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DDR Ruins Youthful Minds
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0. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 2:31 pm    Post subject: DDR Ruins Youthful Minds Reply with quote

DDR is ruining the youth of the world! It is a DRUG! All these kids spending seventy five cents ( three tokens at our arcade ) is rediculas. It's Satans Work, People say its healthy, and Children have claimed they have lost weight, or got into shape by playing DDR. In the end, your destroying your knee caps by stomping on ARROWS. Addict little kids ruin my arcade by lining up to play this god aweful game. They even have a system of whos in line, only JUNKIES do that! They might as well have a rehab, if any junkie could stop playing it. And THE MUSIC IS AWEFUL! This music is an abomination of Synthpop, Trance, and other dance music. Not to mention Konami has ruined itself with this title, and there is NO way it could redeem its self in my eyes. THIS GAME MUST END TO SAVE AND PROTECT OUR YOUTH! STOP THE DEVILS WORK![/quote]

My Problem is this game has turned to many decent people into sweaty

Please come up with something more intelligent these response, please. I took the time to piss you people off, take the time to write something more then four lines

Last edited by burningman187 on Sun Mar 14, 2004 3:26 pm, edited 3 times in total
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1. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 2:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


What is this guy's problem?
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2. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 3:21 pm    Post subject: Re: DDR Ruins Youthful Minds Reply with quote

burningman187 wrote:
DDR is ruining the youth of the world! It is a DRUG! All these kids spending seventy five cents ( three tokens at our arcade ) is rediculas. It's Satans Work, People say its healthy, and Children have claimed they have lost weight, or got into shape by playing DDR. In the end, your destroying your knee caps by stomping on ARROWS. Addict little kids ruin my arcade by lining up to play this god aweful game. They even have a system of whos in line, only JUNKIES do that! They might as well have a rehab, if any junkie could stop playing it. And THE MUSIC IS AWEFUL! This music is an abomination of Synthpop, Trance, and other dance music. Not to mention Konami has ruined itself with this title, and there is NO way it could redeem its self in my eyes. THIS GAME MUST END TO SAVE AND PROTECT OUR YOUTH! STOP THE DEVILS WORK!

My Problem is this game has turned to many decent people into sweaty

Dont be a puss, reply[/quote]

lmao this guys funny, he's like on of those moms that tried to get all the kids to stop playing Magic The Gathering because it was the "Devils Work" lol get a life buddy.
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3. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 3:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

har har ha. flamebait.

"If there were a country in the world called Funia, Disco House would be its national anthem, as well as the name of its capital city. I was once walking down the street late one night when a hooker called to me from the curb, asking me if I was looking for some fun. "No thanks, Miss" I replied, pulling out a set of headphones. "I've got Disco House, the most fun there is." - Ishkur
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4. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DDR may be like a drug, but the good thing about that it that it probably keeps some players off drugs, because the player would have an addiction to DDR instead of a drug. It is pretty healthy, (I have some friends that have gotten into shape from it) and I'm pretty sure the DDR players don't destroy their kneecaps unless they kneedrop all the time. Nothing is wrong with your opinion about DDR, it's just that some people (especially on here, since it's a forum dedicated to DDR) won't share that same opinion. I'm not bothered by your opinion, I figure whatever floats your boat...

Last edited by Kaleigh on Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:39 pm, edited 2 times in total
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5. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's people like you that try to make religious people look bad. You make me sick, don't try to turn your warped and provoking view look like a religious right/wrong session.

If anything, you are the devil's work.
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6. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lock and ban should be put into action.

Either this guy is either fat and scared of weight loss/sweat or jealous of us. People can become addicted to other games as well, not just ddr. The problem with that is you start to live a sedentary lifestyle if you sit in front of a screen 90% of the day, therefore dulling your senses of what real life is. This must have happened to you. I believe that stepping to 333 BPM with strings of eigth notes can cause quite a bit of weight loss. If you see ddr as a drug, then you should view it as a good drug. With so many obese kids these days, it is good that they are actually doing physical activity.

You encourage people to write intelligent responses? That's not going to happen by me. I refuse to waste my time in playing stupid games like this. If you believe this is the devil's work, why even go into an arcade? We, the people on the boards, clearly see you are not one to get along with anybody.
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7. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:26 pm    Post subject: Re: DDR Ruins Youthful Minds Reply with quote

burningman187 wrote:
DDR is ruining the youth of the world! It is a DRUG! All these kids spending seventy five cents ( three tokens at our arcade ) is rediculas. It's Satans Work, People say its healthy, and Children have claimed they have lost weight, or got into shape by playing DDR. In the end, your destroying your knee caps by stomping on ARROWS. Addict little kids ruin my arcade by lining up to play this god aweful game. They even have a system of whos in line, only JUNKIES do that! They might as well have a rehab, if any junkie could stop playing it. And THE MUSIC IS AWEFUL! This music is an abomination of Synthpop, Trance, and other dance music. Not to mention Konami has ruined itself with this title, and there is NO way it could redeem its self in my eyes. THIS GAME MUST END TO SAVE AND PROTECT OUR YOUTH! STOP THE DEVILS WORK!

My Problem is this game has turned to many decent people into sweaty

Please come up with something more intelligent these response, please. I took the time to piss you people off, take the time to write something more then four lines

Pretty funny coming from a guy who's AIM screen name is ChildOfTheSinful

I hope whatever god you worship can forgive your blind stupidity, because I can't laugh.gif
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[Team Jiketsu] apd
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8. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What a great idea for a thread. No. Really. blink.gif
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9. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:45 pm    Post subject: Hmmm... Reply with quote

You know, you remind me of my friend, he used to go onto Christian message boards and make fun of them just because he hated christians. You don't really wish to debate, you just mean to piss us off.
First, DDR isn't ruining the youth of the world, hypothetically, it's ruining the maybe 5% of youth who play it (high estimate). It's not a drug, a drug is, according to the dictonary a narcotic (pain killing or addictive drug) or medicine. Hey, if you want to try to injest a Dance arcade, try. Third, people don't spend 75 cents at the arcade, they spend 75 cents to a dollar! Take that! Fourthly, you say that it's Satan's work, but then later state that Konami will never recover from the blow. Why would you want it to recover if Konami was some kind of avatar of Satan (which is rediculous)? Fifth, as mentioned, not many actually do knee drops. And those who do usually are smart enough to do it right. And you say that they have a system to keep track of who is in line, just like junkies, well so do religious people waiting to recieve communion. The line isn't evil, it's just a chronological ranking for people recieving something. You say that there should be a rehab but people cannot stop playing it. I know lots of people who have stopped playing DDR because they are bored of it. Finally, the music being bad is an opinion, as mentioned, and cannot hold up in any reasonable discussion. Besides, Chicks Dig The Sweaty Beasts! laugh.gif

How would you like it if we made fun of NAMBLA or something else you liked?

Last edited by Flarone on Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total
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10. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:48 pm    Post subject: Yeah, um.......shut up, moron. Reply with quote

You don't know what you're talking about, so just be quiet. DDR is a good thing. You are a moron.
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Liquid Zero
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11. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 9:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, here's my longer-than-four-lines response:

What you're illogical. I'll go step-by-step.

--First of all, complaining about 75 cents being ridiculous is pretty odd. You might as well complain about other arcades charging that amount. Considering how much excercise you can get with 3+ songs makes 75 cents a good deal.
--Then you say it's destroying our knees. What the Heck? All you're doing is stepping on a surface, something EVERYONE does over half of the day. Whether it's walking, playing basketball, running track, or walking the dog, we're always stomping on the friggin ground! Claiming that to be a problem makes no sense at all.
--then you go about the music. Now you're just rambling into nonsense. So what if you don't like Techno? Not all of DDR music is Techno-related. If you don't like it, then so be it. Don't complain to us about it...
--and then you say it's the devil's work. Please tell me how a game that provides a good exercise, is fun to play, can help people gather and befriend each other, and make a positive gameplay experience be labeled as satan's doing?
--by the way, because all of this wasn't worthy of any reasonable discussion, you never reasonably stated how it is ruining youthful minds. Ironic, eh.

Well there's my two cents, or seventy-five. Now please tell us is it ruining youthful minds?
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12. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Are you from Gamefaqs or at least read something about it on there? This post seems so much similar to the one there. laugh.gif


75 cents? nah, I only pay 50 or a Chuck E Cheese token. E15.gif
Then I guess you're reckon all forms of dance give you bad knees.
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13. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lets see here....... You state all of this bad stuff about DDR on a major DDR board.....hmmmm....looks like your possesed or somethin buddy because that has got to be the stupidest post I have ever seen in my life. Only a crazy.....wait not crazy sorry......whats the word I'm lookin for.......STUPID person would do such a thing for no reson whatsoever!!!! All you managed to do is to waste all of our time looking at this post and thinking "omg what an idiot" while reading your post, but hey! that's probably what you wanted in the first place wasn't it? Huh I guess we all just fell for your little trick *smirk* Congrats in wasting all of our time with a pointless stupid topic. Good bye and have a nice life.-Hylian E9.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif
Started playing: December 29, 2003
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Whiteside:"hmm... well a player at our arcade is good if you can AA anything over nine feet"
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14. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

yes i agree! ddr is a DRUG. its turning us into FREAKS. oh man, stepping on arrows! this thing's more dangerous than marijuana!! and 75 cents? what a rip! the machine should be paying me! oh wait i wouldnt want that...cuz the machine is possessed by satan! kids stop this now!!
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dj Tifaheart
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15. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

hello wrote:
yes i agree! ddr is a DRUG. its turning us into FREAKS. oh man, stepping on arrows! this thing's more dangerous than marijuana!! and 75 cents? what a rip! the machine should be paying me! oh wait i wouldnt want that...cuz the machine is possessed by satan! kids stop this now!!

sarc.gif I take it....

Anyway, this guy has to be with M.A.D.D.R. (Mom's Against Dance Dance Revolution) except he isn't a mom.... laugh.gif

DDR is keeping kids off drugs. Be glad that this addiction doesn't kill you, moron!

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16. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 10:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote


AMEN!!!!! And nice to see another Zelda fan Tifa happy.gif
Started playing: December 29, 2003
Heavy AA's--Lost Track
Heavy AAA's--4
Heavy SDG's-- 38
Whiteside:"hmm... well a player at our arcade is good if you can AA anything over nine feet"
Slowpoke:"Geez, where do you play, Yasu's house?"
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17. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:21 pm    Post subject: All in good fun Reply with quote

Some of the poopy you people come up with are Hiliarious, Mothers Agisnt Dance Dance Revolution? I guess you have spent hours figuring out come backs to this Crap

And dont use my topic for Zelda poopy
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18. PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its become a popular pastime for american children to sit on their asses and play video games for hours upon hours on end, no wonder obesity for kids and teens is a higher percentage than everyone else.

ddr at least does a little good by providing an intense workout for video game junkies.

Too bad some people make it the center of their existence and think, eat and breathe the game. Mainly why I don't go to the arcade anymore, people lost touch with their lives and spend every waking moment playing the game and talking about it
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19. PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In Before Rickshaw

Troller is looking for a response...ANY response, and he will chum the waters with complaints, insults, compliments, and inflammatory tidbits hoping that someone...ANYONE, will take the bait. Generally quite harmless - practices a form of catch and release. Nonetheless, he can upset the delicate ecology of a discussion forum. Once a forum becomes aware of his presence, however, all feeding activity ceases and Troller must move on to more promising waters

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