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DDR Extreme US release announced for this fall!
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180. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I just have 1 question about what others were talking about before. Someone was saying something about how if the pad/controller recongnization system was put into effect in online mode (*prays*) that it would really be a problem for CF owners. I do own a CF and was just wondering what the problem is? Does a CF map the buttons differently or what?

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181. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 3:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The question about the Cobalt Flux pads refers to their use in Ultramix. Currently, they only come with the cable for use with a PSOne/PS2, meaning you'd have to use a PS-to-Xbox adaptor for it to work in Ultramix. The game recognizes anything used with adaptor as a controller, whether it's a dualshock or a CF pad. That's the "problem" they have with online play.

That question's a tad off topic, though.
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182. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:18 pm    Post subject: Re: ??? wtf!??? Reply with quote

rouge_the_bat wrote:
their starting over. i don't say anything about anything unless i saw it on an official document

2 clear things up, that most likly means that they are done with that software/hardware combo, meaning that their next mix is gonna have differeent hardware, and supporting that theroie is the fact that they're commin out with the PS3 next year.

rouge_the_bet wrote:

[quote=X-TwEnTyFoUr-X] Umm... So? geez i have joined alot of websites... you people think your all "old"

all in favor of giving him a wedgie and stuffing him into a garabage can? say ai![/quote]

like Remy siad earlyer, only quote the part that matters, (hint hint Remy)
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Roxor Staff
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183. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:12 pm    Post subject: Re: happy Reply with quote

DDRJOHN wrote:
With all the talk about repeats...what would make me happy if all the songs recieve challenge would allow for more harder steps....that way it would be truly "extreme." That would make some sense to me because they are taking almost a year to make it.

It's a good idea, but it'll never happen with this iteration of Konami's dancing game genre, and not all songs need challenge steps. Maybe the next series, if it ever shows up. This feature is in In the Groove ( though.

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Roxor Staff
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184. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:14 pm    Post subject: Re: happy Reply with quote

DDRJOHN wrote:
With all the talk about repeats...what would make me happy if all the songs recieve challenge would allow for more harder steps....that way it would be truly "extreme." That would make some sense to me because they are taking almost a year to make it.

It's a good idea, but it'll never happen with this iteration of Konami's dancing game genre, and not all songs need challenge steps. Maybe the next series, if it ever shows up. This feature is in In the Groove ( though.

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185. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:18 pm    Post subject: Re: happy Reply with quote

MJEmirzian wrote:

This feature is in In the Groove ( though.


that looks gay, at least compared 2 ddr disgust.gif
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Thomas Hobbes
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186. PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 11:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Into The Groove is basically a StepMania arcade machine. It is created by the creators of StepMania.

Well anyways, I do hope that this DDRExtreme release for the US is exactly like the Jap version counterpart. I also do hope that most of the songs from the arcade do get in. It would make it so great.
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187. PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 11:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

BaKa wrote:
Well anyways, I do hope that this DDRExtreme release for the US is exactly like the Jap version counterpart. I also do hope that most of the songs from the arcade do get in. It would make it so great.

i doubt that, considering how konami hasnt realized that the magority of the people that play DDR arn't the "general public," but people that are devoted to the game and want the japanese music, and the good stuff

and as far as repeats go, im fine as long as they're good repeats, like Paranoia and Trip Machene
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188. PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedarktemplar wrote:
BaKa wrote:
Well anyways, I do hope that this DDRExtreme release for the US is exactly like the Jap version counterpart. I also do hope that most of the songs from the arcade do get in. It would make it so great.

i doubt that, considering how konami hasnt realized that the magority of the people that play DDR arn't the "general public," but people that are devoted to the game and want the japanese music, and the good stuff

and as far as repeats go, im fine as long as they're good repeats, like Paranoia and Trip Machene

This comes up every single new US DDR thread.

We will NOT get an exact port of Extreme

We will NEVER get an exact port of any JPN game.

DDRFreak is NOT the majority of DDR players. No matter how much you want to believe it most of the sales come from people other than these DDR boards. Konami wants to appeal to them first and appeal to us later. Thats why they throw in a lot of mainstream songs and every once in a while throw in a treat like Tommorow Perfume for the rest of the Bemani community. I DO NOT want an exact port because I import. However I do not want a disgrace like MAX2USA. MAXUSA was easily the best DDR game out for the months before MAX2JP was out and even after MAX2JP came out MAXUSA was still really fun. MAX2USA was just crap and MAX2JP and DDREX just were so much better.

Last edited by Larrikin on Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total
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Thomas Hobbes
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189. PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 3:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Larrikin wrote:
thedarktemplar wrote:
BaKa wrote:
Well anyways, I do hope that this DDRExtreme release for the US is exactly like the Jap version counterpart. I also do hope that most of the songs from the arcade do get in. It would make it so great.

i doubt that, considering how konami hasnt realized that the magority of the people that play DDR arn't the "general public," but people that are devoted to the game and want the japanese music, and the good stuff

and as far as repeats go, im fine as long as they're good repeats, like Paranoia and Trip Machene

This comes up every single new US DDR thread.

We will NOT get an exact port of Extreme

We will NEVER get an exact port of any JPN game.

DDRFreak is NOT the majority of DDR players. No matter how much you want to believe it most of the sales come from people other than these DDR boards. Konami wants to appeal to them first and appeal to us later. Thats why they throw in a lot of mainstream songs and every once in a while throw in a treat like Tommorow Perfume for the rest of the Bemani community. I DO NOT want an exact port because I import. However I do not want a disgrace like MAX2USA. MAXUSA was easily the best DDR game out for the months before MAX2JP was out and even after MAX2JP came out MAXUSA was still really fun. MAX2USA was just crap and MAX2JP and DDREX just were so much better.

I do know that okay? I was just hoping for that.

A guy can dream, can't he?
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190. PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I was just clearing it up for everyone. The post was mroe directed toward the last guys statment.
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191. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey Guys whatssup? I was just wondering----one of the guys in this topic said Smile.DK had a thing against the USA-----do you have a link to a story on it or anythign? I tried searching the net for a story on it but all I found was a bunch of fan forums that Ironically enough had a lot of Americans in it---so if they are having a thing against the US they are punishing a fan-base for pretty much nothing----but yeah I am one of those ppl who thought MAX2usa rocked (probably not as good as JP, but much better than MaxUSA imo)----although I did not like Extreme the arcade mix---but then again the first machine I played on was 3rd Mix Korea V-2 and, imo, that kicks the crap outta everything else---------and I know it would freeze over in Hell first before we saw Bakkwo or Sung Suk or Bu Dam in a console DDR so I know it aint even worth askin frown.gif
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~Nuku Nuku~
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192. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 6:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WOOT!!!!!!!!! DAIKENKAI here I come!!!!! YEEEHAWW!!!
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Thomas Hobbes
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193. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

~Nuku Nuku~ wrote:
WOOT!!!!!!!!! DAIKENKAI here I come!!!!! YEEEHAWW!!!

Not to burst your bubble or anything but I doubt that will make it. Also, I do believe that that has not been officially announced to be a song on the US release. Sorry.
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~Nuku Nuku~
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194. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh poooo... oh well, I can still hope.And if inot i can still play it in the arcades! lol YYYEEEEEEEHAAAAW!
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195. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 3:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

another thing that sucks with DDRMAX2US is the dancers, i like the dancers but them "enhanceing" it really messes it up, most of the time now they just wave their arms back and forths, they should keep the cel shading, but bring back the old dance engine
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196. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:16 pm    Post subject: US Version of DDR Extreme or Whatnots Reply with quote

I noticed a trend, that I'm pretty sure that anyone else has picked up, that most of the songs from the DDRMAX Japan series showed up on the U.S.A DDRMAX2. Could it be possible that the songs that showed up on the Japan version of DDRMAX2 be appearing on the U.S.A DDR EXTREME? You know, such as "Still in my Heart (Momo Mix)" or "Ecsatcy (Midnite Blue Mix)". I don't know but they should add on those songs because those songs were the "stuff". (Edited movie terms). I think that a kool song that can be added to the U.S exclusives on the DDR series would be "Oops, Oh My (Junior Vasquez Secret Earth Mix)".It's Kool! E4.gif It has beats and it's, so to say, quiet like that song STOIC. Another song that would be sounds good is "20, November (Final Edit)" from the beatmania series. That's just my opinion not backed up with any logic so I'm wrong, so one user wrote in this DDR Freak website. I read that someone wanted the US version of DDR Extreme to be exactly like the Japan version...that's not a good idea because when I bought it, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. The game is kool though but don't put your hopes on it. There are some songs that were left out of the home console of DDRMAX2 US and Japan version and the Jap ver. of DDR Extreme:
-A Minute...
-There You'll Be
-More Than I Needed To Know
Where exactly are those songs going forwarded to? E19.gif Are they going to show up on the US DDR Extreme? I'm hoping that they are. Oh, and one more thing, I was downloading songs on Kazaa and "Kind Lady (Sota Fujimori Future Trance)" showed up, where is that song going?

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197. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone know if any Smile.DK songs will ever come over here and whether it is true or not if they have a thing against USA? tried searching for a net story on that but nothing came up:-(
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198. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Zookey_Chan wrote:
Does anyone know if any Smile.DK songs will ever come over here and whether it is true or not if they have a thing against USA? tried searching for a net story on that but nothing came up:-(

I thought they had a thing against DDR in general. I think Konami found some kind of loop hole that allowed them to use Butterfly again.
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199. PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 8:28 pm    Post subject: Re: US Version of DDR Extreme or Whatnots Reply with quote

DDRPlayer209 wrote:
I noticed a trend, that I'm pretty sure that anyone else has picked up, that most of the songs from the DDRMAX Japan series showed up on the U.S.A DDRMAX2. Could it be possible that the songs that showed up on the Japan version of DDRMAX2 be appearing on the U.S.A DDR EXTREME? You know, such as "Still in my Heart (Momo Mix)" or "Ecsatcy (Midnite Blue Mix)". I don't know but they should add on those songs because those songs were the "stuff". (Edited movie terms). I think that a kool song that can be added to the U.S exclusives on the DDR series would be "Oops, Oh My (Junior Vasquez Secret Earth Mix)".It's Kool! E4.gif It has beats and it's, so to say, quiet like that song STOIC. Another song that sounds good is "20, November (Final Edit)" from the beatmania series. That's just my opinion not backed up with any logic so I'm wrong, so one user wrote in this DDR Freak website. I read that someone wanted the US version of DDR Extreme to be exactly like the Japan version...that's not a good idea because when I bought it, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. The game is kool though but don't put your hopes on it. There are some songs that were left out of the home console of DDRMAX2 US and Japan version and the Jap ver. of DDR Extreme:
-A Minute...
-There You'll Be
-More Than I Needed To Know
Where exactly are those songs going forwarded to? E19.gif Are they going to show up on the US DDR Extreme? I'm hoping that they are. Oh, and one more thing, I was downloading songs on Kazaa and "Kind Lady (Sota Fujimori Future Trance)" showed up, where is that song going?

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