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liddoxtc Trick Member

Joined: 29 Mar 2003 Location: San Francisco, California |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1361. Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:23 am Post subject: |
Geez, I swear there were tons of those pads before I mentioned the dealer here. I guess the word gets around. Just check back in a few days for the dealer to post more "hard" foam pads. |
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CabbieNamedAxel Basic Member

Joined: 16 Jun 2004 Location: San Francisco |
1362. Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:42 pm Post subject: |
I just picked up these
Trying to see if they're worth the $60 I had to shell out (with S&H). I'm a big guy, just getting into DDR, trying to have some fun and maybe lose some weight while I'm at it. If anyone has these or has seen them in action, are they responsive? Do they wear out easily? Etc... |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1363. Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:52 pm Post subject: |
CabbieNamedAxel wrote: | I just picked up these
Trying to see if they're worth the $60 I had to shell out (with S&H). I'm a big guy, just getting into DDR, trying to have some fun and maybe lose some weight while I'm at it. If anyone has these or has seen them in action, are they responsive? Do they wear out easily? Etc... |
I bought those pads, although the foam is soft and not hard. They are DDRNation pads which are almost like BNS DX pads (actually made by BNS). May I suggest that you also purchase hard foam to replace the included foam either from RedOctane, BNS, or levelsix (cheapest at $10) because it gives the pad a better feel and prevents the inside from moving too much.
The only problem are encountered are the arrow inserts moving on both pads. I don't remember if it was like that, but when I did notice they they don't seem to be moving any more. They could pose a problem later but the steps are still responsive in the general arrow area. I've tried to push the insert back but had no luck. |
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CabbieNamedAxel Basic Member

Joined: 16 Jun 2004 Location: San Francisco |
1364. Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:58 pm Post subject: |
So if I buy the foam, I would have to open up the pad? I dunno if I feel safe doing that. I mean, I usually mess things up when trying to mod them. |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1365. Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:20 pm Post subject: |
CabbieNamedAxel wrote: | So if I buy the foam, I would have to open up the pad? I dunno if I feel safe doing that. I mean, I usually mess things up when trying to mod them. |
Its not modding. You simply open the zipper jacket of the pad and insert the foam. Like putting on a sock. |
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CabbieNamedAxel Basic Member

Joined: 16 Jun 2004 Location: San Francisco |
1366. Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:25 pm Post subject: |
Oh, didn't know they had a zipper. I'm still waiting on them to ship, hehe. |
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ThunderDragon978 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2004 Location: Miami Fl |
1367. Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:10 am Post subject: Chair Mat Mod |
Hey ppl, i noticed the links at the begging of this forum for mods say that they dont exist any more. dose any one know a site where i can look up the chair mat mod? google dosnt seem to be helping very much _________________
9 footers at home
So Deep...D
My summer love...B
Burning heat...D
Lom (std)...B
I feel......C
9 footers at arcade
Burning heat...D
My summer love...B
So Deep... Not yet... >.< |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1368. Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 12:23 pm Post subject: |
The chair mat mod is intended for pads which have zippered openings and replaceable inserts.. what you do is cut the chair mat to size with the tin snips (the plastic is really heavy and hard to cut), then put the cut chair mat on top of the foam insert that normally comes with the pad. Works great! See earlier comments in this thread for more info.
From a previous post... It's intended for old ignition pads with 1/2 in. foam because there was so much extra space inside the pad. |
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ThunderDragon978 Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2004 Location: Miami Fl |
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HitokiriX Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2004 Location: Berwyn, PA |
1370. Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 2:55 pm Post subject: Re: Chair Mat Mod |
ThunderDragon978 wrote: | Ok well its a good thing its intended for zipper pads because im planning on buying the BNS DX-Xtreme pads!  |
yes. buy the BNS DX pad.....i know a friend who bought the redoctane DX pad and its awesome. so if the BNS DX pad is exactly like that then take it for sure. unless u want to spend another 50 and get a judysdeals metal pad....those are good too. no warranty though.... ; |
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adamblast Basic Member

Joined: 18 Jun 2004
1371. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:09 am Post subject: First post! |
First post! Complete noob here; thought I'd try DDR for the exercise rather than buying some treadmill or bike machine.
Any reason why I shouldn't try modding my one-layer DPR2 pad (the only kind they sell in this area) with a chairmat instead of plywood?
I understand the usual mods being discussed here: plywood for the thin softpads and a chairmat inside the padded DX models...
But I'm thinking that attaching my thin softpad to a chairmat instead of plywood might give me all the stability and reliability but with a softer landing for playing barefoot or in socks. I'm playing on deep carpet, so the spikes underneath will be a plus...
Anyone ever tried it? Any reason to think it's a bad idea? |
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HitokiriX Trick Member

Joined: 27 Mar 2004 Location: Berwyn, PA |
1372. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:48 am Post subject: |
well.....if ur pad is the one that comes with like DDRMAX2 then i wouldn't mod it. it wasn't made to be opened, so don't open it. just my opinion. if u were too play for a while then i would definetly get a DX pad. they last a lot longer and save u money in the end if ur a long time player. also, if u want to exercise a lot this is not a good way to do it...well not the best way. its only good exercise if u like it. being good and not having fun jus isn't what DDR was meant to be. |
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adamblast Basic Member

Joined: 18 Jun 2004
1373. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:09 pm Post subject: |
Hi, HitokiriX, thanks for the answer...
My pad didn't come with the game, but it's the same kind... I'm not going to open it, that's for sure... I was just thinking of securing it down to a fullsized chairmat instead of to a peice of plywood.
I might be able to play socks (or barefoot) longer that way, since it would still have some of the spring of the carpet underneath--maybe it wouldn't be as hard on the feet as the plywood.
And don't worry about my thinking of DDR as some exercise "chore" -- no way, I love it! I'm just glad I found something that works as both exercise and play! |
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1374. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 12:23 pm Post subject: |
adamblast wrote: | Hi, HitokiriX, thanks for the answer...
My pad didn't come with the game, but it's the same kind... I'm not going to open it, that's for sure... I was just thinking of securing it down to a fullsized chairmat instead of to a peice of plywood.
I might be able to play socks (or barefoot) longer that way, since it would still have some of the spring of the carpet underneath--maybe it wouldn't be as hard on the feet as the plywood.
And don't worry about my thinking of DDR as some exercise "chore" -- no way, I love it! I'm just glad I found something that works as both exercise and play! |
You can try attaching it to a chairmat. It isn't as heavy as plywood, but the spikes will help it on carpet. If you really want to make you pad last, you should take another mat or floor covering and put it on top of the mat. By placing a cover on top, it makes the pad flat and secured from wear and tear.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to use the chairmat anywhere but carpet. You can get a piece of insulation foam and place it in between the plywood and pad to provide some comfort.
The mods are on the first page of the post. If your mat has the grip bottom, I think one of the mods had it removed before it was attached. These mods will help your soft pads last longer. |
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xerus Basic Member

Joined: 16 Jun 2004
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vsamaco Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2004
1376. Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:05 pm Post subject: Re: RedOctane Ignition 2.0 |
xerus wrote: | I'm new here... and new to DDR, I've only played once in an arcade and on simulators (stepmania.) I'm getting a RedOctane Ignition 2.0 pad, and Im wondering if I should mod it with plywood? I have a carpet in my room, but its not very thick...
Sorry if this has been covered, but I couldnt get the search to work in my favor... I got a good 80 pages of results =X |
Here is a picture guide of plywood mod w/ ignition pad here.
The pad will move, but not as much as a normal soft pad. When it does move, you can still adapt due to the raised arrows. The only problem I have with ignition pads and movement is when I play doubles. Other than that, singles plays fine. |
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Quasar Basic Member

Joined: 17 Jun 2004 Location: NC State University |
1377. Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 4:39 am Post subject: |
Build your own softpad? I'm not sure if this has been posted, but I found a site here
It follows the same basic design as ddrhomepad, but with cardboard instead of sheet metal and aluminum screens for the contact plates. It doesn't look quite as slick as the metal ones, but much easier and cheaper to build since you don't have to work with wood or metal.
I've been considering building one of these instead of buying a softpad. Has anybody built something similar and can tell me how it holds up over time? |
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Haruka Trick Member

Joined: 27 Apr 2004 Location: Sydney, Australia |
1378. Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 4:39 am Post subject: |
OK i tried to do a search to see if this had been covered before but didn't get an answer i wanted.
Got 2 MYMYBOX zipper pads for Xmas. Been playing them on tile mainly but carpet a little. I haven't chairmat modded them yet due to lack of money Got tired of them slipping apart for doubles so taped them with masking tape down the middle. Anyway got Dancing Stage MegaMix for my birthday and i go to play and notice there are these horrible cracks in the top layer plastic. Couple of thin cracks and then a bad tear near the left arrow and bottom left arrow on one pad. I gather they came about from playing Disney Mix on carpet (Supercalifragilistc and It's A Small World (Hardcore) double Trick maybe ). But i didn't notice when it happened.
So now not only do i have to chairmat mod them but i have to do something about the top of them. I can't really play anymore until i fix them because the rip is near the arrow wiring :S Any suggestions on modding the top of these pads? A thin tough plastic? How should i attach it to them :S _________________
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Neya Basic Member

Joined: 18 Jun 2004 Location: Mass & Maine ~Go New England~ |
1379. Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 9:40 am Post subject: |
im still brand new to ddr, the first time i tried it was right after I bought my ignition 2 pad just the other day. Ive always wanted to try ddr for fun, but was to embarrassed, and to broke. We modded it yesterday, carpet taped it to a piece of plywood. We got the flattest piece possible, but my room is sort of muggy (I keep bout 20 fish tanks in the next room) its not a 'wet basement' but there is humidity & its quite humid up here in the north east anyways.
Well in the last 24 hours the board has begun to curve, and it bounces when i have to move around & jump. Luckily it doesnt move, but man its bad enough im out of shape but the board makes it harder to do jumps to hit 2 arrows at a time.
well as I figured it is an addicting game, I cant seem to get away from it even when im dog tired lol I vision this pad wearing out -soon- |
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