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Lucavious Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
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teddybera Trick Member

Joined: 08 Sep 2003 Location: Oklahoma, USA |
21. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:53 pm Post subject: |
Yeah the annoying lil kids can get pretty bad, just for the fact you really can't do anything to them. Like one time, I was waiting a little bit before I started playing my next song, and it was on the 5th mix machine. And some kid was jumping on the pad, and put my stuff on stealth, and I didn't know that, so yeah that was one game down the drain.
Other odd things have happen. Like someone just decided to jump up, and random shadow me, and in the process kick me in the ankle. That didn't go well. but I still think that one that gets me is when people let their little kids run rampant. Running on the pad while I'm playing, like they know I don't have the heart, to kick them in the head like they deserve it. Meh oh well, whatever doesn't killyou makes you stronger..or sommething...
Sidenote - crowds are cool, especially fangirls.. |
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Liquid Zero Trick Member

Joined: 11 Apr 2003
22. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:53 pm Post subject: |
I enjoy spectators. Back when I wasn't "skilled" enough to warrant a person to stay for my whole turn, some people would make fun of me for not being able to do certain things right, like crossing over, or hitting 8th notes right. However, all I see it as is constructive critcism, even if they meant to make me feel bad. In the end, it's the truth, and one should be thankful for being reminded of it.
Needless to say, it motivated me to get better. The increase in spectators reflected upon my increase in ability. Now I have people say stuff like, "Did you see that combo?! Holy F*ck!" or "Duuude, he's freakin' awesome!".
I like to think of the crowd as the reflection of my ability. It's fun to be able to make the most ignorant of DDR Experts gaze in amazement. |
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Drunk With Power!! Trick Member

Joined: 25 Apr 2002 Location: I ate my hometown. |
23. Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:36 am Post subject: |
While I don't really mind spectators and haven't had any real problems with 'em(with the exception of this one laughing adult couple which consisted of one fat, wheezing guy and a chubby smoker skank with that disgusting miniskirt around her thick, wrinkly thighs), I really don't care for them much. For me, it just feels weird to have a group of people suddenly crowd behind you to watch while playing. Hell that feeling alone makes me mess up at times. Sure, when I was a beginner playing on Basic and Trick I liked people watching and admiring. Now that I've been playing for a few years, it feels strange...almost uncomfortable. The only reason I go to arcades now is for the song variety and pads that stay still. _________________
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MDG Trick Member

Joined: 18 Dec 2003
24. Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:20 am Post subject: |
I always go to the white planes arcade and there are always these little kids who think they know how to play and always step on the arrows while i am playing. It gets very annoying after a while. Plus right next to the machine there is a basketball game machine and it is very loud.  |
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VegetaSoul Trick Member

Joined: 22 May 2002 Location: Houston, Texas |
25. Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:16 am Post subject: |
The kids are always the first to get on my nerves......they just want to get hit. And the parents deserve a smack too for letting them run around. _________________
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djmon Vivid Member

Joined: 01 Nov 2002 Location: Tokyo, Japan(i wish) at 559 area |
26. Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 8:28 am Post subject: |
crowds are alright but when they distract me by when i'm trying to AAA a song i just about to pull out of my pants an AK-47 and shoot the F*** out of them... _________________
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The Platinum Jedi Trick Member

Joined: 20 Nov 2003 Location: The Bay Area (510) |
27. Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:43 am Post subject: |
What UP Everyone!
What I don't like about crowds is when someone is like 3 inches away from me and it's hard for me to swing my arms. Except if it is one fine female! Also,I can't stand it if one spectator wants to shadow next to me! Also, it's a mood killer. I can't stand it when someone is in front of the machine and staring at me. IT gets distracting. I can't stand it if my crowd is a bunch of ghetto people.
On the other hand, I don't mind the crowds because I feed off their amazement and I play better. And a DDR ego grows with me! I especially like the crowds if they're fine honeys watching me!  _________________
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oximoron Trick Member

Joined: 11 Jul 2003 Location: James' house |
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xDDR-Masterx Basic Member

Joined: 18 Jan 2004 Location: In a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny town in western new york. how exciting |
29. Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 10:33 am Post subject: SROTATCEPS EHT REDRUM (Read it backwards, then you'll know) |
Nobody knows how many times I've wanted to pull out a bazooka and blow everyone's HEAD straight off their shoulders! The little kid thing really annoys me: but i'm willing to get them off. one time, this little kid (complete dumbassed little kid BTW) started jumping around randomly on the pad next to me, and slowly crept closer and closer to me. that's when i got really annoyed. cuz he kept hitting the right arrow on my side like 50 times a second. so i just picked him up (by the shoulders...he's lucky it wasn't by his NECK!) and set him down AWAY from me - FAR away from me. The little f!@#er messed me up so bad that I failed. And it was just Hold On Me! (btw DDR Extreme rocks ) Then, there was this one guy that wouldn't leave me alone, kept being a real craphead. So, he then thinks he's all big by stepping on the back of my pad and everything. Making matters worse, started dancing around like an idiot on the pad next to me. Then he gets right in front of the screen and kept calling me gay just cuz I played DDR. So I stepped forward and socked him in the face...didn't get suspended either cuz the manager saw the whole thing Had a guy actin just like that again a few days later, so i told him "why don't you try this?" and he got up there and completely sucked the game up on light mode. So then i just pushed him off the pad. He got all angry, but yeah the manager was there again (considering he loves watching DDR players) so the dude didn't do anything to me.
Think I should go into anger management? Naw. But I hate annoying spectators and small children.  _________________
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Joined: 05 Jun 2002 Location: Fixing my broken pad... *Sob* |
30. Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 10:44 am Post subject: |
Nobody dares shadow me, because anybody who's seen me play KNOWS that I have a sick tendency to move to the other pad on any difficulty to make up for my crappy tech skills. Guys who come onto the pad and try to make fun of me ALWAYS get kicked, and trust me, if I don't do max, I WILL KICK YOU! (Magic Mountain...) Kids who run around are fun to play with, I just look at them and smile while playing and they sit down like good little kids and stare in awe. (And besides, I'm used to playing at places where skeballs come flying at me...) I have never gone to a machine alone and seen other people there, I usually go with my friends, and anybody who makes fun of either of us feels the wrath of collective oppression...
I'm usually a nice guy though, laughing, having a good time, and singing with the music like a drunk. I only make fun of those I know... And I'll stop singing if you ask me to... _________________
Naoki doll, comes in a billion different costumes like ZZ, kTz, NM, UZI-Lay, N & S, Naoki Undergound, RevenG and much, MUCH more!
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Mart Trick Member

Joined: 28 Dec 2003 Location: Montreal, Quebec |
31. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:36 am Post subject: |
Yay! I've got my first experience with obnoxious players tonight! Actually, it was my friend who wanted to kill them. here's how it happenned:
I was doing MaxX Unlimited on light for the first time. So yes, I confess, I bag-hugged near the end. I passed it, and those two dorks started applauding in an arrogant way. My friend got mad and yelled at them "Get on the frickin pad if you think you can do better, instead of laughing at people!". So one of those two did. Fat guy, bleached hair, lots of facial hair, and flashy clothes. Hell, with those looks, and such a crappy personality, I doubt the guy even has a social life... Guy gets on machine. Selects heavy mode (whoa, I'm sooooo impressed), selects Cartoon Heroes, puts back difficulty at Standard (WTF?), passes it with a C (whoopie...). Guy selects Captain Jack on standard... okay, a 7-footer might be interesting... He fails miserably, he gets WAY off-beat. Then I go on and applaud myself... I pass near him and say "Well well well.. there's always... a tomorroooooooooowww!" with that huge grin on my face. Both guys were so mad, they just went and played some gun game (can't remember the title, DDR is all I play at the arcade).
Okay, I know I've been arrogant afterwards, but they had it comin... It's just sooo funny everytime I think about it... _________________
My MSN ststus by
DDR & ITG score names: MART, DAMO, KTHX |
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bemani-man Trick Member

Joined: 14 Jun 2003 Location: Ridgeland, SC |
32. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:58 am Post subject: |
My friend was once playing Twilight Zone, and he would have had an A, but the lady working at the arcade, comes up at the part with the crossover freeze arrows (near the end, before the last 2 progressive step runs, he has trouble with those) taps on his shoulder, and tells him that the 'cade closes in 5 minutes. He's like, "WTF is your problem, can't you wait 30 seconds???!!!???" He managed a D.
Another time was when he stupidly mentioned in class that we played DDR. A small majority of the class knows what DDR is, and the rest are all like, "What losers! They play a dancing game! THey must be gay, ect, ect..." I socked the closest person to me.
They thing I really hate, though? Those little kids who watch, don't do anything, and when you're done, they come up, and play the same (3, 4, or 5, depending on how your machine is set up) songs over and over and over... I hate Graduation, I'll say that much... _________________
 EBT wrote: | i havnt had a problem witht he combat in morrowind
i swing my daedric dai katana with poision on it and stuff dies |
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chibidjinn Trick Member

Joined: 11 Nov 2003 Location: Central Oregon |
33. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:38 am Post subject: |
I should prepare for these "spectators" when I start going to the arcades where "big people" go...
Since I get really mad whenever they do that..what should I do?
I am a really short girl...and a lot of them are really tall guys that look like they can break an arm or two..
jeeze..this is giving me nightmares thinking about it..
It would suck if one of them you tried to hit took your leg and broke it..and laughed because I wouldnt be able to play DDR anymore
can they really get that evil???  |
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Mart Trick Member

Joined: 28 Dec 2003 Location: Montreal, Quebec |
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Aimbot Trick Member

Joined: 14 Sep 2003 Location: new jersey |
35. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:03 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | the typical teenge guy showing off for his girl |
hey, whatd i ever do to u . nah im jk. i dont really have those problems at my arcade. you do get people that make fun of others, but they stay quiet. You get people that shadow on the other pad, but they ask first. You get people who violate the coin line, but someone always tells them, and they always listen. You get angry parents, but they always pay you back for lost games. Maybe my arcade actually leads to a portal in heaven  _________________
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jotapeh Trick Member

Joined: 13 Jan 2003 Location: Philadelphia, PA |
36. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 7:58 pm Post subject: |
I was playing Last Message and this kid who was screwing around the machine the whole day finally crossed the line.
I was in the midst of an AAA attempt on Last Message when the kid STANDS IN FRONT OF THE SCREEN and proceeds to insult me and dance around like a f**ktard.
So, naturally I got pissed. While I was playing I stick my hand out and shove him down and he tripped over the 2 player side and freaked out. The workers told him to leave cause he was being a nuisance and aggravating everyone.
The positive side to this story. I managed to pull off the AAA, AND I got to hurt someone and not get in trouble.
I got a funny story too...
There was these 2 kids, and one of them was a bit.."chunky." They were about my age (17-18) and they were doing the usual taunting and making fun and flailing around. They both had their g/f's with them, and were trying to impress them by making fun of me. So once I was done my set the chunky kid looks at me and says, "Why the frick do you play that game? It's so stupid and makes you have no life."
So I look at the kid and say, "Well, it's fun for me and I enjoy it. Oh by the way, it's good for burning calories too. And by the looks of it, you could stand to burn a few. Wanna lay off the pie there tubby? I saw you flailing around back there too, and it looked like you were getting a bit winded doing that, so how about you go sit down before you hurt yourself."
His g/f started laughing her buttocks off at him, and his face got so red like he wanted to just burst into a huge fit of rage. Then he did the usual "F- off" and walked away.
It seems the workers who play got a kick out of it too. |
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Bonnietta Trick Member

Joined: 26 Apr 2002 Location: Fresno-ish, ca |
37. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:42 pm Post subject: |
I was playing with my b/f once and this idot came up and tried to immitate us stupidly next to the machine.
I stopped playing, looked in his direction and told him..
"theres a big difference between looking cool and looking like an idiot"
and he left.
the same night, some stupid lil kid did the same thing, I told him to beat it, and he didn't so i pushed him out the way.  _________________
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GR Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jan 2004 Location: 404: GR not found |
38. Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 10:04 pm Post subject: Stinky Guy! Same Song Guy! NERVOUS!!! |
Ok, to start off, I think I know 90-100% of the regulars in my arcade. There are two guys who, inexplicably, are at my Extreme machine whenever I am. I've named them thus: The Stinky and Same Song Guys.
The first one, Stinky, is the annoying person who manages to never play, but still to be able to stand inches away from you and smell worse than the third from the left locker in your locker room. He might occasionally play, but that is only to stand directly in the center and fail horribly and laugh at you if you ask to save his life.
Same Song Guy is the dude who may not obey the coin lines/marker board line-ups and literally plays the same song every time. If you try to suggest that he won't progress quickly or at all by playing the exact same song every time, he'll say,"Piss off, yo. I'm just gettin' dis heah bizz-nizzazzleljfkslajsf to work." Generally, for some reason, these people gravitate towards the songs We Will Rock You and We are the Champions.
An inexplicable phenomena, that.
Next comes the watcher I'd never want to kill, but still messes me up more than the others combined: the crush. There's this girl I know who is from time to time at my 'cade when I am, and whenever I play in front of her, I mess up horribly. Consequentially, I think she thinks I'm horrible. It annoys the hell out of me. Does anyone else experience an alike feeling when, wishing to impress someone, you screw up? _________________
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Lucavious Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
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