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Metal Pad Discussion Part II
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900. PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ok ill do that
Cypher Games Metal pad: $137 with shipping
DDRMax2: $39 plus tax
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901. PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

alright, i'm sorry if this has already been answered, but i looked around a bit, and i couldn't find it.

what home/metal pad best simulates the actual arcade pads? i've played on cobalt flux, and they were nice, but they were hella responsive (much more than the real deal), and i think my tournament play would decrease if i were to become too accustomed to CFs.

it'd be very cool if the pad also had the bolts, etc. and the actual buttons were not on the same level as the non-button metal areas (like... a sort of depression of the buttons into the whole pad).

the pad looks like it may suit my purposes (cannot tell if the pads have any of my "depression" or not, though), but i am terrible at building, and even worse when tools are involved. can something like this be ordered, pre-assembled, at a cost of parts + labor + shipping + hassle?? money really is not an issue.
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902. PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:58 am    Post subject: mixing those great pad mods. Reply with quote

If i get a cg style pad off of ebay, can I replace the arrows with a stronger material, put insulation or foam on the bottom of the arrow(like ps2freak's mod) and than put sheet metal underneath the foam( like in Ter's mod)? I would love to get the best of both worlds !

Also based on what i've read on this thread I should take the rubber feet off the bottom with a screw driver and then build a plywood box around the pad to avoid bending of the metal frame.

Can anyone tell me if this is what i should do, if you have any suggestions, or if i am doing something wrong?

Thank you guys, this thread is providing me with everything I need to know!!
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903. PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i found a cypher games pad on ebay thats got polycarb & led arrows $97

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904. PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Besides the CF pad, I wanted to know what would be the best one for the money. Has anyone seen a really cheap metal pad from an online retailer? or is ebay the only way to go? Thanks for ur help
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905. PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LinuxRacr wrote:
Cutriss wrote:
Okay - I think it's been said that the pads these guys sell are RO knockoffs, right?

So, they already have control boxes out for their metal pads which appear to have an identical (DB-15) interface to the RO pads. PLUS...they have an Xbox MC slot in them, which, AFAIK, the RO control box won't have.

So, anyone have one of these yet that can give me more information?

Hmm...That looks EXACTLY like the one I ordered. I ordered the 8 arrow version. The control box looks exactly the same. I have played on these pads, and after a few weeks of HEAVY use, you will have to mod them. The arrows look to be lexan, as the show no signs of cracking at all. I weigh over 200 lbs, and have pounded the hell out of it. No cracks.
Well, I got it in today...and I guess this should answer all the questions anyone has had about it:

It *IS* the RedOctane control box. Complete with the logo.

So, let's get this straight. It was *cheaper* to buy from a Canadian importer who imported the box (or had the manufacturer build extra for them) and then export it again. E15.gif

At any rate, I doubt RedOctane will be happy to hear about this. Using knockoff products is one thing...Using your company's logo on it is something entirely different.

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906. PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

BNS metal pad review
(a quickie...)

I got my BNS-clone pad last Thursday which turned out to be a BNS pad, period. (Not a clone.) I sheet metal modded the pad this past weekend, although I did it slightly different than the MyMyBox mod suggests; it calls for the sheet metal to be cut to 10"x10" squares, which I thought made the arrows bulge up too much as well as become harder to register a I cut them to fit the square cutout in the foam, which was approximately 6.5"x6.5". It works awesome now...just as responsive as before, without the worries of the cheap-ee tin foil stuff burning up or whatever.

My whole thought about this pad is that it's very good if not great. I can't lie and say "it's better than the arcade" because, IMO, no home pad (no matter who makes it or how much it costs) will never replicate the arcade quite like...the arcade. However, for the money...BNS metal pads (or RedOctane metal pads, if, like it was so-well put in a previous what a good way to summarize your options - way to go seanh - if you don't buy generic products) are a solid investment that will give you great DDR play at home without breaking the bank.

I'm planning on buying a 2nd BNS metal pad soon so I can play doubles, once I get the 2nd I'm also building a small frame housing out of...I dunno, probably wood and sheet put both of the BNS metal pads into, and then mount bars on the back and springs (maybe) underneath to replicate the DDR arcade "stage" feeling.

I highly recommend BNS metal pads...especially because they (like I said) will not break your bank account. The saddest thing/viewpoint I think about DDR home play is that people often think they have to buy the best of the best to have a good time at home, and that's not the case. I know that there's lots of people who say CF pads are the best, there's some that prefer other metal pads, etc. but anyway ~ my point is that if you are in the market for a metal pad - buy the metal pad that makes the most sense TO YOU in the big picture. Ask yourself the following questions...

1) How often will you use the pad/play at home?
2) How much money are you REALISTICALLY WILLING to spend?
3) Does a name brand sway your decision (see also: seanh's thoughts about generic)
4) Are you interested in purchasing *2* pads? (Doubles or for Versus play with a friend who never leaves your house/family member, etc)

Seanh's post has a lot of good thoughts in it that people should really think about...remember people - you are considering spending hundreds of dollars on something. least SANE people...don't go out spending $15g's on a car without thinking it over, doing research, etc.

No matter what...DO NOT buy a metal pad that does not have a frame. Period. This includes pretty much EVERY old-style metal pad including Cyphergames, MyMyBox, the generic stuff, etc. The frame will not only make the pad more sturdy, but also the framed pads seem like they are made with better materials (and from what I've seen, every framed metal pad has polycarbonite arrow panels which should not break/shatter/crack). I'm 6'4" 225 lbs. and if I can play 10 footers on my BNS pad without it breaking, then I don't see how polycarb arrows can break. riiight.gif

I broke my metatarsal bone in my right foot a few days ago which means I'm on the shelf from DDR for at least 3 weeks. *sigh* I'm soooooooooo frickin' sad about it it's not even funny. I FINALLY get a metal pad and this happens. Aarrgh! disgust.gif
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907. PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 1:38 pm    Post subject: good summary Reply with quote

zero2dash's summary is very good but if u do have a pad with no frame or no poly-carb panels or if u already placed an order for one,DONT WORRY! You can put the pad on a piece of wood so it wont bend, you can do the sheet metal mod or ps2freak's mod(or mix both of those together) and replace the arrows for a very low cost to create a pad that delivers awesome performance! And while many of u must be thinkin " screw that, i'll just get a CF" than thats an excellent choice yet some of us just dont have that kind of money and dont mind doing a few simple modifications to a cheaper pad.
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908. PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2004 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

zero2dash wrote:

No matter what...DO NOT buy a metal pad that does not have a frame. Period. This includes pretty much EVERY old-style metal pad including Cyphergames, MyMyBox, the generic stuff, etc. The frame will not only make the pad more sturdy, but also the framed pads seem like they are made with better materials (and from what I've seen, every framed metal pad has polycarbonite arrow panels which should not break/shatter/crack).

The CF doesn't have a frame...and it's sturdy as hell...
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909. PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

so with the one i bought (1st one u see when you search for "metal ddr pad") will it work on carpet since it has a frame?

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910. PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The_ultimate wrote:
so with the one i bought (1st one u see when you search for "metal ddr pad") will it work on carpet since it has a frame?

Well even if it does have a frame, it probably wont prevent it from bending when used on a carpet. Just play it safe and put the pad on wood first.
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911. PostPosted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

islanders54321 wrote:
The_ultimate wrote:
so with the one i bought (1st one u see when you search for "metal ddr pad") will it work on carpet since it has a frame?

Well even if it does have a frame, it probably wont prevent it from bending when used on a carpet. Just play it safe and put the pad on wood first.

RedOctane/BNS pads will not bend if played on carpet. The base of the mat is made out of solid wood, a good 1/2" thick (if not thicker). If you buy either of those pads, you do not have to worry about them bending on carpet. If you buy the ones with the little rubber peg legs on the bottom everywhere, then yes, by all means, those would bend if played on carpet without a good reinforcement underneath it (ie a sheet of wood, like particle board).
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912. PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 6:45 pm    Post subject: LEDs Reply with quote

I recently purchased a metal pad w/ an xbox/psx adapter. The auction said the arrows had LEDs that light up when stepped on. I went to the web site of the company that sold it to me (, and it basically says that they just found out that with the control box they give you, the LEDs won't work. Is there a simple way that I could make them work, or would i have to make my own control box. Thanks.
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913. PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, so here's my question for the day.

Does anyone know where I can purchase a replacement cable for the MyMyBox metal pads? I am referring to, of course, the cable that runs from the pad (with that computer connection end) to the PS2. I have tried MyMyBox's website, which you cannot order from because their buttons don't work, and some other place called Game Mart or something. The Game Mart site's order system was using paypal and charging some $14 for ground shipping. Having said all this, does anyone know of anywhere else I can go?

P.S. Please, no comments on CF pads being the answer to this solution, because I've had these pads for well over a year with barely any trouble.
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914. PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got a couple questions of my own...

I've been playing DDR for several months now (owned the PS2 versions for about a month now) and I've really gotten into it. Currently I have two soft pads, but I'm looking into getting a metal pad. I could spend the money on a CF pad... But I would rather not if I don't have to. The problem is that I have no experience at all working with modding something, and I don't trust myself to do it without help from someone that knows what they are doing.

So... Do the BNS pads, or the RO pads really need a ton of modding to become any good? Do they really break as often as they are made out to be? Should I attempt to mod one (if so, anyone know an excellent site for someone who has no electrical/mechanical experience)?
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915. PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

VonTure wrote:
So... Do the BNS pads, or the RO pads really need a ton of modding to become any good?)?

No. Use the sheet metal mod for MyMyBox pads, except you might want to cut the sheet metal smaller; I cut mine to 6.5"x6.5" (the MyMyBox mod says cut them to 10"x10" but that was too big IMO and made the arrows bulge up too much and it also made presses less likely to register; 6.5"x6.5" is almost the exact size of the sponge cutout and works absolutely perfect IMO.

Do they really break as often as they are made out to be?

All this talk of breaking and I'm wondering what the deal is. I've seen numerous people mention metal pads breaking and I don't get it. Metal pad parts are all completely and easily replaceable, if you know what you're doing. Even custom parts, such as circuit boards or wires can be replaced with similar items - i.e. hacked up PSX pad, Cat5 cable, etc. Plastic arrows can be replaced, as can the control box, sheet metal, wood, frame, etc.

All I can say is: if you take care of your metal pad, it will take care of you. *IF* problems arise, I'm sure there are fixes for them.

Should I attempt to mod one (if so, anyone know an excellent site for someone who has no electrical/mechanical experience)?

Absolutely. Sheet metal mod is a must if you want the pad to continue working. The reason being - factory pads have a contact system consisting of the copper plate circuit board grid on the bottom, and three strips of tin foil under the arrow. The two pieces of metal meet, completing the circuit...and an arrow press is registered. Of course, tin foil isn't good for anything but wrapping up leftovers, so it leaves burn/ash residue on the copper circuit grid. Over time, more and more residue is left, eventually completing the circuit on it's own and then you've got...drumroll arrow that doesn't ever *stop* registering until you open the pad and clean it. Doing the sheet metal mod will help you alleviate this problem because the sheet metal covers up the tin foil and doesn't leave tons and tons of residue on the copper grid. The sheet metal might leave a TEENY tiny amount, but it won't burn the copper plate (from what I've read). Apparently, metal pad contacts DO have to be cleaned if used frequently, probably maybe say every 6 months or so, I dunno I've never cleaned mine...but that's easily done. The sheet metal mod eliminates the risk of the copper plate being burned/damaged by the tin foil. So...yes - by all means, sheet metal mod it. It's easy. As for directions - go to the first post on the first page of this entire thread - look for the MyMyBox modification page, and follow the sheet metal mod directions. Again though - I have a BNS pad and I cut the sheet metal to 6.5"x6.5", down from 10"x10" that the mod says to do. I feel like my method (or rather, *size*) works better.

As for it working good...I love my BNS pad and I'd never return it or get rid of it. It's close enough to me IMO to the arcade - you'll never get arcade perfect mats at home unless you own an arcade machine...and most people can't afford that. I think the BNS pads (or RO if you don't want to buy a generic-brand name product, which is really the only difference between the two) are great and I can't wait to get a 2nd one to play doubles at home.
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916. PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thank you for the great info, I suppose I'll be buying a BNS pad biggrin.gif
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east coast fool
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917. PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When a metal pad say it has led arrows, does that mean arcade-style(light up on the arrow when u step on it, lights under arrow graphic)
or like a softpad lightup everywhere (red led color along the base and circuit board.)

For example at

BTW, is this a good pad to buy?
east coast.airsoft.ddr
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918. PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 8:01 pm    Post subject: Re: LEDs Reply with quote

I wrote:
I recently purchased a metal pad w/ an xbox/psx adapter. The auction said the arrows had LEDs that light up when stepped on. I went to the web site of the company that sold it to me (, and it basically says that they just found out that with the control box they give you, the LEDs won't work. Is there a simple way that I could make them work, or would i have to make my own control box. Thanks.

I got my pad today. The xbox/psx adapter is the one from red octane ( I tested out the pad and sure enough the LEDs didn't work. I took a look at the innards of the pad to make sure there were LEDs to begin with, and there are. So back to my original question, does anyone know how I could get these lights to work with the dual adapter, or is there something else that I would need to do?
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919. PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 2:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

VonTure wrote:
Thank you for the great info, I suppose I'll be buying a BNS pad biggrin.gif

No prob, I think my new purpose in DDR life is to educate those about the greatness of BNS/RO metal pads. riiight.gif When I was looking for info on them, it was nowhere to be found; I threw several posts on here asking about BNS pads and got essentially no, I guess I'm sorta trying to do my part to let everyone know how much I think they rock. E13.gif Good luck with your purchase and I think you'll be very happy with the pad when you get it.

east coast fool wrote:
When a metal pad say it has led arrows, does that mean arcade-style(light up on the arrow when u step on it, lights under arrow graphic)
or like a softpad lightup everywhere (red led color along the base and circuit board.)

The lights are teeny led red lights that are in the white space around each arrow, there's 3 on each side (at least that's the way it is on my BNS pad).

As for that, I wouldn't buy it personally. Metal pads with a bar are notorious for not being stable or holding up weight; if you lean most of your weight on the bar like you'd think you'd be able to, the pad will fall backwards and you'll bust your own arse. Your best bet (if you want a bar) is to buy a metal pad and build your own stage/frame out of wood, mount a bar to *it* and then put your metal pad inside the whole thing.

Me personally - I think bars suck. E4.gif I don't use the bar. Ever. Not on So Deep, not on Max300, Legend of Max, (name a hard/fast heavy song with tons of continuous steps) etc. I never use the bar.
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