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If a girl asks to play DDR with you...
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40. PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm so stiff that I probably wouldn't even realize a girl coming on to me if she asked me to DDR. And I hate playing with girls around here because I need to work on my PA and usually they are so cute that I have to dumb it down to a passing grade for their sake.

Why the hell do they always leave anyhow. Hey I got an extra tip.

5.After you play ask her buttocks to stay.
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41. PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 3:33 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

pineapple_republic wrote:
And I hate playing with girls around here because I need to work on my PA and usually they are so cute that I have to dumb it down to a passing grade for their sake.

That makes no sense. "She's cute and I'm interested in her so I'll make her feel like I think she sucks at the game by 'going easy' when we aren't even playing AGAINST each other."
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DJ Tau
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42. PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 6:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In your case, quite probably. Not always though. I remember once some girl was shadowing me whilst I was stumbling through A Oni (I think), then played a versus with me, handed me my ass and walked off. OK I know I suck but there's no reason to rub it in E13.gif

Spike: I think the logic there is it'd seem too much like trying to seem better if say he got an AA/SDG whereas she scraped through with a B. But then again 'dumbing down' is not a very complimentary thing to do in any case.
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43. PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm...I guess I would just let her play with me. There's no reason to be distracted when most of your concintration SHOULD be on the screen!
laugh.gif Maybe after a song, I may understand, but during it, I don't think so! E4.gif
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44. PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 1:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

{|-|u} wrote:
If a girl wanted to play some other game with you would you think the same thing?

Yes and no.

Yes: She actually noticed me, and probably wants to test my mettle. Good. It supports girl gamers biggrin.gif

No: She's probably way better than me, can whip my ass in 3 seconds, and probably has a bf already. E2.gif
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45. PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 2:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I sometimes ask guys if I can play a game with them (often, though, not DDR - shooting games are the ones I excel at) and I don't see it as flirting. Some girls might use it as a way to get to know you, but I use it as a way to show another gamer that I respect them, or think that they did really well in their chosen game.
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46. PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 7:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

damn if a girl asked to play with me, i be like word up laugh.gif . i don't really care what level they are at cuz i can bust out any moves on ddr (i wish E15.gif ). And even if she does have a bf, you could still be friends.
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47. PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow, this got a lot more replies than I expected. Wish I could keep you all updated, but I probably won't make it back to that arcade for a while, and even so the chances of running into that girl again are slim. But who knows?

Btw, about 75% of your replies go like this:

"No, it doesn't mean she likes you. Oh wait, maybe it does..."


"Yes, it means she likes you. Wait a sec, no it doesn't..."

By all means, keep the replies coming.

Plus I thought for next time, I'd wait until there are either lots of people watching or at least one girl (for testing purposes) and do the same thing again, namely play that song backwards. If another girl gives me the same reaction then I'll know it isn't because she's hot for my bod. Or maybe she is...
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48. PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 5:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If a girl asks to play DDR with me, no different than a guy asking to play DDR with me. I play. I don't necissarily think that means they like you.
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49. PostPosted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 10:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nheye I think you're right about this thread... Do I detect a pattern here? 'Yes she could be flirting and is really into you, or no she's not and just wanted to be friendly..' And I must say that's the final conclusion. There's nonthing else you can really say It's either yes or no, black and white. Maybe if you thought about asking her first then this overload of thinking wouldn't be necessary... The mall I go to I saw this girl playing the game, around my age and I saw her many times before and I would talk to her(Not play with her yet but I prefer to be alone) But I'm not flirting or anything, I have a gf I'm just being friendly since I know no one else in this town I recently moved in. E15.gif So all in all it's a lost cause to think about it when there's basically little chance to see her again. If you do yippie be friends and what not... If not...she'll be in your dreams. E13.gif (Just kidding on that last part. riiight.gif )
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53xy N0 Ju75u
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50. PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 4:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

If a girl asked me, I would steal her soul and cast Lightning Lvl. 1,000,000. Her body explodes into a fine bloody mist, because she is only a Lvl. 2 Druid (Crowd starts laughing)...But seriously folks...
[quote:20d0fcbb39="crackoon"]fuwa fuwa is like, whoa![/quote]

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51. PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Oh for the love of god....

So you want to know if this girl likes you, right? Why the fuck are you asking total strangers on an internet message board? How are we supposed to judge this girl's feelings and intentions based solely on your brief description of your encounter with her?

Is there a possibility that she likes you? Sure. Want to find out? Talk to her. If you see her next time, strike up a conversation about something other than DDR. If there's a food court or snack bar where you play, invite her to go get something to eat or drink. If she seems receptive, ask her if she'd like to go out to dinner or a movie or something else stereotypically date-ish.

It's the same as any other situation where you meet a girl. Just because your first meeting happened to be on a DDR machine doesn't change anything.
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52. PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Thing is... Why the hell does he want to know people. why should he care if he Doesn't want dating tips! I mean c'mon! I agree with why ask total strangers on what a girl sees in you when you have a single encounter that was short and what not. It's simple, some women do and some don't. Not everyone who asks to play with someone else wants to have a deep relationship and go out...just want to play. then again some do... It's just weird for you to post this up because you don't want dating tips and not into her so what difference does it make?! I'm just saying that you're too far into it.[/b]
Man has always looked to the stars and thought the End of the Universe is in space...
I've seen the end of the universe, and it happens to be in Houston, Texas... I know I was shocked too. I was at the end of a street and there I saw a Starbucks...and then I turned around and across from that Starbucks, the exact same street of that StarBucks... there was a Starbucks! And that my the End of the Universe...
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53xy N0 Ju75u
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53. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am guessing that this topic is going to be locked soon, if not should be locked. It is just going to be the same post over and over again saying, "What are you stupid, asking people over the internet", and just flamming The guy who started the topic. People made points, and stated their opinions, and I guess it was answered. I might be wrong about this locking issue, and if I am...sorry, but I think we have answered his question....about 50 times. erm.gif
[quote:20d0fcbb39="crackoon"]fuwa fuwa is like, whoa![/quote]

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54. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol Well Sexy No Jutsu ended it there... I don't even think the guy will check this post anymore, just to see who's bothering to type the same answer again..again and again.
Man has always looked to the stars and thought the End of the Universe is in space...
I've seen the end of the universe, and it happens to be in Houston, Texas... I know I was shocked too. I was at the end of a street and there I saw a Starbucks...and then I turned around and across from that Starbucks, the exact same street of that StarBucks... there was a Starbucks! And that my the End of the Universe...
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55. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that everyone is just thinking to damn much. If a girl asks to play Area 51 with you, does that mean she likes you? Its just stupid. People goto arcades to have fun. Screw if they like you or not, just have fun playing and AFTER you leave and she is still with you/ around you, then you can ask yourself those questions that everyone on the face of the earth asks.
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53xy N0 Ju75u
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56. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Noahsan wrote:
I think that everyone is just thinking to damn much. If a girl asks to play Area 51 with you, does that mean she likes you? Its just stupid. People goto arcades to have fun. Screw if they like you or not, just have fun playing and AFTER you leave and she is still with you/ around you, then you can ask yourself those questions that everyone on the face of the earth asks.

Déja Vu.
[quote:20d0fcbb39="crackoon"]fuwa fuwa is like, whoa![/quote]

Catch me Lucky Charms!
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57. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif Go figure...
Man has always looked to the stars and thought the End of the Universe is in space...
I've seen the end of the universe, and it happens to be in Houston, Texas... I know I was shocked too. I was at the end of a street and there I saw a Starbucks...and then I turned around and across from that Starbucks, the exact same street of that StarBucks... there was a Starbucks! And that my the End of the Universe...
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Ike Pie
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58. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Noahsan wrote:
I think that everyone is just thinking to damn much. If a girl asks to play Area 51 with you, does that mean she likes you? Its just stupid. People goto arcades to have fun. Screw if they like you or not, just have fun playing and AFTER you leave and she is still with you/ around you, then you can ask yourself those questions that everyone on the face of the earth asks.

What if a girl wants to play with you, you let her choose all the songs, and she chooses Love Love Shine, Trip Machine Climax, and Happy Wedding?
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DJ Tau
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59. PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

IcyFrostyDude wrote:

What if a girl wants to play with you, you let her choose all the songs, and she chooses Love Love Shine, Trip Machine Climax, and Happy Wedding?

What a silly question. Clearly one would conclude that she's a proficient player who favours non-chaotic songs with a high jump rate (Love Shine) as well as hard technical songs (TMC) and obviously has the whole gatling step thing down, but doesn't have much stamina so caps off with something lighter, but is also willing to experiment because Happy Wedding tends not to be overplayed at most arcades.

biggrin.gif *bricked*
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