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240. PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 8:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cost is currently $250. It's a little pricy but they're extremely and carefully well-made, can take a lot of abuse, and it's still better than $450. ~_^ I have four red ones and two greens in stock right now. They're extremely sturdy - I would eventually like to take a picture of my dad's pickup truck resting on four Ransai controllers, one under each wheel. happy.gif I'm pretty sure they can handle it; they're incredibly well-built.

Colors expanding out to blue and yellow soon. For another $60 or so, I can make yours 2.4 GHz wireless. happy.gif And we're working on making the buttons light up with the help of an AC adapter; we're REALLY close now.

Oh, and I run Ransai along with a friend. ^^ PM me if you're interested.

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Andy the happy mod-man
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241. PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

NICE controller!

Judging the cost, I'm assuming you bought the buttons from Beston, no? Since Happ domes would bring the built cost to 230 alone, let alone the other materials needed E10.gif

Where did you get those dome buttons? Did you get them from Happ, Beston, somewhere else? Or did you make them or something? Those are pretty killer for Pop'n!
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242. PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, those buttons look just like the arcade, unlike the Happ. buttons I've seen on other homemade Pop 'N Controllers.

If the quality is as good as the official arcade controllers, I'll be more than happy to buy one of those AirRandom.

Are those the start and select buttons on the back of the controller in the third photo? If so, why there instead of the front or on top, where it's easy to reach?
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243. PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

By the way, if I didn't make it clear before, we're currently selling these controllers. PM me, IM me, or I'll be on-and-off in #ransai on if you're interested, I'll get back to you quickly.

We actually import our buttons bulk from Hong Kong and build quite a few of them at a time. That's how we're able to reimburse our time and are able to put some effort/funds into making them look spiffy. Glad you all enjoy. ^_^

Yes, they are of equal or greater performance than the actual Konami ASC's, from the comments I've received from the Minnesota players who own Konami ASCs. The dimensions are arcade-accurate, if not arcade-exact (we haven't done the side-by-side test yet), and they can take an extreme beating - we've almost put one through a car window, and the controller escaped with a minor scratch. ^_^; The boxes were designed and put together by a professional carpenter, so they're designed for outrageous abuse, which you need when you get up to things like Trauma Punk EX and such, where you're beating the crap out of it with your elbows and whatnot. ^_^ And the people who own Konami ASCs say they're actually quieter than Konami, mostly because theirs is made from hollow impact plastic and ours is made from thick plywood.

The Start and Select buttons are a renovation from our earlier models. We originally put them on the top corners, but found that people were accidentally hitting them when they were going nuts on a song, and it automatically quit the song on them. The buttons are still easy-access in the front - you rest your hands on the edge and your fingers are right there - and you'll never hit them accidentally while playing a song. Hope that clears up a bit of the design.

Again, PM or IM if you're interested.
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Andy the happy mod-man
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244. PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 8:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Where exactly from HK did you get the buttons and how much do they cost?

I mean I'd love one of those controllers, but I already have a casing that simply needs new buttons, so if I can I'll just buy the buttons!
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245. PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2003 9:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Hong Kong place is Coinopexpress and they're cheaper than at Wico, but they're a bulk manufacturer, so you have to order 80 of them at a time, and they have to all be the same color. >_< And then shipping is almost $200 a carton after that. So that's why it's not feasible generally, unless you plan on making that many. ^^v
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Andy the happy mod-man
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246. PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 1:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There we go....

Now if the good 'ole US Postal Service doesn't let us down, I should have a Ransai controller by Friday. I'll let everyone know how they are.

Dun' worry about testing - I can do Classic 4 Hyper if I want to, so I'll test it good and tough ~_^

Can't wait! No more wooden disc buttons!!
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247. PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I kinda want another ASC, I'll explain later. Please contact me when you're available!
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248. PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 3:24 pm    Post subject: Kbm Reply with quote

I have the PS2 KBM controller (USB)- I'm looking for programs for the comp that can take the KBM keyboard as an input and convert the signal to midi, etc. Any help appreciated.
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Andy the happy mod-man
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249. PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Damn, my Ransai Pop'n ASC (AirRandom's controller) didn't get here today >_<

I'm definitely expecting it tomorrow now! I'll have a full review of it posted after a good solid hour of playing after I get it!

Oh, and Classic 8 EX is now under my belt, so tack that onto the tough testing songlist ^__^
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250. PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apparantly, a large package arrived at my house, but I'm not here to play it right now.. I should be able to post a full scale review of it once I'm back with real ASC, Alpha's and standard PNM controller comparisons. On a side note, looks like ToysNJoys is now stocking the official ASC:

Towards the bottom of the page.

Oh, Andy, how are you passing all of these? Mini controller, or big ASC? Gracias.
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Andy the happy mod-man
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251. PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

PepsiBlueOwen wrote:
Apparantly, a large package arrived at my house, but I'm not here to play it right now.. I should be able to post a full scale review of it once I'm back with real ASC, Alpha's and standard PNM controller comparisons. On a side note, looks like ToysNJoys is now stocking the official ASC:

Towards the bottom of the page.

Oh, Andy, how are you passing all of these? Mini controller, or big ASC? Gracias.

I've been using my current homemade ASC. I haven't used or owned a Konami "midget" controller for a solid 3 months.

Oh, and just one more thing.

*flashes a $10 bill*

This 10 bucks here says that the T&J Pop'n ASC will be priced under $400, maybe even 350. I'm guessing they know that people are dying to find a lower price than Himeya's 450 robbery. Hell, Himeya had gone un-opposed until now, so they had no reason to be lower. So maybe we'll finally start seeing some decent prices for ASCs for a change. Ah well, I'm getting my Ransai so I'm not complaining ^_~
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Sonic Der Igel
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252. PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2004 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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Andy the happy mod-man
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253. PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Alright, guess what came in this morning ^____^

My Ransai controller, of course!

Now, my review....

First of all, let me just start by saying the following:

This controller is the shit!!

This is the most well-made home-made Pop'n ASC I have ever seen or played on!

That said, we continue....

There it is, in all its glory and splendor.

This thing is light as hell - I'd have to say it probably only weighs about 10 lbs, as opposed to my old one weighing in at 30 >_<

Like I said, this is incredibly well made. I've dropped it, stood on it, smashed the buttons to simulate n00bism, and STILL it works ^__^

As you can see, it's very neat and clean - no sloppiness whatsoever. I've yanked on the solder points, etc, and they're not going ANYWHERE. The only thing I won't do is try to hold up the controller via the solder points - but that would break any solder point if you ask me.

But, you can dangle the controller by its cord (the cord going into the PSX/PS2) as much as you want and it's not coming loose, just like the real ASC.

Those are the start and select buttons. They are placed ingeniously, imo. They are on the FRONT panel of the controller. All you have to do is reach in front and tap them. This is PERFECT for button-mashing n00bs that would easily accidentally hit the start and select buttons during a song when they were placed on top of the controller.

That's the controller cord coming out of the controller, obviously. This is one of the many things that give this controller a true proffessional look and feel. Many to most home-made ASCs I've seen thus far (including my old one) have had a big space where the controller cord comes out of, and you could even see inside, etc. This is completely seemless - I'm guessing they un-soldered the cord from the PSX circuitboard, put it through this perfect hole, and re-soldered it. This controller is completely seemless - you can't get inside of it unless you have a screwdriver, just like any other controller ^__^

The bottom of the controller. This is thin-yet-strong perfaboard. It feels really smooth and it's perfect, imo, for a bottom to a controller - won't scratch any surface, etc.

Now, onto playability.

Unfortunatly, my Digital Camera only takes 5-second clips, so I couldn't take any Tatsujin vids E10.gif But I'll at least describe it, of course.

Now I'm not about to compare this to an actual ASC or an arcade controller since I've yet to play on either. But, even not owning or playing either, I'd have to say, this must be either exactly, or BETTER than an official ASC for playing Pop'n Music! My "perfect attack" has improved IMMENSELY, immediately after I started using this! After a good hour of getting used to playing on dome buttons, I was getting less than 20 bads on Classic 4 Hyper, when with my other controller it was more like 50 or 60. Hell, on my 2nd try I got NINE BADS.

This is perfect for scale rolls and anything else you can throw at Pop'n. While I, in the past, had to struggle with my old ASC to complete Trauma Punk EX, Classic 8 EX, and the other uber-hard EXs, I can now complete them with somewhat ease with this! Although it still takes some work to pass Classic 8 EX, even with this controller E10.gif

Also, some may disagree, but I think this controller LOOKS better than an official ASC. All the plastic and decals are sorta kooky - some like it, some don't. I think they're damn cool, but this controller REALLY takes the cake. It's so neat and clean - very very proffessional.

On a final good note, I'll state again: This is more than likely just as good, if not BETTER than an official ASC

Now, onto the "bad".

And I quote bad because there really isn't anything "bad" with this at all. More like small, tiny annoyances that are easy to get over quick.

First, the noise.

I'm sure, and I've been told, that the official ASC is much louder, but still, buttons noise still keeps my father begging me to stop playing E10.gif

Now, that movie sounds alot louder than the controller really is because my camera was VERY close to it, and my camera sucks when it comes to sound when taking clips. Keep that in mind while watching/listening.

The only other small annoyance I'm already over is the fact that it takes just a bit more "umph" to push the buttons. My last home-made ASC was almost as sensitive as the small Konami controller's buttons, so you can imagine how odd it was for me to make the transition. But once you get used to the preasure, you're just fine ^__^

And one more thing. The only thing I think this controller could have used were rubber feet or something, like a IIDX controller has (not sure if the official Pop'n ASC has them). I can easily put my own on, but it woulda been nice to be able to not have this slide around before modification.

Well, that about covers most of it.

On a final note:

If you're planning to save the insanely high price of $450 just to say you got an official ASC, DON'T. This is definitely better than an official, imo. And at $200 LESS than what Himeya is asking for one, you REALLY CANNOT go wrong with a Ransai controller!

And if I had to rate it, I'd give it a 10/10, simply because I've been wanting to play on one of these for such a long time, and it was well worth the wait
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254. PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 8:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey anyone looking for a cheap IIDX Controller check out

They also have Drummania, Para Para, and Keyboardmania for insanely cheap.
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255. PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome, mine didn't come in, (my big package was for my dad...) but I'm hoping for tommorrow. I already wrote up my reviews on my official Konami ASC, Alpha's design and the home controller, so I'll do something similar to yours but I'll be able to compare to the official ASC a bit more... Uh, aright, hope to get it soon!!
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256. PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Larrikin, the only problem with GCC is the shipping, its like 53 bucks for me at least to get it to WA. If it had free shipping, then the place would be a great deal.

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257. PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Did any of you home Pop N Music players find the game a bunch of fun with the small controller? I've been itching to play this(no PNM machines near my locale), and I cant really bring myself to spend another $200+ on a Ransai/ASC, cause I just killed $250 on a metal pad.
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258. PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's no fun without a real controller. Sell your metal pad.

think u better? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH! (E1.gif_(E1.gif

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Andy the happy mod-man
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259. PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Eckostyle wrote:
Did any of you home Pop N Music players find the game a bunch of fun with the small controller? I've been itching to play this(no PNM machines near my locale), and I cant really bring myself to spend another $200+ on a Ransai/ASC, cause I just killed $250 on a metal pad.

Pop'n is fun no matter how you play it (well, except maybe on a PSX/PS2 controller - that just plain sucks). Before I had an ASC, I played on one of the midget controllers, and I still loved it. But yes, if you want the true Pop'n experience, an ASC is the only way.
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