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As DDR got you closer to Techno/Dance music?
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20. PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 8:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well it ain't really my style, but I heard a techno song one time that went like.

boom boom boom boom....


Formerly BusterCloud
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21. PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

if you like psytrance/goa, you should check out Shakta, Texas Faggott and Joti Sidhu, they're probably my favorite artists in that genre right now

"If there were a country in the world called Funia, Disco House would be its national anthem, as well as the name of its capital city. I was once walking down the street late one night when a hooker called to me from the curb, asking me if I was looking for some fun. "No thanks, Miss" I replied, pulling out a set of headphones. "I've got Disco House, the most fun there is." - Ishkur
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22. PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 8:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

most music on DDR != techno

Most of it is Eurobeat (it's not as good as IIDX's Eurobeat though) and happy hardcore music.

EDIT: Dammit, how come is it whenever I make a good point in a topic, I end up killing the conversation?
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23. PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote="Oolong"][quote]techno!( Prodigy, Paul Okenfold yeah!)[/quote]
prodigy = usually chemical breaks or big beat
paul oakenfold = trance, poopy trance actually

These are just some of the groups I like, I basically like all Techno music.
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24. PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 3:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oolong wrote:
techno!( Prodigy, Paul Okenfold yeah!)

prodigy = usually chemical breaks or big beat
paul oakenfold = trance, poopy trance actually

These are just some of the groups I like, I basically like all Techno music.

Damn it, people like you piss me off. I don't recognize drum & bass, trance, hardcore techno, whatever as different types of music. They're different types of *techno*. Gah, just deal with it as the classification for everything and make the world easier to deal with.
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25. PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 4:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have always had a thing for electronic music, but DDR has helped me appreciate it even more.
[quote:ed89271168="Frozen CaffMaj 4 Extreme"]just because i play ddr, does that mean i'm going to go randomly stomp someone to death?[/quote]

...but Rhythm and Police is no longer crazy!
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26. PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ddr://sk8er wrote:
Oolong wrote:
techno!( Prodigy, Paul Okenfold yeah!)

prodigy = usually chemical breaks or big beat
paul oakenfold = trance, poopy trance actually

These are just some of the groups I like, I basically like all Techno music.

Damn it, people like you piss me off. I don't recognize drum & bass, trance, hardcore techno, whatever as different types of music. They're different types of *techno*. Gah, just deal with it as the classification for everything and make the world easier to deal with.

I'm not big into electronic music, but the differances between trance techno, and DNB are huge and very obvious. People that say they are all differant styles of "techno" just means that they know absolutely nothing about electronic music. Saying you can't tell the dirrerance between the three is like saying you can't tell the differance between Metal, rock, and punk. What really irks me is when people say OMG I LOVE TECHNO and then go on listing 20 differant trance/dnb/whatever artists. DDR doesn't have much actual techno in it.
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27. PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 4:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've always been really into techno and electronica in general. That and my obsession with anime and japanese culture turned into me becoming a ddr freak.
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28. PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 6:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR has made me start listening to J-Pop A LOT more. It's pretty much all I listen to anymore. As well as Max300 and Paranoia and such... whever you call those.
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29. PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maxxbot wrote:
Saying you can't tell the dirrerance between the three is like saying you can't tell the differance between Metal, rock, and punk.

.... I didn't say I can't tell the difference - I said I don't acknowledge each of them as their own type of music. Much as baroque, medieval, and renaissance are commonly lumped together as 'classical' music, I throw 'em all in to the same category of techno before thinking of what they really are... so it annoys me when people correct someone for calling something techno that's really drum & bass, because in my head drum & bass = techno, but techno != drum & bass. Make sense now?
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30. PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

.... I didn't say I can't tell the difference - I said I don't acknowledge each of them as their own type of music. Much as baroque, medieval, and renaissance are commonly lumped together as 'classical' music, I throw 'em all in to the same category of techno before thinking of what they really are... so it annoys me when people correct someone for calling something techno that's really drum & bass, because in my head drum & bass = techno, but techno != drum & bass. Make sense now?

well, you're in the wrong. so you could try being correct, or else just let people correct you. the only shame is yours for not knowing, or not caring about, the difference.

"If there were a country in the world called Funia, Disco House would be its national anthem, as well as the name of its capital city. I was once walking down the street late one night when a hooker called to me from the curb, asking me if I was looking for some fun. "No thanks, Miss" I replied, pulling out a set of headphones. "I've got Disco House, the most fun there is." - Ishkur
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31. PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes, i have found my self liking more dance, pop, techno, and electronic music more. and being able to feel the rythem of all of them
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32. PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oolong wrote:
.... I didn't say I can't tell the difference - I said I don't acknowledge each of them as their own type of music. Much as baroque, medieval, and renaissance are commonly lumped together as 'classical' music, I throw 'em all in to the same category of techno before thinking of what they really are... so it annoys me when people correct someone for calling something techno that's really drum & bass, because in my head drum & bass = techno, but techno != drum & bass. Make sense now?

well, you're in the wrong. so you could try being correct, or else just let people correct you. the only shame is yours for not knowing, or not caring about, the difference.

Way to be an elitist. This is why I only listen to the music and tend to not socialize with the people who seem to worship it... And as for being corrected, Paul Oakenfold doesn't exclusively make trance music as you categorized him earlier, so shame on you.[/sarcasm]
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33. PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes, but i'm sure whatever else he makes sucks too.

you don't want to hang out with people like me? oh, what a loss frown.gif

"If there were a country in the world called Funia, Disco House would be its national anthem, as well as the name of its capital city. I was once walking down the street late one night when a hooker called to me from the curb, asking me if I was looking for some fun. "No thanks, Miss" I replied, pulling out a set of headphones. "I've got Disco House, the most fun there is." - Ishkur
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34. PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

After playing DDR.......
Those beats were stucj in my head and some of the songs......
Ya I got closer to Techno Trance Dance.......
I have about 47 songs of DDR on one CD...........
And 40 songs on another..........
I like listening to them.........
But I never really thought about buying like actual Dance or Trance......
So ya........
I just get me DDR music and listen all the time........
Including TaQ.....
I am so addicted to the beats..........
Lets Begin!

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