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Survey (Your opinion need, for my science project)
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0. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:39 am    Post subject: Survey (Your opinion need, for my science project) Reply with quote

Okay, I'm doing a project for my school and it is based on ddr. Orginally I was going to do a simple boys verus girls one... but when I went out to go play ddr my sister and myself were the only girls dancing while the rest where guys. So now my project is why do more guys dance ddr then girls. I was wondering if anyone who can could answer these questions:

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. Sex:
4. How long you've been dancing:
5. What level do you usually dance on:
6. Why do you ddr?
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why):

Thanks a lot! I need to get a good amount of responses before the end of the week... so please help me out in anyway you can! Thanks a lot!

If you have any questions either private message me or contact me on Aim (my user name is Melfina0520)

Thank you! laugh.gif
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1. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:42 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1) Name: Mysterio
2) Age: 20
3) Sex: Male
4) How long: 1 year and 6 months
5) Level: 9 feets
6) Why: Exercise, challenge and fun
7) Why more guys: I suppose it's because most game players are guys.
[quote:ed89271168="Frozen CaffMaj 4 Extreme"]just because i play ddr, does that mean i'm going to go randomly stomp someone to death?[/quote]

...but Rhythm and Police is no longer crazy!
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Dr. Landluver
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2. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1: Chris
4:7 months
5: Heavy, 9-10 footers
6:It's fun, a challenge, and I've met friends through it
7:Girls are usually more obsessed with what people think of them, therefore they don't want to play a game where beginners look stupid. For example, my cousin (female) wouldn't dare touch DDR at the arcade. One month later she got it for her birthday, and now she won't stop playing.
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ddrholic(ddr's rage)
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3. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 9:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

2)12(soon 2 be 13)
4)3years(two 3 month breaks)
5)9-10 footers
6)fun,excerxice challenge
7)uh,most gurls r 2 worried about make up[/b]for them 2 play a game that makes them look silly.
......banners r over rated....

yeah i live in my moms basement,yeah i didnt go to high school,yeah i blow all my cash on ddr but i have an excuse im 12 ur 27.......wait im 13 now!!
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4. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1: Pj (patrick, w/e)
2: 13
3: m
4: 11 months
5: 9-10 ft.
6: Cause its fun, and a good exersize
7: I havent met a girl yet that hasn't wanted to try ddr when given the chance. But I duno why, I guess people who are into video games usually tend to be guys? blink.gif
Hooray for being whatever.
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5. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

name: Isaac
Age: 19 as of today!
sex: Male
How long you've been dancing: I've been dancing for 5 years
What level do you usually dance on: Heavy
7:I think guys do it to impress the girls.
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6. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 10:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Howie
2. 19
3. Male
4. 17 months
5. All 9s, most 10s.
6. I crave an audience.
7. I think we guys just have a more competitive nature, so we play the game and try to out-do other people with our skill.
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7. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Luke
2. 16
3. Male
4. Since my confirmation (almost 4 years)
5. Heavy or Oni. Basicaly Exorb or Cata, never a 10 though...
---It's fun!
---Round here there's far more girls. I guess Irish guys are too insecure to dance. EH!
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8. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:10 am    Post subject: Re: Survey (Your opinion need, for my science project) Reply with quote

1. Name: James
2. Age: 19
3. Sex: Male
4. How long you've been dancing: 11 months
5. What level do you usually dance on: Heavy, 9-10 footers
6. Why do you ddr? It's good exercise, it's fun, and its the kind of game that has no end. It's over when you're done with it. You can always work to improve your skill level. It's competition against myself, and getting new accomplishments always feels good.
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why): One thing I heard was that guys are more likely to get obsessed with getting better at something than girls. Guys will play DDR and be like "Wow, this game rocks! I'm going to get better!" and then play for months. Girls sometimes won't get obsessed, particularly because you look really stupid when you first start out at the game (then again, I look pretty stupid and I am A'ing and AA'ing most songs). That and video gaming has always been more of a guy thing... the stigma is being torn down each successive year, but as of now its still an activity that guys participate in more than girls.
I never have time to play DDR anymore...

My DDR Scores on NNR
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9. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

-If by dancing you mean playing DDR, 2 years.
-I usually pick 9's or 10's. But I want to start freestyle.
-It's fun, challenging, gets attention, lets you meet new and interesting people.
-DDR is still just a videogame, and the word videogame attracts more guys than girls.
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10. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:28 am    Post subject: Re: Survey (Your opinion need, for my science project) Reply with quote

1. Name: Bonnietta
2. Age: 17
3. Sex: Female
4. How long you've been dancing: A year and a half
5. What level do you usually dance on: heavy
6. Why do you ddr? for weight loss and it's fun
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why): i think its nuteral.

(I just turned in my DDR-based science fair project and won) E13.gif
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11. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Name: Eric
2. Age: 12
3. Sex: Male
4. How long you've been dancing: 1 year / 2 months
5. What level do you usually dance on: 9-footers
6. Why do you ddr? It's a fun hobby and it's something I'm good at.
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why):
I think guys play DDR more than girls, because girls don't have as much endurance as guys. MAN POWER.
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12. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Name: Bryant
2. Age: 15
3. Sex: M
4. How long you've been dancing?:Dancing != arrow stomping, but I have been arrow stomping for about a year.
5. What level do you usually dance on?: Heavy 6-7-8-9-10 footers.
6. Why do you ddr?: Fun
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do?:More competitive, and don't have to worry about perverts, messed up make up, getting sweaty in public etc.. (usually)
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13. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Matt
2. 16
3. Male
4. 3 months
5. Heavy 7-10 footers
6. Fun/addictive/amazing game
7. I think girls would be more insecure about getting on one of those machines. The're also found in video arcades, a place not really swarming with girls. Video games just aren't there thing, for the most part.
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[Team BM is DDR] Stef
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14. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

endless wrote:

7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why):
I think guys play DDR more than girls, because girls don't have as much endurance as guys. MAN POWER.


1. Name: Stef
2. Age: 13
3. Sex: F
4. About 6 months (excluding a few months when I was too sick to DDR)
5. 9-10 feet
6. It's fun, it doesn't require a lot of thought, and it's kind of like running.
7. Guys are more willing to look like an idiot in public, and usually play more video games.
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Maniac Member
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15. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:13 pm    Post subject: Re: Survey (Your opinion need, for my science project) Reply with quote

Name: Seth

Age: 16

Sex: Male.

How long I've been playing: 2 years

What level do I usually play on: Heavy

Why do you ddr?: For the music.

Why do you think guys play more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why): More guys go to arcades, and play video games in general.
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DJ sephi spin those discs
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16. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Name: RJ
Age: 16
Sex: Male
How long have I been playing: 4 months
What level do I usually play on: Heavy
Why do I play DDR: For the challenge, the crowds, the music, and having fun with my friends.
Why do you think guys play more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why): I may seem stereotypical or sexist, but I think it's because guys have always had a need to be 'better' than others, and girls haven't. Guys have always had to complete something, no matter how many tries; girls haven't.
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Aku Soku Zan
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17. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

1. Name: Laura
2. Age: 15
3. Sex: Female
4. How long you've been dancing: Almost a year
5. What level do you usually dance on: standard
6. Why do you ddr? Because it's my favorite game and I love the music
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why): I think more guys dance than girls because more guys go to arcades. Also (according to the girls I know that won't play) they don't want to look "bizarre" devil.gif
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18. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:09 pm    Post subject: Re: Survey (Your opinion need, for my science project) Reply with quote

1. Name: Stephanie
2. Age: 18 till this Saturday.
3. Sex: Female.
4. How long you've been dancing: If by dancing you mean DDR, two years. If by dancing you mean DANCING, since I was about four, off and on.
5. What level do you usually dance on: Trick.
6. Why do you ddr? Now? To procrastinate.
7. Why do you think guys dance more then girls do? (If you think the other way around say why): Guys play DDR more because it's a video game. A higher percentage of gamers are guys. I think, of girls who game, a higher percentage play DDR than of gamer-guys. And I think *that's* because of the game's conceptual appeal.

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Trick Member
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19. PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 4:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

awesome idea

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