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scandalous bob Trick Member

Joined: 02 Nov 2003 Location: Naperville |
1440. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 2:01 pm Post subject: |
I just finished my homepad, it is pretty good, a lot better than i expected. I used riptides design. Thanks a lot riptide for the great instructions. One big problem though. NOISE. its like at the end of riptides video where he is playing, or there is also some other finished homepad video out there where there is a lot of loud clacking and banging from the sheet metal strips hitting the screws, or mending brackets in my case. Is their any way to dampen this noise? i have made the sheet metal strips as close to the mending bracket contacts as possible so the arrow panels do not have to be depressed as far to trigger. They are very sensitive, but still make the loud, obnoxious clacking and banging noises when I play. If anyone has found a good solution to the problem or has a design that is not so noisy, please respond!
bmxbob3 |
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An0k Trick Member

Joined: 27 Dec 2003 Location: N.E. Calgary, Ab, Canada |
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Philipio Trick Member

Joined: 23 Dec 2003 Location: Texas |
1442. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 6:11 pm Post subject: |
The arcade pad makes a lot of noise. The only thing that makes it silent is the pumped up volume  |
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scandalous bob Trick Member

Joined: 02 Nov 2003 Location: Naperville |
1443. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 6:28 pm Post subject: |
yeah, i know the arcade is noisy, i play there frequently, but there is just the noise of shoes banging on plexiglass at the arcade. on the homepad, your shoes bang on the plexiglass, then the plexiglass depresses an 1/8th of an inch or so and then clacks against the contact system, then the foam weather stripping pushes the plexiglass piece back up and it clacks against the corner braces when you take your foot off, making it much more noisy than the arcade.
i was not looking to eliminate the sound, just slightly tone it down a little. thanks for the replys, any suggestions welcome. |
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xerox personality Trick Member

Joined: 12 Aug 2003 Location: Tasmania, Australia |
1444. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 10:47 pm Post subject: |
Hey everyone
Just posting the link to my ddr page
It took me around 5 mins to make and is lacking a bit of content atm but when I can get around to it i'll update the whole thing.
Right now its just a few photoes of my alomost completed pad (just the trick bar to go really)
well here it is
enjoy, and dont forget to check back in a few weeks for an update...
or maybe a month or so if im really lazy...
which I am...
Peace Out
Xerox_  |
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1445. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:41 am Post subject: |
I believe to help eliminate some of the sound you would have to put something in the arrow panels like foam or cusion (spelled right ). There is no exit for the sound waves, and they bounce back and fourth within the small arrow panel (if that makes any sense). So, that's why it is so loud. So, that's why I think foam would work, to absorb some of the sound. It's just a thought. If anyone can, try it out and let us know if it helps at all
EDIT: AH! My pictures, where did they go??? I need to find a new place to host them. Any ideas anyone ? Thanks if you can help out
I'll probably post again at a later time too .
SD _________________
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SteelFox15 Basic Member

Joined: 02 Dec 2003 Location: NJ |
1446. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:11 pm Post subject: lights |
Does anyone out there have a document on how to add lights to the pad? ive been through most of this forum and there are only scattered bits of information here and there, so i wanted to know if anyone could help. i would use patster's document, but it seems to have gone missing. thanks! |
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1447. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:03 pm Post subject: Re: lights |
SteelFox15 wrote: | Does anyone out there have a document on how to add lights to the pad? ive been through most of this forum and there are only scattered bits of information here and there, so i wanted to know if anyone could help. i would use patster's document, but it seems to have gone missing. thanks! |
I do not know of any other document other than Paster's. I do have the document, and it's about 4 megs as I believe. I am some times on AIM and you can download it if I am on. My screen name is BlueStaticz.
I actually forgot where I can send those files so they can be distributed to those that need them. Can anyone direct me to the right area again? Thanks
Shadow_Dragonz _________________
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Neeas Basic Member

Joined: 03 Dec 2003 Location: Houston, Texas |
1448. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:44 am Post subject: |
Anyone have directions on building a metal pad that uses Eight contacts instead of just the Four arrows? (X / O / Select / Start)
My eyes are bleeding from reading this forum, I read from 1 - 30 and then started at 73 and went back to around 65.  |
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1449. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:58 am Post subject: |
Neeas wrote: | Anyone have directions on building a metal pad that uses Eight contacts instead of just the Four arrows? (X / O / Select / Start)
My eyes are bleeding from reading this forum, I read from 1 - 30 and then started at 73 and went back to around 65.  |
Why would you want to have 8 contacts when you could use the controller, push buttons, or a home made controll box?
Riptide uses the push buttons for the x and triangle. Ddrhomepad uses a controller, and some people have made their own controll box. If you want, you could make 8 contacts. You would have to screw down the brackets into the 2x4 or what ever you are using for base supports instead of each other (like screwing the ply wood together like in ddrhomepad's version). Then you could just use acrylic, plywood, or what you felt was best and make other contacts.
Just some suggestions
Shadow_Dragonz _________________
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1450. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:02 pm Post subject: |
xerox personality wrote: | Hey everyone
Just posting the link to my ddr page
It took me around 5 mins to make and is lacking a bit of content atm but when I can get around to it i'll update the whole thing.
Right now its just a few photoes of my alomost completed pad (just the trick bar to go really)
well here it is
enjoy, and dont forget to check back in a few weeks for an update...
or maybe a month or so if im really lazy...
which I am...
Peace Out
Xerox_  |
It looks like your arrow panels are lower, like in the actual arcades , how did you acomplish that? That makes it a lot easier to distinguish between the metal panel and the arrows. It looks great and seems to be preforming excellent. I'd like to know how you built the dance pad. Thanks and great job!
Shadow_Dragonz _________________
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woodmanismyTWINbrother Trick Member

Joined: 15 Dec 2003 Location: Broken Arrow or Tahlequah, OK |
1451. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:03 pm Post subject: how much really...? |
how much does making one of these pads yourself really cost?
because its getting closer and closer to where one can purchase a pad for about $100 (almost) ... so as i see it, once all the products are purchased doesn't that put it around $100? & then if you purchase one theres not a very big chance that any of the soldering is incorrect or botched.
maybe im just a little pessimistic but it seems like its just one of thsoe things where you built it to say you built it.
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woodmanismyTWINbrother Trick Member

Joined: 15 Dec 2003 Location: Broken Arrow or Tahlequah, OK |
1452. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:08 pm Post subject: |
Neeas wrote: | My eyes are bleeding from reading this forum, I read from 1 - 30 and then started at 73 and went back to around 65.  |
no joke... w/most forums you get people posting the same question a hundred times and no one answers it the first time so its posted again and then it may get a few answers... but whats weird it w/this sight each question is a little different and so each post it almost necessary and our eyes have to suffer for it!!!
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1453. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:40 pm Post subject: Re: how much really...? |
bacamaro2000 wrote: | how much does making one of these pads yourself really cost?
because its getting closer and closer to where one can purchase a pad for about $100 (almost) ... so as i see it, once all the products are purchased doesn't that put it around $100? & then if you purchase one theres not a very big chance that any of the soldering is incorrect or botched.
maybe im just a little pessimistic but it seems like its just one of thsoe things where you built it to say you built it.
You build it and it'll cost about $100 . The other ones can cost, a decent one, about $100 . There are metal ones, but those cost from $200 and up . Now, the ones that cost about $100 and have hard foam do last a good while, but with constant use it won't last very long.
Most people here that build a dance pad because they play a lot. I do not think that some one that doesn't play very often would really want to build a home built metal dance pad (though I know there are some that do but generally speaking...).
The thing about these dance pads is that you make them yourself. Not only that, but you know it will last. These dance pads are made to last long and take abuse. Also, when they start to malfunction, they/you can always post here for help or fix if themself/yourself. There is no hastle of sending off the piece/unit and waiting for it to be returned, or for lower costing pads, not having any costumer support at all.
Okay, there are always problems with dance pads. Some of us cannot solder (and most of us probably haven't taken classes/lessons or such for the knowledge/experience that is needed), others of us cannot cut, and so on. Just like the brand name dance pads, they too have problems. Some of the cheaper ones can come DOD (Dead on Delivery ). There also could be enough foam or what not.
There are ups and downs to any reasoning you/anyone may choose.
Wow, that's a lot of babbling
Oh, if you know people, or have some of the supplies, the dance pad can cost a lot less. I think someone spent about $15 dollars to make one here .
Shadow_Dragonz _________________
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1454. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 1:44 pm Post subject: |
bacamaro2000 wrote: | Neeas wrote: | My eyes are bleeding from reading this forum, I read from 1 - 30 and then started at 73 and went back to around 65.  |
no joke... w/most forums you get people posting the same question a hundred times and no one answers it the first time so its posted again and then it may get a few answers... but whats weird it w/this sight each question is a little different and so each post it almost necessary and our eyes have to suffer for it!!!
My eyes haven't suffered for it yet ...over 500 sheets of paper have though
What about the Mods...that's a lot of reading to make sure people stay on topic
Shadow_Dragonz _________________
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xerox personality Trick Member

Joined: 12 Aug 2003 Location: Tasmania, Australia |
1455. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:40 pm Post subject: |
Shadow_Dragonz wrote: | It looks like your arrow panels are lower, like in the actual arcades , how did you acomplish that? That makes it a lot easier to distinguish between the metal panel and the arrows. It looks great and seems to be preforming excellent. I'd like to know how you built the dance pad. Thanks and great job! |
Well the lowered arrow panels were easy enough. I was originly going to raise the rest of the top of the pad up a little and use spacers in between the brackets and arrows. But it turned out the brackets themselves were thick enough to do it without the spacers, and then because of a few other features i put into the pad, mostly ones that make it super easy to adjust the sensitivity, I found I didnt have to raise the top at all. Now if none of that makes sence dont worry because i'll be putting all this up on my web page soon, along with pics and diagrams of how it all works.
Peace Out
Xerox_  _________________
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mastergd Trick Member

Joined: 11 Dec 2003 Location: Elwell, MI (center of the state) |
1456. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:31 pm Post subject: Re: how much really...? |
[quote="Shadow_Dragonz"] bacamaro2000 wrote: |
Oh, if you know people, or have some of the supplies, the dance pad can cost a lot less. I think someone spent about $15 dollars to make one here .
Shadow_Dragonz |
i got some supplies, i got 9 1 foot by 1 foot 20 guage steel. (they didnt have 26 guage, but atleast i know my pad will be a little more durable) the local company here cut the metal for probly the cost of the metal and the total for metal was less then $20. (15 less then ddrhomepads) i got 9 squares bc saving money by not coating the 4 corners of the pad in metal (for now, i mite add an x button in the upper right, and a start/select in bottom left/right, if im smart enuf to put it together, but that wont be till a long time) and the other thing i got was some weather stripping (srry i dont kno the cost, ma dad bought it while i was at skool), but after i get some wood (ma friend mite have some, so i mite get a FREEBIE there) and the brackets (cant find, mite have to order) ill get started on the frame. well i hope ma lil tip on less metal saves you a little cost if you cant curently afford it (unless you need the 4 corners coated with a sheet of metal, if so PLEASE tell me) _________________
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xerox personality Trick Member

Joined: 12 Aug 2003 Location: Tasmania, Australia |
1457. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 8:51 pm Post subject: |
Shadow_Dragonz wrote: | Oh, if you know people, or have some of the supplies, the dance pad can cost a lot less. I think someone spent about $15 dollars to make one here . |
Think I beat that 1.
$5 for skrews Its amazing what you can dig up when you really want to.
Pease Out
Xerox_  _________________
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Shadow_Dragonz Trick Member

Joined: 16 Mar 2003 Location: California |
1458. Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:33 pm Post subject: |
xerox personality wrote: | Shadow_Dragonz wrote: | Oh, if you know people, or have some of the supplies, the dance pad can cost a lot less. I think someone spent about $15 dollars to make one here . |
Think I beat that 1.
$5 for skrews Its amazing what you can dig up when you really want to.
Pease Out
Xerox_  |
Yup, that beats that one...and mine . Now only if every dance pad only costed that much to build .
Shadow_Dragonz _________________
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Neeas Basic Member

Joined: 03 Dec 2003 Location: Houston, Texas |
1459. Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:02 am Post subject: |
Shadow_Dragonz wrote: | Neeas wrote: | Anyone have directions on building a metal pad that uses Eight contacts instead of just the Four arrows? (X / O / Select / Start)
My eyes are bleeding from reading this forum, I read from 1 - 30 and then started at 73 and went back to around 65.  |
Why would you want to have 8 contacts when you could use the controller, push buttons, or a home made controll box?
I would at least like the X and O so that I or someone else could play a song that uses six squares instead of the normal four squares.
I can see that using a different control box for the Select and Start would be easier. I just thought that if I was going to put the cost and effort into building a pad that I would like to have one that looked and acted like the softpads.
I have way too many ideas on what I would like to see from the outcome of the pad . With the ideas in my head I will probably end up making three to four different types over the next year or two. |
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