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Lhiannon Sidhe Trick Member

Joined: 09 Sep 2003 Location: CFB Borden |
20. Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 2:44 am Post subject: |
I'm the assistant manager at a Cineplex, and we have an arcade. Well, 3 weeks ago, it was time to rotate all of our games, we got rid of ones that wern't very popular and got new ones in, including DDR. "Hmm, what's this?" I thought to myself "Looks stupid"
Despite the fact that I thought it looked stupid, I decided to give it a try anyway... now I'm addicted, I play for a while after work every day, and if we arn't particularly busy, occasionally WHILE I'm working.
It's a good money maker too, it makes us more then the rest of the arcade combined. |
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Ciaratha Trick Member

Joined: 10 Mar 2002 Location: effin sewing hell |
21. Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 4:16 am Post subject: |
Stumbled home drunk at like 7 in the morning from a Korean club. I was cutting through the electronics market where I was approached by the bizarrely dressed girls to play for free. Drunk Drunk Revolution! After that I would go there every weekend to get a free game in. I didn't play again for almost 2 years.
I was reintroduced to him as the suxy home version. A friend bought his soft pad over to play to kill time as we waited for the rest of our D&D party to arrive. It became a staple ever since. _________________
<insert spiffy sig here> |
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EmiOfBrie Trick Member

Joined: 23 Jan 2002 Location: Hopkins, MN |
22. Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 6:47 am Post subject: |
May 2000: Anime Central - saw DDR (domestic) 1 arcade game and was mesmerized...more from the music than anything else. Unfortunately the line was long and, being newsletter staff, I had to be somewhere soon and I couldn't play.
June 2000: Anime Expo - friend of mine got DDR 2 for PS1 and a couple of poopy pads and I played it for the first time. Failed "Let Them Move", but wa able to pass a couple by the end of the con.
December 2000: Orange Co, CA. Visiting a friend for the weekend. Played a lot of DDR, mostly DDR 3+. Could pass 3-footers by the time I left. Legs sore for days after I got back home.
Later same month: Friend gave me import Dreamcast for Xmas. Ordered DDR 2 and DDR Club for DC and 2 pads. Played almost every night for months.
July 2001: Minnesota got first DDR machine: DDR3vK2 in the Mall of America. Started playing it every day before work. Could pass 8-footers by end of year.
August 2001: Hosted first DDR party at Anime Iowa
September 2001: Started collecting PS DDR games in anticipation of getting an import PS2 for Xmas - got Red Octane pad
December 2001: As hoped - JPS2 for Xmas
May 2002: Passed first cata: Paranoia Eternal! I have passed 7 others since then, and the addiction continues!  _________________
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DrSatan Trick Member

Joined: 08 Dec 2002 Location: Happy Valley, UT |
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Syxx Trick Member

Joined: 20 Feb 2003 Location: Chicagoland |
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QuestionMark Trick Member

Joined: 07 Sep 2003 Location: Burke,VA |
25. Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:53 am Post subject: welll |
i was at myrtle beach, and i saw these two guys playing.... so the next day i tried it and lost easily.... through my own determination i looked on ebay for it and bought the original [was only thing out at time] and on ebay |
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Type-X Trick Member

Joined: 07 Jun 2003 Location: ridgeway, ontiario |
26. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 3:21 am Post subject: |
it all started when i walked into an arcade with my buddy chris and they didnt have big buck hunter.... but we both had a loonie and decided to give ddr a shot.... i won .... but still got off the machine saying "thas the gayest thing ive ever played"..... a few weeks later our buddy jay came home from waterloo university and had his el-crappo pads and played maxx it blew my mind and then he showed me a video of yasu's max 300 AAA and i knew i had to get good at the game  |
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-SquirrelWrangler- Trick Member

Joined: 23 Oct 2003 Location: Berea, Ohio |
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Technick Trick Member

Joined: 18 Aug 2002 Location: Syracuse, NY |
28. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:45 am Post subject: |
Went on vacation about 2 and a half years ago and saw this crazy game and decided to come home and try it out. So now I am a "Champ" as my friends mom says.
I keep telling her I am "One of the Best in my City" not the "Champ". _________________
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n2oxide Trick Member

Joined: 15 Oct 2003 Location: Vancouver, B.C. |
29. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:20 pm Post subject: |
i was in gr.7 and my cousins from the philippines moved to canada with their 3rd mix and a pair of DDR pads. on a cousins bday party i finally tried playing, and stunk so badly in front of everyone (which got my fears of public humiliation out of the way very quickly ) i got hooked on it when they gave me a 2nd mix disc and a ddr pad for christmas on '02... didn't touch it much until the end of summer, and haven't stopped playing since.
currently working on hard advanced songs and easy maniac songs (7 and 8 footers) _________________
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Aku Soku Zan Trick Member

Joined: 15 Nov 2003 Location: Anywhere where the pretty arrow machines are |
30. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:29 pm Post subject: |
I started playing about a year ago when my school's Japanese club had a DDR day. I have no coordination what-so-ever but I decided to try it. I wasn't very good at first but the more I played it, the more I liked it. _________________
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Mart Trick Member

Joined: 28 Dec 2003 Location: Montreal, Quebec |
31. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:27 pm Post subject: |
Well, I've documented that part in some other posts, for for the sake of this *official* post, here it is.
I've heard about that game everywhere I went, whether that be from friends, or MMORPGs I played on the net. So at one time, I spotted a machine and saw someone play. First thing that came to my mind (and out of my mouth) was:
Quote: | Damn, if anyone ever sees me on one of those, I'll walk around town naked! |
BIG MISTAKE THERE! A little bit later, I found that there was a DDR simluator out there (namely Stepmania), so I thought "What the hell, I'm not on those pads while playing this, at least". I played and liked the concept. And then, some intergalactical force lured me on the pads, and now I have to figure out how I'll get out of that stupid vow I've made... I don'T wanna walk around town naked! Me and my big mouth...  _________________
My MSN ststus by
DDR & ITG score names: MART, DAMO, KTHX |
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Jace Trick Member

Joined: 08 Mar 2003 Location: Sacramento, California |
32. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:34 pm Post subject: |
About a year ago my friend introduced me to Stepmania. So I downloaded a bunch of songs off a website, and played them. I thought it was really cool. Though at the time I didn't know there even WAS a real version. (I saw people playing DDR about a year before that but i didnt put two and two together). So as I was getting out of the movies I heard a familiar song coming out of the arcade room, so I ran in and sure enough, it was my Dynamite Rave song. So I saw the DDR machine and noticed how the song select screen looked exactly like SM, so I tried it out. I got addicted, and ended up going to the theater JUST to play DDR every day that week, and by the end of the week I was on standard. |
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Nikorasu Trick Member

Joined: 29 Oct 2003 Location: Zion (supposedly) |
33. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:48 pm Post subject: |
I don't remember where I first heard of DDR, but I was watching King of the Hill, specifically the episode where they go to Japan and Bobby plays DDR with a Japanese girl. Then after that, quite some time later, I was at an arcade with some friends and we watched a guy play DDR, and I decided I had to try it. After I did, and I told my family about this cool game, they were all like: "Oh, you mean the game they showed on King of the Hill." Even my grandmother asked about the game, and she was like: "Oh, you mean the game from that cartoon we watched."
Now I'm steadily introducing DDR to all of my friends and forcing them to play at least once. Thanks Mike Judge! _________________
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AdviceGopher Trick Member

Joined: 26 Nov 2003
34. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:56 pm Post subject: |
I was in King's Dominion. I had just left the water park and was only in my bathing suit top and jeans XD. I decided to try this game, it looked really fun. I hit it off really well and had an audience watching me in only bout 10 minutes maybe it was cause of what I was wearing... but anyway I told myself I just HAD to get the game! So, I did. The end! |
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L1nK Trick Member

Joined: 20 Jun 2003 Location: Kansas |
35. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:15 pm Post subject: |
I was at the mall some day in the summer of 2002. I saw two guys doing it, and after they got off, i went on. Since it was my first time, i thought that you had to hit the arrows as fast as you could as they scrolled up the screen, and if they got to the top, you lost. Sorta like tetris i guess. So as soon as i saw arrows. I hit the pad. I at least knew partially what to do. Then i noticed that when they got to the top, i started getting boos and misses, and the occasional good. After i failed, i tried again on an easy song. passed. did it again. passed. When i got home i looked for some pads off of the internet. I got konamix and some konamix pads. after one of those konamix pads wore out, (roughly early august) i didn't play DDR for about 6 months. Then i decided to do it again. I got back into hit even more than before. Eventually the other pad wore out, and i got some ignition 2.0's and Max1 (that was summer 2003). I recently got max2, and i've been playing it since. I started slacking off of it during December, but my friend got it, and he's been playing quite often. I got back into it really good, because i don't want to lose the title of "Best DDRer in the town." Right now I can pass max 300 with a B or A. Also, i'm working on MaxX Unlimited and So Deep. I shall not be overcome by someone in this town. I SHALL NOT!  _________________
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Sah-K a.k.a Fuji Trick Member

Joined: 02 Dec 2003 Location: Niagara Falls, Ont. Canada |
36. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:47 pm Post subject: |
Thought I might as well post this b4 I forget
It was almost a year ago when a new guy came in to work (Type-X for all of you who know him). He seemed pretty cool when I got into a conv. with em. Then he asks me" you play ddr?" and I replied with" ... The hell is that?" and considering I'm partly Japanese, I must have sounded pretty stupid .
Anyhow he talks about it like it was the greatest thing ever invented. and to me at the time it just sounded like he was simply insane and he was obbsessed with it.(No offense to you Mike if you read this ) But the one day, he was playing SM on the computer. and I thought "My god what a stupid game to waste time on" seeing a bunch of arrows go up the screen. After he finishes... he asks me try it with a huge grin, b/c he knew what I was thinkin.. I assumed it wouldn't take a me 1 full game to beat it.... HOOOLY Crap did that game show me(this was only on trick) and its just a bunch of damn arrows that embarrased me!!!.... man was I ever pissed! Ever since that I swore I will get my revenge and beat this game.... on the pace I'm on gonna take me a while. and now I just like the game |
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Saucy Trick Member

Joined: 05 Jan 2004 Location: San Diego, CA |
37. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:48 am Post subject: |
'Twas the November of 2002, and I was spending some time at the Plaza Bonita mall before my drama production, which was that evening. I visited the arcade with some associates of mine, when lo and behold! we all stood in the midst of a DDR machine, with a very adept dancer on the metallic pads.
"For a certainty, this fellow is quite the dancer," we collectively commented.
"Quite; for lo, he can nimbly hit the arrows as they have risen to the top--not unlike a bubble from the bubbly, eh Stovell?" I wittily quipped.
"Ah, Saucy, you are such a droll fellow. I think it would be rather fitting if you gave the game a try."
Immediately rose the instinct to protest, but I chose not to voice my doubts. I had been egged on to try DDR at an earlier venture with other friends, but had resisted their churlish attempts to convert me to the realm of dancing games. This time was different. I was in the company of no close friends, and was sure that no one else would be as good as I at the game.
"Fair enough, I shall try the game after this young man has finished all of his selections."
And so, history writes itself. I was borne in the mall of Plaza Bonita--an exhausting, laborious procedure, to be sure--and here I am now.... _________________
Team J-Dub: Nikorasu, Saucy, Sedare, Tsunami Forever
The J-Dub invasion has begun...
HBO!  |
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Shad Trick Member

Joined: 31 Dec 2003
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DDRmaniacplayer Trick Member

Joined: 14 Apr 2002 Location: Chandler, AZ |
39. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 10:12 am Post subject: |
The way I started was like this:
I was on vacation with my family to Mexico to see my cousins and stuff. One day they took me and my cousins to a popular arcade Mundo Divertido and there were two machines there, a Solo 4th Mix and a 4th Mix. Me and my cousin saw it and didn't really pay attention to it. But, after a while, we got interested because the people who were playing were really good. Anyway, after they were done, we got the courage to play. We were so bad, that we didn't bother finishing the song. Later, we went to Peter Piper Pizza, and there was a machine also. We tried again there. There was a 3rd Mix Korean 2. We just tried easy songs like one footers and stuff. We started getting better and better slowly. It's was awesome. This happened like more than two years ago. Now, everytime I go over there, we just play Heavy songs because we're both really good. |
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