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Izam56 Basic Member

Joined: 21 Apr 2003 Location: Florida |
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DwP.nemesis Trick Member

Joined: 18 Dec 2003 Location: i dun like this game aneymoerz |
21. Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:51 am Post subject: |
when i first played ddr i got really embarassed cuz i couldnt time the arrows and missed heaps when ppl were watching me i really was embarassed... _________________
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Syni Trick Member

Joined: 29 Jan 2002 Location: San Jose, CA |
22. Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:12 am Post subject: |
1) When I first got into DDR it was in the Philippines, so there were about 75 people behind this bootleg machine watching a newbie like myself get my buttocks beat by a 7-year-old half my size who was spinning to Afronova.
2) Two years later at the Santa Monica Pier, I was freestyling Era (heavy doubles) and fell off the pad as well as failed the song with 10 seconds left. _________________
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`CoCaZnInNoVaTiOn Trick Member

Joined: 27 Jul 2003 Location: Hampden, MA |
23. Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:48 am Post subject: |
I've fallen a couple times in the past when freestyling.
Nothing REAL bad.  |
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semaGdniM Basic Member

Joined: 22 Dec 2003
24. Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:51 pm Post subject: |
Once I was doing Sakura on standard in doubles and during the section where you just run, I ran off the pad and into a wall. Thank god only my friends were there. |
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53xy N0 Ju75u Trick Member

Joined: 18 Jan 2003 Location: In the Dark. It is where you should be. |
25. Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:07 pm Post subject: |
I was at the arcade once...And They Just got DDR USA. So I started playing when I noticed a 9 footer. I was like Whoa!!!!! So a big crowd was around me and I decided to do it. It was paranoia rebirth. I was doing good in the beggining when I went to hit the left arrow but my foot went a little too far off the machine dance Pad... my foot twisted and I fell down on this really big Muscular guy who almost fell down too. I thought the guy was going to attack me. But he just laughed. So I laughed too God I was so embarresed...My girlfriend could not stop laughing...Wait. She still laughs.  _________________
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Drunk With Power!! Trick Member

Joined: 25 Apr 2002 Location: I ate my hometown. |
26. Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 7:17 pm Post subject: |
1.)Once I was playing a fast song on Heavy (I believe it was Twinbee), and I was swinging my arms around way too much. I accidentaly hit a fellow player watching from my left side in the face.
2.)Back during 5th mix days when I was just an "OK" player, I went up to play and chose If You Were Here(B4 Za Beat Mix). Back then, I wasn't really good at those same arrow 1/8th runs(Ex: UUU, or DDD etc.). When the singer went into the first verse, my ankles felt tired and I slipped off, running right into my friend and his girl
3.)Again, I was playing a fast song, BTF(Momo Mix), and I heard someone say "Dude your shoelaces". I didn't know who he was talkin' too till I felt myself trip over something and land face-first right onto the screen....oh and if you still haven't figured it out, it was ME he as talking to.  _________________
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shippo joe Trick Member

Joined: 09 Feb 2003 Location: Springfield Mall, Virginia |
27. Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:45 pm Post subject: |
haha these are hilarious. well ive never gotten embarassed. haha i dont blush easily. buh this one guy HAD to have been so embarassed. after what i did to him. haha it was some white guy watching ppl play. and he kinda wedged himself in with us. and he asked if he could go up with meeh and im lyk uh sure, buh i suck. hes lyk oh yeah, im good at this game. it was soo apparent he was new to it. he didnt even noe what the difficulty levels were. so i picked beginner for meeh and standard for him. his friends were watching and snickering so i knew something had to be up. so i pick a and i did that little thing where i basically jux stomp maii feet on the down arrow. kevin was lyk, "wow, i love the way it kinda melts from beginner to challenge" haha we start played and after the first couple seconds, the guy is failing. he got pissed, and devoted the rest of his time into trying to screw meeh up. he jumped in front of maii screen, put his hands in maii face, tried to trip meeh, etc. haha i kept playing and slapped the man about 7 times. it was incredibly hilarious, cuz he kinda ran away with his friends when the song was over. they were laffing at him and were kinda lyk "yeah i think yooh lost". god i hate ppl that make fun of meeh. buh yeah picture this: 20 year old white guy trying to mess up some 15 year old azn kid, who is seriously kicking his buttocks at a game where his goal was jux to try to mess meeh up. and i was still slapping him during the song. god that one was funnie _________________
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Dymerius Basic Member

Joined: 15 Dec 2003 Location: Mississippi Gulf Coast |
28. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:52 am Post subject: |
A good, confident player who does not have much experience in an arcade...
....where other people play on the pad....
....and sweat...
An eager audience
An overdramatic leap onto an untested, sweaty, slippery pad. (Priceless)
You do the math! |
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-SquirrelWrangler- Trick Member

Joined: 23 Oct 2003 Location: Berea, Ohio |
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Dance Trick Member

Joined: 16 Sep 2003 Location: Louisville, KY |
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Reenee Trick Member

Joined: 21 Nov 2003
31. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 1:03 pm Post subject: |
I was embaressed the first time I did it at an arcade, namely the one at Disneyland (OMG, TWO EXTREMES![/b]). I was so nervous, I didn't even notice I chose Beginner when I was doing Light with DDRMAX1.
Later on some dude comes in and wows everyone by AA'ing MAX 300 on Heavy.  |
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-SquirrelWrangler- Trick Member

Joined: 23 Oct 2003 Location: Berea, Ohio |
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Philipio Trick Member

Joined: 23 Dec 2003 Location: Texas |
33. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 4:15 pm Post subject: |
I don't really get embarrassed very easy. The closest I would have been though was when i just woke up and wen to the arcade with my friend. I fell off the pad doing A. Then one time, i was playing doubles, and did maxx unlimited on light (i suck at doubles) and fell off, then next song, i fell off the pad again.  |
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Mysterio Trick Member

Joined: 20 Nov 2002 Location: Aiken, SC |
34. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 7:39 pm Post subject: |
Oh hell no. _________________
[quote:ed89271168="Frozen CaffMaj 4 Extreme"]just because i play ddr, does that mean i'm going to go randomly stomp someone to death?[/quote]
...but Rhythm and Police is no longer crazy! |
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Robomonkey92 Trick Member

Joined: 16 Sep 2003 Location: chula vista, |
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Cyd Trick Member

Joined: 09 Mar 2003 Location: Phuket, Thailand |
36. Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 11:59 pm Post subject: |
Nope I have no inhibitions to making myself look like a complete retard in public, why would ddr be any different? _________________
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Scuttlecrab Basic Member

Joined: 02 Jan 2004 Location: Del Mar, California |
37. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:08 am Post subject: |
My most embarassing moment was at the local Fry's Electronics store. They have unmodded madcatz pads taped to the floor. I am doing Burning Heat! and I fail the song and this little 6 year old is doing it on light and people cheer him on. I felt ashamed and bedazzled at the same time. |
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tails. Trick Member

Joined: 18 May 2003 Location: Nor VA like a mofo |
38. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:34 am Post subject: |
I have to honestly say this is my most embaressing DDR moment.
It was a while back and I was at springfield mall. It was my turn so I stepped up to play doubles, I choose wakka lakka standard first (i suck at doubles) So im playing for a while and getting into it and then i step a little off to the right and before you know it im lying in a heap on the foor...Woest part is, everyone was watching.
A little while later I went to the tournament they held there and the same girl who asked if i was Ok still remembers the whole thing  _________________
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Sak`Sat`Wel Basic Member

Joined: 01 Sep 2003
39. Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:55 am Post subject: well.. |
I'd have to say I have two embarassing moments.
1. I was doing the Dynamite Rave freestyle...and when it came to shooting myself UNDER the bar...i smacked my forehead DEAD ON IT. I was down for the count. Needless to say...i dont do that freestyle anymore.
2. I was spinning on afronova....and just...spun right off the pad. lol... _________________
If I wanted A Social Life...i'd get an ANTFARM... |
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