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Lucavious Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
0. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 7:54 pm Post subject: Desire to kill Spectators!! |
I was playing DDR the other day at my nickel arcade in town, and this jerk starts watching me play. Then, the big jerk that he is, starts making fun of me while I'm playing it for being a nerd (During my Freckles groove TOO!!). Then, showing off to his Girlfriend, he starts stepping all over my arrows while making obnoxious retard noises.
So I kicked him in the face. Hard.
I'm currently suspended from there for a while now. Anyone else ever feel the urge to kill the annoying spectators? _________________
Current Pride: "A" Rythm and Police
Current Mission: Beat Paranoia 290 |
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zanarkandsky Trick Member

Joined: 30 Jul 2003 Location: North Carolina |
1. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:05 pm Post subject: |
I don't much like random people stopping and staring. But I guess it's just natural for people to be interested in it. Except when they start making fun of you.
At the mall arcade here, I have a friend who plays and as soon as he starts playing like 30+ people come storming in and gawk like madpeople. And then come over to me and are all like "how does this game work????". Dude. Look at the screen, then look at his feet, and figure it out. Arrows + arrows on screen + feet moving on same arrows on pad as on screen = gameplay.
OR OR OR. When people who don't really play all that much decide to invite their WHOLE FAMILY to come watch just them play. And their family starts cheering and stuff and then the next person plays and the family completely ignores them, or makes fun of 'em. Uugh.
Ok. /end rant. _________________
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santAAA Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jun 2003 Location: San Diego, California |
2. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:07 pm Post subject: |
Hmm. I'd probably be the same, but the only people that come to my arcade are old ladies/little kids or other DDRers.....if anyone comes to the arcade at all...... _________________
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!sweetsakura! Trick Member

Joined: 20 Mar 2003
3. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:33 pm Post subject: |
lol, ive never gotten the urge to kill anyone im totally against violence, lolers ^___^
but seeing how that was an expression, no, ive never gotten mad at spectators. i like it whena big crowd gathers around me ^___^ ive never had anyone really make fun of me, but i have had peeps ask me questions ^___^ i dont mind at all ^__^ _________________
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It's Ambah! Trick Member

Joined: 11 Dec 2003 Location: A cardboard box located conveniently in front of the nearest WalMart |
4. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:54 pm Post subject: |
i have gotten very angry at spectators...
once someone was standing on the side of the platform, like 4 inches away from me and she was talking very loudly in my ear,i wanted to slap her.
once about 20 or so guys were watching whilst i played and they were saying, more like yelling, random nonsensical things. so i turned around and asked them if they would stop yelling because it was really messing me up. and they just started to laugh. so when i was playing my next song one of the guys ran up and jumped onto the platform next to me and started stomping on the arrows and hitting mine in the process which was making my grade go down to about a C. so i got mad and kicked him in the leg, and pushed him off, where he sat there like a sad dog.
another time some people were watching when i was playing and they kept saying "man those kids have to be on something to be jumping around like that" it was so distracting that i told them to shut the hell up.
i think i have anger problems _________________
"Mama, Look at that purple over there! Is that Jesus?!?!"
Xanga |
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toejamm Trick Member

Joined: 08 Jul 2003 Location: LA, Cali! |
5. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 10:16 pm Post subject: |
one time I was playing and this guy was watching with these two girls and he was acting all tough to impress them and so he puts his foot on the back arrow while I'm playing Rythm and Police heavy. My final score? All perfects and greats except for one good, where he stepped on my foot. I wanted to turn around, let the song fail and just kick him in the face. |
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Tashi Trick Member

Joined: 24 Sep 2003 Location: People's Socialist Republic of California |
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shippo joe Trick Member

Joined: 09 Feb 2003 Location: Springfield Mall, Virginia |
7. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 11:30 pm Post subject: |
i slap them. realli realli badly. joseph pwns all haterz. _________________
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Mart Trick Member

Joined: 28 Dec 2003 Location: Montreal, Quebec |
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Lhiannon Sidhe Trick Member

Joined: 09 Sep 2003 Location: CFB Borden |
9. Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 11:42 pm Post subject: |
The only reactions I usually get are along the lines of "Holy Shit! I've never seen a human move that fast!" |
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Lucavious Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jan 2004
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crackerzdlite Basic Member

Joined: 15 Jan 2004 Location: Phoenix, AZ |
11. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:40 am Post subject: I reiterate...I am a stonecold newbie at this game...but. |
I enjoy the spectators. They're mostly old people who go to the theatre to watch "Something's Gotta Give," or "Calendar Girls." *shudders*
They are so impressed with ME, even though I am only holding my own in Light mode...
Of course, there are the occasional pros that come in and watch me, waiting to play. I feel bad that I have to take up their time, but I dig this game now. They're polite about it, though. Everyone else at work laughed at me for trying it, but now they've shut up since I'm making progress, and they don't have to guts to take a whack at it...the game I mean... _________________
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exit Basic Member

Joined: 16 Jan 2004
12. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:21 am Post subject: |
I used to play at a fairly popular DDR stop in NY (8 bucks for free play all day on 5th[I think], Max2, EX and PIU - Damn good deal) and nearly everyone there was a DDR god. I never had anything against them, and nor they verbally against me, but the fact that my spectator's could double Sakura on Heavy while I barely passed Light made me playing rather difficult due to insecurity. Dunno, just a thing.
However, now that I'm in OH, the only place nearby is a movie theatre with Max2. Spectators there are usually supportive, but occasionally you get the stupid male teen (Of course, with female friends) who mocks you while playing. I never want to hit them, but I'd love to see them try playing and not look as stupid as I do while I'm playing. _________________
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Pop'n Usagi! Trick Member

Joined: 17 Nov 2002 Location: Your mum |
13. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:52 am Post subject: |
I don't mind people watching as long as they stay quiet, and if they don't, then it's either "fuck off, i'm trying to concentrate" or I ignore them. Anyone who steps on the pad gets barged off  _________________
[quote:8b1ee61c71="rampage in oct '04"]
I'm sure if it was sold for profit, Konami would clamp down on it (I'm sure it's a matter of time before they clamp down on ITG).[/quote]
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QuestionMark Trick Member

Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Location: Burke,VA |
14. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 5:40 am Post subject: |
I've never had anyone hassle me, just the occasional "he's really good" or "wow"... But that dosen't mean i haven't planned a strategy of how to get out...
First if there saying the games so stupid then just say " you don't have to watch me play"
Second if they start hitting the arrows on your side, say "don't hit the arrows or else" in an aggrivated tone if there younger if not politly ask them to stop.
Third if they start itterupting you playing then then say "go away your going to make me mess up"
If all else fails.... go report it to management... |
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Shad Trick Member

Joined: 31 Dec 2003
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Clover Trick Member

Joined: 29 Jul 2003 Location: Denver |
16. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:58 am Post subject: |
Oh yeah, I want to kill them LOADS of times...
Theres this one girl who comes to my arcade 24/7 we've dubed her "token thief" for obvious reasons; her family owns the Steak and Bake in the mall by our arcade. So shes always in there with her cousin and her baby sister. They jump all over the pads, beg you for tokens, steal tokens off the machine, try to shadow you, ect. Grrrr...
Then we have all sorts of "gangstas" and "thugs" (little junior high and high school wannabes) that come in there making fun of us and what not. One night it was my turn to play, so I take a token off the machine and this guy starts YELLING at me that I stole HIS token, I was like, "dude, chill, theres one up here for each of us..." he was like, then put mine back and take yours, so I did, I played, end of that right....WRONG. His little like 14 year old sister (I'm almost 19, BTW) comes up to me yelling in my face, asking me if I have a problem and when I tell her I don't and to mind her own business, she throws off her jacket, gets in face, and tells me to quote "fight me bit ch" So I went and got security... I'm not gonna get put in jail anytime soon for killing a gansta 14 year old... cause Lord knows, I would have killed her.
Oh, and a funny story: This one guy was in there making fun of my friend playing. He was flailing around and jumping while his girlfriend and sister watched him, laughing and making fun of CJ. Out of nowhere, this guys cell phone comes FLYING off his belt and smacks hard on the arcade floor, busting into pieces as I laguhed my ass off and pointed  _________________
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Sunkist Trick Member

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RiffRaff54 Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2003 Location: Northern Ohio |
18. Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 10:18 pm Post subject: |
I don't really mind spectators. Then again, i've never had any really annoying ones.
The only place i go that really has spectators is the cheap movie theatre in here in OH that has a Max2. Most of them just watch, some clap sometimes, and sometimes they'll sing that "woo woo" part in The Whistle Song. I started laughing my buttocks off when they did that. _________________
"Don't dream it, be it" |
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wingzerogundamepyon Trick Member

Joined: 31 Aug 2003 Location: Rogue valley |
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