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brenzod Basic Member

Joined: 19 Mar 2004 Location: Paso |
180. Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 2:07 am Post subject: |
I'm all about playing at the arcade. I play at home all the time, It might be fun to play at home to impress your friends but if you want some true FS action take it to the arcade. |
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aleore Basic Member

Joined: 26 Mar 2004 Location: Illinois |
181. Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 1:34 pm Post subject: |
I can do almost all of the cata's on my home version but today I went to the arcade for the first time and found myself failing easy 7's and 8's. (highly embarassing considering there were quite a few people around.)
The experience of the arcade is much bettter then at home although its alot different from a soft pad and I was having alot of trouble hitting arrows.
I want to be able to play in the arcades but I don't know how I can get used to the pad without buying a metal one =(. _________________
Kat |
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hello Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Location: CA |
182. Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 11:54 pm Post subject: |
i found another reason to not like the arcade!
when i play the 1st or 2nd song i always worry about what song to pick. i dont wanna pick too hard a song or a new song in case i might fail and i end up picking the same easy songs over and over again. and i cant practice like a hard song cuz i can only save it for the last song in the set. |
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veX.vector Basic Member

Joined: 14 Mar 2004 Location: Massapequa, NY |
183. Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:18 pm Post subject: |
I started on the arcade version, and I still prefer it over what I have at home (soft pad, StepMania). Though I'm not a top player by any means, I still can do a hell of a lot better at the arcade than I can at home. Between the weird timing, the pad sliding, and the overall different feel of the soft pad in comparison to a metal arcade pad, I just prefer to play the kind of DDR I originally learned to play on.
The whole social atmosphere does make a difference, too. At home, my family's wondering what the hell I'm doing, and I generally have to keep things quiet. At the arcade, you meet up with a bunch of friends, and (obviously) nobody cares about "that damned dancing thing."
Yeah, I'll practice at home when I can (since the play is free at home, and I can't complain about that ;P), but arcade is where I truly enjoy playing, and where I can actually play somewhat decently. |
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BeckC Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jan 2004
184. Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:57 pm Post subject: |
For me, either will do! both have their advantages, as well as their disadvantages...
While NOTHING beats the arcade experience, the advantage of owning a home version of DDR is:
-You can use it for 'practice', so no one can see your embarrassment when you fail a song!
-You can play all you want without losing a dime~!
While it's all good to own a home version or seven, There's nothing quite the experience of the arcade!
-All those spectators... Smiling and cheering you on...What a crowd boost~! 'Specally if it's 'your' song...(Damn, if only Extreme had Hot Limit... )
-The arcade is THE place to put your skills to the test~! See just how good (or bad) you really are.
Neither are perfect, though...
-Everyone here knows about the Perfect window being HUUGE on the home versions, so I'm not gonna go into that.
-One thing about home pads that can NEVER be stressed enough is that they slide all over the place! Especally when you're playing a faster or harder song! Even worse when you're trying to teach yourself how to play Doubles!! I swear, one of these days (when I'm better at Doubles), I'm gonna get a good PA goin', then my pads'll slide apart, causing me to land in the splits~! Owch~! Not fun. x.x
-But one thing the home pads have over the arcade is their sensitivity....One can actually hold a freeze arrow down without having to 'bounce'. That can save a LOT of energy... >.< The home pads don't stick nearly as much, either!
So, there's my litte comparison (rant) on Home vs. Arcade. Hope I didn't bore you to death!  _________________
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hello Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Location: CA |
185. Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2004 11:03 pm Post subject: |
u could always get a CF doubles kit...
i played sakura at the arcade as my second song and failed at the 3rd to last arrow...therefore i dont like the arcade! hah!
seriously its stressful...i always worry about passing more than playing
and i've never had people cheer me on...  |
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itzmax Trick Member

Joined: 12 Aug 2003 Location: olympia, wa |
186. Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:27 am Post subject: |
playing @ home with a very nice metal pad is ALWAYS great line, no money, play for 32432423 hours if u wish..but playing @ the arcade is a different experiance for me just because of the ppl who go 2 play also, makes it alot funner when u have friends and the other regulars to shadow n joke around with |
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A2P Trick Member

Joined: 02 May 2004 Location: Chicago, IL |
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xphoguytonyx Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Location: Haltom City, TX |
188. Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 3:50 am Post subject: |
MAX300FREAK00 wrote: | Dunno Why, but I SUCK at the arcade version! Tried yesterday, Every single song, an E!
(I have an Ignition 2.0 at home, BTW) |
Dont worry, u will get use to it. Hm... i need to practice playing at the arcade more since i dont have ddr games at home anymore.
Tip: Well for me. since puttputt is next to my school, all i have to do is go to puttputt and play and then go to school. too bad i cant go bak to puttputt during breaks bc its a one way turn. i can walk Ya sure 15min walk. driving is only 5mins. |
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Nightime Trick Member

Joined: 28 Jan 2002 Location: anywhere else |
189. Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 9:33 pm Post subject: |
Why home?
-Saves money. Usually. In the long run, anyhow.
-Saves time.
-Saves gas (see money).
-Can play "lazy-style".
-Edit mode.
-Custom nonstops.
-No waiting.
-Easter eggs.
-Food and water available at convenience.
-Control of options/volume. Like playing 5-stage games.
-Import-wise, can make edit data for arcades.
Why arcade?
-More songs. (Compiled versions)
-Thus, more song variety, AND more of each song type.
-Better pad standards, no slippers.
-Newer versions, alternate versions.
-Good excuse for waiting.
-Admiration of others. Once you get there.
-Social interaction. Not always available at home, and definitely not on such a scale.
-Nonstop/Oni courses are not limited to "one disc worth".
-No "big lump sum" to pay up front. Unless you're buying an AM. Good luck with that.
If you ask me, both are critical to the "total DDR experience". Removal or slowdown on either front is bad news. But maybe that's just me. |
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Slowpoke Trick Member

Joined: 28 Oct 2003
190. Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 7:32 am Post subject: |
Nightime wrote: |
-Food and water available at convenience.
... and also, DRY CLOTHES. |
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PureBlue Trick Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2004 Location: The Candy Kingdom! |
191. Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 11:28 am Post subject: |
aleore wrote: | I can do almost all of the cata's on my home version but today I went to the arcade for the first time and found myself failing easy 7's and 8's. (highly embarassing considering there were quite a few people around.)
The experience of the arcade is much bettter then at home although its alot different from a soft pad and I was having alot of trouble hitting arrows.
I want to be able to play in the arcades but I don't know how I can get used to the pad without buying a metal one =(. |
You can buy a thick soft pad from for about $50.
That's if you have $50 on your credit/debit card. Of course, you could go down to a place like Babbage's or EB Games and pay another $50 for a similar pad.
It's very much like the arcade.It comes with 4 sets of foam that you put into the pad. Once you have all pieces in and put them together, zip the pad up and start playing.
You could also buy a metal pad for $140 or a metal pad just like the arcade pad for $240.
Final thoughts: I your talking about expierience and fun, it's the arcade I like best. If your talking about portability, then it's home.
Final choice: Arcade. |
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Waffleiron Basic Member

Joined: 05 May 2004
192. Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 3:52 pm Post subject: |
Id have to say... I like them both evenly. :3
BUT, home for me is MUCH easier.
My reasons:
-You can act like a spaz without people staring.
-No lights (too pretty for me to not look at in the arcade. Which distracts me. XD)
-You can slide your feet without hitting the metal.
-No shoes!
-You dont have to stomp as hard
-You can walk off in the middle of a song if you get tired without waisting your money
Nothing againsts the arcade, because it RULES, home it just easier for me. n_n |
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MaxXSakura Trick Member

Joined: 30 Apr 2004 Location: Arizona |
193. Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:07 pm Post subject: |
home is easier |
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PainofSilence Basic Member

Joined: 22 May 2004 Location: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada |
194. Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:29 pm Post subject: |
A combination of both. I find it easier to hit the arrows at home, I usually miss them something horrible at the arcade. But, the arrows at the arcade are way more responsive then my home mat, and also I find I hit them more accuratly because they are sunken in. At home I go backwards and miss the arrows completely alot. :-/ |
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Ian2K3 Trick Member

Joined: 25 Oct 2003 Location: Berlin MA |
195. Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 12:14 pm Post subject: |
why home
you can fix your pad whenever it goes on you
clothes and food at your convience
more controls (games, event mode, stage number)
no time limits
its free
dont have to worry about noobs and shadowers
workout mode (yes!)
and most important of all...lesson mode
why arcade
gets away from family
challenge other people in a contest
pads SOMETIMES are better than home
dont have to do yard work or stuff around the house
heat/a/c in summer/winter
why not home
cant do it at night you might iterrupt peoples sleep esp if your room is on the second floor
mother usually screams at you to help around the house
small room not good for ddring
why not arcade
1 step away from passing max 300 so now i hate pads at the arcade especially at solomon pond mall the arrows hardly work
people who kill songs (you know who you are)
little children who just jump on the pad and their parents think its so cute
poeple who shadow you and dont even know the song
poeple who get in my way
overcrowded machine
too many people play ddr in one day while im at the mall
cost to get to arcade (gas and other stuff)
when a noob fails butterfly light and there is 897476542414580 ppl there and they take a picture of them (it happened once these kids did some easy 7 fotter and got a c on it but then I AAed irresistiblement and there was nobody there) but when you do so deep (or some hard song) on hvy everyone is gone
and most importantly NOOBS!!!
overall result: Home is better IMO but arcade is cool as well _________________
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the_healing_vision Trick Member

Joined: 22 May 2004 Location: michigan |
196. Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 2:23 pm Post subject: |
you can make new friends
you can show off
you can USE GOOD PADS!!!
you can practice for free
you can try all of your trick moves
you can create your own song (people would get pissed if u could at the arcade:))
you can get ALL THE FOod u want!!!
Choice: arcade _________________
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Atomsk255 Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jan 2004
197. Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 6:46 am Post subject: |
It truly depends, Personally I perfer arcade, why? people are watching you. At home no one is so no one is gonna see your incredible ddr feats so why do it at home? (unless you post it on the internet but, unforunately i have no such ability) Home is better though mainly because, well, your at home! and that if your using a red octane ignition 2.0, then you can slide your feet, (thats actually a disadvantage making it harder to play at the arcade) so I would probably say that the arcade is better but, its your problem, you must find out for yourself.
One more factor is my arcades ddr pads is pretty good.
[quote]Dunno Why, but I SUCK at the arcade version! Tried yesterday, Every single song, an E[/quote]
simple, your too used to the ignition 2.0, you have to set your mind into remebering, remeber, sliding your feet is not allowed, and the pad is bit bigger. _________________
hardest song beaten:
Max.(period) standard or
Paranoia Survivor Heavy |
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Kelvari Basic Member

Joined: 06 Jun 2004 Location: Normal, IL |
198. Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 1:07 pm Post subject: |
The arcade is the only version I play. Yeah, I've probably put enough money into that monster to buy my own XBox/PS2 version of DDR and metal pads, but where would I put them? I don't exactly have a large living room, or anywhere to store something that size. Since I also work at the arcade, it gives me a chance to see first-hand how well the arrows are working. If they're not responding the way they should (unfortunately, everyone else tells me that the arrows suck... seeing as how it's a re-upgraded 3rd Mix (Asian), I'm not really too surprised), then I can just work on them the next time I'm there. Also, at the arcade, you usually don't have to worry about the pads sliding even a little bit (unless they just were too lazy to put the feet down). |
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Metal 01 Basic Member

Joined: 07 Jun 2004
199. Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 8:49 am Post subject: |
it would seem most people like arcade better. And I'm not one to disagree. I think the arcade has a better atmosphere while playing. I mean sure playing in your living room is great and all but it still lacks what arcades can give. _________________
yay a bunny |
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