out. Asking politely for them to fix it would be much better.
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3. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

When you start a thread about being addicted to DDR using a list of things that applies to you E15.gif .
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4. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:22 am    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.

I used to do that.

newkidusa wrote:
4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.
5. When your local DDR machine malfunctions and you yell at the manager.

These have happened. Though I *did* ask nicely.

newkidusa wrote:
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.

>.> <.< >.<;

newkidusa wrote:
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.

No, I just save up until I can get it myself. Which brings us to...

newkidusa wrote:
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.


newkidusa wrote:
10. You download songs from DDR, and go to the step charts for the steps, then begin moving your feet around with those steps to the music.

Everybody does this.
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5. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:33 pm    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.

7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.

So far those are the only ones that apply to me E15.gif
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6. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 2:03 pm    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.

4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.

6. You are asked to dance and start looking for a machine.
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.
10. You download songs from DDR, and go to the step charts for the steps, then begin moving your feet around with those steps to the music.

that would be me with a few exceptions.

6. I don't get asked to dance unless its in an arcade

7. Have considered it but couldn't decide which songe to put on the CD

8. I don't cry but I am realativly upset

9. I don't really have either source of money but when I get cash most of it goes to DDR
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7. PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

a lot of that stuff is posted here
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8. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:18 am    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.
3. All you ever dream about is DDR.
4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.
5. When your local DDR machine malfunctions and you yell at the manager.
6. You are asked to dance and start looking for a machine.
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.
10. You download songs from DDR, and go to the step charts for the steps, then begin moving your feet around with those steps to the music.

If you can come up with any more, feel free to post them.

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9. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ummm.....this has already been done...very recently. please check like 3 pages before you make a new topic so that things won't be repeated time after time....thank you

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10. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:40 pm    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.
3. All you ever dream about is DDR.
4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.

just those 4 but some others but i couldnt say about the paycheck because i dont have a job yet still only 15... But wastes almost parents whole check playing ddr. E4.gif
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11. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

when you take a 2 hour road trip just to get to an arcade with a ddr machine, thats addiction nerd.gif
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12. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Check it out. Go check out the Frozen Arrow Division. They have a list, and I qualified for over 200 of the 200-280 some addictions....HAHA!
me: Ian Van Dahl made castles in the sky. ur just gullible
dude: no ian van dahl remixed it....this is different sounding
me: yeah, cuz hes a DJ, and remixed it
me: seriously, you thought DJ Mystik made Castles in the Sky?
dude: who cares
me: i do
me: i think its funny
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13. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 6:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

isnt there already a topic open thats just like this one?
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14. PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 9:49 pm    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.
3. All you ever dream about is DDR.
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.

Well then, it looks like i'm obsessed.
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15. PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:25 pm    Post subject: Re: You are obsessed with DDR when you... Reply with quote

newkidusa wrote:
You are obsessed with DDR when you...

1. Close your eyes and see arrows going up a screen.
2. You see tiles on the floor and start dancing.
3. All you ever dream about is DDR.
4. You lose your mind when you go to an arcade without a DDR machine.
5. When your local DDR machine malfunctions and you yell at the manager.
6. You are asked to dance and start looking for a machine.
7. When you make a CD out of DDR songs.
8. When you ask for a DDR game on X-mas/B-Day, don't get it, and start crying.
9. When your whole paycheck/allowance goes staight to DDR.
10. You download songs from DDR, and go to the step charts for the steps, then begin moving your feet around with those steps to the music.

If you can come up with any more, feel free to post them.

*sigh* i feel bad for myself when i read those things. erm.gif it just shows how much we love this game
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16. PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

heres a topic just like this one its got more stuff in it too
"im a cow girl"
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17. PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL all those things apply to me 1-10 just goes to show u that we come in peace........ to play ddr that is. These are the words of a ddr addict (crowd shriek with shock) and there are more too. pointing to u all of u
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18. PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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19. PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:05 pm    Post subject: Re: Reply with quote

If you go into the arcade 5 minutes before work, bribe other players with tokens to get a one song play, and try to "warm up" playing Max300. goog.gif
Recent Accomplishments - 1st Black Flag, 1st Oni Course Completed, Passed Maxx(period) with a C

Last edited by DDR-Frank on Sat Jul 03, 2004 3:25 am, edited 1 time in total
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