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Article exposes the "dark side" of DDR
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60. PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm not going to comment on the Pitch Article or KC DDR players. I commend the KC DDR players for handling this issue well and feel sorry they have to listen to all the stupid posts this thread has created...but on a side note:

Reporters are vultures, beware. It's the nature of the beast, you have to be aggressive in that line of work to survive. Knowing that, be very selective what you tell any reporter "on" or "off" the record. I could go on for a while on this subject, but I'll just end it with saying: Study up on ways to handle interviews and the public media via books, school, and from other people. Watch and learn how others handle the media, you have examples everyday. I would recommend paying close attention to Professional Athletes and their comments before/during/after their sport (since DDR fits well under Sports Media). You'll see how the best handle themselves by keeping their comments short, positive, non-descriptive and when a difficult question arises, "No Comment" is your best response E1.gif

Lastly, if anyone here does fall victim to a news story similar to the Pitch column, use the KC DDR examples. Write the newspaper with your comments, complaints and corrections. Seek legal console if necessary, but only as a last resort. And one method I would have recommended, have a rival newspaper or TV station do a full story about your sitation/problem. A lot of local news stations and papers do investigation reporting and this Pitch article would have been a perfect opportunity to have the media working in your favor. In the end, you could have discredited the Pitch and used a larger public media entity to do the work for you on changing the Public Opinion in the area. Remember, public media is nothing more than popular opinion; it either works for you, or against. And if you're really famous, it's usually changing by the hour E4.gif
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61. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We DDR players are some badass mo'fo's
2 words. Magically Delicious
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62. PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 7:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kamelia wrote:
Lord... I'm just glad I read through all 6 pages of the article and than reading the 3 pages that were posted here about it.

It figured the press would do something like this. I'm not saying the guy was satan, and I'm not saying he was an Angel either, but we're not perfect and we make mistakes.

Another thing, I wish the media would just... stop connecting stupid things to Video Games. Like, Violent Video Games make people shoot up school! No..... Lame Brain Parents who suck, and have no control over their children are responsible for that one.

Anyway... It's all over-blown and I hope it dies off quickly.


I go to a military college, I'm in the Army department, I'm a gunner on a tank, and god, do i play a load of command & conquer and grand theft auto, BUT...hey, news flash to you media pricks: this does not mean I'm going to go out, buy a gun, and kill 15 people for no clear-cut reason! The media needs to get over this crap. When Columbine happened, we all know what the first target for blame was: Not the kids, and not even the parents until some time later!
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63. PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 2:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I read through the article, and to me it seems more about Giles than DDR bashing... The title completely didn't fit the article. I would follow the lible thing... I think its stupid to obsess that much. But its alright to obsess over it a little bit. And i think thats probably all that happened. ~Bad newsreporter+blown-up story=Giles looking bad~
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64. PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 6:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heh, I think I've seen this before. The guy who wrote this is also a person who probably thinks all of anime is pornographic. Is it just me, or was the day that this was published a very slow news day??
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Commander A9
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65. PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 7:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yeah, i wouldnt be surprised. the media needs to just leave us alone. if videogames were so freakin bad, why do our military personnel use them for training?
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66. PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2004 11:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's a helluva story. E4.gif
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67. PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 2:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i would not worry about it this site that posted this i have never heard of it before till i went on here it just looks like mindless ranting if you ask me. lol who knows maybe who worte it played the game and sucked at it and is frustrated with it and out of anger goes and writes this crap. yes it is plain crap you can see the flies buzzing aorund it. lol laugh.gif
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Commander A9
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68. PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 6:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

the media can burn in hell for all i care
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69. PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:22 pm    Post subject: Where are my pants? Reply with quote

About the whole girl thing: Who Would''nt be impressed by a good player? In fact, on friday at Sam's Town in Henderson, NV, I saw someone do PSMO doubles. I tell ya if I were a woman.

I go to a military college, I'm in the Army department, I'm a gunner on a tank, and god, do i play a load of command & conquer and grand theft auto, BUT...hey, news flash to you media pricks: this does not mean I'm going to go out, buy a gun, and kill 15 people for no clear-cut reason!

No, you would use the tank.(thats a joke, if you didnt know)
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Commander A9
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70. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh yeah
Commander A9
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71. PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hahaha this is so old....i remember when the article first came and abuncha peeps were hangin out at cool crest (arcade) and sum one brought in the article...we all read it and thought it was total bs after that we all hopped in a little honda pos and drove around to all the places we could find and took all the pitchs we could find.....i still have a lot of them in my basement.. we took prolly over 100, ah the good ol days.. laugh.gif
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72. PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

laugh.gif This was pretty retarded. It's so melodramatic. hmm still don't know why they said he's a goth but oh well because we all hang outside of Barns and Noble smoking cigarettes and listening to manson. tch oh please. There's a lot of stereotyping going on in this article. Besides I don't think anyone could truly be this retarded. . . could they?
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73. PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aoi-chan wrote:
I'm not going to comment on the Pitch Article or KC DDR players. I commend the KC DDR players for handling this issue well and feel sorry they have to listen to all the stupid posts this thread has created...but on a side note:

Reporters are vultures, beware. It's the nature of the beast, you have to be aggressive in that line of work to survive. Knowing that, be very selective what you tell any reporter "on" or "off" the record. I could go on for a while on this subject, but I'll just end it with saying: Study up on ways to handle interviews and the public media via books, school, and from other people. Watch and learn how others handle the media, you have examples everyday. I would recommend paying close attention to Professional Athletes and their comments before/during/after their sport (since DDR fits well under Sports Media). You'll see how the best handle themselves by keeping their comments short, positive, non-descriptive and when a difficult question arises, "No Comment" is your best response E1.gif

Lastly, if anyone here does fall victim to a news story similar to the Pitch column, use the KC DDR examples. Write the newspaper with your comments, complaints and corrections. Seek legal console if necessary, but only as a last resort. And one method I would have recommended, have a rival newspaper or TV station do a full story about your sitation/problem. A lot of local news stations and papers do investigation reporting and this Pitch article would have been a perfect opportunity to have the media working in your favor. In the end, you could have discredited the Pitch and used a larger public media entity to do the work for you on changing the Public Opinion in the area. Remember, public media is nothing more than popular opinion; it either works for you, or against. And if you're really famous, it's usually changing by the hour E4.gif

OK, Ok, I know, a month later but I just saw this and I had to comment.

I did read the article, and I was very disappointed. By what I read on the DDR KC side of things, the article was supposed to be about the game; I think this reporter took one situation that probably has never happened (I've never seen this kind of "I need money money money to play games").

I'll give you all this, I read several newspapers and television web sites a day, and rarely do I see anything positive about video games or the video game scene. When I tell people that I'm running a tournament and there's going to be a lot of people there, they don't come. It's perfect footage, even if it's just 20 seconds. Besides my hometown paper, only one other newspaper I read constantly writes something about the video game business; not all of it is positive, but it's not OMGish like the following story we're talking about.

I think the reporter felt so intrigued by this personal story that the reporter went that route, disregarding the initial intention. In the reporting business, that's not uncommon; just yesterday (Saturday), Rudy Tomjanovich was announced as the Los Angeles Lakers head coach. Within 10 minutes, Mitch cupcake E4.gif mentioned that Shaquille O'Neal accepted an offer to go to Miami, and all the reporters started asking about that. It seemed as if Tomjanovich wasn't even in the building once Cupcake opened up his mouth. That was the bigger story, not Tomjanovich.

I've worked as a reporter and video game columnist at two different newspaper companies since I was 15 (I'm 24 now, and I've worked for my hometown paper for seven years).

Ok, the reporters are vultures thing, that's defintely a "where you live" situation, please don't stuff us all into one burrito; believe it or not, there are reporters trying to promote the video game genre that don't work at EGM, CCM, GMR, and GameSpot.

I'd say 80 percent of the time, I'm not going to pressure someone like "GIMME THE REAL INFO BITCH!!!" because quite frankly, I have other means of getting the information.

I am very friendly to everyone I talk to, and I make sure I get on their good sides, because that's how you last. I have seen asshole reporters, but they don't last long; it doesn't make sense to be mean, nobody will read your stuff.

What I do recommend KC players to do is write letters to the editor (and make sure they're all different, not 50 of the same text, I've seen that happen before), and show your strength. Heck, even call the reporter and put the reporter on the spot, ask them why they went that route and whether there will be a follow-up story.

I'm back with Get Your Tournament!
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74. PostPosted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 10:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

OMG the goths hang in front of barnes and noble smoking and listening to manson too?? wow what are the chances of that??? is there a theatre across the street as well??? that would be freaky E19.gif
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75. PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

got2loveit wrote:
OMG the goths hang in front of barnes and noble smoking and listening to manson too?? wow what are the chances of that??? is there a theatre across the street as well??? that would be freaky E19.gif

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