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Has DDR gotten to popular?
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Brigg Brags About Bag
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20. PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, me an a friend were arguing about this earlier today. This was in light of the news of DDR's appearance on NBC's Morning show.

He basically stated that it'll become more popular, then it will get made fun of and parodized to death on TV and then nobody'll like it and it'll die out like Pokemon, South Park and other media fads.

I really don't know what to make of that, but I'm fairly sure that the idea of it booming into "mainstream" popularity, then just dying out has a few holes in it.

~Brigg - You can enver be too sure when it comes to Mainstream Popularity.
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21. PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here's a problem with the popularity, we're starting to get more boring american songs that don't kinda fit in. Sure, I like Busy Child, Let's Groove, and a few others, but some are just too easy, and slow.

The Good: We're finally getting some good European songs. We may finally be getting a DJ Speedo song in Extreme, and now all we need is Jenny Rom or The Zippers, and we're set. A new Captain Jack song would be nice too.
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22. PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Aven-G wrote:
Here's a problem with the popularity, we're starting to get more boring american songs that don't kinda fit in. .

Thats a good point...I hate DDRMAX2 because it has way to many american songs that just seem really awkward. After playing MAX; DDR to me means japanese techno n trance. European stuff is okay as long as its techno. New mixes should be 75% jap techno 24% euro n slip in sum american stuff to top it off. I mean cmon DDRing to "In the navy"? E19.gif
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23. PostPosted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He basically stated that it'll become more popular, then it will get made fun of and parodized to death on TV and then nobody'll like it and it'll die out like Pokemon, South Park and other media fads.
South park wasn't a fad, it made good money for years. Pokemon still sells a few million cipes of every single game they release. Real bad examples. DDR would dream of selling as many copies as pokemon does. Pokemon still isn't close to dying financially.
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24. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think it's slowly been growing in America. What we don't want to see happen is infomercials popping up and tv shows being created based on it and eight thousand new versions coming out every year.

What would be ideal is if they limited liscensing altogether and kept with a style that can evolve throughout a mix and separate it from the mainstream. After all, geologically speaking streams will eventually carve their way into the ground in winding paths of least resistance, and when that happens they're pretty much just still water that will either dry up and die out or carve a new branch in a different direction. (I took earth science 3 years ago, I hope some of that's right.)

I think it best DDR stay an underground river with an untraceable source and a small outlet in the ocean.
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25. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You know what I now think? I think that as long as there are DDR freaks and not just young children who switch attention so rapidly (middleschoolers) there will be DDR.

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Brigg Brags About Bag
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26. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 6:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BitBasher wrote:
South park wasn't a fad, it made good money for years. Pokemon still sells a few million cipes of every single game they release. Real bad examples. DDR would dream of selling as many copies as pokemon does. Pokemon still isn't close to dying financially.

I wrote:
HE basically said

I didn't say it, he implied it.

~Brigg - Twist my words will you...O_xO-----(^ ^)--o -PUNCH!..j/k
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27. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, all my DDR friends now moved on to IIDX, but I still play DDR with them every once and a while. Everyone at my school is amazed at me clearing R&P on standard. Guess they never heard of it, but it must be cool for them to see. I don't see DDR dying out in the Western front for another couple years, AS LONG AS THEY KEEP MAKING NEW ARCADE MIXES!! frust.gif
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28. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eric Tiko wrote:
Actually, all my DDR friends now moved on to IIDX, but I still play DDR with them every once and a while.

Same here. A lot of people in the "first and second generation" of players in our area have moved to IIDX or Pop'n. There's a new group that has barely heard of any other bemani except Dance ManiaX. DDR is still going OK, but it will probably die soon in the arcades where I'm located.

I hope Konami at least continues to come out with at home versions past Extreme US.

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29. PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Has DDR gotten to popular? Reply with quote

DDRmaniacplayer wrote:
Spike wrote:

No, the game was not unique, it just wasn't well known. You want to feel special that you play something that others don't. Who cares? It's a game. Play it because it's fun, not because people think you're cool.

I'm not trying to feel special at all, I do play for fun, I could care less what people tell me about me playing DDR or DDR itself. I'm not dissing anyone who started playing or anything. I'm just saying that it's like a win/lose situation. On the plus side, yes it is more crowds and oppenents like CaliburMonk said. But on the bad side, more people who know about it, more and more idiots will keep saying stupidities. There are also players who play for the wrong reasons and just don't know how to have fun.

I'm not trying to gang up on you or anything but since when were there wrong reasons to play DDR? Is there a DDR law that says it wrong cuz if not no one really has a right to say its wrong to play a certain way or for a certain reason(that goes for you bar-raping crybabys out there to). Maybe if Konami said it was wrong because its their idea in the first place but no one individual can make it wrong.
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30. PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Goose945, In the Navy was a 3rd Mix song. That is CLASSIC DDR. You're obviously new if you didn't know this. Therefore you're part of the "problem." You need to leave.

Wesdives, why wouldn't we want 8000 new versions every year? I surely would. (Not that many, but I could stand 5 or 6.)
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31. PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 6:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't mind DDR going mainstream since I would have 2 years of experience over the new people that play crash and daikenkai on beginner 999999999 times and pick up chicks that much easier =D

Seems all the 12-14 year olds are doing skateboards right now. Pfft, that was last year's fad <_<
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32. PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 6:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mook wrote:
Wesdives, why wouldn't we want 8000 new versions every year? I surely would. (Not that many, but I could stand 5 or 6.)

If we got 5 or six a year, that would be fine.

What would not be fine is if it hit mainstream, got insanely popular and 5 or six versions came out in one year, and then the popularity swamped the players not caught up in the fad and caused us to lose interest, and then the fad passes and then it dies out altogether.
Matrix + DDR:
"Do you believe that my being faster, or having more stamina, has anything to do with my rhythm, in this place. You think that's Stepmania you're playing now? hmph"
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33. PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

POPULAR!?, LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! E4.gif E4.gif E4.gif Oh yea and let me guess DDRfreak is the all time most popular web site ever. LMFAO. LOL

*Falls down laughing*
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