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phatkhat6 Basic Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2004 Location: Ames. Iowa |
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Shasta Basic Member

Joined: 02 Apr 2004 Location: Winfield, IL |
821. Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 9:40 pm Post subject: |
I already posted this in the Midwest Players section, but I'll go ahead and put it here too just because.
Name: Stephen A. Banas
Nickname to friends: I have a ton of nicknames, so use your imagination.
Town: Winfield
County: DuPage
Age: 17
Birthday: 10/14/1986
Appearance: Picture is a couple months old, my hair isn't as long right now. Physically, I'm your standard geek.
Weight: 120 - 125
Height: 5' 10" - 5' 11"
How Long Have You Been Playing?: I've played sparingly a lot before, but I have only privately owned DDR and played it standardly for about 4 months.
How Good Are You?: I couldn't give you my skill level in steps, but I can tell you that I play Heavy mode as a standard at this point. I can do every song on Standard mode pretty easily.
Where Do You Go To Play?: Unfortunately I don't. Being that I live in Winfield, I'm in the middle of a deadbeat county that has almost no arcades and DDR is rare to find. I've heard there's a new one in a Brunswick Zone around here, so I'll have to drive over and check it out. Otherwise, I play on my own setup.
Other Hobbies: Basketball, Soccer, Anime, Cartoons, Other console playing (PS2, GCN, Dreamcast, GBA SP, NES), PC Gaming, Gunbound (Good fast, addictive, simple fun.), Computer Hardware and other computer related activities, Poker and all the other little things that I forgot to mention. _________________
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Swampdoggy Trick Member

Joined: 03 Apr 2004 Location: Connecticut, USA |
822. Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:07 am Post subject: Hello |
Hey..I'm new here..some info about me:
Age: 12
Location: Connecticut
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 125
How long I've been playing: I got into DDR about a month ago at the arcades, then I bought a PS2, Metal Pad, and Max2 and I play at home. I can only pass 7 footers right now, but I'm working my way up.-swamp |
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*jessica* Basic Member

Joined: 03 Apr 2004 Location: Florida |
823. Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:59 pm Post subject: |
Hey all! I'm a NEWBIE and just wanted to do the introduction thing.
I'm jessica as the username implies.
21 years of age
location: sunny south florida!
ok so i'm new to all this dance dance revolution thing. i've seen it EVERYWHERE i go. i've done it a few times and i'm completely addicted! i LOVE music and i LOVE ya! this is SO my thing. i wanna become like the best ever lol. i'm buying a house soon and i'm gonna buy the arcade size DDR. won't that be so awesome? ok so anyways...hello to everyone! nice to meet you all! i'm gonna go have a lookie around the forum now.
oh and by the way... i also LOVE dogs. so i run a pet forum. if anyone has pets, loves pets, or just wants to join my forum to chat ...the link is in my siggy ok see ya around! _________________
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Spork Vivid Member

Joined: 12 Apr 2003 Location: Colorado Springs, CO |
824. Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 10:47 pm Post subject: |
Name: Aaron
Nickname: Spork, Foon, Guy who Wears a lot of plaid
Location: Colorado Springs
Age: 17
B-Day: 10/25/1986
Occupation: Student
How long have I been Playing: Just under a year. Can pass everything BUT PSMO without the bar
AAA's?: 2. Last message (heavy) and Max 300 (Standard) on Soft Pads
Appearance: This is a year old....
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175
How good am I?: I dunno. I guess I am pretty mediocre, only having 2 AAA's, but I guess I could say that I am pretty good. Not gonna brag now....
Other Hobbies: Skateboarding, making DWI's, remixing music _________________
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PsYcHoAthlete07 Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: USA |
825. Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 5:31 pm Post subject: |
Hello I just signed up today. I've been playing DDR Extreme at the arcade every Saturday for over a month. I play light and some standard. |
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PsYcHoAthlete07 Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: USA |
826. Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 5:50 pm Post subject: |
O I forgot to do the other info stuff:
Location: Grand Blanc, Michigan
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Height: 5'2"(yeah I'm a bit of a shorty)
Weight: 110 lbs
Anything else... well I like romantic poems and long walks on the beach lol jk my fav sport is soccer, fav band is Linkin Park, fav video game is Halo, fav arcade game DDR(duh!), umm can't think of anything else to put so there ya have it |
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M15TER P1NK Trick Member

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Location: Laurel, MD / BCo Charter |
827. Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:07 pm Post subject: |
Whats up... My name is Maxx... I play out of Laurel Mall which is actually where I spend most of my time because I also work there (Vitamin World in case anyone really cares)... My usual partners are Quentin, Rob, and ... sorry here guys I cant remember your names... Stringfellows "special female friend", and That crazy fast Itallian looking dude... Im always online... my AIM SN is the same as my SN here so hit me up if you get bored and want to talk... Be warned I have a girlfriend and dont like to be hit on via internet... or anywhere really... Im a huge movie buff... (Obviously with the Reservior Dogs SN... word... and Im particularly proud of my avitar... get it... because my name is Mr. Pink... but this is a DDR website... so I tried to be all asian with the anime Mr. Pink pic... *sigh* hopefully it isnt lost on all of you...) Um, Im sure theres more ... but I need some sleep for tomorrow... leave me a message here or on my AIM if you want to talk to me... Ill get back to you at some point I swear... later...
General (Random) Info:
Name: Maxx
Sex: Male
Location: BCo Charter / Laurel, MD
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 160 lbs
Shoe Size: 12
Head Size: 7 3/4 (i think)
Waist size: 32" (like it says at the top... random info...)
MS: Dating, Happily
Fav Color: Green
Fav Band: Aerosmith
Fav Movie: Silence of the Lambs
Fav Actors: Alan Rickman, John Cusack, Al Pachino, Anthony Hopkins, Robert DiNiro
Fav Deoderant: Axe - Pheonix
And heres a pic... thanks FTJ...
Since you cant see it in the picture my hair goes down to the vertibrae connected to my bottom-most ribs when its in a ponytail... which it always is... later... _________________
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TigerLily Trick Member

Joined: 02 Apr 2004
828. Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:59 pm Post subject: |
Hey eveyone. I'm new and have been playing DDR for a while now and just started making progress between 8 and 9 feet. Damn endurance.  |
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DarkOracleX Basic Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2004 Location: My OwN SpEcIaL PlAcE ^.^ |
829. Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:00 am Post subject: New Member To DDRFREAK =^.^= |
Hi New Members,
I am new too! Let me intoduce myself since thats what you do in this thread. My name is Britain and I have been playing DDR since the release of DDRKONAMIX! I am at Heavy skill level now or you can say beyond LoL. I play with stealth, Dark arrows, x2 speed and reverse arrows. I was born in San Diego, CA and I enjoy skateboarding, Drawing, Anime, and of coarse DDR!!! If you love DDR alot check out FFR its a DDR simulator like StepMania but its a site and its FREE! Site includes Chat, Forums, Radio, and other goodies. The site is |
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M15TER P1NK Trick Member

Joined: 23 Mar 2004 Location: Laurel, MD / BCo Charter |
830. Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2004 10:23 pm Post subject: |
Hey... someone wanna help me out... if you are familliar with the movie Reservoir Dogs and have some free time do me a favor... See if you can find me a picture of the scene where the team is being assigned their names... one of Mr. Pink preferably, one of Mr. Pink talking to Mr. White would be excellent... i need it for my signature... the quote from my signature now will be lain over the pic in a pretty font... but i cant seem to find a pic... and i have work in the morning... its 2:22ish here now so i need some sleep and cant keep looking... if you find one drop me a line either on aim or in here... night... _________________
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xosexiihippoxo Basic Member

Joined: 23 Mar 2004
831. Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 8:14 am Post subject: Hi! |
Hi! My name is Becca (ddr name = bexX - from maxX unlimited - if u were interested,) and I am currently confused about what team to be on. (Either Razor Burn or LMDDR - I've been invited into both.) <-- They are the two rival team thingies in my district. I've been playing ddr since the 3rd week of September (2003,) which makes me an extreme HEAVY player, lol. (I picked up the idea of the game really really fast.) Feel free to IM me (xosexiibexiixo,) or email me at ! _________________
ddr and love -
in both, you need to do the right thing at the right time in order to get it perfect |
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BDM_aka_James Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: Lake Buena Vista, Florida |
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Vweltin Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004
833. Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 3:34 pm Post subject: |
Ok, i'm Vweltin. I was ddrlacrosse, but my password would lose itself somehow, so I made this and now i have a sig  |
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Astro Gal Trick Member

Joined: 06 Apr 2004 Location: Ireland |
834. Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:34 am Post subject: |
I'm Astro and I joined yesterday even though I've been visiting the site just over a year now! I'm 19 soon to be 20 (eeeek) a student In Dublin studying Animation and hope to someday work in the gaming industry . . . . . of course this is all just part of a much bigger plan to graduate, get a job at Konami and get free DDR machines for my house. . . . . HAHA!
anyway, I've been playing DDR since I was 16 but have never actually owned the game at home so I used to print off to the step charts from this site and buy the soundtracks! This is because I have never owned a playstation. I'm a true SEGA gal! Sony are the enemy!
I am a little crazy
I can play 7-8 and some 9, Double around 6 and I like to freestyle and put a bit of my own flare into the routine but none of that crazy breakdance stuff with knees and hand slaps! I not quite ready for that yet
So that's basically me
PS If any of yous r eva in Dublin give me a shout! |
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Comanche Basic Member

Joined: 02 Apr 2004 Location: Appleton, WI |
835. Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 6:47 am Post subject: |
Hello to all
Well I really cant do a decent introduction, but my life pretty much is ddr and computer games.
I also really like attack helicopters too.
I call from Appleton Wisconsin. Lived here all my life. I would like to get a job as a programmer/animater at ILM, but you never know.
Well, thats basically me.  |
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PhyreBurn Basic Member

Joined: 08 Apr 2004 Location: NY |
836. Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2004 4:37 pm Post subject: |
Alright, here goes nothing...
The name's not important, mainly because I hate my name, you all can call my Phyre or Pudge, both of which I prefer over my real name...
I'm 17 years old and a seinor in Highschool, planning to attend OCCC (Orange County Community College) next year with like 10 friends
I live in "upstate" NY because everything about NYC is considered upstate even though I'm in the lower half of the state...
I started playing DDR a month or 2 ago, borrowed it from a friend, and played for a week, then he took it away and I didn't play for 2 weeks, went to another friends house and played a bit and FINALLY decided to get my own copy last week,
Basically, I suck. I can pass all songs on Light (Basic) and some 4-5 footers on Standard (Trick) but I have to play through the songs a ****load of times before I get them down
I like mostly punk and ska music, bands like Less Than Jake, Catch 22, The Clash, Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Green Day, Tsunami Bomb, Save Ferris, Five Iron Frenzy, Rancid, NoFX, MxPx, Reel Big Fish, Fenix Tx. I also like some metal but not too much, the hardest stuff I listen to is Powerman 5000 (GREAT band by the way)
well, I hope posting here and **** will make help make DDR more fun than it already is, so, later everyone. _________________
9's passed
Can't Stop Fallin in Love Speed Mix - B
Paranoia KCET - B
Matsuri Japan - C
Tsugaru - B
10's passed
Sakura - D |
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Bri Trick Member

Joined: 05 Apr 2004 Location: Niceville, FL |
837. Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 1:58 pm Post subject: |
Hey, I'm Bri. I live in the Niceville area in the panhandle of Florida and I have been playing DDR for about 3 years (more seriously this year). I can do a fair amount of heavy songs (8 feet is my usually my limit) but the arcade is a good distance from where I live so I don't get to play in the arcade as often as I would like.  |
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NACE1 Trick Member

Joined: 07 Apr 2004 Location: Sydney |
838. Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 1:36 am Post subject: |
hey guys, what up. im NACE! (newbie ace 1) im from Australia. as you can see im still a newbiee i think (im doing 4 or 5 stars on normal beats and 2 or 3 on off beats) my first ddr encounter was at animania 2003 when i got up on it for the first time and failed miserably on two step in front of alot of people lol. oh well i've come a good way since then and regularly play it im going in a comp in may at supa nova to get some experience under my belt. hopefully all goes well. if anybody from australia wants to meet up and play or give me tips send me a PM and ill get right back to you!
NACE1 _________________
im gonna be the best DDR player i can be =) |
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aldi Basic Member

Joined: 10 Apr 2004 Location: Laval, Quebec |
839. Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 4:50 am Post subject: |
Hi, I'm Aldi from Quebec and I just came back from a trip to Australia where my friend introduced me to DDR. Now I'm back in Laval and I am starting to evaluate the machines available in my area.
I'm not very good but I do it for fun and exercise. For the time being I play half a dozen songs on DDR EXTREME, all at the LIGHT level. My friend says I'm a natural, but I think he's just being nice. My favorite song (which I used to learn to play) is Speed Over Beethoven.
Aldi  |
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