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Getting AA's with 1.5 mod, fair?
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40. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

accidentally posted twice.
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41. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I did say this "I don't really think getting a AA with 1.5 speed is a AA because it very much takes away the difficulty of some songs. " But i didn't mean it quite as it came out. I mean that they aren't interchangable. It does take away the difficulty. Getting a AA on 1.5 is still a AA though, again, not interchangable. You wouldn't say "i got a AA on my summer love on 1.0" if you really got it on 1.5, but that's what you're implying. You wouldn't say "i did max on 8.0" if you did it on 1.0, why wouldn't you say this. Well you wouldn't say that because it's completely different, AA on max300 1x is easier than AA on max300 at 8x speed. and you guys don't have to get so mad, i was just interested in people's opinions and half of the posts are just people getting mad and yelling at me, also making accusations and assuming too much, just wanted to know your opinion and have an orderly debate.
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42. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

no offense, but half of us are mad at you because this question comes up at least once a week, so us forum regs who've been around for a while get sick of saying the same thing over and over again, it's getting to the point where i'm going to start copy pasting my answers from previous threads of this topic out of pure laziness E13.gif Although, i do pose you a question. Do you think you could do as well on msl on 1x as you could on 5x right off the bat? Probably not. Using speed mods (especially when you start getting up high) isn't just something you can randomly apply and have it be the magical PAing cure, it takes a while to adjust to using new this time last year i'd be using 1.5 or 1 on everything, and now i 3x up to 185 bpm (which isn't nearly as high as some people i know/play with)
theficionado wrote:
Seriously, they should make some sort of spray for you.
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[Team Conglom-o]XALAsToR
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43. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) stfu, it doesn't matter what people play on. "OMGZ! he plays on 1.5x!" Their money, not yours.
2) I occasionally play on 1.5x to AAA certain heavy songs. I can AA everything on ddr except for a few tens (on 1x). I don't feel like wasting my money to play on 1x, because yes, it's harder to AAA.
3) I didn't read any other posts (4 pages!!?!?!) So if you cleared something up, disregard this post, thanks.
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44. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i hate things like this. it doesnt matter what speed mods you use, if the machine says its a AA then you got your AA, if it wasnt fair then why would you get it. the machine doesnt dock you perfects for using speed modifyers. you hit the arrows at the right time and didnt fail, you got a 93% dance point percentage, you got a AA. whether it be on 1x or 8x, its a AA. Though i only use 1.5x rarely, i remember when i did use 1.5x because i couldnt read 1x very well. Now almost everything i can AA with speed mods i can do on 1x, but i get a lower number of greats with 2x/3x. if you like speed, use it, if you are better with 1x, do it that way too. people should stop complaining about speed mods. Konami put them in the game for people to use, why is there no 2.5x? 1.5x is used to move people gradually up in speed if they wish to use it. just because someone started on a 3rd mix where speed mods didnt exist, doesnt mean they have to ridicule the 7th mix kid who uses 1.5x. when it comes down to it, if i get more perfects on 2x than someone does on 1x, in a tournament, i win...thats it. its all about perfects.
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45. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:30 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If someone AAs something on 1.5x, do they get an AA on it? Does the game says "sorry, no extra stage- you used mods"? No.

ANY mods are fair play. End of story.
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46. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

whoops, messed up post again

Last edited by Sammarco7 on Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total
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47. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, i'm just gonna stop updating this post. People clearly aren't reading the entire thing or are somehow missing the point that i've made more times than i'd like to count. So whatever, think what you want, but for the last time, i wasn't putting down 1.5, or saying it's bad, just saying it's different/easier(usually) and can't be compared to 1.0. Even the people that seem to be complaining about me are saying 1.5 is easier, ok then, that's my point, 1.5 is easier, not that it's unfair or anything, just that it's unfair to compare them as the same. This is a site about ddr, these are the things i would expect to talk about, things that pertain to ddr. You shouldn't just start yelling and complaining when someone thinks something differently. This post was just to see what other people think, maybe get a good discussion going with counter points as to wether 1.0 and 1.5 are the same or not. I guess people don't want to talk about all aspects of ddr, they only want to talk about how they think it should be played. Sorry if i, somehow, offended you and made you feel like i was attacking other peoples way of playing, idk how you would think that though.
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48. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Premarital Sex wrote:
ANY mods are fair play. End of story.

Not little!
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[Team Conglom-o]XALAsToR
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49. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's just the way you presented your case. If you wanted a huge discussion, you should have said that strictly and clearly right away. You should have told the people what you expected them to do. If they didn't, that's their problem. No one actually will read 4 pages of responses (like me) and will just immediately react. Request a lock if you wish, it would probably be the best if you wanted to end this discussion because it's obviously going nowhere.
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the 1x DYNOsaur, lol
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50. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

alright,read here for a second

when u finish a song, in the corner of the picture of the song that u played does it not say whether u used speed mods or not? If u didnt use any then theres nothing there. Why do u think they would put that there?Hmm, let me see. ummm, to show that the person, lets say, either AAA'd or AA'd the song using mods which therefore shows that Konami thinks its easier to AA and AAA using mods(disregarding all fast songs).
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51. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DYNO wrote:
alright,read here for a second

when u finish a song, in the corner of the picture of the song that u played does it not say whether u used speed mods or not? If u didnt use any then theres nothing there. Why do u think they would put that there?Hmm, let me see. ummm, to show that the person, lets say, either AAA'd or AA'd the song using mods which therefore shows that Konami thinks its easier to AA and AAA using mods(disregarding all fast songs).

I just think they put it there to indicate that it's different with mods, neither easier nor harder.
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52. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DYNO wrote:
when u finish a song, in the corner of the picture of the song that u played does it not say whether u used speed mods or not? If u didnt use any then theres nothing there.
Why do u think they would put that there?Hmm, let me see. ummm, to show that the person, lets say, either AAA'd or AA'd the song using mods which therefore shows that Konami thinks its easier to AA and AAA using mods(disregarding all fast songs).

This makes no sense. If you AAA a song on stealth, it will say so in the corner of the picture of the song. Does that mean that Konami thinks it's easier to AAA using stealth?
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53. PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What I don't get is that you keep telling people the don't get what you're saying just because they don't see it your way. I know what you're saying. Person a plays Long Train Runnin' AA 1x. Person B plays Long Train Runnin' AA 1.5x. You are saynig that person A's AA conuts while person B's AA doesn't count due to his speed mod. Correct me if i'm wrong...

But now i'm going to disagree with you and say they both count, so you're going to tell me I don't get what you're saying, even though I've stated I do.

So Person A gets AA with X amount of perfects and 28 greats. Person B(1.5) gets AA with Y amount of perfects and 15 greats. Each person has clearly AA'd the song. Yet according to you person B hasn't. He has more perfects and less greats then player A and his score is better off being an A under you conditions. Even though he has a better score and more skill then player A, he deserves an A.

Example B: We take a test in math class. The teacher says we can use a cheat sheet for the test. Person A doesn't use the sheet while Person B does. Person A scores a 70/75 and Person B scores 74/75. Under you saying her Person A has a better score, and Person B's A doesn't count because he used what was given to him to use. Yeah that works out real well....
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54. PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It might be because of the awkwardly named title, but I think a lot of people are getting the wrong message. The analogy of the cheat sheet is really really wrong... Using 1.5x doesn't compare with cheating in a test. But to use that analogy, anybody would have more respect for the person who didn't cheat than the person who did and got a better score.
I think everyone automatically gets very defensive when people even start talking about mods. No, the guy wasn't saying it's cheating and he's not saying you shouldn't use it. I don't think anyone can argue with me here when I say 1.5x makes reading easier, even if by a tiny bit. He merely asked if it's fair if you AA a song when it's easier to read. My answer would be yes. There's no need for heated arguments, that wasn't its intention.
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Aku Soku Zan
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55. PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 5:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I definatly agree with what Symphony was saying. If Konami thought that mods would be unfair they wouldn't have given them to us. Besides, 1.5x doesn't improve anybody's PAing skill. Unless there's a magical drug that somehow comes out of the machine that magically makes you PA better I don't see how it's possible for a mod to make people better.

PAing skill comes with practice, not mods. So to answer the "point" of this thread, an AA is an AA is an AA no matter how you got it. In the words of Dennis Miller "That's my opinion, I could be wrong".
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56. PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I get more greats using 1.5 anyway.So all my AA's are 1x.
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57. PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Speed mods rule, but 1.5X is too slow except for 300 BPM and up. Heaven is a 57 at 3X, yeah baby!

If speed mods make it sooo easy, why am I the only one in my area insane enough to try for 600 BPM?
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58. PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

As for AA's and AAA's, they do count, but when it becomes tourney time in NY, speed mods and solo isn't allowed. One thing I do believe, is that using 1.5 and 2x is like swallowing a magic pill that takes your great count and drops it lower 20 or even 30 less. everyone should atleast take my advice and try this out, try a song u know u can AA or AAA on 1.5. spend your money again to play that same song 3 or 4 times in a row on 1x and see if u can get the same AA or AAA. if u can't, then that just proves that your dependant on mods in order to acheive that score.
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59. PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 8:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The analogy of the cheat sheet is really really wrong... Using 1.5x doesn't compare with cheating in a test. But to use that analogy, anybody would have more respect for the person who didn't cheat than the person who did and got a better score.

Actually, I think the reference sorta works. If the teacher gave you a sheet of formulas to use for the test, then the analogy would work out. Person B used every legal option to score better, so it is fair. I've used a similar example before.

One thing I do believe, is that using 1.5 and 2x is like swallowing a magic pill that takes your great count and drops it lower 20 or even 30 less.

when u finish a song, in the corner of the picture of the song that u played does it not say whether u used speed mods or not? If u didnt use any then theres nothing there. Why do u think they would put that there?Hmm, let me see. ummm, to show that the person, lets say, either AAA'd or AA'd the song using mods which therefore shows that Konami thinks its easier to AA and AAA using mods(disregarding all fast songs).

Have I mentioned the crybaby NYC attitude regarding speed mods? OMG I CAN AUTOMATICALLY AAAAAA STUFF WITH TEH 2X OMG. There is nothing automatic about using speed mods. They are an acquired taste. But, you may refer to my previous posts, but then again I don't expect to convince some people.

I can only imagine when someone AAs or AAAs something on extra stage. OMG BBQ, you used teh 1.5X and REVERSE! HEATHEN!!! YOU ARE BANISHED FROM THY MACHINE, YOU CHEATER!!!!

Why is this thread still open?
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