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Ian2K3 Trick Member

Joined: 25 Oct 2003 Location: Berlin MA |
20. Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:17 pm Post subject: |
this is a list of what i hate most
people who cut in the coin line/ dont follow coin line
people who continuisouly do the same song over and over and over again
people who do light modes /beginner who get HUGE crowds and then i AA a 9 footer...and there are a guy and a girl making out in the far corner of the arcade. and they are the only ones in the arcade.
people who ask if you can do pathetically easy songs when they couldnt even look at the step chart
people who shadow if there is one thing that p*sses me off more
people who get in my way
people who come into the arcade en masse and i have tro wait 30 minutes to get a chance to DDR esp if thery all do beginner
people who just cant ddr think they are so damn hot when they cant pass standard (can pass light) and they try to do heavy so i choose so deep...he runs off the pad to grt his bottle
people who complain about a song being too hard or too slow or fast
people who cry about speed mods are for cheaters
people who cry about AAA's at home are not the same as the arcade.
people who come flying from right/ left field and just start spinning and dancing like morons
i have many more but this is my most despised
it was funny once this kid was shadowing me the funny thing was....i was doing doubles so accidentally i knocked him off the pad it was SO funny then he started crying unfortunately he made me fail so deep on my first stage on doubles (darn kid cost me $1.50 ill hire a contractor to get him) anyway back to the list
more things i hate
n00bs and newbs( only when there are so damn many of them)
people who talk to you while you play
people who distract you while you ddr
certian songs
certian people
when your umbrella goes tulip in the rain
waiting for the sunrise/ sunset
uhh lets stop before it gets too off topic _________________
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Os Trick Member

Joined: 06 Jun 2004 Location: Arkansas |
21. Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:56 pm Post subject: |
chibidjinn wrote: | Usagi. wrote: | i lyk n00bs hu type lyk dis cuz its shorta than writin in ful n say lol a lot lol |
Well said!
It's great when a few kids play, not knowing that you get 3 songs in a game instead of one. Free game! |
That reminds me! i used to play in the gameroom of a bar in michigan every saturday. People there would be entertained for hours, watching. They'd buy me games and kinda' forget they had three songs to pick. (yes, i let 'em pick the songs.) then they'd leave. so on some nights i'd walk out with about six dollars or so. |
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invincible1 Trick Member

Joined: 17 Sep 2003 Location: Long Island, NY |
22. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:16 am Post subject: |
Funniest thing ive found happened to me just a few days ago. I was playing Pop 4 trying to hit up the high score list and this kid who i guess was just starting at heavy stands next to the machine and starts to watch. While playing i can hear him mumbling under his breath "This kid plays at the arcade on light what a loser" so i finish the Course and its his turn up. (No high score by the way ><) so he says to me "here watch how experienced people play" so i say you're that good? and ask him if i can play to see if i can learn a thing or two. So we play together and I SDG 3 outta 4 songs while he only AA's one (Kind Lady) and he failed the extra stage lol. Ahh man it felt good. I was soooo close to my first Heavy AAA too stupid Nori Nori Nori i've gotten 1 on it 3 times ahh anyway thats my story  |
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Joined: 18 Jul 2002 Location: Mountain View/Sunnyvale CA |
23. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:41 am Post subject: |
I was getting ready to play a round with my girlfriend, and these random people showed up and said two things. 1) I bet you guys suck and 2) girls can't play this game. So, she picked Hold on Me, she AAed it and I AAAed it, and we turned around and saw the ever so beautiful deer in headlights look, and she just said "SUP" to them...heh _________________
theficionado wrote: | Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you. |
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Sir Smeagollum Trick Member

Joined: 03 Mar 2004
24. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:54 am Post subject: |
A pretty funny story...
We were at the arcade, my friend, brother and I, when we were waiting to go on the machine. There were some people playing beginner songs. First My Summer Love, then Xenon. They failed Xenon pretty badly. Anyway, they let us on. The expressions on their faces when we chose heavy and went to Xenon were funny, pretty much staring amazement. We then played it, and when we turned around, they were all gone. guess they got kinda discouraged or something. _________________
The rock and pool
is wet and cool
So nice for feeet!
We only wish
To catch a FISH
So juicy sweeeet!!!! |
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CelestialMortal Trick Member

Joined: 22 Aug 2003 Location: *tap tap* look behind you |
25. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 5:09 am Post subject: |
I'm not a person that would just go to a person that doing light or beginner and laugh at them. I would help them out and give them tips. However i hate those who always think they're better then you and yet fail miserably.
Here's my story. I was playing DDR at the arcade, not many people there. Then a posse of people or whatever come in the arcade (the dance pad is against the wall, sideways to the door. They look at me and start to walk over. I just went back to playing my second song. Then the leader of the group jumps up on the other pad and shadows me. Normall i wouldn't really mind this (i dunno why it just doesn't really irritate me) but this guy is doing nothing. He's just stomping on the pads flailing like a fish out of water. This is what gets me. So after the song is over i ask him. "you got a problem?" He just says, "You suck at this game" I just look at him and say, "You wouldn't do any better ya know. " He look s at em and says, "fine then i'll go against you," So i finish my last song and we put our money in (no other ppl in line) He says, "pick a song" So i go Tsugaru (my fav song) on heavy and i bring up the song options menu and he looks at me dumbfoundly (after this i knew he was a newbie) I pick boost, thats it. I start the song and he thinks that its pretty slow and then he's failing miserably. In the middle of the song he collapses, (not faint i mean he just hangs over the bar and pants like a dog.) Being the nice guy that i am, Me and his group got him into a chair and some water *sighs*
CM _________________
If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us. |
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Mart Trick Member

Joined: 28 Dec 2003 Location: Montreal, Quebec |
26. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 8:03 am Post subject: |
Actually, what I find the funniest about players (because, yes, normal players can make fun of you, not just "n00bs"! Amazing, isn't it?) who make fun of me is when it's "put up or shut up" time. At... say... 80% of the time, they get litterally owned by the person they laughed at.
Oh, and another thing I find funny about them, is when they bash people who are categorized as "n00bs" in order to look cool. But that's another story... _________________
My MSN ststus by
DDR & ITG score names: MART, DAMO, KTHX |
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Nikku-sama Trick Member

Joined: 16 Jun 2004
27. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:27 am Post subject: |
Whenever i play, i am always surrounded by noobs. The funniest thing to do is to challenge them at any song other than butterfly or abyss, because I SWEAR they do not play any other songs AT ALL!! And it's (almost) the whole freakin' commnity that plays only those songs!! |
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justindh Trick Member

Joined: 04 Feb 2004
28. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:24 pm Post subject: |
at the arcade today someone put ten dollars in the machine, and played after the game of love the whole time, on begginner _________________
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justindh Trick Member

Joined: 04 Feb 2004
29. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:24 pm Post subject: |
at the arcade today someone put ten dollars in the machine, and played after the game of love the whole time, on begginner _________________
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justindh Trick Member

Joined: 04 Feb 2004
30. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:24 pm Post subject: |
at the arcade today someone put ten dollars in the machine, and played after the game of love the whole time, on begginner _________________
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Bonnietta Trick Member

Joined: 26 Apr 2002 Location: Fresno-ish, ca |
31. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:29 pm Post subject: |
I hate the n00bs that don't know what a "coin line" is.
These 2 girls were playing once and they thought the people waiting to play were putting the coins on the machine cuz they wanted them to have em. Everytime someone put a coin up there, the 2 girls took it...put it in the machine..and played again. I had to explain to them what a coin line was. _________________
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53xy N0 Ju75u Trick Member

Joined: 18 Jan 2003 Location: In the Dark. It is where you should be. |
32. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:29 pm Post subject: |
My favorite story with a n00b!
It was a saturday and I went to the arcade to have a few rounds of DDR. Little did I know, so little brat, no older than 10 was playing. When I walked up to the machine I put my quarter on the "ledge." The boy just finished and I didn't really see him play because I went to play SC. I come back, and my quarter is gone.
"Excuse me, but did you happen to see if someone took my quarter?"
"Yes. I took it, you fucking stupid head!
Right when he said that, I looked around the room to see if his mom or dad were there. They weren't.
"Do your parents let you use those words at home, when you are like what, nine?"
"YES! They even let me watch X rated movies!"
I knew this brat was lying. Anyway, I go to play and the kid is watching me. First song I play is Be Lovin'. I pass it on Heavy with an AA. The boy laughs, and says, "You are so bad at this game! Who teached you to play, your grandma?" (Yes he did say teached)
I say, "Can you please go away? Your annoying me."
"NO! Faggot!"
I was shocked he said that!
"Do you even know what faggot means or what it is?"
"Well, what?"
"I'm not tellin you!"
I gave up. I decided the best thing for me to do was ignor him. But I couldn't help it. He was tripping me, and jumping in front of the machine.
I finally finished. I stood to the side of the machine waiting for him to go next. He just sat down...So I went up again...
"Hey what are you doing stupid!"
"You were about to sit down."
"So, it's my turn. You should go back to grandma's house. You can't even play."
I was so pissed off.
The boy then said the words he never should have said...It would have saved him from all the terror he endoured.
"I want to go against you. I'll kick you and your grandma's ass."
He still was talking about my grandma...T_T
"Ok, you pick first." I said.
"I was going to."
He picks max 300. We were both on heavy.
He smirks at me, and I rolled my eyes.
So we start, and he holds down to go to the options.
He looks at me, as if he was waiting for me to react like I have never seen the option menu.
"What are you doing? Why are you looking at me?" I said.
The boy does a heavy sigh and looks away.
He doesn't add anything with mods to it, so it was pointless to go to the options menu in the first place.
Ok, we start, and I have beaten this numorous of times, and we go.
dodo,dodo,dodo do, dodo, dodo do. And his bar is falling fast away.
I smile inside thinking and feeling proud for just that, but it got even better.
I felt and heard a thump. I look over and the kid feel flat on his face. His nose was bleeding and he was screaming. "MOMMY! MOMMY!" His mom comes over scream, "OMG MY BABY MY BABY!" And rushed him into the bathroom.
I continued playing never seeing the little brat again.
"Do you believe in Karma?" _________________
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Bonnietta Trick Member

Joined: 26 Apr 2002 Location: Fresno-ish, ca |
33. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:40 pm Post subject: |
lol, crazy story 53xy N0 Ju75u. I would of smacked the kid, you got patience. _________________
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police_of_rhythm Basic Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2004
34. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:46 pm Post subject: Haha |
this happens all the time.
After Im finished owning on maxx unlimited these 20 year old white people wth no life or style say "hey dude, ur such a freakin n00b" and his gang of worshipers laughed with him. He puts the coins in. He presses the green button. WHATS THIS? HE CHOOSES......OMG - HE CHOSE............butterfly. begginer. having to watching the character dance and all. his worshipers were amazed at his skill in under 100 bpm. That was just sad. I owned him and his followers after that.
By the way, if there are already coins on the machine's screen, DONT TAKE THEM FOR YOURSELF. Its called a coin line, you doushe. _________________
Current Status: Better-than-newb
Level: STD (TRICK)  , HVY, and CHAL.
*(mostly standard - practice! *cough*)
Arcade: Nickel-Nickel (ddr wednesdays!)
Hobby: Making a complete fool of myself in the final stage. a.k.a. legend of max (w/ x8 speed HVY)
DDR partner: MaxxBreaker |
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uouuÉ Trick Member

Joined: 10 Jun 2004
35. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:33 pm Post subject: |
well, this didn't happen to me, it happened to my friend.first lemme say that i don't call stuck-up beginners n00bs. i call stuck-up heavy players n00bs because i know how much that pisses them off. so anyway, my friends 14, he can do 5s on standard. ths 13 year old could do 7s and easy 8s on heavy. so he starts makin fun of my friend and then my friends all like "shut up or that leg never touches a ddr pad again" but the guy still makes fun of him. so then he punches the guy in the face and the guy starts crying and my friend's like "consider that a warning" and then the guy shuts up. i wasn't there, but i wish i was.
by the way, we have a "card line" at our arcade, not a coin line. no one gets money stolen from them _________________
Last edited by uouuÉ on Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:23 pm, edited 1 time in total |
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BTTB Trick Member

Joined: 10 Dec 2002 Location: Deep in you. |
36. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:44 pm Post subject: |
Sorry, no, but I DO hate caps lock. _________________
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53xy N0 Ju75u Trick Member

Joined: 18 Jan 2003 Location: In the Dark. It is where you should be. |
37. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:45 pm Post subject: |
Bonnietta469 wrote: | lol, crazy story 53xy N0 Ju75u. I would of smacked the kid, you got patience. |
I was about to, but I'm glad I didnn't. He got even worse than what he would have got if I smacked him. Which is good on my part.
Quote: | By the way, if there are already coins on the machine's screen, DONT TAKE THEM FOR YOURSELF. Its called a coin line, you doushe. |
Um, hello. I didn't steal my own tokens, the little brat did.  _________________
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Didjivibes Trick Member

Joined: 06 Jun 2004 Location: Springfield, VA |
38. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:01 pm Post subject: |
it doesn't bother me when people try to make fun of me. a few things that i find amusing are:
-people going out of order
-people who try to take coins that don't belong to them from the coin line
-people who get all dressed up to look 'cool', then try to tell me how to select a song when i'm talking to someone. when it's their turn they try to play heavy and can't even follow what's happening on screen.
-people who don't support newbs (not noobs)
-people who get frustrated with newbs (again, not noobs)
-people who stomp so hard the floor shakes and i fear the machine will fall apart
well this list could go on for a while but those are a few things about people that amused me while i was at the arcade today. _________________
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penguin334 Trick Member

Joined: 09 Aug 2002
39. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:09 pm Post subject: |
Ok, I was more than willing to get your back for the first time this happend. But, seriously.
It's getting a little annoying to see something about n00bz every time I load up DDRfreak forums.
Everyone was a n00b. And -gasp- YOU WERE TOO!! Do you just dislike everyone that is new to DDR?
At least put this in the arcade thread "Arcade experiences"
Here's a link.
Please stop.
Cowman715 wrote: | My favorite type of n00b'3 to face are either the jocks or the snobby nose bitches. They're the best to face because when I beat them I get to laugh at them. Specially the jock who's on some football team from somewhere.
Yeah... Good times... Good times  |
I'm a jock
-yoshi |
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