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DDR diet
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0. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 9:46 pm    Post subject: DDR diet Reply with quote

here we go.

DDR Diet
Diet- That carb diet, limit yourself on 20 carbs a day... count them 20! talk about not having energy.... yeah.
DDR-Home version-Play a total of 250 feet worth of songs a day. (9 footers x28 basically) That means a total of 28 9 footers, or u can mix them up with all kinds of footers. You can lower this amount if you want, but im doing 250 feet.
Status right now- 184 pounds
I will post in this post every 2 weeks to see a weight difference.

I am going to start this when i get my cobaltflux for christmas (yea baby im getting one!) but in the mean time, im gonna play on my crappy cracked pad.

MY GOAL WEIGHT=130-140 pounds.
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1. PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 10:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Post more frequenlty than every two weeks. Your thread will need a bump more often than that to stay on the front page!

Besides, you should record better than that, every two weeks isn't a lot.
I would probably list some great accomplishments... If i had any.

Updated: Passed So Deep October 2, 2003
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2. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Uh... What's your height? It would give us a better idea on your progress...
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3. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 1:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Um... now when you say 20 carbs, do you mean 20 grams of carbohydrates?

If so, that's like 1/2 a small bottle of powerade... I say that you're pushing yourself a little hard, and you'll overdose on your carbs in a span of about 3 days. Trust me, if the above is true, you'll lose at least 20 pounds in a week, just because you aren't putting anything in you. But this is really bad for you too, seeing as if you lose the weight that fast, chances are you'll balloon right back up, and I've seen it happen.

210 lb. girl going to 135 lb. in 2 weeks, then going near-insane cause she was back up to 200 in the span of a month... not pretty... and I've seen it too.

Trust me, eat more. If you're doing 28+ catas a day, you can afford to put a little more in yourself.
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4. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 5:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

good job, Just recently i noticed i losted 20 pounds from playing DDR like every day for 2 hours-or 3 hours
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5. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How many calories do you suggest that I burn a day by playing DDR?
Hieght: 5'1''
Wieght: 120-130 lbs somewhere
I usually go for around 300-400 calories everyday..maybe a bit more from playing game mode, training mode, etc.

I drink really quenches your thirst!
you can drink whatever you want to keep yourself hydrated for DDR....
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6. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Travelingpriest wrote:
and I've seen it happen.

210 lb. girl going to 135 lb. in 2 weeks, then going near-insane cause she was back up to 200 in the span of a month... not pretty... and I've seen it too.

Okay, your point was decent-- don't starve yourself and force yourself into ketosis while overexercising-- but this is HILARIOUS.

Lessee, 210-135= 75 pounds. In two weeks, is fourteen days. Is 5.35 pounds a day, approximately. Let's not be SILLY-- there are 3500 kcalories in a pound. Since a person who's like 210 pounds's basal metabolism would be around 2000ish, and they're losing 5.35 pounds a day according to this, then they're burning:

5.35 lbs/day * 3500 cals/pound - 2000 cals/day + (however many kcals she ate) = 18,725 kcals/day burned off (plus whatever she ate that day).

... I seriously doubt this chick was exercising off 18,725 kcals a day plus whatever she ate. XD XD XD

In other words, pick one:
a) your friend exaggerated
b) you exaggerated
c) a miracle occured, but it was a reversible one

I don't mean to be sarcastic, but COME ON. OBVIOUSLY if anyone had that dramatic of weight loss it's mainly water, but I don't think you can even dehydrate yourself that fast.

To original poster: It's actually better if you take off a day between exercising, so your muscles can repair themselves. Otherwise it's actually not as good for you. And um, 28 nine-footers a day is probably not a plan you can stick with for life-- weight-loss plans are doomed to failure when they're "quick fixes" rather than changes to what you do normally. Losing is generally less than half the battle; maintenence is supposedly much more difficult.

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7. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Agent Smith 06 wrote:
Post more frequenlty than every two weeks. Your thread will need a bump more often than that to stay on the front page!

Besides, you should record better than that, every two weeks isn't a lot.

Actually, weighing yourself every other week is pretty good. Once a week is really the most frequently you should weigh in, I believe, because of natural water fluctuations affecting the result too much if you weigh in more than that (people ARE 90% water). You can also get variance if you weigh yourself at different times (IE, six a.m. versus six p.m.) so it's good to keep that constant. Anyhow, it's really obsessive to weigh yourself more than once a week, IMO, and even that's almost overkill.

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8. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

chibidjinn wrote:

I drink really quenches your thirst!
you can drink whatever you want to keep yourself hydrated for DDR....

The "you can drink whatever" isn't really true though-- I think I read somewhere that some drinks actually dehydrate you more, I don't remember if it was the sodium or caffeine or carbonation but yeah, not all drinks are created equal.

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9. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As hilarious as it may seem, I've also seen people that aren't even able to hold down what they eat, due to food poisioning or sorts, and lose 15 lbs. easy within a few days from only lying in bed and working off what they have. For someone that's going to be active all day, going on only 20 carbs, I see it as possible.

While my points may seem exaggerated, you might not have seen what can happen when someone doesn't eat for a week, does nothing but run on a treadmill, ride a bike, etc. constantly, then decide that after a week of this, a cracker and some extra water would be nice.

While the aforementioned was an extreme case, just make sure that you don't work yourself to a point of exaustion.
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10. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Travelingpriest wrote:
While my points may seem exaggerated, you might not have seen what can happen when someone doesn't eat for a week, does nothing but run on a treadmill, ride a bike, etc. constantly, then decide that after a week of this, a cracker and some extra water would be nice.


Actually, I have seen it. Trust me.

You don't lose 5 pounds a day.

Sadly, you cannot break the laws of physics. thumb.gif

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11. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok more info about the diet.

No more drinks other than water. period. one soda has 45 carbs.... yeah ouch. i think i can do this. btw i probaly will raise the carb count higher, as i have heard stories about that lose weight faster, gain it even quicker type thing. Well im gonna put down status like weekly.

Also... im gonna raise the amount of carbs i have little by little like every week or so. maybe go up by 10's.

And for my height- im 5 foot 7.
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12. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So I'm curious, are you randomly making up these restrictions or trying to follow something without saying what it is?

It's gonna suck when you go off this "diet" and gain all the weight back. i don't think it sounds real sustainable.

And YES, generally the faster you lose weight the faster you gain it back. I believe that generally you're not supposed to try to lose more than a pound or two a week, if you intend to keep it off easily. But that info may as well go out the window, since you seem to be crash-dieting basically...

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13. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

only time will tell...
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14. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 7:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As I am currently on one of these lowcarb diets, I feel the need to way in. First off, you can drink DIET soda. It may help with the energy thing. Also, eat a lot. I know, I know, but you would be surprised what happens when you cut out the carbs. If you dont eat a lot(like me) you will get very lightheaded often and feel all your energy drain out. If you have any other questions about this diet, post or PM me.

And buy a belt.
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If you live in Merced or Atwater, send me a PM so we can DDR.
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15. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 7:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm on the DDR diet myself. I've noticed the flab on my thighs turn almost completely to muscle after 2 weeks of pretty intense dancing. I was shocked.

I'm going to continue, I need to loose weight and gain endurance so I can handle harder songs, I find that after 3 five-feet songs I get winded, and that can't happen so I need to gain a lot of endurance.
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16. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

look heres something i just learned. if you eat lots of carbs, and little protein- ur not gonna have as much energy as eating a little bit of carbs and a little bit of protein. it needs to be balanced. if it isnt its not really gonna give u energy. today, i had so much energy... i almost passed max300 (on 5th stage after 4 catas in a row)... pretty crazy stuff. yeah also i drink diet mountain dew code red, but i limit myself to like 1 every 2 days, since there is like some ingredient that supposely has rat poison or something like that. This diet is going really well, its not that hard at all. i suggest any person that is overweight do it. its really a fun way to lose some pounds. today i weigh in at 180.
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17. PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

kewl im gonna try that, right now i eat 2 meals a day at most exept on the weekend, then i spoil myself, this has been going on for about a month now and ive lost 7 lbs playing ddr a very minimal amount , but once i get my new pads im going to play atleast an hour a day and try to get down to 130 by spring(im 5'7 150 frown.gif need to loose weight lol)once i get my pads(in like 2 weeks) ill start doing a weekly progress report too E1.gif
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18. PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i'm fat and i'm proud
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19. PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hey you guys! I'am on a DDR Diet to and it's actully working! Here are some pointers when go on the diet thing:

-Eat 4-6 small meals a day. Each one should contain 30% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 30% fat.

-Try to have lean protein foods like egg whites, white meat, foul, or fat-trimmed beef.

-Try to stay away from saturated fat like butter, cheese, lard and trans-fatty acids like french fries, potato chips, etc.

-Eat more unsaturated fat like olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc.

-Minimize on bread, rice, pasta, etc.

And you guys know that water should be your main drink. If you don't like that then make some tea. I've been working alot and now i am focusing on weight liffting now.
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