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Alejandro Trick Member

Joined: 06 May 2003 Location: Orlando, Florida |
0. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:49 am Post subject: My POV on 10 foots |
I have been playing ddr for a year now And i have gotten exceptionally better. I love going to the arcade and just playing song I like. Now sometimes I go to the arcade and i see people playing 10 ft songs and personally I dont like any of them and it leads me to wonder if people actually like playing them or just play them to show off. and if they are showing off why are they holding the bar.
off topic: what the heck is up with the dude who played 37 hrs off ddr. Thats a horrible record. Im quite sure i can pull off 3 days. |
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Sword Trick Member

Joined: 24 Oct 2003 Location: Schaumburg, IL |
1. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:57 am Post subject: |
i play 10 footers if i like them, and to get better. personally, i cant pass any yet, but ones like maxX, i love the way it sounds, so even if im suking, i can enjoy the music. songs like psm and lom and stuff like that, im concetrating so much on the notes, that i still dont fully know what those songs sound like. and believe me, if ur good enough to pass a 10 footer, and ur playing to show off, that if youve played that song that many times, you almost are garunteed to have SOME liking of it. _________________
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haunted_i Trick Member

Joined: 11 Sep 2003 Location: Turn around |
2. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:59 am Post subject: |
You should try 12-foot songs, like MaxX Extermination. And marathon plays aren't for everyone. _________________
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Maaza Trick Member

Joined: 23 Oct 2003 Location: Honolulu, HI |
3. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:33 pm Post subject: |
Alejandro wrote: | It leads me to wonder if people actually like playing them or just play them to show off. |
That brings up an excellent point. I bet that a good half of the songs we as DDRers do are mainly to showboat. We might not actually have fun playing them, be it chaos in the song, or it's one of those songs (HVAM or Drop Out for example) that are too tiring to play even twice in one day of DDRing. Believe me, I have a very high stamina when it comes to DDR, and I'm not complaining. But in reality, who could honestly say they enjoy themselves as they're double stepping non-stop to End of the Century? _________________
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Zukin-Man Trick Member

Joined: 25 Nov 2002 Location: War Agony |
4. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:41 pm Post subject: |
I use ten-footers to show off if there's a massive non-DDRing audience. Otherwise, I only play them to get better, because I know someone at a local tournament will bar-rape PSMO and use it as their main weapon.
I like some of the ten-footers for their musical quality. I think Maxx Unlimited, PARANOiA survivor, Sakura, and The legend of MAX are actually pretty enjoyable to listen to. I can stand hearing MAX. (period) and bag if they don't get raped all night. I used to like MAX300, but now it just seems lacking when compared to the other Maxes.
Meanwhile, PSM is just unbearable. PARANOiA survivor was good, but throw in another 20 BPM, and it becomes a minute and a half of pure nasty.  _________________
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Bryan Voorhees Trick Member

Joined: 11 Apr 2002 Location: Oklahoma City - CJ's |
5. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 12:49 pm Post subject: |
Xiaoyu .78 wrote: | Alejandro wrote: | It leads me to wonder if people actually like playing them or just play them to show off. |
That brings up an excellent point. I bet that a good half of the songs we as DDRers do are mainly to showboat. We might not actually have fun playing them, be it chaos in the song, or it's one of those songs (HVAM or Drop Out for example) that are too tiring to play even twice in one day of DDRing. Believe me, I have a very high stamina when it comes to DDR, and I'm not complaining. But in reality, who could honestly say they enjoy themselves as they're double stepping non-stop to End of the Century? |
I enjoy playing EOTC, and yes I can honestly say that. Also when I AAA'ed HVAM I had to play it at least 20 times in a row, but I used bar and im assuming you are making both of these points without use of the bar. But anyways I play 10's because I enjoy them, not to showboat or anything. I'm usually by myself most of the time I play DDR anyway. _________________
Anyway this cake is great!
It's so delicious and moist! |
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Wang Trick Member

Joined: 23 Jun 2003 Location: Erie, PA |
6. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:05 pm Post subject: |
I enjoy pushing myself to the edge of my stamina just to see how far I can get. Also, 10s like Max 300, Sakura, and Bag are just fun to play.
Think of it this way: Way back when you were a newb, did you find it incomprehensible that anyone playing 8-9 footers could be having fun? I did. But when your skill and experience increases, so does your desire to be challenged, and therefore your perception of fun changes.
Someday you may also have fun playing 10 footers. Or maybe not. _________________
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Alejandro Trick Member

Joined: 06 May 2003 Location: Orlando, Florida |
7. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:17 pm Post subject: |
Wang wrote: |
Think of it this way: Way back when you were a newb, did you find it incomprehensible that anyone playing 8-9 footers could be having fun? I did. But when your skill and experience increases, so does your desire to be challenged, and therefore your perception of fun changes.
Someday you may also have fun playing 10 footers. Or maybe not. |
It not that im bieng challenged I just flat out dont like them. and i grew up on a 1st mix machine so we only really had trip machine and paranoia and i always thought those would be fun to play on maniac |
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Brigg Brags About Bag Trick Member

Joined: 23 Mar 2003 Location: Going through some changes.... |
8. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:43 pm Post subject: |
The only 10 footer I play is Bag simply because it is unique and I love listening to it.
I only challenge the other 10-footers via Random All and that's it. _________________
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DJ Sakura Evolution Trick Member

Joined: 12 Aug 2003 Location: Riverside, CA |
9. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:18 pm Post subject: |
I don't play the 10's to show off, but to pass and get better. For me, it's like if you can't beat them try later which is like climbing a mountain. If you can't make it up there, you either try or give up. For me lately, it hasn't been an issue cause all I really care about is PAing and getting AA's and hopefully an AAA on Heavy. If I do play a 10 it's to pass, and not PA.  _________________
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YmkFX Trick Member

Joined: 24 Jul 2003 Location: California |
10. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:19 pm Post subject: |
I looooove Max300. I guess alot of people would disagree but Max300 really is the song that brought me into DDR as a serious player. Everytime I play I'll do Max300 on heavy, a little bit to show off but it really is my favotire song to do, the challenge is so addicting and the beat just gets me pumped up everytime.
My best score on heavy in it is around 91,xxx,xxx or so. Close to a AA but not quite. _________________
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GD-Man Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jul 2002
11. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 3:26 pm Post subject: |
I seriously can't stand most of the 10 songs. Bag is fun, but Sakura, MaxX, the Paranoia Survivors and Legend of Max can go suck a fat one. They are just NOT FUN.
Especially Sakura, man do those heavy steps suck @ss.
I bet you noticed I left out Max300. Ever since I first heard the song way back when Max was popular, I totally fell in love with it. It's intense enough to be a 10, but it's also lax enough (steps aren't too chaotic) to be done with fairly little effort compared to most 10s, therefore I love playing Max300. _________________
Gee, the One thing that FrUstrates me the most is when i see a sCreenname or sentence lacKing anY Ordinary rUles foR SpElling and capitaLization. Funny that very few actually have a rhyme or reason behind their methods. |
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wraith985 Trick Member

Joined: 26 Dec 2002 Location: Saratoga, CA |
12. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:08 pm Post subject: |
i like playing the maxes and all of the 10s in general, even the ones i can't beat. i love challenging myself; 10s just give me something to shoot for. the first time i passed max300 i was deliriously happy, and the same will probably happen for PS, LoM, Maxx, etc. i honestly think playing songs that can overwhelm you is the most fun - it's such a rush, both during and after play (before play, just looking at the song's name makes you tired )
Anyway, just my two cents. Seriously, if you don't like 10s, don't play them - nobody's forcing you. But just as I have respect for your opinion that the 10s are a load, have respect for the opinion that the 10s are fun and are a worthwhile challenge. As they say, whatever floats your boat. |
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Flameboat Trick Member

Joined: 02 Jul 2003 Location: Maybe we should kiss again to teach them a lesson |
13. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:32 pm Post subject: Re: My POV on 10 foots |
Alejandro wrote: |
off topic: what the heck is up with the dude who played 37 hrs off ddr. Thats a horrible record. Im quite sure i can pull off 3 days. |
So quit calling it a horrible record and get off your ass and do it. Critisize people AFTER you school them. _________________
"its never a mistake with flamebait" |
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tac-tics Trick Member

Joined: 01 Jun 2003 Location: Probably playing DDR |
14. Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:40 pm Post subject: |
Of the 10 footers, the only ones I can pass are Max300, MaxX Unlimited, Paranoia Survivor, Sakura (of course), and Bag with mod. I play the songs not to show off (no one ever watches me play, really...), but rather to build stamina. Of course, playing these songs doesn't help my PA (I suck at PA), but they are fun to play and the music is good.
Of all the songs in DDR, my favorite has to be Paranoia Survivor Max (and of course, 2nd is PS by association). I've never attempted PSM, so I can't say I like to show off with it. None of my friends like it, but I like it because of its powerful rhythm.
Similarly, I like MaxX Unlimited for both the music and the steps. It is fast, with a strong beat, but every part of the song (step-file wise) is different. This is unlike Max300 (all running) PS ("gallops" and triples, slowdowns, and a kill run at the end), and LoM ("gallops", jumps, and a death run at the end, again). To put the general patter to MaxX, it would look something like this:
1) Intro
2) Weird gallop-freeze thingy
3) The gallopy freeze runs (and 20bmp drop)
3) Triple hell
4) Fun Slow Freeze arrow part!
5) Gallop gallop jump part
6) Conventional (1/16 note) gallop slowdown and freeze
7) Easy triples at 320bmp
8) Jump and triple death runs
9) Final death run and finale
Taken, you could probably contract some of those, but my point is the steps for MaxX are diverse and original, which makes it fun to play (if you don't mind smelling like sweat for the rest of the day...)
Everyone should love pies because they are fun and educational. They teach you, no matter how well you PA, all Konami has to do to destroy you is bump the BMP of their songs and you will lose! =-P
Honda Motocompo |
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